The Burial Of Our Species
The Roads Leading to Disaster

Reflections By Fidel Castro

March 23, 2012 "
Information Clearing House" --- This Reflection could be written today, tomorrow or any other day without the risk of being mistaken. Our species faces new problems. When 20 years ago I stated at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro that a species was in danger of extinction, I had fewer reasons than today for warning about a danger that I was seeing perhaps 100 years away. At that time, a handful of leaders of the most powerful countries were in charge of the world. They applauded my words as a matter of mere courtesy and placidly continued to dig for the burial of our species.

It seemed that on our planet, common sense and order reigned. For a while economic development, backed by technology and science appeared to be the Alpha and Omega of human society.

Today, everything is much clearer. Profound truths have been surfacing. Almost 200 States, supposedly independent, constitute the political organization which in theory has the job of governing the destiny of the world.

Approximately 25,000 nuclear weapons in the hands of allied or enemy forces ready to defend the changing order, by interest or necessity, virtually reduce to zero the rights of billions of people.

I shall not commit the naïveté of assigning the blame to Russia or China for the development of that kind of weaponry, after the monstrous massacre at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ordered by Truman after Roosvelt’s death.

Nor shall I fall prey to the error of denying the Holocaust that signified the deaths of millions of children and adults, men or women, mainly Jews, gypsies, Russians or other nationalities, who were victims of Nazism. For that reason the odious policy of those who deny the Palestinian people their right to exist is repugnant.

Does anyone by chance think that the United States will be capable of acting with the independence that will keep it from the inevitable disaster awaiting it?

In a few weeks, the 40 million dollars President Obama promised to collect for his electoral campaign will only serve to show that the currency of his country is greatly devaluated, and that the US, with its unusual growing public debt drawing close to 20 quadrillion, is living on the money it prints up and not on the money it produces. The rest of the world pays for what they waste.

Nor does anyone believe that the Democratic candidate would be any better or worse than his Republican foes: whether they are called Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum. Light years separate the three characters as important as Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King. It is really unheard-of to observe such a technologically powerful nation and a government so bereft of both ideas and moral values.

Iran has no nuclear weapons. It is being accused of producing enriched uranium that serves as fuel energy or components for medical uses. Whatever one can say, its possession or production is not equivalent to the production of nuclear weapons. Dozens of countries use enriched uranium as an energy source, but this cannot be used in the manufacture of a nuclear weapon without a prior complicated purification process.

However, Israel, with the aid and cooperation of the United States, manufactured nuclear weaponry without informing or accounting to anybody, today not admitting their possession of these weapons, they have hundreds of them. To prevent the development of research in neighbouring Arab countries, they attacked and destroyed reactors in Iraq and Syria. They have also declared their aim of attacking and destroying the production centres for nuclear fuel in Iran.

International politics have been revolving around that crucial topic in that complex and dangerous part of the world, where most of the fuel that moves the world economy is produced and supplied.

The selective elimination of Iran’s most eminent scientists by Israel and their NATO allies has become a practice that motivates hatred and feelings of revenge.

The Israeli government has openly stated its objective to attack the plant manufacturing Iran’s enriched uranium, and the government of the United States has invested billions of dollars to manufacture a bomb for that purpose.

On March 16, 2012, Michel Chossudovsky and Finian Cunningham published an article revealing that “A top US Air Force General has described the largest conventional bomb – the re-invented bunkers of 13.6 tones – as ‘fantastic’ for a military attack on Iran.

“Such an eloquent comment on the massive killer-artefact took place in the same week that President Barack Obama appeared to warn against ‘easy words’ on the Persian Gulf War.”

“…Herbert Carlisle, deputy chief of staff for US Air Force operations […] added that probably the bomb would be used in any attack on Iran ordered by Washington.

“The MOP, also referred to as ‘The Mother of All Bombs’, is designed to drill through 60 metres of concrete before it detonates its massive bomb. It is believed to be the largest conventional weapon, non-nuclear, in the US arsenal.”

“The Pentagon is planning a process of wide destruction of Iran’s infrastructure and massive civilian victims through the combined use of tactical nuclear bombs and monstrous conventional bombs with mushroom-shaped clouds, including the MOABs and the larger GBU-57A/B or Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) that exceeds the MOAB in destructive capacity.

“The MOP is described as ‘a powerful new bomb that aims straight at subterranean Iranian and North Korean nuclear facilities. The giant bomb –longer than 11 persons shoulder to shoulder, or more than 6 metres from end to end’.”

I ask the reader to excuse me for this complicated military jargon.

As one can see, such calculations arise from the supposition that the Iranian combatants, numbering millions of men and women well-known for their religious zeal and their fighting traditions, surrender without firing a shot.

In recent days, the Iranians have seen how US soldiers occupying Afghanistan, in just three weeks, urinated on the corpses of killed Afghans, burned copies of the Koran and murdered more than 15 defenceless citizens.

Let us imagine US forces launching monstrous bombs on industrial institutions, capable of penetrating through 60 metres of concrete. Never has such an undertaking ever been conceived.

Not one word more is needed to understand the gravity of such a policy. In that way, our species will be inexorably led towards disaster. If we do not learn how to understand, we shall never learn how to survive.

As for me, I harbour not the slightest doubt that the United States is about to commit and lead the world towards the greatest mistake in its history.

Fidel Castro Ruz - March 21, 2012


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Comments (110)

Anne Frank's avatar

Anne Frank· 4 days ago

Yes, except that the USA is not leading anything. It is merely Israel's attack dog, its entire culture and economy on Israel's leash.
19 replies · active 2 days ago
TenthWorlder's avatar

TenthWorlder· 4 days ago

Ronald Reagan quoted Lenin as saying that the US will sell the rope that will hang it. 

There is no reverse gear here. 

Those who can, are diverting the rewards of the people's labour into their coffers; Why? Because they can see that the economy will collapse. 

Everything else is nothing, but..........we are all dancing to the tune of the Pied Piper, as we march to our "death". And why are we so doing? Because there is no other tune and we must DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! 
1 reply · active 3 days ago
Grady's avatar

Grady· 4 days ago

What Fidel has yet to comprehend is that the full "state monopoly ownership" form of socialism that he and the PCC have experimented with before the world has made it impossible, thus far, for US transformationaries to win the US people to socialist consciousness. By following the statist, bureaucratic economic formula that sunk the Soviet Union and other state socialist countries, he has helped discredit socialism as an alternative to the horrific system of monopoly capitalism. 

The US people are backward and politically paralyzed because the Marxian core principle of the state owning everything productive has virtually ruined the good name of socialism. 

If Fidel should have a theoretical epiphany, he could save the world by causing a massive, rapid radicalization among the US and world peoples. All that he and the PCC would have to do is give Cuba a modern cooperative, state co-ownership form of socialism. This would utilize private productive property rights and the conditioned trading market for building the socialist bridge to a classless society. it would ally the proletariat, small bourgeoisie and intelligentsia for non-bureaucratic socialism. 

Such a form would allow the socialist state to silently co-own most significant industry and commerce with cooperative worker-owned corporations on the Mondragon model, and get its revenues from quarterly dividends, rather than from taxes and full state ownership of bureaucratically choked up enterprise. 

If such a form of socialism should in fact invigorate the Cuban economy and society, the US and other peoples of the world would quickly achieve socialist consciousness, and we could avoid the grave that monopoly capitalism is digging for humankind.
9 replies · active 2 days ago
jay's avatar

jay· 4 days ago

and the real reason is that iran continues to refuse a rothschild owned central bank
2 replies · active 3 days ago
Disarm&Occupy USA's avatar

Disarm&Occupy USA· 4 days ago

as usual from fidel-lucid-wise and spot on...
larry, dfh's avatar

larry, dfh· 4 days ago

Plenty of fault lines running through Iran. Maybe one of those MothaBombs will crack the world in half. Maybe that really is the end of the Mayan Calendar. 
But more seriously, Cuba has higher standards of health and literacy than the US; not necessarily the failure described in comments above.
2 replies · active 3 days ago
Fist's avatar

Fist· 4 days ago

Spot on Jay!
Mike vP's avatar

Mike vP· 4 days ago

I agree with Grady -up to a point. Certainly Castro's pursuit of the failed USSR version of socialism does nothing to make that model attractive to anyone. But will a change to something more like the Scandinavian model(s) result in it being emulated elsewhere? I see no evidence that the very effective and popular Scandinavian and "Mitteleuropa" models have made any headway anywhere where they are opposed by an entrenched oligarchy as we have here in the USA. The opposite seems to be the case: certainly the US, and also Canada and even Germany have moved ever further to the right.
1 reply · active 4 days ago
Pat's avatar

Pat· 4 days ago

The world seems to be facing a battle between intelligent forward-thinking realists and fear-mongering racist war profiteers. The former are using words, the latter are using WMD. Let's hope that ultimately the word is more powerful than the sword.
Pritch's avatar

Pritch· 4 days ago

The greatest mistake in history for the USA was its alignment with Israel. The apartheid church state Israel is a racist state bent on taking control of the world.
4 replies · active 3 days ago

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