G.E. makes switching devices, telecommunications devices, aircraft engines, turbines, generators, etc etc etc...G.E. Just got a big contract with the government for development of new energy sources. AMELIA GORA...WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GETTING YOUR INVESTMENT ADVISE FROM THE INTERNET? FROM OTHER PEOPLE'S BLOGS OR VIDEOS? You don't know what the crap you are talking about and I'm sure you don't have your own investment portfolio. G.E. like most major corps will if anything undergo a restructuring but not a bankruptcy. Everyone has G.E. as a core investment whether less or more in shares because it is a stable stock - we all need ENERGY and this is what they are good at...HELL - ERR!
And here you go again...post under a discussion and close it off and no one can respond. Are you the guru of all discussions and feel you are elite and all knowing in your response? THIS IS A FORUM, EITHER OPEN IT UP OR CREATE BLOGS...YOU ARE TAKING UP SPACE HERE ON THE DISCUSSION LIST.
I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT...and I'll toot my horn just for the sake of argument: I've been featured in an interview with the Mutual Funds Magazine 1998 Summer Issue speaking about Simple IRA's which was in session in Congress at that time. I have been an investor by gift since I was "small kid" and started on my own in 1986 and whipped ass in the stock market at 121 percent annual percentage rate - I know what I'm talking about because I've put my money where my mouth has been in this area of discussion. BET YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A STOCKBROKER OR CFP TO CONSULT WITH TO WEIGH THINGS OUT - NOR DO YOU PLAY IN THE STOCK MARKET...GET A LIFE AND STOP POSTING PROPAGANDA!!!
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Are we boasting on this 'good for nothing fake state day', when our hearts are heavy? Portfolio's are schemas that are put together by human beings without any conciousness as to how many people died (1/3 life) for that investments.
Foot in mouth is more like it, many people that do work for non profits in Waianae live in Hawaii Kai. They show up at our housless camps to feed children 2 ounces of Coco Puffs and milk. But wait, they can't drink or eat their little crumbs until they perform.
How do they perform? These youngsters (hungry) have to play at different centers first, and as they rush through the centers (disgusting disease centers, faded broken toys) mother's are peering into a brand new empty truck. About the empty truck (non-profit), it got emptied out before it reached Waianae. All of Pearl Ridge Shopping Center donate to this particular non-profit organization and get a deduction on their taxes. Good for their portfolio.
Do you know what I (with a heavy heart) tell these parents, let your child go through these centers because that early conditioned movement (rat maze) is the same 3 hour testing little five year olds go through during the Kamehameha testing.
With a heavy heart, I watch wise children with both eyes on their food and their hands on the disease faded toys rushing from center to center to get to the table. In sitting position (wise ones) in prostrat position (crisscross applesauce) and waiting for the the others, all the while all eyes on their 2 ounces of milk and Coco Puffs.
Wait, we now must all bow our heads and give thanks (portfolios'errs) to the generous non-profit organization for sharing a crumb and their broken disease toys from their 5 million dollar portfolio.
The weight is heavy today and ones portfolio is full, this is as truest (it is) as I can get right here--right now as the sun rises in the east and the chants whail into the wind on the Island of Kauai, at Waialua Beach before our Na Kupuna iwi that's been resting for thousands of years.
E ala e
Ka la i kahikina
I ka moana
Ka moana hohonu
Pi’i ka lewa
Ka lewa nu’u
I kahikina
Aia ka la.
E ala e!
The sun in the east
From the ocean
The ocean deep
Climbing (to) the heaven
The heaven highest
In the east
There is the sun
Kaohi, your subject matter is not my subject contents; if you look on my webpage I have information of 911 propaganda. What you are doing here on Maoliworld is an investment to someone in a portfollio; they created this site Ning and it took money to build - so are you calling yourself a murderer? And by the way, Maoliworld doesn't have a term and condition as to "you're not able to post anything because of a STATE holiday.
Your opinion on food being a good nonprofit to be a part of is your opinion. I was on a finance committee on native hawaiian healthcare. Is not healthcare important to hawaiians when many have no coverage? It seems Waianae has a problem with food sources (in your opinion) then go to the United Way, Catholic Charities and Neighborhood Board and Councilman and have these children fed. The way you're talking it is so bad that CPS and Dept of Health has to get involved. I know things are hard all around. It doesn't make me better or less of a person. My discussion here is on the knowledge of finances and the specific content of the title of the discussion.
You obviously are not aware that I give weekly to monthly food basket to our church to feed our own community besides other means of "giving". So don't go pointing fingers at me when you don't personally know me and where I give daily and monthly.
You have so much of a complaint why don't you start an organization/group on your own to help these poor children you speak about in Waianae? Or better yet, without assumption to the matter, are you donating your time in taking the toys and having it sanitized for them to use daily? If you are not doing anything "physically" to make a change for them then your talk is just that.
Of course if you are just being emotional this "Admissions Day Holiday" you are then just venting and I let it go. But don't go butting heads with me thinking that I don't care for people or issues. You're picking on the wrong person. Are we now trying to cut legs off by classes here and matching up pocketbooks? Please read what the title to the discussion is about; it has nothing to do with anyone's personal life but apparently you as well as A.G. like to do this to people here on Maoliworld - take things under a wrong content and attempt to make them look like a bad person. Does having things whether money (whether loose change or billfolds of cash) make a person better than the next? Apparently you believe so if you are posting such nonsense. I am no better than the next. Go read "The Millionaire Next Door" that may change your perspective to never ever do what you are attempting to do by categorizing people...lol
"For the purpose of enhancing the value of their own mission, it has been at times asserted by foreigners that the abundance of the chief was procured by the poverty of his followers. To any person at all familiar, either by experience or from trustworthy tradition, with the daily life of the Hawaiian people fifty years also, nothing could be more incorrect than such assumption. The chief whose retainers were in any poverty or want would have felt, not only their sufferings, but, further, his own disgrace. As was then customary with the Hawaiian chiefs, my father was surrounded by hundreds of his own people, all of whom looked to him, and never in vain, for sustenance. He lived in a large grass house surrounded by smaller ones, which were the homes of those the most closely connected with his service. There was food enough and to spare for every one. And this was equally true of all his people, however distant from his personal care. For the chief always appointed some man of ability as his agent or overseer. This officer apportioned the lands to each Hawaiian, and on these allotments were raised the taro, the potatoes, the pigs, and the chickens which constituted the living of the family; even the forests, which furnished the material from which was made the tapa cloth, were apportioned to the women in like manner. It is true that no one of the common people could mortgage or sell his land, but the wisdom of this limitation is abundantly proved by the homeless condition of the Hawaiians at the present day. Rent, eviction of tenants, as understood in other lands, were unknown; but each retainer of any chief contributed in the productions of his holding to the support of the chief's table."
From: Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen by Liliuokalani, Queen of Hawaii (1838-1917). Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1898. Chapter 1, A Sketch of my Childhood, paragraph 3.
In simple terms...the stock market is legal gambling on what everyday people use EACH DAY. A way to also put money in a new business and see it grow in it's goods and services. The alternative energy you use now or will be using in the future is making businesses and investors happy. It's common sense playing if you really understand how it's played by the big boys.
THEN AMELIA GORA TRIES TO PUT A FAST ONE OVER MY DISCUSSION POST FROM HER INITIAL - she changes the title to another discussion dated 08/06/09 - the one prior I mention above was posted a day or so earlier. The one she now changes in title, talks about "heresay" media because they want to create attention. To what they think is corruption in government with Obama in office....HERE IS THE REAL FACT - this is all part of an investor's insight and knowing what is going on...HELL-ERR!
Obama is smart to talk to Chairman/CEO of G.E. because they have been US corporate leaders in energy sources. He should be talking to these experts not for advise as media puts it but for the understanding of how technology plays a role in our future ahead. US is lagging behind in a lot of things...FIRST AND FOREMOST - US IS I BELIEVE YEARS BEHIND IN AIR FLIGHT TECHNOLOGY. Currently, Europe flies their planes in a different frequency in flight technology to where they work on satellite information and use the old system as a backup. The technology is there because they are looking at air travel and upgrading first technology in communication to have better fuel efficient aircrafts that are earth friendly in use and use technology that NASA has been using which is also a better safety net. For we will be a future where we have air flights that NASA has been using and testing for years - GOING THE NEXT LEVEL.
If our air traffic ways were hit with some virus or wave technology to wipe out our old system of communication US would have a world war in planes crashing upon each other - they're a hair fraction away from this - just in this last year a domestic flight clipped the wing of a private plane and the private plane went down causing casualty.
Obama is always looking out for his neighbors (us guys) - that is his moral fiber and a cultural thing he inherited by being raised in Hawaii and understanding our culture - MALAMA EACH OTHER. Enlight of this he wants to be sure that technology (hopefully at a reasonable cost) as well as safety plays a role in change for something that is long overdue with our air traffic congestion. Take a look on CNN News when they do an air traffic report and note all the airplanes flying so closely and overlapping each other - we've all seen it as well where just a few seconds behind our plane in flight to the west coast there is one tailing an other - DANGEROUS. It needs to be fixed and it is long overdue.
So Amelia Gora..what you reposted in now switching title to what I started here as part of your initial title is STILL propaganda. I want Obama to be talking to people in the work of doing something that is working and keep abreast at things that also can help in safety and survival of people. Where do you find that one is malicious, or hurtful here in an intent to protect and preserve lifes of people?
AGAIN...WHEN YOU POST FOR FORUM DISCUSSIONS AMELIA GORA, YOU NEED TO NOT KEEP IT CLOSED BECAUSE YOU FEEL "YOU GOT IT RIGHT"...HELL-ERR! Why don't you create this on your "created" genealogical website..Yes I say created because you have to beg or deceive people to get genealogy and you create links that are at times not there to fit it in your "created" tree. Now I understand who you are given key people I have affliated with that say "'OHH NOO NOT HER..WHAT SHE DOING NOW?"
And by the way, LOL also to oil....in simple terms, OIL is algae trapped between compressed rocks. If those rocks ie: under water in open seas are not harvested (drilled) all they do is dissipate into the air as bacteria in the ocean eats it away. There is already bio-algae replacement for gas (alternative energy), however it isn't being marketed because no one will purchase it at $8.00 a gallon. Bio-algae has been tested and utilized even now in jet engines and vehicles on highways...and what did I mention about what G.E. is involved in? SEE ABOVE: aircraft engines and turbines. So tell me that G.E. is not already part of the alternative energy resource? LOL... so waht you going "one up on me next"? Or attempt to? Enough already...you chasing your own tail....SMILE
lol...little did you know my husband is an expert in PV which has nothing to do with G.E's core investments in ALL KINDS OF ENERGY which I provided a minimal list.
Standard Oil is one of many oil companies. Goldman Sachs Group initially established themselves as a full-service global investment banking and securities firm; they are not an umbrella for an oil company...geesh goes to show you know nothing about investments. A firm like this will diversify in areas of a market (textiles, agriculture, construction, technology, etc etc etc). http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/news/business/companies/goldman_sa...
Every investment has a different degree of risk. Whomever is in charge of "keeping abreast" of their investments as a dept/division of KSBE is partly to blame. I'm sure KSBE has a finance committee board as most large entities do. I have been on finance committees for investment in nonprofits which I have been involved of.
You've been watching too many youtube videos that poke fun or create a form of propaganda which for the most part of history is core to what was created in the Federal Reserve and IRS aspect and the many money hungry families that have ruled in business; things that you wear on your body or place cookware on your stove - textiles is the towel you use on your head, etc etc etc. You are part of the stockmarket because you use all the goods they make...HELL-ERR!
DO YOU GET IT NOW? LOL. You just don't know how to put out the information in your example because you're not an investment portfolio holder and didn't take basic investment or finance courses - hey bet you haven't sat down with a stockbroker/CFP huh?
Be careful what you protest to be in your so called "expertise"...like I said, GO AHEAD I'M GAME! LOL
Foot in mouth is more like it, many people that do work for non profits in Waianae live in Hawaii Kai. They show up at our housless camps to feed children 2 ounces of Coco Puffs and milk. But wait, they can't drink or eat their little crumbs until they perform.
How do they perform? These youngsters (hungry) have to play at different centers first, and as they rush through the centers (disgusting disease centers, faded broken toys) mother's are peering into a brand new empty truck. About the empty truck (non-profit), it got emptied out before it reached Waianae. All of Pearl Ridge Shopping Center donate to this particular non-profit organization and get a deduction on their taxes. Good for their portfolio.
Do you know what I (with a heavy heart) tell these parents, let your child go through these centers because that early conditioned movement (rat maze) is the same 3 hour testing little five year olds go through during the Kamehameha testing.
With a heavy heart, I watch wise children with both eyes on their food and their hands on the disease faded toys rushing from center to center to get to the table. In sitting position (wise ones) in prostrat position (crisscross applesauce) and waiting for the the others, all the while all eyes on their 2 ounces of milk and Coco Puffs.
Wait, we now must all bow our heads and give thanks (portfolios'errs) to the generous non-profit organization for sharing a crumb and their broken disease toys from their 5 million dollar portfolio.
The weight is heavy today and ones portfolio is full, this is as truest (it is) as I can get right here--right now as the sun rises in the east and the chants whail into the wind on the Island of Kauai, at Waialua Beach before our Na Kupuna iwi that's been resting for thousands of years.
E ala e
Ka la i kahikina
I ka moana
Ka moana hohonu
Pi’i ka lewa
Ka lewa nu’u
I kahikina
Aia ka la.
E ala e!
The sun in the east
From the ocean
The ocean deep
Climbing (to) the heaven
The heaven highest
In the east
There is the sun
Your opinion on food being a good nonprofit to be a part of is your opinion. I was on a finance committee on native hawaiian healthcare. Is not healthcare important to hawaiians when many have no coverage? It seems Waianae has a problem with food sources (in your opinion) then go to the United Way, Catholic Charities and Neighborhood Board and Councilman and have these children fed. The way you're talking it is so bad that CPS and Dept of Health has to get involved. I know things are hard all around. It doesn't make me better or less of a person. My discussion here is on the knowledge of finances and the specific content of the title of the discussion.
You obviously are not aware that I give weekly to monthly food basket to our church to feed our own community besides other means of "giving". So don't go pointing fingers at me when you don't personally know me and where I give daily and monthly.
You have so much of a complaint why don't you start an organization/group on your own to help these poor children you speak about in Waianae? Or better yet, without assumption to the matter, are you donating your time in taking the toys and having it sanitized for them to use daily? If you are not doing anything "physically" to make a change for them then your talk is just that.
Of course if you are just being emotional this "Admissions Day Holiday" you are then just venting and I let it go. But don't go butting heads with me thinking that I don't care for people or issues. You're picking on the wrong person. Are we now trying to cut legs off by classes here and matching up pocketbooks? Please read what the title to the discussion is about; it has nothing to do with anyone's personal life but apparently you as well as A.G. like to do this to people here on Maoliworld - take things under a wrong content and attempt to make them look like a bad person. Does having things whether money (whether loose change or billfolds of cash) make a person better than the next? Apparently you believe so if you are posting such nonsense. I am no better than the next. Go read "The Millionaire Next Door" that may change your perspective to never ever do what you are attempting to do by categorizing people...lol
"For the purpose of enhancing the value of their own mission, it has been at times asserted by foreigners that the abundance of the chief was procured by the poverty of his followers. To any person at all familiar, either by experience or from trustworthy tradition, with the daily life of the Hawaiian people fifty years also, nothing could be more incorrect than such assumption. The chief whose retainers were in any poverty or want would have felt, not only their sufferings, but, further, his own disgrace. As was then customary with the Hawaiian chiefs, my father was surrounded by hundreds of his own people, all of whom looked to him, and never in vain, for sustenance. He lived in a large grass house surrounded by smaller ones, which were the homes of those the most closely connected with his service. There was food enough and to spare for every one. And this was equally true of all his people, however distant from his personal care. For the chief always appointed some man of ability as his agent or overseer. This officer apportioned the lands to each Hawaiian, and on these allotments were raised the taro, the potatoes, the pigs, and the chickens which constituted the living of the family; even the forests, which furnished the material from which was made the tapa cloth, were apportioned to the women in like manner. It is true that no one of the common people could mortgage or sell his land, but the wisdom of this limitation is abundantly proved by the homeless condition of the Hawaiians at the present day. Rent, eviction of tenants, as understood in other lands, were unknown; but each retainer of any chief contributed in the productions of his holding to the support of the chief's table."
From: Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen by Liliuokalani, Queen of Hawaii (1838-1917). Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1898. Chapter 1, A Sketch of my Childhood, paragraph 3.
Obama is smart to talk to Chairman/CEO of G.E. because they have been US corporate leaders in energy sources. He should be talking to these experts not for advise as media puts it but for the understanding of how technology plays a role in our future ahead. US is lagging behind in a lot of things...FIRST AND FOREMOST - US IS I BELIEVE YEARS BEHIND IN AIR FLIGHT TECHNOLOGY. Currently, Europe flies their planes in a different frequency in flight technology to where they work on satellite information and use the old system as a backup. The technology is there because they are looking at air travel and upgrading first technology in communication to have better fuel efficient aircrafts that are earth friendly in use and use technology that NASA has been using which is also a better safety net. For we will be a future where we have air flights that NASA has been using and testing for years - GOING THE NEXT LEVEL.
If our air traffic ways were hit with some virus or wave technology to wipe out our old system of communication US would have a world war in planes crashing upon each other - they're a hair fraction away from this - just in this last year a domestic flight clipped the wing of a private plane and the private plane went down causing casualty.
Obama is always looking out for his neighbors (us guys) - that is his moral fiber and a cultural thing he inherited by being raised in Hawaii and understanding our culture - MALAMA EACH OTHER. Enlight of this he wants to be sure that technology (hopefully at a reasonable cost) as well as safety plays a role in change for something that is long overdue with our air traffic congestion. Take a look on CNN News when they do an air traffic report and note all the airplanes flying so closely and overlapping each other - we've all seen it as well where just a few seconds behind our plane in flight to the west coast there is one tailing an other - DANGEROUS. It needs to be fixed and it is long overdue.
So Amelia Gora..what you reposted in now switching title to what I started here as part of your initial title is STILL propaganda. I want Obama to be talking to people in the work of doing something that is working and keep abreast at things that also can help in safety and survival of people. Where do you find that one is malicious, or hurtful here in an intent to protect and preserve lifes of people?
AGAIN...WHEN YOU POST FOR FORUM DISCUSSIONS AMELIA GORA, YOU NEED TO NOT KEEP IT CLOSED BECAUSE YOU FEEL "YOU GOT IT RIGHT"...HELL-ERR! Why don't you create this on your "created" genealogical website..Yes I say created because you have to beg or deceive people to get genealogy and you create links that are at times not there to fit it in your "created" tree. Now I understand who you are given key people I have affliated with that say "'OHH NOO NOT HER..WHAT SHE DOING NOW?"
Standard Oil is one of many oil companies. Goldman Sachs Group initially established themselves as a full-service global investment banking and securities firm; they are not an umbrella for an oil company...geesh goes to show you know nothing about investments. A firm like this will diversify in areas of a market (textiles, agriculture, construction, technology, etc etc etc). http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/news/business/companies/goldman_sa...
Every investment has a different degree of risk. Whomever is in charge of "keeping abreast" of their investments as a dept/division of KSBE is partly to blame. I'm sure KSBE has a finance committee board as most large entities do. I have been on finance committees for investment in nonprofits which I have been involved of.
You've been watching too many youtube videos that poke fun or create a form of propaganda which for the most part of history is core to what was created in the Federal Reserve and IRS aspect and the many money hungry families that have ruled in business; things that you wear on your body or place cookware on your stove - textiles is the towel you use on your head, etc etc etc. You are part of the stockmarket because you use all the goods they make...HELL-ERR!
DO YOU GET IT NOW? LOL. You just don't know how to put out the information in your example because you're not an investment portfolio holder and didn't take basic investment or finance courses - hey bet you haven't sat down with a stockbroker/CFP huh?
Be careful what you protest to be in your so called "expertise"...like I said, GO AHEAD I'M GAME! LOL