with the amount of military ships converging on INDIA, one would think that the U.S. moves to takeover Kashmir, Pakistan, etc.for INDIA?  The KILLING OF THE UNARMED MASSES is Not OK.........(Click on pictures for youtube.com videos)


video-actions" data-video-ids="Nr-eA6asbE4" data-feature="thumbnail"">

years ago



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Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium

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If this can’t break your heart, then you’re an Indian politician or an Indian general, or one of hundreds of Indian
journalists in the mainstream media who self-censor news about the
underway in Kashmir by their country’s armed forces, more than 700,000
of them
concentrated in a small piece of land. And yet see the courage of an
people who fight everyday this conspiracy of silence. Their actions
shake the
foundations of the Indian government in New Delhi every

Occupied Kashmir.jpg


These underage innocent boys were killed by Indians during peaceful protests this
summer by the entire Kashmiri population.  

Did you hear or see any NGO working for child protection raise these forgotten
deaths? Don’t our children







Baramulla, Indian-occupied Kashmir | mourners carry the body of nine-year-old Tariq

image006.jpg  image007.jpg


Can you imagine these kids being involved in ‘terrorism’?


Do our children have human rights? Where are they?



Women are worst hit in Kashmir. Up to 800,000 Indian soldiers have verbal orders to rape as a weapon of

Today, Kashmir is the world’s biggest case of state-sponsored rapes by an organized



So many cowards after a single journalist.

Where are the defenders of freedom of speech?



The benevolent Indian democracy, touted as the world’s largest, seen in action here.





Indian paramilitary soldiers beat a Kashmiri civilian during a protest in Srinagar,
India, Wednesday, June 30, 2010. Authorities brought new areas under
curfew in
the Indian portion of Kashmir on Wednesday to control the worst street
in a year, triggered by the killing of 11 people allegedly by government
over the past two weeks. (AP Photo)




LOYALTY: Kashmiri women risk their lives carrying Pakistan’s flag in front of Indian occupation







A young innocent Kashmiri student, aged 22, shot dead at point blank range by the
draconian CRPF.

They had promised a revenge killing after a trooper was shot dead by militants in the
same location.









Every peace-loving citizen of the world should forward this email to opinion makers
and highlight this tragedy in their college campuses, rights demos, and

Don’t let the voice of the brave people of Kashmir go silent.




© 2007-2010. All rights reserved.

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium

without royalty provided this notice is preserved.




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  • amelia,
    Not to place this on your shoulders,but people can be filty when they want to be. Cory Hayden didn't give a fuck about the children in Waianae let alone the children in youth correctional facilities. Why, do you suppose the relationships within three feet of her sold out are repositioning themselves with youths. Is it because they vote Democrat or are we seeking empathy from a weaken group that we are not going to see in the military anytime soon.

    It's unbelieveable that she refuse to except my testimony and did what ever she could pryor to the six hours of grueling testimonies to undermine my testimony. Do you remember sitting and listening to her and me and how pissed off, I was that she tried desparately to sobatage my presence for the Jan 13, 2010 contention?

    And to plug away at this forum every fricken day, for over a fricken year, in hopes, to not let the military, NRC -Pentagon and AEC give the military a license to continue to use DU and remove it from the fireing range and truck it to Makua. The lie was for the safety of the military families which is why they were trucking it out of Schofield. Every person was for clean up including Pono. I had a difficult time trying to get every one to realize that clean up means license to posses and use DU in their Fireing exercise. At Schofield and all other places in the islands.

    The pilau is that the military, NRC and AEC just had a meeting--I heard about it through Kyle. The military got caught explaining why they trucked the DU to other places when that is against the NRC rules. But, in hopes the AEC judges would declare it weak, low and safe so therefore the justification of transporting the DU through both military and civilian communities without a cover, without safety measures, without monitoring it was okay. Now in addition to arsenic in Mauka of Makai we will always have DU in Makua and in the air to poison the firefighters and anyone that visits Makua.

    Here is the posting that I had taken to discuss the background truth of who Corey is. All in all I still don't know if writing on Maoliworld using every means there is to voice an expression about the reasons why we should not remove contaminats and how dangerous that is to all, I hope made a difference. The year is coming to an end and I stongly believe the AEC will grant a license to the Army just based on an AEC Judges definition directive by the strike of their gravel that the DU in Schofield is safe, weak and low. So I will never believe any of this opposition to the Army from the AEC will make a difference.

    Nuclear Isotopes means another economic gain for the people near the Trilateral and the only place is the Pacifc Ocean for this venture. Couple that with robotics and broad band tec and who in the hell can resist? Thanks a bunch!!

    "Auwe Kulani

    Public officials, is there any way to restore Kulani Correctional Facility?

    Lingle said it wasn’t “cost-efficient”. But is it “cost-efficient” to treat former inmates in less effective programs? Axe local jobs? And compromise care for our irreplaceable Kulani forest?

    I hand-delivered disturbing reports to Rick Campbell, director of Honolulu Youth Challenge Academy (YCA), last month, and asked for comments. A student at an Alabama YCA alleges he was raped by another student, but YCA refused to give the police information, saying staff worked for a private corporation. A student at a Louisana YCA alleged having temporary kidney failure after being confined with limited fluids. And a student at a New Mexico YCA accused a mentor of sexual advances. Campbell hasn’t responded.

    Over one in five students nationwide fails to complete YCA—even though YCA studies cherry-picked programs with less staff turnover and more applicants to select from. Many differences found between YCA graduates and other youth after 21 months were smaller than differences at nine months. YCA also admits that after non-YCA youth have time to earn diplomas or GEDs, YCA graduates might no longer rate better at finishing high school. And the YCA website notes “All programDirectors [sic] reported difficulties in identifying placement activities for 16-year-olds who completed the Residential Phase with a GED.”

    About one in five YCA graduates joins the military—but a survey found only about one in 12 Hawai’i high school seniors plans to join. A new military recruiting station opened adjacent to the Honolulu YCA last year. But YCA downplays any recruiting motives.

    An audit of the abrupt land transfer for YCA won’t be complete till January. A contested case action by Community Alliance on Prisons is still in play. If the transfer is found to be illegal, will the fallout be “cost-efficient”?

    Cory (Martha) Harden

    PO Box 10265, Hilo, Hawai'i 96721

    residence Mt. View



    • watch?v=TUA8tNzJ6Y0&feature=relatedhttp:

      Led Kaapana's second song can be an answer for all the military, et. als.
      I hear you loud and clear about the DU/depleted uranium issues..........and it's right in your back yard.....

      also appears that wherever the Hawaiian Homesteads are located there are problems:

      Waianae - DU dumping ground - genocide issues - oppositions documented
      Kapolei - Agent Orange buried - genocide issues
      Waimanalo - contaminants from the military - genocide issues
      Papakolea - the community is on the agenda to be used ....planning stages with documented oppositions ongoing - genocide issues
      Oahu and outer islands - water contamination, GMO, soil, water, air, seawater contaminants, hazardous wastes -DU/depleted uranium, etc. - genocide issues

      much work ahead...............hang in there...........appears there are nasties who only talk and do nothing.... thank you for being one of the few who does something!.........aloha.....although baby steps, there's much happening..........yes!.........malama pono.


      • I've been listening to your music while constructing my posting about conrow and her idiot article. Another problem in Waianae Kamehameha Schools killed Kamaile Academy Elementary school so it was difficult to go to work today. But, it is there problem and I'm going to try and help under there leadership. In other words not lead in any such way. I love the music!!!!!I miss listening to the old folks sing and jam. We use to have so much jam sessions with the old folks. Now they all gone.

        Much aloha to you thank you for being there.
        • watch?v=WpYeekQkAdc&ob=av2ehttp:

          hi Kaohi,

          miss the old folks singing, musik, laughing.........the rascalness of having some "swipe", and their looks around as if fearing some police person would walk in at any time.........miss the whole roomful of people singing tunes of comradery, including toasting "Viva Zapata!" yes, couldn't understand why at that time but understand now..........now we have the ear zapping "E ku mau mau!" at some of the younger parties........the Natives are restless......and it's a good thing.........better than singing "Mary had a little lamb" or "baa baa black sheep", etc.

          much work to do to kick start our own government again.......too much Parasites in Paradise taking the Hawaiians down to hell with them.....

          till next time...........aloha.


          • mahalo for the reposting. Very good listening to the music. I pulled my posting because we are dealing with children I should know better. But, was pretty pissed at the board. Just watching out for the suicide rate don't spike all that we can do.

            I told Glenn to suit the bastards for inury to the children.
  • Amelia,
    It's been fun, but in all seriousness there is too much similarities in this genocidal situation. But, I for one do not see this as anything new. My grandparents led people in the thousands through thickness during their time.

    My grandmother was a Ghandi type person, she even had features that were like him and Mother Theresa.

    So much of the information was familiar.

    I had a great time scanning through the music of Ofra Haza, I also read through her wiki too. The Shir Ha'frecha, I am still laughing even though I scanned through the Kashmir genocide. So Thanks!!! Bimbo was originally 1929 a male that is more true then ever on Maoliworld.

    I can't view the things you posted but there was enough information to where as I could locate the information.

    There is so much similarities here in Waianae on the enforecement side.

    We have the Alice In Wonderland problems, with court and mushrooms too. The 'Life of the Land' hasn't change they are still out there distorting information and our environment. There was some people that were honest back in the 60s but too many were desparate to win at the game eventhough in the long run--we loose!!

    The Big Island gang still manipulating the scene but as usual better than doing nothing.

    The 'bimbo's' are back on the forum which is a good thing in a sense. Do you think they will rise above the their 'Russel Simmons' housewives biting and kicking ...? And help out with the research on Maoliworld? The last time they all went after my grandchildren, my phonicsworks@gmail.com got stolen and now I can only have quickies with Pono, ugh! I love Shir Ha'frecha (bimbo)video singing, there was so much realness in it.

    My girlfriend left on Friday to go to the US continent to marry another FSM Pacific Islander, but before she left--Pono was able to do a video taping of her and I. My quicky visit with Pono after his Maui trip, ugh! FSM is in my view is exodus. In my view Akaka did an 'exit plan' which is the stuff I used at the end of my Jan, 13 2010 conclusion. If we can't stop the Army from transfereing DU dust in the air and stop them from using DU in the islands then we need an exit plan. I wanted to share this with Pono, to add to the reasons why we should not clean up the already existing DU in the Army fireing range.

    Well, Pono scheduled a shooting and the room was taken, so we turned around and went back home to film in his apartment. But, before we left Olelo in Palolo I got to talk to Kyle. It seems that C Hayden, recently, listened in on the NRC and Army trying to obtain a License to posses and use DU. But, they hit a snag for cleaning up and transfering to another place which was Makua. Everyone is acting like it was the first time they heard it! Dirty liars! It was the NRC that negotiated with the Wahiawa community,the miliary ARmy, and Pentagon Tad Davis to have the dirty contaminats of DU removed from Schofield and trucked over to Makua at the expense of our children. That was totally agains the NRC rules yes, but they so-called got around it by calling up the Pentagon and had Tad Davis okay it, via the 'Sustainable Planning' with the state, and local governing entities, including Malama Makua!!!!!!!! and Earthjustice!!!!!!! and KAHEA!!!!!!! and Friends of America!!!!! and Maoliworld!!!!! SHIT!!!

    Anyhow, I would not have known had we not go to Palolo that night. Back to my quicky!!!

    It wasn't how I planned it but it was a 'quicky' moment that was also cozy too. Tane fixed up the living room while Pono was on Maui and it has soft lighting. Naturally, it didn't go as planned, but earlier in the day, I took her to the far end and showed her Makua DU dumping site, houseless that will be looking down the barrel of a gun soon, and Makaha (surfing contest) and on to my home. She was able to take pictures of the DU dumping site 19 acres behind my house.

    The day before she and I fast tracked her father's plans for the future. First, my relationship with Dacca was about education and the Micro. children migrating to Hawaii, about 70 thousand. She said her FSM is over a million and of that number 700,000 is Chuuk. Her father, wrote plans in a tiny book where her genealogy exist. I did not know that because it's in words I could not understand.

    I told her about what happened at Wheeler where Pono was three feet away from the Major and all hell broke loose with people greedy for power. Oahu Civic Club members wanting to touch the bones of our ancestors for their personal 'mana sucking' with their dirty pilau fingers. Off track, sorry!

    Back on track. We talked about her genealogy and the fact is she didn't want me to Xerox it, I did it anyway. So I have a copy of her genealogy and the map that her father drew of their property. Thirdly, how all this had transpired was the fact that a few Australians came to her island and had observed Chuuks cooking in pots. Chuuks turned PCB buckets from the electrical lines into cooking pots! They the Australians explained what it was and how poisionous it was, that the US did this to their people. No accountability for toxins, just walk away with consortion agreements to end the contracts without first containing the contaminats.

    So her father being a high chief, intelligent, and able to understand their future--he drew a map and wrote directives, as well as a list of her genealogy. Having said that, I explained to her what had happened that night when the Oahu Civic Club in haste and greed stole the night like goons that they for the US military. May they choke on the money, and fame they recieved!

    As I said earlier, we are about education and already know that their future or children will occupy private prisons instead of private residence in US and occupied territory of the Hawaiian islands.

    The FSM will have to choose in the year 2020 territory or independence. because of the education the Micro, children are recieving it is not possible to rise up to independence. and that is ten years from now.

    Which is why, Pono and I did a quicky on Thursday. I don't know how much of the video was expressing that future problem of the FSM, and I don't know how they are going to choose Independence. We can asses the situation now and these youngsters that will have the vote soon will choose Burger King, Taco Bell, and shopping as oppose to working hard in the land and ocean. The US census screwed up the count for the FSM for they have a million and it is showing up as a mix within RMI and Belau and Guam on the 2010. 2020 will be another count that will reflect the goals of the US for their Plebisite and referundum all based on 'Women Sufferage' which all of this ties into the Hillary tour of the Asiaian countries. Mori is their president and he doesn't have the quality that Mr. Nakayama had when he was alive. Take care and thanks!!!
    • Amelia,

      This is a reposting that I took from mine to be sure you have a copy of this part of the text:

      Did You Know by F.W. Maisel 1983

      *That a Roman farmer at the time of Christ financed his farm at 6% the City of Genoa explored the world at 1.5%, England built an empire at 3.5%, but the U.S. Government had to pay 15% interest to finance prosperity in 1981.

      *That the Federal Reserve is the most powerful economic dictatorship outside the Kremlin.

      *That a majority of the Federal Reserve Board members, including Chairman Volcker, were illegally appointed by Carter.

      *That Paul Volcker, David Rockefeller's hand picked choice for Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, was his personal aide at Chase Manhattan Bank.

      *That the Federal Reserve Bank was David Rockefeller's Grandaddy's brain child.

      *That every time Volcker increases interest rates one percent it means another $20 billion income to the financial industry.

      *That Volcker granted a $300 billion subsidy to the financial industry in 1981.

      *That Volcker's high -interest rip off cost every American family an average of $5,000 in 1981.

      *That since Volker has been Chairman, America has suffered double-digit inflation, double-digit unemployment, double-digit interest rates and triple-digit budget deficits.

      *That the National debt doubled during the last decade, the result of the Federal reserve Board's high interest rates and two programmed recessions.

      *That the Fed has increased some interest rates as much as 3,000% since World war II.

      *That the Federal Reserve Board intentionally programmed six recessions since World War II.

      *That Paul Volcker is the most powerful man in America. He is the economic czar of the U.S. He can veto Presidential programs and Congressional legislation.

      *That this is Paul Volcker's recession. He put nine million Americans out of work.

      *That the Fed's war on inflation was a fraud--a camoulflage to justify tremendous increases in interest rates.

      *That compared to Carter's sellout of the American public. Nixon's Watergate is peanuts.

      Goodgrief, this is 2010 going on 2011, what the hell does Obama think is going to happen in the Pacific Region? Who the hell is in charge? Just because Mark Twain came here in 1866 doesn't mean it's relative to today. Our islands are pretty messed up with military contaminats, that's going to cause a problem for visitors and congenial defects until all Na Kanaka DNA living in Hawaii disintergrate. By then too, late like with what is happening to the Marshall'ee people.
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