"FACT" or an "ASSUMPTION" (Part 2)

Aloha Kakou Maoliworld Ohana. There has been a comment stated by a known researcher that Prince David Kawananakoa had committed treason. Again i ask this known researcher to show an actual "Document" that shows and clarifies this to be a "FACT," or another "ASSUMPTION" by this same known researcher. For someone to accuse the Sovereign of something that is "UNTRUE," is an act of "Treason." It is a "Deformation of  Character." Maybe the researcher should look up the word "Treason," instead. For this researcher to accuse the "Sovereign" in this way, it is as if this researcher is accusing the whole Nation, when you are accusing the Sovereign of Treason.


Lesson for us all, please "Watch what you say," because remember, our "Blue Blood Line Sovereign" of the Hawaiian Kingdom today is watching and knows who a lot of you are.


O wau iho no,



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  • Keliiaumoana,

    It's taken years to get past the confusion and to be able to actually get out into the wild and engage at a moments notice. To lessen not stop anymore, but to lessen the striking blows of genocide on our people. As for the Taro'ist you make your stand on something and you go from there. All else as far as freedom to take action, one just have to double task the action. Most times it' out of pocket, and we're always broke, but we still keep on moving towards that objective with small kine goals. Mahalo for your comments Kaohi
  • Auwe, my head come sore read dis kine.
    • aloha keliiaumoana,

      moa better sore head than, sores in our mouths........think about it~~~
      i wish we had this kind of training with my eyes then the cracks (manapa'i)
      we got on our heads, for being po'opaki'i (hard heads), when i was your age..........LOL!!!

      these are lessons, dealing with each other, no hiding behind the closets,
      we need to learn the lessons of communication with each other.
      you are forced to read, WHY??? go ask your kupuna kahikos (ancestors)????, they waiting for tell you, LISTEN~

      because we are the next breathing aggressive generation that will conquer in Peace and Harmony,
      more lessons to come, be like me----learn with your eyes...!!!!
      mahalo Ke Akua, for the wonderful knowledge to come for us of this generation and for the next
      future generations to come, very soon!!!!.............................mauruuru..........................da princess~~~
      • mahalo for your mana'o aunty. btw how old you think i am? lol
        • aloha keliiaumoana,

          you are old enough to know right from wrong,
          and young enough to be a good Leader in our community.
          it is not about age, it is about our rights and dignity,
          to know who we are and where we belong...
          learn your mo'okuauhau and use that to claim your rights,
          big difference between buying our lands, compare to be given your land rights....
          take courage to kukanaka, (stand tall) and speak up for your rights, your kupunas,
          your dignity and all will automatic come to you................mahalo Ke Akua...........da princess!!!
          • some would argue right and wrong as merely a point of view. for example, are we terrorists or freedom fighters? depends on who/how you look at it...

            e kala mai i'm just confused, angry, frustrated sick of all the cultural genocide/exploitation etc etc
  • This topic is interesting but secondary to me. As I had stated before, one should refer to the Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the history pertaining to it along the scores of time up to the death of our beloved Queen. There has been much intrigue along the way.

    da Princess and a few others doubt the veracity of the older researchers and want proof of everything they state. I would suggest that each do their own research than compare results. If you follow what they say, often they refer to the sources. It is your obligation to refer to them and research in depth what they have stated. I find it insulting to hear some say, show me proof or documents without they themselves not researching on their own.

    The generations before me used to say, "I had to research my genealogy; so do your own." Back then there were kupuna who could recite their genealogy and had access to many documents. Today it's not readily available and some church documents were destroyed by fire, making it impossible to produce some documents. The info I collected I have readily passed on to my 'ohana to save them the grief of searching. Some didn't know where to start. So I have made it available of what I have. Much of this has been passed down to me through different avenues. It still isn't complete; but what I know, I share. None had the audacity to ask me for proof or documents to prove my info. They respected me and never doubted my truthfulness.

    Before written documents, there was oral documentation under strict kapu so there wouldn't be deviations of retelling it. To show such disrepect to elders/kupuna is very haole melika and not a Hawaiian characteristic and trait. So it does disturb me how disrespectful some are speaking.

    I commend Kaleo for holding his temper or iritation to try to reason and get to the truth or clear the air. I may not agree with everything he says but he leaves it open to kuka kuka; that is the key. He is open to criticism as others are and that is commendable.

    Everyone has a point of view and develops it from concepts, perspectives that they were raised with and it governs their interpretation of issues. It's not easy to debate in a civil way but we all make the effort. Bashing others for lack of a comeback or countering with other facts is a disservice in argumentation. It takes away from the issue and we should be able to agree to disagree.

    Guy and Kaleo have a special relationship that their exchange is an informal but familiar way they speak to each other. We may not be accustomed to that and we leave them to resolve it without taking sides. That's their own kuleana. So I leave it at that and happy they resolved their differences.

    As far as having a Sovereign, There are many layers and issues related to that. I have mentioned the Hawaiian Constitution and how that applies. What makes that more confusing is the protocol of which one follows and what is presented through the Hawaiian Kingdom's constitution. Add to this the changing times and mindset. The criteria established is also based on the Christian mores and morals. Then we have the Hawaiian system that is more complex and denegrated by the Christians. Which one are we following and to what extent.

    In all cases, there is only one senior line and the rest are junior lines; kaukau ali'i, regardless as to whom one descends from. The constitution spells it out. If you go the Hawaiian way, then who's the mama and who's the papa. Those that marry outside their ethnic group has lost some of the mana as ali'i. Again the marriages had to be approved by the existing monarch or one is removed from succession as if dead. Catch-22 in today's time.

    Then you have the case of Umi whereby he earned his rank and Hakau lost it. It appeared to have happened with Paiea and Kiwalao lost his position and was killed by his uncle. This gives us hope that there could be someone out there worthy to be Mo'i without the high lineage. But this doesn't discount all the descendants of the Ali'i class. Just because one descends from ali'i doesn't make it a shoe-in as Mo'i. Kalakaua was not popular; he had to earn it; unfortunately he made deals with the Haole Melika and that was his down fall. Eventually many of the people grew to like him to some degree. Lili'uokalani wsasn't that popular at the beginnig but presented herself to the people whenever she could so that they would get to know her. Eventually, the people fell in love with her and she was deemed above reproach.

    Kauikeaouli established the eligibles when he endoresed the Royal School to have the eligibles educated, groomed, and trained for the future. The only one that had descendants from their loins were Jane Loeau and Abigail Maheha. Today, there are descendants that exist; but have they been groomed and trained to succeed to the throne? Some believe Kawananakoa line is automatic; but in reality, they are eligibles. The senior line of the Kawananakoa's is Quintin. The question is, does he fulfill the criteria established and is his record clean whereby he is above reproach? Is anyone elses? It's anyone's guess.

    Now for the third time an election of a monarch is presented. Knowing all these facts, what will the people endorse as acceptable? Will the criteria fit today's world and will the people support it?

    It would be better to start from the ground up. Its easy to set up the House of Nobles since there are many descendants around. They would approve the candidates that choose to run. The Legislature would have to vote for the Mo-i from the list of the candidates and according to the people's dictates. This, in my mind, would make it legitimate.

    Meanwhile, all the ali'i descendants should already be involved with the Kingdom's issues and stand for the Hawaiian subjects on all issues that affect the people. Tutu always said, one never tells others they are of ali'i blood. They will know from the names, demeanor, and conduct along with their actions. Being an ali'i demands an obligation to the people, a burden, responsibility, and dedication to the people to make things pono.

    As in olden times, the people will eliminate and unjust, dishonorable, or cruel ali'i. An ali'i is prepared to lead above reproach for the betterment of the people and nation.
    • aloha tane,

      mahalo for your mana'o.

      if you noticed, i only like to see documents when i have not heard of the saying in old.
      todays researchers tend to add much of their own sayings and make it the sayings of old...
      and this then cause me to see written testimonies and or documents to back it up,
      especially in the political arena, were laws as well as lands is involved.

      there is the difference between real and fairytale and sometimes emotions/passion can take ones
      mind way out there, read the past forums~~~too much lies, accusations, asumptions!!! by researcher???
      why not ask, for documents!!!, it is our rights, it is our future these researchers in commenting on???
      remember, the generation above me is a LOST Generation, they don't know their Mo'okuauhau (genealogy),
      their Ahupua'a (land district), they lost their language, their identity, their legal rights as a kanaka maoli.....
      for an Ali'i is a good Leader, to lead our people be into a Benefitted and Betterment Society of kanaka maoli's!!!

      mahalo tane, for all your wonderful wisdom, for i am one of those that is learning with my eyes....da princess~~~
    • Aloha no Tane

      As always i am grateful for your incite. Not only do you clarify my own mana'o on this but you make me think of other ways of improving my understanding. I think we can and do go back to the history and legal constructions of the constitutionally formed Hawaiian Kingdom to guide us. I believe we still must make our own history and it becomes a burdensome task at times.

      Protocol is something that was not written down in a complete form like that of the constitutional template. So how and where do we go to reassemble that essential part of Hawaiian life? My Uncle Abel would say talk to God! I think we know the right things to do and that has to do with "Trespass"!

      We might consider to take care of each other and to be mindful not to trespass on each others kuleana. E kala mai for me is the learning of what is this "Trespass". Hopefully we can leave room for this in each others heart and I am glad to see this example between Guy and Kaleo.

      Can we really consider "Treason" in the same way to those who sought to protect the family from a military occupier? We wen mess up, kala mai and the ohana that comes together for the future will include those people who have violated protocol. We love them and try to work in one better way.

      With the peoples consent we will find the Mo'i that we need and pule that the mana of the Makua of the past help them in their leadership.

      So let us work to create a history together that we are proud of, because it is the one of the Sovereignty of the people and most of all of the Aina.

      Malama Pono
  • Sorry guys,

    I was so stuck in my own argument on DU and Nuclear that I didn't realize there was a conversation going on. But, I trust the process to resolve itself. I wish I could say the same, but it will not resolve for a whole year. Either the military win or the people. I suspect it will be the military and their use of live fire with DU will be granted a License to posses DU. To use mind you on Big Island as well as Oahu. Much mahalo Kaohi
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