Finding my ancestors

Kia Ora,  Aloha


Can anyone help here,... according to my father, there were 2 cabin boys from Hawaii on a sailing ship which either weighed anchor or was sailing past the East Coast of NZ. These 2 boys jumped overboard and swam to the coast.  They  were found by one of the maori's living in the East Coast who brought them up. They said that they came from Oahu.

What I was wanting to know.. is there or was there.. any records at all pertaining to the blackbirding or kidnapping of young boys, young men that suddenly went missing from Hawaii .... probably between 16 -1800's.   I have to check out the correct name given me and I will add it later


I would be deeply grateful if some one out there can help.



Turiana Williams

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  • There was also some that migrated to Aotearoa on their own. There are relations still living there. I know that there is a Paki family that had moved there and related to our Paki family from Maui. Back then Polynesians were sailing all over the place. There was a young man back in the 60s from Hana, Maui and he told me his grandfather made a last trip to Tahiti by canoe to see his 'ohana there and to bid them his last farewell. That trip was around 1958. That was the last voyage I know of and this same young man would swim with the mano in Hana because they were his aumakua. My senior moment is that I forget his name. His family comes from Hana, Maui. The Paki family came from West-end, Maui.

    Maybe if you give the names, we all could research them.
  • Turiana Williams,

    One might want to check out Henry Opukaha'ia (Obookiah) story, and yes the answer is true, Hawaiians were taken from the islands as slaves, which is how our islands was shut down for 400 years during the Paa'o years. This research can be found at the unvierstiy of Hawaii, Geography dept.

    Good luck on your search
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