The day so long desired by the foreign Annexationists at last arrived.  On August 12, 1898, annexation exercises were held on the steps of Iolani Palace--and Hawaii was transferred into the hands of the United States of America.
     With the usual poor taste displayed by the officials of the Republic, invitations were sent to Queen Liliuokalani and her niece, the beautiful Princess Kaiulani, to attend the ceremonies of the lowering of their flag and the raising of the American flag! Needless to say, they sent their regrets.  It was supposed by some people that this insult was unintentional, but once before, shortly after the overthrow of the monarchy, in February, 1893, Her Majesty had received an invitation to a reception to honor Captain Wiles of the USS Boston under whose guns she had been forced to give up the reins of government.  Both these invitations had been addressed to Mrs. J. O. Dominis.  This crude insult had caused much unfavorable comment in the Hawaiian language press.  They jeered at the depth of ignorance of the annexationist officials and asked, "Do we hear of Mr. Napoleon Bonaparte being incarcerated at St. Helena?"  This second invitation could only have been sent with the deliberate intent of humiliating Her Majesty.  Can anyone imagine anything more crude and cruel!  "Man's inhumanity to man makes countless millions mourn."
     Part of the propaganda of the foreign Annexationists had been that Hawaiians wanted annexation, but here was the answer.  Scarcely an Hawaiian face was to be seen in the not too large assemblage which gathered in the palace grounds.  This last gesture was a silent protest of the Hawaiian people.  They could do no more.  Only those few Hawaiians who had been forced to swear allegiance to the Republic in order to retain their government positions, knowing no other means of livelihood, could not avoid this heartbreak, and were forced to be present among the officials on that sad day.  Those who were present covered their eyes as their beloved flag was lowered, while tears streamed down their cheeks.
     And where were the forty thousand Hawaiians?  They were in their homes with shutters drawn, sorrowful of heart for the "Life of the Land" Had been given away by a group of foreigners who had betrayed the open-hearted hospitality of the Hawaiians.
     This day, so long anticipated by the foreign Annexationsits as a day of great joy, proved a day of great sadness.  Many wept unabashed, and tears glistened in the eyes of even some of the Annexationists as our beloved flag quivered as though itself in protest on the final quavering notes of Hawaii Ponoi, Hawaii's national anthem.  Then the flag floated down for the last time as the emblem of the land.

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  • mahalo Amelia,

    I hope this helps to further the Nationals and their activism for the unlawful government. The Ku'e Petition should be displayed in full dress, so that people can see that our nation was stolen. The disregard to international law should bring this issue to the surface of ones mind and understanding for the future generation.
  • More interesting to note is the treaty of annexation submitted by the Provisional Government in 1893 was withdrawn by U.S. President Cleveland. The second treaty of annexation submitted by the ipso facto republic of Hawaii was rejected by the U.S. Congress due to lack of 2/3rds majority vote, thus never ratified.

    Representative Ball said what many believed, that the U.S. Congress did unlawfully what it couldn't do lawfully when it passed the Newlands Resolution. The illegal posturing by the U.S. with its military protection cannot make lawful what is unlawful. Taking the Capitol of Hawaii as hostage under belligerent occupation violates international laws and contrary to the Kingdom's neutrality and ratified treaties as a favored nation.

    Hawaii nationals were forbidden to vote for correctly fearing that there wouldn't be any to support the U.S. puppet government; this was in conflict of their Turpie Resolution which relied on the people's vote.

    The U.S. relies on its WASP racist, white supremacist Manifest Destiny doctrines to validate itself as ordained by God per the Papal Bulls to do what it wants and to get away wih murder. It also promotes U.S. WASP vigilantism and double-standard justice. This all fits in with the U.S. national mainstream WASP society and contrary to the Hawaiian Kingdom's Polynesian-Hawaiian national mainstream society.

    In conclusion, the only recourse is for the United States of America to de-occupy the Hawaiian Kingdom and to make restitution and reparations for its invasion, breaching its ratified treaties, and belligerent occupation violations.

  • much Aloha Amelia,

    Combining the said documents would help a lot, would like to read the right one and compare all documents. I think it's time for me to go to my dad's place today and walk around in her foot steps--in need of healing. Joshua too needs healing for he shoulders too much at the palace. Fortunately, for me there are other children running around absorbing her essence too and celebrating her birthday. A day that she herself made sure was celebrated with her friends, relatives and invited guest. The Iolani Palace sits in the 'ili of Kou need to locate the source of that in writing. This was told to me by Abe Piianae while I was a student at UH. According to Abe the whole area surrounding the palace had lots of kou trees. But as I explained on Sept 5. to passers it's important to note trees at the palace because trees are being cut down just as all Kou trees were cut down. Kou wood kept people healthy and enabled them to leave the area to go mauka and come back to fresh and edible food. Very important to know this fact! My brother Marshal (named after Marshal island) always made sure the Kou trees were taken cared of along Waimanalo stretch on the ocean side. Kou is well known among the old folks, I see lots of trees in Maui and Kauai. But--like with everything else it's being chopped down by gardeners of the day. Too much labor and too much work for them to clean the leaves daily. Besides, it gives entomologist a pay check and strength of mana when they help to chop down 200 year old trees.

    On Sept 2, she would send Joseph Aea around the islands which she named 'luna' to survey her lands. I read her personal letters handwritten in her own hand writing.

    Much love
  • with aloha... isn't it neat how you can steal something that don't belong to you ... then split it with the one who help you stole it.... and have them cover it up for you ... then after 100 years apologize for stealing it.... only in america... i guess thats why they call it karma
  • Sorry guys,

    I usually don't do two in a day posting of Irwins writings, but I thought this piece was important for the day. I truly don't agree with Irwin with some of what she writes it seems to me that she writes from the "struggles" from those times where white women were coming into political power and had no conciousness to women of color. So I am very skeptical about her intent. But the information puts you right into the time set--she writes well.
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