The U.S. PERPETUATES Crimes, Pirate Acts, Plunder Activities Against An Already Recognized Nation: This is some of the evidence that the U.S. fails to inform people....the U.S.was leased lands in the Hawaiian Islands by French Consulate Jules Dudoit in 1844...(the French worked with U.S. and England in mapping the Pacific Ocean, etc.)...then note land transactions began again in 1901 by various treasonous persons who did not have alodio/alodial titles of a foreign nation, the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/ He Mokupuni Pae Aina/ Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago............Project by Amelia Gora, the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Member of the House of Nobles, Hawaiian Kingdom

140621_0002.jpg - Google Drive Yo Ho Ho n a Bottle of Rum
Mahalo nui for sharing your testimony Professor Williamson B.C. Chang
Williamson B.C. Chang, Professor of Law, University of Hawaii School of Law; Comments on
Department of Interior ANPR Identifier 1090-AB05, Hawaii State Capitol Honolulu, Hawaii
June 23, 2014
Testimony of Williamson B.C. Chang
Professor of Law at the William S. Richardson
School of Law, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
June 23, 2014
Hawaii State Capitol
Honolulu, Hawaii
Re: Comments on Advance Notice of Proposed rulemaking; Solicitation of Comments; Office of the Secretary, Department of Interior Regulation Identifier Number 1090-AB05
The Department of Interior of the United States Government is “seeking input solely on questions related to the potential administrative rule to facilitate the re-establishment of a government-to-government relationship with the Native Hawaiian community.” The Department is seeking specific comments on five threshold questions. All questions are directed at the establishment of a government to government relationship. DOI does not propose a specific rule in this request. Nonetheless, it is evident that the Department is seeking comments on whether Native Hawaiians should be recognized as a Federally Recognized Indian Tribe by administrative process. If this is correct, the goal is to achieve what the “Akaka” bill proposed. Congress refused to pass that bill. It appears that the Department is seeking to change certain administrative rules that prevent Native Hawaiians from being administratively recognized. It is assumed that this is the underlying nature and objective of DOI’s request.
. Introduction:
I have been a Professor of Law at the University of Hawaii School of Law since 1976 and teach in the areas of Hawaiian Legal History, Legal Aspects of Water Rights in Hawaii, Conflicts of Law and Business Associations. I will supplement these comments within the noted time frame with further written testimony.
I have a very brief moment to make my comments here so I will limit my remarks to one main point. The United States Department of Interior lacks subject matter territorial jurisdiction
over the Hawaiian Islands. This is not a claim based on International Law, but one that rests in the laws of the United States. Specifically, three laws of the United States affirmatively and explicitly state that the Department, as well as the United States in general, as well as the State of Hawaii does not possess subject matter jurisdiction, namely territorial jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Islands.
Of course, this lack of subject matter jurisdiction has been universal, applicable to all acts of the United States, its courts, and executive agencies, as well as State and County political subdivisions for a very long time. The failure to note this defect does not mean that its applicability is waived or it has less effect today. Subject matter jurisdiction is always at issue.
It can be raised at any time. It can be raised even after transactions or actions have been undertaken and completed. The failure of residents of the Hawaiians to object to subject matter jurisdiction does not deny them that ability to do so today.
Native Hawaiians, in particular, have only begun to learn of this defect. This fact is borne out in the letter sent by Chief Executive Officer of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Dr. Crabbe, to Secretary of State John Kerry on May 5, 2014, which listed four questions. Those questions are based on testimony and presentations given at a forum held on April 17, 2014 which challenges the jurisdiction of the United States under both International and United States law. I was one of those who testified on April 17th. I present to this body, in a shortened version, the points I made on April 17th.
The lack of jurisdiction of the United States and the Department of Interior is based on two very simple points. First, the United States claims jurisdiction over the territory of Hawaii based on the legal effect of the Joint Resolution of 1898, 30 Stat 750. Second, the United States claims jurisdiction by way of the Act of Admission of 1959, admitting Hawaii as a State. This testimony asserts that:
1) The Joint Resolution of 1898 had no power to acquire the Hawaiian Islands as territory of the United States, and that;
2) Section Two of the Act of Admission by which the Territory of Hawaii was admitted as a State confirms and thus admits that the State of Hawaii does not include the Hawaiian Islands.
II. The Joint Resolution of 1898 had no power to acquire the Hawaiian Islands as territory of the United States.
The Joint Resolution was not a treaty. A Treaty of Annexation drafted and signed by representatives of Hawaii and the United States was proposed in 1897 but was never ratified by the United States Senate. Article VII of that Treaty required United States consent be in the form of formal Senate ratification as required by Article II of the United States Constitution. The failure of the Treaty led the McKinley Administration to seek a Joint Resolution of Congress to acquire Hawaii. The only basis by which the United States or any country can acquire additional territory is by the 1) the doctrine of discovery, 2) conquest or 3) Treaty. The doctrine of discovery does not apply as Hawaii was a sovereign nation. It had full dominion over its own lands. The United States did not “conquer” Hawaii as understood by international law of the time. The United States has never claimed that it conquered the Hawaiian Islands. There is no treaty of annexation between the United States and Hawaii.
After the failure of the Treaty of 1897, the McKinley administration pulled an “end run” choosing to acquire Hawaii by joint resolution. A joint resolution requires a mere majority of both houses to become law. The United States declared war on Spain in April of 1898. The McKinley administration sought Hawaii as a base necessary for the invasion of the Spanish Colony, the Philippines. A special advisor to the President, John Foster, suggested a Joint Resolution--a bill or act, simply declaring that Hawaii was territory of the United States. Foster had floated this idea in a speech in 1895 on the basis that the annexation of Texas established a precedent. Foster was wrong. Texas was not annexed by Joint Resolution. Texas was acquired by an unwritten treaty, valid under the law of nations, by which there was a complete and perfect meeting of the minds of the United States and the Republic of Texas. Under Article IV of the United States Constitution it is Congress that has the power to admit new states. The constitutional power to admit Texas as a state is vested in Congress, not in the President and the Senate under the foreign affairs power. Texas was a Republic. It was a separate independent nation from the United States. Texas could not become a State and part of the United States except by treaty. Such a treaty was concluded when Texas agreed to the terms of statehood and Congress accepted those terms.
McKinley followed Foster’s advice and sought to acquire the Hawaiian Islands and the nation of Hawaii by a joint resolution. A joint resolution, called the “Newlands resolution,” was introduced in the House of Representatives in May of 1898. The Resolution passed the House by a majority. It moved to the Senate in June. The President was confident that, in a time of war, he could secure a majority of the Senate to approve the joint resolution. A treaty acquiring Hawaii required a two thirds vote of the Senate. A bill purporting to acquire Hawaii required a mere majority.
Opposition in the Senate was vigorous. Senators filibustered to block the joint resolution. Some 21,000 Native Hawaiians had signed petitions opposing the annexation treaty. Their petition was presented in the debate on the joint resolution. The majority of the electorate in Hawaii was opposed to becoming part of the United States.
The most important argument against the Joint Resolution was the simple observation that a Joint Resolution has no power to acquire the Hawaiian Islands. The Joint Resolution was not a treaty. Only a treaty could acquire the territorial dominion of another sovereign and independent nation. This point was made repeatedly by a number of Senators. Only two Senators supported the Joint Resolution. One, from Ohio, claimed that the resolution was a treaty-and only needed the ratification of one party—that of the United States. Another Senator from Nevada made the ridiculous claim that the United States could “annex the world.”
On July 6, 1898, the Joint Resolution passed by a majority in the Senate, but did not obtain the two thirds of Senators present as required for a treaty. The President signed the Joint Resolution on July 7th. Ceremonies were held in Hawaii on August 12, 1898 which purported to transfer sovereignty and public property from the Nation of Hawaii to the United States.
Over the past 100 years the United States has relied on three theories as to how the Joint Resolution acquired the Hawaiian Islands. Each theory asserts that the Joint Resolution was in fact a kind of “treaty” by which there is an offer of cession from Hawaii, and later, an acceptance of that offer by the United States.
First, if one looks at the language of the joint resolution, the first two paragraphs were copied from the Treaty of 1897. The joint resolution incorporates the language of the treaty by asserting, in paragraph one that the Nation of Hawaii, “has already ceded to the United States, by the Constitution of the Republic of Hawaii, the sovereignty and public lands of Hawaii.” Thus, Hawaii having offered sovereignty and these lands, the United States need only “accept” such an offer.
Yet, there is no offer of cession by the Republic of Hawaii. The United States, in the Joint Resolution claims that the offer of a cession can be found in the Constitution of the Republic of Hawaii. Yet, the Constitution of Hawaii provides no such “cession.” The Constitution of the Republic of Hawaii simply authorizes the President of the Republic to enter into a draft treaty of a political or commercial nature with the United States. The Republic of Hawaii ceded nothing prior to the enactment of the Joint Resolution. It is the Joint Resolution; in paragraph one that claims Hawaii cedes its dominion to the United States. That Resolution and that language were drafted by the United States.
Second, some have asserted that the Joint Resolution and the Treaty must be read together. These persons argue that the while the United States never ratified by the Treaty of 1897, the Joint Resolution completes that ratification. In other words, by putting the two instruments together a treaty of cession was completed. This “two instruments” claim is easily defeated. Article VII of the Treaty of 1897 requires that the United States specifically ratify the treaty by the terms in the United States constitution---by a vote of two thirds of the Senators present. Instead the United States passed a joint resolution---by a majority of the House and the Senate. The United States itself, by the terms of the Treaty agreed to Article VII. Thus Article VII is binding on the United States. There is only one method by which the United States could ratify the treaty: ratification by the Senate as required by the Constitution.
The third view uses the precedent of Texas as the basis for a treaty between Hawaii and the United States. As in the case of Texas, it is argued that Hawaii became territory of the United States because there was an unwritten treaty between the United States and the Republic of Hawaii. Such an unwritten treaty requires a perfect meeting of the minds. However, the historical record shows that there were vast disagreements between the Republic of Hawaii and the United States. The United States never ratified the Treaty. The Republic of Hawaii was never a party consenting to the Joint Resolution. There were numerous disagreements and objections by the Republic of Hawaii to the Joint Resolution. The historical record does not demonstrate the perfect meeting of minds necessary for such an unwritten treaty. The disagreements between the two nations resulted in confusion. The confusion after 1898 as to whether United States law applied or the law of the Republic remained led to a breakdown in civil society. This led to an “interregnum and a plea to Congress to pass the Organic Act quickly. In conclusion, the Joint Resolution of 1898 30 Stat. 750 had no power to acquire and did not acquire the Hawaiian Islands as territory of the United States.
III. Section Two of the Act of Admission by which the Territory of Hawaii was admitted as a State confirms and thus admits that the State of Hawaii does not include the Hawaiian Islands.
As to this point, this is the testimony on Section Two of the Act of Admission that I presented at a form held at the University of Hawaii School of Law, April 17, 2014 as to “Alternate Visions of Sovereignty.
“I am here tonight to tell you that the United States does admit that it has no legal jurisdiction, no de jure jurisdiction over the Hawaiian Islands. This admission, this admission against de jure sovereignty rests in the most important law passed by the United States as to Hawaii---the Act of Admission. This is the first time you shall hear this: The Act of Admission, by its section two did not acquire the Hawaiian Islands as territory of the State of Hawaii. The proof lies in the act itself, section two of the Act Admission---that purports to define the boundaries of the State of Hawaii says as follows:
Section 2 of the Act of Admission
Section 2. The State of Hawaii shall consist of all the islands, together with their appurtenant reefs and territorial waters, included in the Territory of Hawaii on the date of enactment of this Act, except the atoll known as Palmyra Island, together with its appurtenant reefs and territorial waters, but said State shall not be deemed to include the Midway Islands, Johnston Island, Sand Island (offshore from Johnston Island), or Kingman Reef, together with their appurtenant reefs and territorial waters.
What was admitted in 1959----as territory of the State? There is no mention of the main islands: Oahu, Maui, Hawaii, Lanai, Molokai, or Kauai. The only islands mentioned are those that are to be excluded.
If we study this section carefully, it states that the islands and waters in the new State of Hawaii were the islands included in the Territory of Hawaii. In order to discover what islands were included in the Territory of Hawaii one must look back to 1900 and the Organic Act. There, in section two of that act, Congress defined what was in the Organic Act: We find that the only islands included in the Territory of Hawaii were those islands which the United States acquired from Hawaii by Joint Resolution:
Section Two: Territory of Hawaii. That the islands acquired by the United States of America under an Act of Congress entitled Joint Resolution to provide for annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the United Sates, approved July seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be known as the “Territory of Hawaii.”
Now, as stated earlier the joint resolution did not acquire the Hawaiian Islands as territory of the United States. No nation can, by a mere act of its legislature or parliament, pass a law acquiring the dominion of another sovereign nation. Sovereignty is the absolute legal power of each nation over its own territory. The United States has absolute sovereignty. The Nation of Hawaii has such sovereignty. Neither one can, by its own law, acquire the territory of the other. That is the equality of sovereignty. This is what is missing as we move forward. We have the apology resolution. But that is not enough. That is the overthrow. Yet, we have no explanation as to how Hawaii was acquired. There is no jointly ratified treaty-- the treaty was never ratified by the United States. I say again, the treaty was never ratified by the United States. It is the United States, by the terms of its constitution that could not acquire Hawaii---it didn’t and those who drafted the Organic Act in 1900 and the Act of Statehood in 1959---knew this as well. So, the agents of the United States engaged in deception—writing and passing statutes that appear to acquire the Hawaiian Islands---but did not.
IV. The Plebiscite of June 27, 1959
Despite the evidence showing the United States lacks both de jure and de facto jurisdiction, many have stated that the plebiscite of 1959 reveals that an overwhelming number of the people of the Hawaiian Islands, and Native Hawaiians as well, supported Statehood and United States jurisdiction.
The truth is that the effect of the plebiscite has been misrepresented. While it is true that the first question in the plebiscite did ask if the voter supported statehood, the second question, took away United States jurisdiction. The section question effectively asked the people of Hawaii to approve the new section two of the Admission Act---which excluded the Hawaiian Islands as territory of the United States.
On June 27, 1959, the people of Hawaii were asked to vote in a so-called “plebiscite” as to whether they approved statehood. 94 per cent responded by voting
“yes” as to all three questions. Yet, the plebiscite was required because the Admission Act changed the territorial boundary descriptions as to those proposed by the Proposed Constitution for the State of Hawaii, adopted in the 1949 constitution. Thus, the three questions voted on as of June 27, 1959 were:
1) “Shall Hawaii be admitted immediately into the union as a State?”
2) “Do you approve of the new boundaries of the state as fixed by the statehood bill?”
3) [As described in an article by Fred Bennion of the Honolulu Advertiser] “Question no. 3 is more comprehensive, it requests approval of numerous provisions of the statehood act. The most important of these pertains to disposition of land owned or controlled by the United States.
As to question two, which was critical for the admission of the state, Mr. Bennion stated: “The danger lies in the possibility that the voter having answered the first question in the affirmative, may leave the other two propositions unanswered. A majority vote approving all three is required. One “No” on any of the questions is equivalent to a vote against statehood.”
Mr. Bennion goes on to say about Question Two: “The voter should have no objection to the boundaries. They are practically the same as for the Territory. All eight major islands are included. . . [This last statement is clearly false].”
The approval of the three questions was submitted by the United States to the General Assembly of the United Nations such that the Decolonization Committee of the General Assembly would remove Hawaii from the list of “non self-governing territories.” Efforts are being made by independence groups to have that decision of the United Nations rescinded, Recognition that Question Two was misleading will add strength to that claim.”
VI. Conclusion:
The United States Department of Interior has come to Hawaii basically asking how it can help in establishing a government to government relationship with the Hawaiian people. It can “help” by first acknowledging and admitting certain truths:
First, Hawaii was a state in international law and had a government to government relationship with the United States---as equal states under the law of nations.
Second, the United States enacted congressional legislation that it claimed acquired the Hawaiian Islands as territory of the United States. This is false and the United States has admitted this in two key sections of its laws as to Hawaii: Sections two of the Organic Act and the Act of Admission. Both acts explicitly exclude the Hawaiian Islands from the territory of the United States and the State of Hawaii.
Third, the Department of Interior comes here today to seek advice as to rules that would ignore these truths and supposedly re-establish a government to government relationship with the Native Hawaiian people with Native Hawaiians as a subjugated community, not independent and not equal to the United States.
In essence, the Department of Interior asks us to help them draft rules by which we, as Native Hawaiians go backwards, ignore the existence of the Kingdom of Hawaii, ignore, the failure of the United States to acquire the Hawaiian Islands, ignore the effective occupation of the Hawaiian Islands by the United States, and give them our stamp of approval for what they have done to us over the past 120 years.
Perhaps we were ignorant of the truth for the past 120 years. Perhaps we have forgotten and now only now remember what our kupuna in the Kue petitions fought for and won. Yet, today we have a new generation of scholars and leaders. We have learned of the tricks and the lies, and the misrepresentations. If the future of Hawaii must begin sometime, and someplace, it shall begin here. We are not an Indian tribe, and we don’t want to be “recognized” as one by the United States. Where once we said “yes” “yes” “yes” we now say “no” “no” “ no”---no to federal help, no to federal recognition and no to occupation.
Imua! Aloha Ke Akua!
American Embassy considered in the Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae
The U.S. Government sits, occupies lands which were conveyed to them by those who have no title to lands in the Hawaiian Islands, and illegally occupy lands which houses weapons, etc. contrary to a neutral non-violent nation..............
The U.S./U.S.A. through their President, et. als. supported historical terrorists, Pirates, Parasites, Privateers, Plunderers in the Hawaiian Islands.
The U.S./U.S.A. through their President, et. als. conspired against Queen Liliuokalani, the Alii, subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893.
The U.S./U.S.A. failed to prosecute their historical terrorists, pirates, Parasites, Privateers, Plunderers, and disregards the Laws of Nations.
The following is a repost of an article written in 2012...........the U.S. /U.S.A. through their President, et. als. thru it's agents holds twisted views about truth, etc. through their audacity of perpetuating crimes of the past, which includes filling up the islands with war materials, missiles, underground cities, defenses against all nations including the Hawaiian Kingdom.
The Excavator
A Night Watchman On Guard Against The Vultures of State Terror And Psywar
February 6, 2012
Why Conspiracy Theorists Are Being Rebranded As Domestic Terrorists
Plainly put, the U.S. "counterterrorism official," who is quoted in the New York Times article is a murderer and a liar. He is falsely accusing journalists and human rights activists who investigate U.S. drone killings of helping "Al Qaeda succeed," which he damn well knows is a big lie. It is actually the job of the CIA, which invented Al Qaeda and its mythical face, Osama Bin Laden, to help Al Qaeda succeed.
And the CIA did an outstanding job of helping Al Qaeda succeed in Libya, where Al Qaeda terrorists were brought over from Afghanistan and other battlefields in the illegitimate global war on terror. Those same dirty terrorists were then shipped to Syria by the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies.
If Al-Qaeda is the plague, then the CIA, MI6, and Mossad are the evil doctors who sliced the genes, developed it in the laboratories, and then released it to the world.
If we want America and the world to succeed in the 21st century, then we must put the Al-Qaeda plague back in the CIA-MI6-Mossad laboratories, shut them down, and bring the spy wizards at these government-run terrorist laboratories to justice.
In order to achieve this great political and moral victory for mankind, the world must first drop the term "conspiracy theory" from the public vocabulary. This is a stupid and meaningless term that is only used to smear truth-tellers and brainwash the global public. This act of "language defiance" will transform public thinking about the tragic 9/11 events and the war on terror, and help the Middle East gain peace and security.
Why are conspiracy theorists not listened to by the general public? Because conspiracy theorists are thought criminals. We are guilty of thinking for ourselves and speaking the truth about 9/11, which are inexcusable crimes in the eyes of the totalitarian terrorist states in Washington, London, and Tel Aviv.
But we are doing a lot more than just thinking for ourselves. We are defending the victims of state terrorism and reasserting the truth in public life by showing that the shadow CIA and the shadow Mossad were responsible for the tragic 9/11 events.
For a lot of people, speaking the truth about 9/11 means social, financial, political, and professional suicide. But it can also mean real death at the hands of the state.
What has changed? Why are conspiracy theorists being rebranded as "domestic terrorists." The answer is simple. The war criminals in Washington and Tel Aviv are beginning to fear 9/11 truth-tellers and the great democratic force that we embody.
They want to get rid of us. But our numbers have grown beyond anything they imagined. And they're scared of this new reality. Remember: all tyrants are cowards at heart. Government power is not the only force in society. The truth of history is a force to be reckoned with. It is a force that can send the state terrorists behind 9/11 to the prison yard and the graveyard. And they know it. That is why their knees are shaking and their bloody hands are twitching with terror.
On Friday, February 3, the website Public Intelligence reported that the FBI and the Department of Justice have secretly dispatched propaganda flyers to private businesses across America that say individuals who express opinions about 9/11 that are different from the official version are potential terrorists. Here is an excerpt from Public Intelligence's article called, "Do You Believe in Conspiracy Theories? You May Be a Terrorist":
The FBI's propaganda flyers are part of a larger program by Homeland Security that is designed to put fear in the hearts of citizens, business owners, and critical areas of civil society.
When the war against Iran enters the next gear, the cold war on democratic dissent in America by the FBI, CIA, and Homeland Security will turn hot. Indefinite secret prisons will be activated in the United States to deal with dissidents, mass protests, and popular uprisings.
Protesters and activists will be demonized as "domestic terrorists" by the state-run media and shot in the head with bullets by the police and military.
So expect propaganda and violence against reformers and revolutionaries by the savage planetary terrorists in Washington. Expect them to release hell. Expect them to dish out pain and death with bigsmiles hanging on their crooked lips.
Purpose: Excavate Truths, Educate Minds, And Above All Energize Spirits Frequently Asked Question: Can I Reprint Your Articles? Answer: Yes You Can. And Thank You.
Fiat justitia ruat caelum
"At long last, however, I feel that I have come to some understanding of why man is the most fortunate of living things and, consequently, deserving of all admiration; of what may be the condition in the hierarchy of beings assigned to him, which draws upon him the envy, not of the brutes alone, but of the astral beings and of the very intelligences which dwell beyond the confines of the world. A thing surpassing belief and smiting the soul with wonder. Still, how could it be otherwise? For it is on this ground that man is, with complete justice, considered and called a great miracle and a being worthy of all admiration." - Giovanni Pico della Mirandola: Oration on the Dignity of Man.
"Power is going to defend you against the enemy. If you don't believe in the enemy then you don't believe in the power." - Arthur Miller.
"There are two parts to the human dilemma. One is the belief that the end justifies the means. That push-button philosophy, that deliberate deafness to suffering, has become the monster in the war machine. The other is the betrayal of the human spirit: the assertion of dogma that closes the mind, and turns a nation, a civilization, into a regiment of ghosts--obedient ghosts or tortured ghosts." - Jacob Bronowski.
"Most creatures take the world outside as they find it and instinctively become partners with the environment. Man is the one creature who can alter himself and his surroundings, as the geologist John Hodgdon Bradley has wisely observed, yet he is perhaps the most seriously maladjusted of all living creatures.
He is the one creature who is able to accumulate verifiable knowledge about himself and his environment, and yet he is the one who is habitually deluded. No other animal produces verbal monsters in his head and projects them on the world outside his head. Language is apparently a sword which cuts both ways. With its help man can conquer the unknown; with it he can grievously wound himself." - Stuart Chase: The Tyranny of Words; pg. 13-14.
"A lie may achieve victory when truth is afraid of its own strength." - Albert Camus: Camus at Combat; pg. 38.
"Anyone who has the slightest understanding of how cultures work knows that defining a culture, saying what it is for members of the culture, is always a major, and even in undemocratic societies, a democratic contest. There are canonical authorities to be selected and regularly revised, debated, re-selected, or dismissed. There are ideas of good and evil, belonging or not belonging (the same and the different), hierarchies of value to be specified, discussed, re-discussed, and settled or not, as the case may be. Moreover, each culture defines its enemies, what stands beyond it and threatens it. For the Greeks beginning with Herodotus, anyone who did not speak Greek was automatically a barbarian, an Other to be despised and fought against. An excellent recent book by the French classicist Francois Hartog, The Mirror of Herodotus, shows how deliberately and painstakingly Herodotus sets about constructing an image of a barbarian Other in the case of the Scythians, more even than in the case of the Persians.” - Edward Said: The Clash of Definitions.
"The powers that be not only try to control events, but they try to control our memory and understanding of these events, which is part of controlling the events themselves." - Michael Parenti.
"We live now in an era where normal values have been displaced. The good is called bad, the bad - good." - Anna Politkovskaya.
"The struggle of freedom against tyranny is the struggle of memory against forgetting." - Milan Kundera.
"All the power and policy of man cannot continue a system long after its truth has ceased to be acknowledged, or an establishment long after it has ceased to contribute to utility. It is equally vain, as to expect to preserve a tree, whose roots are cut away. It may look as green and flourishing as before for a short time, but its sentence is passed, its principle of life is gone, and death is already within it." - Anna Letitia Barbauld: Selected Poetry & Prose; pg. 275-276.
"If there is no free conversation human aggression accumulates. A man who listens only to his radio or is caught by the hypnotism of the movies must discharge his aggression somewhere else. But the civilizing sublimation of conversation does not reach him, so he cannot get rid of his aggression.
People have learned to be silent listeners. Dictatorship asks only for silent citizens. If man cannot redeem himself of his everyday tensions through words, the archaic primitive demands within him grow more and more awake. The world falls prey to his accumulated obsessions, and in the end collective madness breaks through. Let us talk now, so that we do not become mad animals!" - Dutch-American psychoanalyst Joost A. M. Meerloo: Conversation and Communication. From the book, "The Human Dialogue: Perspectives on Communication," edited by Floyd W. Matson and Ashley Montagu. Pg. 146.
"Man is a peeping, prying discoverer of secrets." - Joost A. M. Meerloo.
"People have learned to be silent listeners. Dictatorship asks only for silent citizens." - Joost A. M. Meerloo: Conversation and Communication.
"The assault upon the rationality and responsibility of man is as old, at least, as Mephistopheles." - Floyd W. Matson: The Folklore of Mass Persuasion. From, "The Human Dialogue: Perspectives on Communication," edited by Floyd W. Matson and Ashley Montagu. Pg. 371.
"We have got to defeat this attack on the freedom of the mind...But it takes courage for a young man with a family to stand up to it; all the more obligation on those of us who have nothing left to lose. At any age it is better to be a dead lion than a living dog – though better still, of course, to be a living and victorious lion – but it is easier to run the risk of being killed (or fired) in action if before long you are going to be dead anyway. This freedom seems to me the chief consolation of old age." - Elmer Davis: Grandeur and the Miseries of Old Age.
"And you, chiefs and governors of the people! before dragging the masses into the quarrels resulting from your diverse opinions, let the reasons for and against your views be given. Let us establish one solemn controversy, one public scrutiny of truth -- not before the tribunal of a corruptible individual, or of a prejudiced party, but in the grand forum of mankind -- guarded by all their information and all their interests. Let the natural sense of the whole human race be our arbiter and judge." - C. F. Volney: The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature.
"We are living through times where evil has manifested itself with an almost revelation-like obtrusiveness and power. We have learned to understand the medieval legends about monks who, being vouchsafed a glimpse into hell, would never smile or speak again. The apocalyptic beast let loose has become a reality to our generation, and nobody knows what is still ahead of us." – R. J. Zwi Werblowsky:Lucifer and Prometheus: A Study of Milton’s Satan.
"The sons of Adam are limbs of each other,
Having been created of one essence.
When the calamity of time affects one limb
The other limbs cannot remain at rest.
If thou hast no sympathy for the troubles of others
Thou art unworthy to be called by the name of a human." - Saadi.
"Oh Zeus Universal, if you hear our song,
Show us again your immortal power
In this darkest hour." - Sophocles: Oedipus the King.
Truth Excavator
TruthExcavator Obama's Osama Deception Proves Reality Has A Conspiracy… #Obama#Osama #WarOnTerror#September11 6 hours ago · reply ·retweet · favorite
TruthExcavator Obama to Grandstand Over Boogie Man Osama's #Obama#Osama 9 hours ago · reply ·retweet · favorite
TruthExcavator Blue Sky Black Death - And Stars,… 9 hours ago ·reply · retweet · favorite
TruthExcavator Occupy Bilderberg 2012… #Bilderberg #Occupy#OWS 10 hours ago · reply ·retweet · favorite
The U.S. /U.S.A. through its President, et. als. sits, occupies lands which were conveyed to them by those who have no title as documented in the research of land transactions in the Hawaiian Islands.
The land laws in place for the Hawaiian Kingdom is that foreigners cannot own alodio/ano alodial titles.
Therefore, the U.S./U.S.A. through its current President, et. als. remain illegal, occupy Private properties/ lands of the Royal Families, Kanaka Maoli and houses weapons, etc. contrary to a neutral non-violent nation.
The manner that the U.S./U.S.A. through its President, et. als. failed/fails to prosecute their pirates, privateers since 1898 and supports their Pirates, Privateers who have no titles to any lands in the Hawaiian Kingdom.
The U.S./U.S.A. perseveres their wrongful, criminal moves by promoting yet another illegal government set up to document Kanaka Maoli as Indians under their system.
All of these moves are illegal set ups against Queen Liliuokalani's families, her subjects descendants/heirs because the issues of stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation, genocide continue.
All of the contracts in obtaining signatures from Kanaka Maoli are null and void due to the nature of War Crimes, etc. against a neutral, non violent nation whose Royal Families existed in 1893 and their descendants/heirs existing today.
The U.S./U.S.A. right to operate in the Hawaiian Islands as an American Consulate with limitations is hereby recognized and documented by the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, one of the Sovereign's descendants/heirs, one of the Sovereign's Successors family members descendants/heirs.
The U.S./U.S.A. is not authorized to obtain taxes from a neutral, non-violent nation.
The U.S./U.S.A. Treaty of 1849 and other nations permanent Treaty(ies) are the only legal operating Treaties in the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago.
The U.S./U.S.A. Formation of any government calling itself the U.S./U.S.A. outside the contiguous United States is basically illegal and only an Embassy of the U.S./U.S.A., other nations after Treaties would be possible.
Dated: June 22, 2014, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Kingdom
Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
Search Results
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk - Blogger
Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Keep for the Records with ...
Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth
premeditationsAmelia Gora | Facebook
premeditationsHawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2010-1800 Opposition to ...
federal reserve bankers, et. als. to be arrested, prosecuted ...
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk | Just another ...
The others who Deeded, Made Agreement, etc. included the following:
John Ii Estates Ltd.
Dowsett Co. Ltd.
Alfred Carter, etal.
WG Irwin
Honolulu Plantation Co.
Pearl Harbor, Navy Reservation - Plan
JW Kahai Etals by Judge
Elizabeth Schaefer etals by Judge
Elizabeth Schaefer etals by Judge
Cheong Afong etals by Judge
Thomas H. Hobron Est of Tr. et. als.
DH Hitchcock and wife by Atty
Lucy Peabody, et. als.
Well folks, Oppositions to Annexation was made by Queen Liliuokalani in 1897 - see Kue Petition, etc. or read the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web at for more information.
The Apology/Admission of Crimes by the U.S. in Public Law 103-150 - which was not accepted by the Royal Families documented
What All Kanaka Maoli and All Nations Need to Know.......... Bishop & Co. Trs. to the United States of America Dated 3/271906 Liber 231 Page 305 Date of Record April 21, 1902 - land Ford Island, Oahu
Decree of Court - B.P. Bishop Estate of to United States of America Dated 12/23/1901 Liber 2135 page 268 Date of Record - June 28, 1902 Description of land: In re condemnation proceedings of premises, Pearl Harbor, Oahu
Note: Bernice Pauahi Bishop was Not the 'last of the Kamehameha's'. The Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates aka's have No Titles to lands, any lands in the Hawaiian Islands. The Trustees are genocide activists......Issues Ongoing. Additionally, they support Wars by financing the Goldman and Sachs Wall Street Bankers.........Issues Ongoing.
Dirty Money, Dirty Politics and Bishop Estate
Stealing the Legacy of an Hawaiian Princess
Kamehameha III's Descendants/Heirs Exists..........Including ...
The Treaty(ies) Supersedes State Laws --or Kamehameha III's ...
Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli's Descendants Exists ...
Legal Notice January 13, 2014 – Public Announcement ...
Diary: Lanai Island Has Owners: Kamehameha's ...
good film; however, Professor Chang did not identify the ...
Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : PIRATES AND ...
Amelia Gora - Hawaiian Kingdom exists............... | Facebook
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Legal Notice (short version ...
No transactions listed till 1900-1903:
Deed Oahu Railway & Land Co. to the United States of America Date: 12/6/1901 Liber 231 page 75 Date of Record: 12/13/1901 Description: 635 acres Name of Land: Halawa District/Island: Oahu
Oahu Railway & Land Co., etc. was Not related to our families/the Royal Families/Kanaka Maoli.
December 1, 1975
The OR&L was founded by Benjamin Dillingham, a self-made businessman who arrived in Honolulu as a sailor in 1865. After falling from his horse and breaking his leg while riding in the countryside, Dillingham was forced to stay in Hawaii and recuperate. He decided to make the island kingdom his home. Dillingham had a great deal of business acumen and soon became quite wealthy and influential in the early Honolulu community.
Among his development ideas, he conceived in the 1870s of the arid ʻEwa Plain as an excellent location for human settlement. However, there were two problems: a lack of water and, more significantly, a lack of transportation. A trip from Honolulu to the ʻEwa by horse-drawn wagon was an all-day affair. The key was to build a railroad.
Around the time Dillingham was dreaming of his railroad, another businessman, James Campbell successfully dug ʻEwa's first artesian well in 1879, effectively solving the water problem. Campbell, who had purchased 40,000 acres (16,200 ha) ofʻEwa land thought he might start a cattle ranch, but quickly realized that ʻEwa's rich volcanic soil (which overlays a massive ancient coral reef) combined with year-round sunshine and a supply of water was ideal for growing sugar cane. Within a couple of years sugar plantations were sprouting up in this southwestern part of Oahu. The need for transportation between the harbor and ʻEwa was becoming essential.
Note: Notice how the U.S. Navy became the eventual beneficiaries of the lands claimed by Oahu Railway & Land Co.
The Oahu Railway & Land Co. did not have title to the 6535 acres of land in Halawa, Oahu. The lands were assigned to Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa.
Descendants/Heirs of both Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa, existed then and their descendants/heirs exists today and have title.
The claims to lands in the Hawaiian Islands by non kanaka maoli are frauds, criminal claims.
Rents, Leases are due/overdue or all on these lands need to leave because of tresspassing issues. And.... No Treaty, No Law, No Land