force to do

in the 4th grade....i was forced to say the a pleage of alligence to the Usa flag with your hand held in front of your heart.

in the 8th grade.....i was forced to learn all the basics of the american system (math, english)

in the 12 grade.....i was forced to become an adult and provide for myself

as a mother at 18...i was forced to learn how to sign applications of Usa benefits (medical, welfare)

as a wife......i was forced to obey and take it (stress, tention)

as a wahine warrior.....i am forced to fight for the rights of my next future generation

and as a mama tula (grandmama).....i am thankful i forced myself to self Discipline

to IMUA (move forward) and be the example for my next generations of Royal Sacred Heirs~~~

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  • tomorrow at 50 (next year Feb).........i am forced to Kukanaka (stand tall) for my next future generation

    and at 55.......i get to recieve the benefits of an american senior a life in history with Usa???

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