Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom Royal Tidings No. 2015 - 404 Important Read Regarding Cardoza's court off of Facebook.... Important post...


:::: THE "ACTING GOVERNMENT" SPEAKS (and silences) ::::

The following image is a rather threatening post made by Dr. Keanu Sai in response to my criticism of his false claims.

In Sai's blog article titled, "State of Hawai'i Judge Rules Hawaiian Kingdom Still Exists," Sai asserts that a Maui Circuit Court judge ruled - as the title suggests - that the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists.

Judge Cardoza, the Maui Circuit Court judge at issue, made no such ruling.

In his blog, Sai expresses that because Judge Cardoza took judicial notice of Sai's testimony (on the continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom), he was actually ruling that the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists. This is not true.

Judicial notice is not a ruling and no such ruling on State continuity can be made because determining whether the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists is a political question and beyond the capacity of a court to determine.

So, I took my comments to Sai's blog in an attempt to clarify the situation and dispel more false claims coming from the self-proclaimed "Acting Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom."

After some time, Sai finally graced the comments with his presence and this message:


"In response to Zuri Aki’s inflammatory and malicious postings on this blog accusing me of lying is not only untrue, but is clear evidence of criminal acts of libel. According to Black’s Law Dictionary, libel is defined as “A method of defamation expressed by print, writing, pictures or signs. A false and unprivileged publication,” which attempts “to blacken a person’s reputation.” Under Hawaiian Kingdom law, libel is a crime, but under U.S. law it’s civil tort.

Mr. Aki is a naïve student whose irresponsible diatribe has just implicated three or more professors at the law school in this criminal act. These three professors are David Cohen, Diane Desierto, and Carole J. Peterson. This is not only a criminal matter, but also a university matter because I am also a faculty member of the University of Hawai‘i Windward Community College. On January 30, 2015, I wrote a formal complaint to the Dean of the Law School, but he chose not to hold these three professors and Mr. Aki accountable. This failure to do so is what led to the ultimate commission of the crime of libel. I will be initiating proceedings in a timely fashion and before the proper authorities."


Rather than respond to my analysis of the court proceedings in question - rather than prove his own claims to be true, Sai just decided to ignore what I was saying, pass it off as a lie, and threaten me instead.

Sai also IP-banned me from being able to post comments on his blog articles (a so-called Hawaiian government banning a Hawaiian national?) - so I couldn't respond.

While seemingly threatening, its just a lot of huffing and puffing. Sai's attempts to bully me probably would work if I didn't know anything about law - and it just goes to show how little he, himself, knows of it. Tossing out a libel charge might work to scare off other people, but not this "naïve student."

And, a libel charge? C'mon now. Sai lies about a court ruling, I call him out on that lie, and he wants to criminally prosecute me for "lying" that he lied? In what court? The US courts that he claims has no jurisdiction here? As you can see, hilarity and much hypocrisy may ensue.

Sai has my email and my phone number. Instead of contacting me, he writes a "formal complaint" to the dean, behind my back, "to hold [me] accountable."

The self-proclaimed regent of the Hawaiian Kingdom went to the dean of William S. Richardson School of Law to get me in trouble? I don't know whether to just keep shaking my head or laugh this one off. I suppose what I've said is really starting to hit his royal nerves." alt="':::: THE "ACTING GOVERNMENT" SPEAKS (and silences) :::: The following image is a rather threatening post made by Dr. Keanu Sai in response to my criticism of his false claims. In Sai's blog article titled, "State of Hawai'i Judge Rules Hawaiian Kingdom Still Exists," Sai asserts that a Maui Circuit Court judge ruled - as the title suggests - that the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists. Judge Cardoza, the Maui Circuit Court judge at issue, made no such ruling. In his blog, Sai expresses that because Judge Cardoza took judicial notice of Sai's testimony (on the continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom), he was actually ruling that the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists. This is not true. Judicial notice is not a ruling and no such ruling on State continuity can be made because determining whether the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists is a political question and beyond the capacity of a court to determine. So, I took my comments to Sai's blog in an attempt to clarify the situation and dispel more false claims coming from the self-proclaimed "Acting Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom." After some time, Sai finally graced the comments with his presence and this message: ----------------- "In response to Zuri Aki’s inflammatory and malicious postings on this blog accusing me of lying is not only untrue, but is clear evidence of criminal acts of libel. According to Black’s Law Dictionary, libel is defined as “A method of defamation expressed by print, writing, pictures or signs. A false and unprivileged publication,” which attempts “to blacken a person’s reputation.” Under Hawaiian Kingdom law, libel is a crime, but under U.S. law it’s civil tort. Mr. Aki is a naïve student whose irresponsible diatribe has just implicated three or more professors at the law school in this criminal act. These three professors are David Cohen, Diane Desierto, and Carole J. Peterson. This is not only a criminal matter, but also a university matter because I am also a faculty member of the University of Hawai‘i Windward Community College. On January 30, 2015, I wrote a formal complaint to the Dean of the Law School, but he chose not to hold these three professors and Mr. Aki accountable. This failure to do so is what led to the ultimate commission of the crime of libel. I will be initiating proceedings in a timely fashion and before the proper authorities." ----------------- Sai also IP-banned me from being able to post comments on his blog articles (a so-called Hawaiian government banning a Hawaiian national?). While seemingly threatening, its just a lot of huffing and puffing. Sai's attempts to bully me probably would work if I didn't know anything about law - and it just goes to show how little he, himself, knows of it. Tossing out a libel charge might work to scare off other people, but not this "naïve student." And, a libel charge? C'mon now. Sai lies about a court ruling, I call him out on that lie, and he wants to criminally prosecute me for "lying" that he lied? In what court? The US courts that he claims has no jurisdiction here? As you can see, hilarity and much hypocrisy may ensue. Sai has my email and my phone number. Instead of contacting me, he writes a "formal complaint" to the dean, behind my back, "to hold [me] accountable." The self-proclaimed regent of the Hawaiian Kingdom went to the dean of William S. Richardson School of Law to get me in trouble? I don't know whether to just keep shaking my head or laugh this one off. I suppose what I've said is really starting to hit his royal nerves.'" width="480" height="307" class="CToWUd"/>

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      • Z Akiamanō Kaapana Aki Bronson Keali'i Kalipi - what truth might that be? That he (Sai) is going to take me before the "proper authorities?" In this case, what might the "proper authorities" be? The US courts that he claims has no jurisdiction over Hawaiian nationals? 
        I think he would be committing political/scholarly suicide if he engaged in something so hypocritical. 

        Furthermore, I'm a year away from graduating with my JD. I have a much better grasp of law than Sai (a political scientist not a lawyer). His threat of libel is a baseless threat and an attempt to bully me. It's not going to work on me because I know what libel is - and I'm not engaging in libelous activity. 

        I know for a fact that the dean of William S. Richardson School of Law would not condone a student perpetrating a criminal/tortious act. If my actions were criminal/tortious and if Sai really did complain about me to the dean of the law school, then the dean would surely have taken action. 

        Again, Sai is trying to bully me and in the process, he is showing everyone that other side of himself. 

        There's no fire here, just a self-proclaimed regent who can't take criticism from a law school student with valid concerns.
        2 hrs · Unlike · 5
      • Santos Kana Alvarez One day you will be fighting for independence Z!
        2 hrs · Like · 2
      • Bronson Keali'i Kalipi That your discrediting him for what? Let the man do his work and if it works then let it be, if not then next. and as for your degree, good, I say fuck the degree and let him work, if he fail then like braddah say, your the next batter. A'ama crab has to go because that's why our people is looked down upon, we to much trying to be over everybody when somebody is up there. If what you say is true then work with him, no be the next race horse rider...
        2 hrs · Like · 1
        • Bronson Keali'i Kalipi Another thing, we have ha'ole's in here trying to disrupt a kanaka's mind so we fuck up and no get our country back because of hidden agneda's, not you Z. it's specific person's (females). Aloha
          2 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
        • Bronson Keali'i Kalipi Das why hard, I'm out, I feel traders in here, Aloha
          2 hrs · Like
        • Kahala Lei Azuma Maui Forget where other people stand, ALL OF YOU - where do YOU stand?
          2 hrs · Like
        • Brandon Makaawaawa 100% independence
          2 hrs · Like · 3
        • Z Akiamanō Kaapana Aki Bronson, there's no crabs in the bucket here - saying so is a cop-out. Who's discrediting whom? I'm not the one who told Sai to make a blog centered on a blatant lie. I don't know about you, but I don't like someone playing us for the fool. 
          You n
          eed to ask yourself why he would lie in the first place? Why not just tell the truth - that the Judge didn't rule the Hawaiian Kingdom still existed? Like I mentioned earlier, either he had no clue what was going on in court (if so, then he shouldn't have written a blog about it in the first place) or he is intentionally trying to mislead the masses out there. If it's intentional, then what's the motive? Hyping himself up? A marketing ploy to increase the number of his clients? 

          Based on what Sai wrote, he made a "formal complaint" about me back in January. For what? What did I do back in January that got him so riled up that he had to make a formal complaint to the dean of the law school to have me held accountable? 

          You don't see me going to the state ethics commission and complaining about his questionable practices. So, who's the crab in the bucket? I went to him to engage in some discourse - he didn't come to me back in January before he went complaining to the "proper authorities." 

          Furthermore, what haole are you talking about? I don't see any haole in here trying to prevent Hawaiians from independence. 

          It's easy to just call someone a crab in a bucket when what they're saying conflicts so heavily with what you believe - cognitive dissonance. But, I'll keep saying it because it needs to be heard. We aren't going to address the right solution to our plight so long as we're being misled. 

          You know how a belligerent occupation ends? Either you drive the occupier out or the occupier willingly leaves. 

          Has Sai ever said it so simply? Because that's what it comes down to. 

          Now, either he has a plan to drive the occupier out - which is typically through force - or he has a plan to convince the US to willingly leave. I honestly don't see either of those scenarios happening anytime soon. 

          There's no getting the international courts to force the US out - that's not how they work. There's no getting the ICC to arrest people suspected of war crimes in the Hawaiian Islands - that's not how it works. 

          There are two ways to end a belligerent occupation. Ask Sai which of the two ways he's trying to go and I wish you guys good luck.
          2 hrs · Unlike · 3
          • Brandon Makaawaawa Straight up braddah Z
            2 hrs · Like · 2
          • Kahala Lei Azuma Maui Force. How did they get so far? Force. Our advantage is that they think we don't have enough ambition & perseverance. To some, hope gets lost because it appears we have no unity & to some extent, Bronson is right about that. Z, you're right in your questioning too. Which is why I keep asking, where do you (all) stand? We need combative think tanks. We need to get past who has what lineage & how much koko. We need to get past who said what & face forward with our hearts pono. K.. let's do this...without starving our families.
            1 hr · Like · 3
          • Z Akiamanō Kaapana Aki Indeed, they thought we would just lay down and die. They've underestimated us since they first met us. 
            That's our power. We only need ourselves to know who we are - we don't need an international court, United Nations, or United States approval. 

            Statehood is a matter of fact - it's not a matter of law - and that's why no court can determine whether or not a State still exists. The Hawaiian State continues to exist so long as there are Hawaiians who believe that it does. 

            One of our biggest problems is that we sometimes believe we need the US to comply with us in order for us to be independent - but take a look at the word, "independent." You don't become independent by relying on someone else's approval for your existence. 

            If Hawaiians truly want to be independent, then we just gotta do we gotta do without permission from anyone else. 

            It gets hard because we have to keep our families fed/sheltered/clothed and doing what we gotta do without US permission may still get US law enforcement to cause us problems. 

            That's why I say the power is in all of us. If we remain as divided groups, then we can easily be picked off. But if we're one united nation, then there's no way the US can enforce its laws against us. We would be independent and because we're independent, other States will recognize us as such - but they can't recognize our independence unless we're actually independent. Right now, we appear pretty dependent on the US. 

            I don't know if the US will ever end its occupation. Maybe the US will have a compassionate and just President/Congress, but I don't know when that'll be. It doesn't seem like it'll be in the best interest of the US to withdraw from one of its most strategic (militarily/economically) locations on Earth. 

            The best solution I have for our plight, is to unite Hawaiians and just function as independent States do - no need permission from anyone but Hawaiians.
            1 hr · Edited · Unlike · 2
    • Amelia Gora the facts remain is that because the Royal Families exists, the Crown lands being the personal properties of Kamehameha III .... we also support the claims of all kanaka maoli who were given properties by Kamehameha....the case precedence or one of the case precedence for maintaining lands/ our alodio/ano alodio land system is the fact that Kamehameha III locked it in for kanaka maoli and check out the First Circuit Court case Kekiekie vs. Dennis in HAWAIIAN REPORTS 1851 Dennis "title was good against all the world......even if the King had not made this reservation, the plaintiff's title would be good; for the people's lands were secured to them by the Constitution and laws of the Kingdom, and no power can convey them away, not even that of royalty itself." we continue to support kanaka maoli claims to their lands.... which is the ongoing projects pages 5a etc. or query google for more links.....
    • Amelia Gora find out some outrageous facts such as the U.S. operating two governments which came away from the U.S.A. and is now the U.S. and the American Empire
    • Amelia Gora we formed the House of Nobles and Kili put out excellent films:
      A video about the present day plundering of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
    • Amelia Gora the case pointed out to Z - Pelekane case shows the ongoing Piracy, pillaging by criminal devianst who are Not the successors of the Hawaiian Kingdom, the State of Hawaii which evolved from the Territory, formerly the Republic of Hawaii which had a time frame of approx. 2 years to change from the Provisional government which was really made up out of the 1/3 part the voted in part of the Hawaiian government called the House of Representatives, a temporary body which housed mostly non kanaka maoli/the usurpers as we found supported by Premeditation moves by the U.S. etc.
    • Amelia Gora Rex vs. Joseph Booth case out of HAWAIIAN REPORTS 1863 page 630 identifies what the Hawaiian government is, how it was set up, etc. Jump skip over to the present.....Kili, Professor Williamson Chang, and other members of the Royal Families were in the Mauna kea group since Friday...... lots of issues, lots of important finds and many nations are also watching today.....because we remain a neutral, friendly, non violent nation who also happens to be exposing the historical crimes against our is given to all kanaka maoli through Protective Orders/parity clause for immunities under international laws since the time they tried to boot the Kahana residents from Kahana..... many have these documents and are on their tutu's aina or supporting our families land claims and sitting on Victoria Kamamalu's lands etc............. we're surrounded by Pirates, Pillagers, frauds and they can be prosecuted under Article XIV of the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America.....and we also uphold the Constitution for the American people because Obama is trying to create slaves out of the Innocents and Plunder around the world at our expense which is not o.k.....Obama btw is the descendant of Charles Reed Bishop, Pirate of the Pacific through his sister.......Bishop helped himself and took care of his own families.....He and many others were listed on the Judicial Tribunal list, which means they have lost All interests to lands in Hawaii, which means their descendants/ heirs also owns Nothing......the State of Hawaii continues the piracy, pillaging, on innocents and really needs to be replaced by the American Consulate because of the frauds, etc.....making monies off of a neutral, friendly nation and gaining a supporting international community due to illegal contracts when they put Queen Liliuokalani temporarily on the throne for Balboa Day/Pan Pacific Day turning into Hawaii Tourism Authority authorizing themselves to purchase lands which cannot be purchased in the Hawaiian Islands....... U.
    • Amelia Gora U.S. Congress parties to the crimes.....they are operating from lands that are foreign to the U.S. - Washington, D.C....... the Emperor Has No Clothes.....folks....thanks to the internet many nations also know.... the war dogs wars utilizing Hawaiian funds which is Not O.K., those who make monies off of wars are doing it at the expense of Innocents............the Bank of England for example funds Wars on both sides... Bank of england stock holders were Martha Washington who was the wife of George of their heirs Robert E. Lee.......down to OBAMA........see the true colors? pretty messed up if you ask me...but corrections needs to be made, all kanaka maoli has their tutu's aina forever and can collect rents, leases because the Hawaiian land laws were set up by a brilliant people whose leader was also a brilliant leader - Kamehameha III .. Imua 
      R.I.P. Nicole. LYRICS: It's gonna take a lotta love - To...
      • Kahala Lei Azuma Maui At Honolulu, I had asked a prominent white man to give me some idea of the native Hawaiian'scharacter.
        “They won't resent anything,” he said, contemptuously. “They haven't a grain of ambition. They

        can't feel even envy. They care for nothing except extremely simple and easy living. They have
        no perseverance, they have no backbone. They're unfit.”

        Compliments of the San Francisco Call 1897 article: Strangling Hands Upon a Nation's Throat
      • Pono Kealoha Hmmm... Genocide ?
        Press Conference on Letter of Professor Chang to...
    • Amelia Gora .....Piracy, pillaging, racketeering, etc. are ongoing issues...including identity theft because they are Not us, based on treasonous persons activities, etc.....scum, scoundrels, etc.
      22 hrs · Like · 3
    • Samson L Brown Acquisitive prescription or Adverse possession. In Hawaii it goes under Quiet Title. All of them no good in Hawaii. All lands in Hawaii are in a Trust created by America, the "Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920. America created it for Prince Jonah Kuhio for safe keeping of Liliu'okalani's Kingdom to keep it out of the hands of the insurgents of Native Hawaiian of foreign ancestry. That is why HHCA 1920 is Federal Protected same as the 1959 Statehood Act. When read carefully, you will see that it was to create revenues for the Kingdom of Hawaii, Liliu'okalani's ceded lands.
      21 hrs · Like · 1
    • Hale Mawae True colors shining through eh Z!
      19 hrs · Like · 1
    • Z Akiamanō Kaapana Aki Shining pretty bright.
    • Maggie Zerbe Well, I am glad that your comment was (sorta) addressed and not outright deleted. As always, mahalo for keepin it real. I agree with others, too bad this couldn't lead to constructive debate and solution-finding, which would benefit us all. Instead, Sai chose to regard all this as a personal attack, rather than a critique of his strategy. Well, you tried to keep the communication open, and Sai slammed the door on it. Very telling.
      14 hrs · Like · 1
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