i am all about facts and findings,

over 7 years of intense research...from our Maui Nui alone.....

i have it and it is all Legal in black and white,

with signatures from my Ancestors,

for i was told many of our Royal documents of our Ancesters,

was left blank (with no signature) or it has an X, however the deeds that i have,

do have my Great Grand papa's legal signature on his legal Land Deeds.....wow!

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  • amene...for the truth will be reveal at Ke Akua's time table never ever ours......mauruuru~~~da princess

  • most exciting is when i went to the morman church on our maui nui,

    and i gave my Great Great Grand papa name.....and his Bloodline

    took me to the HOUSE of Royalties of my Great Great Great Grand mama,

    Her Sacred High Cheifess Queen Keopuolani of Maui Nui and i was told by these researchers of the morman chruch,

    that i am one of the first to Identify myself with the Royal line of our Sacredness of our Kingdom of Maui Nui.....

    as one researcher said to me......we knew your mama Kahili and we knew you were raised on Loko O Mokuhinia,

    but now i have the legal documents to confirm this and begin to claim the BirthRights of my Royal Kingdom Ancesters,

    and imagine the looks on the faces of these researchers....(big nui smiles and best yet they witnessed me being raised as a child on our Sacredness of Loko O Mokuhinia as my mana Kahili and my grandmama Lydia Kalua Poaipuni Restored the Royal Tomb of our Queen Keopuolani.........mahalo Ke Akua to lead me where i need be......mauruuru~~~

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