
  • Greetings,

    Please list the following Universal Protection Service Security guards working for the Royal Hawaiian Management for Bishop Estates/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools aka's:
    1.  B. Kasaoka (also said his name was Nalani - he refused to let us know his name)
    2.  Sowa (he refused to give his full name)
    The two named persons told us, Calvin Santos and myself Amelia Gora, to vacate the area and to go to other properties across the street in Waikiki.
    Calvin Santos and myself were selling our paintings and the two aggressively confronted us.
    I told them that we are part of the Royal Families descendants of Kamehameha, Kekuanaoa and had the documents showing title, Alodio/Ano Alodio titles to the lands that we were on.
    I asked them to show us their title and they said that we had to visit the Management Office....I told them that the Management Office does not have title, the same with Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estates/KSBE because they were not related to us.
    I had the documents and the laws with me and the two asked to see it........told them that we didn't have to show them our documents because they were not ones that we should be talking with.
    Long story short, I took their pictures due to their aggression towards us.  Sowa began to film us and I told him that he did not have permission to film us.
    Kasaoka became belligerent and I told him to call the police so that we can make a complaint.
    Female officer S. Sterrett arrived and she had a discussion of private and public walkways.
    The two security people claimed that all of it was private lands under the management of Royal Hawaiian Management for the Bishop Estates/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools.
    Female officer S. Sterrett thought about what charges to give me, and I told her we are the land owners and had the titles, the security, Management, and the Bishop Estates/KSBE/Kamehameha Schools would not be able to show ownership papers because they were not related to us.
    Sterrett mentioned that the "color of the law" applied......I told her that the State which evolved from the Territory had claimed to be "the Kingdom of Hawaii" and that was not true because we are part of the Kingdom of Hawaii.  I asked her if she was part of the Kingdom of Hawaii because if that was so, then she worked for us, and not the identity thieves State of Hawaii which oversees the City and County of Honolulu the heads of the Honolulu Police Department.  She stated that she was not from here and was from the mainland.  She still suggested that I move across the street.
    Police Officer T. Iinuma arrived and I explained that we have the titles to the properties that we were on.  We planned to be there only until 7:00 PM which is what we did last week while sitting near the First Hawaiian Bank.
    I showed him the evidence of title, alodio/ano alodio titles of our Royal Families, and told him that we were Kamehameha's, Kekuanaoa's descendants/heirs.
    I brought out case law including the PA PELEKANE Case of 1912 whereas the Territory which became the State of Hawaii claimed to be "the successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii"......told him that there was an active case in court /Land Court - Kahoma case and the briefs were entered showing that the State of Hawaii were identity thieves, etc.  Added that I'm the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs and we have immunities,told him that we operated with the 1849/ 1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America, citing Article XIV and informing them that the Kamehameha Schools aka's were listed on the Judicial Tribunal Pirates, Pillagers, etc. list....and they were not the land owners and we have the title/alodio titles.
    I had the copies of the laws, court filings because there was an active case affecting the claims of the State of Hawaii which evolved from the Territory which is on record as claiming to be "the successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii". and showed him some of the documents.
    Iinuma called someone and returned asking if we were making pilikia sitting at this location by blocking the sidewalk etc.....told him no we were quietly enjoying our families lands, selling our art, and the security guards confronted us aggressively, etc.
    Iinuma said that we could stay providing we did not cause any blocking...........told him we're fine...........and we recognized him as being a sweety.............and the police officers left.
    Iinuma aided in relieving high blood pressure in both Calvin Santos and I.
    The security were informed by Calvin Santos that they had to leave because we would stay until the designated time.  The security guards were hostile, unfriendly and I had informed them they didn't know who they were talking to, he was blatantly disrespectful towards Calvin Santos and myself and told him that I'm a 40+ year history researcher, 27+ years genealogy researcher and 20+ years legal researcher and I am a paralegal and warned him to be very careful on what he tells us.  Kasaoka was cocky and belligerent and both he and Sowa made unnecessary comments to demean our persons, etc.  had they lived during the time of Kamehameha I, they would not have lasted very long.  Pirates, for example, were hung in the time of Kamehameha, and we were also on our ancestor's Kamehameha's lands.  (I descend from four (4) of Kamehameha's children, and six (6) of his step children, and two (2 of his 3) hanai/adopted children.  - yes, we descend also from John Young, and Isaac Davis, British counselors of his.)
    Please add B. Kasaoka (aka Nalani), and Sowa to the Genocide Activities Ongoing List, and this notice will also be documented on Facebook, the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web with 594 issues to date, publisher Amelia Gora news that is dispersed to many nations around the world.
    The Security guards Sowa and Kasaoka shown above, and documenting our presence on our Royal Families lands with Calvin Santos (I, Amelia Gora am the photographer):
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