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 Legal Notice

from amelia gora <>
Web Japan <>,,,
date Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 8:04 AM
subject Fw: [HawaiianKingdomLawGroup] Legal Notice No. 2010 - 01580

hide details AM" alt="Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 8:04 AM"">8:04 AM (10 minutes ago)  



Greetings Military Personnel, et. als.,

For your information.........Eviction Notice documented date December 2010 for the U.S. military in Schofield, Makua, Pohakuloa, etc. sent.

Depleted Uranium and all hazardous materials are not o.k. on our families Private Properties.

The entity State of Hawaii, City and Counties, U.S., England, and the bankers (Morgan and International banks) fails to take care of their own people, and all in the Hawaiian Islands and move to exterminate our good people, the true owners who look at you as wicked, and trespassing on Private Properties.

The U.S. has broken the Friendship Treaty with the Hawaiian Kingdom, and have breached the Law of Nations since the dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani.

Premeditation to assume our Hawaiian Islands are documented in history.

The U.S., military continues to lie about Depleted Uranium to all in the World.  The scientists show proof that Depleted Uranium is indeed hazardous to everyone's health.

Cease and Desist on the use of all military weapons in our Hawaiian Islands, on our families private properties.

Leuren Moret Exposes the Military DU" /"> 2:38 | 2 years ago | 3,477 views
9:51 | 4 months ago | 92 views

9:51 Moret 3/3" /"> 8:12 | 4 months ago | 55 views Cease and Desist immediately.

Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Hawaiian Kingdom  

--- On Sun, 8/29/10, amy <> wrote:

From: amy <>
Subject: [HawaiianKingdomLawGroup] Legal Notice No. 2010 - 01580
Date: Sunday, August 29, 2010, 8:34 AM


U.S. President Obama
entity State of Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle
entity OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs
entity Royal Order of Kamehameha
entity Ahahui Kaahumanu Society
entity Hale o Na Alii
other entities claiming to have alii or standing in our Hawaiian Society, etc.

Royal bloodlines, true bloodlines of Kamehameha, Kamehameha III, Kahekili, Kaumualii, et. als. exist. True landowners including the Crown Land owners exists.........the true trustees of Queen Liliuokalani's trust, etc. exists with stories of genocide, etc.

The entity State of Hawaii FAILS to protect the lives, safety, health of the people - kanaka maoli/aboriginal Hawaiians, their U.S. citizens, foreigners, visitors..........therefore are inept and truly illegal even under their own Constitution..........

The true bloods are here, and the signers of the "covenant " with the military has no standing and oppositions have been documented by the true bloods.......not the phoney oldies who are NOT alii claiming to sign something that they nothing about.......they are and remain ignorant to the facts and are NOT related to our Royal families.... and they have no authorization to work with the belligerent occupiers to bomb the hell out of of Hawaiian Islands, with the intent to exterminate our good peoples.

OHA is a significant lame ass entity created which utilizes the title "Hawaiian" for any one born in the islands which is a misrepresentation of the true bloods, the true land owners, etc. They are Hawaiians betraying everyone who live, eat, drink off of our Islands..........they are conspirators or co-conspirators against all humankind in our Hawaiian Islands.....and claim to represent our people when they are just an entity created by the belligerent occupier giving "color of law" to their criminal entity that cannot exist due to the premeditation of assuming our Hawaiian Kingdom, our Queen, and support those who defended the international lawbreakers, foreigners (U.S. , England, and the bankers) who did break Permanent Friendship Treaties, and the Laws of Nations ......

They are a mockery to nations who claim Peace..........they do not belong here, are not authorized to use any kind of weapons, toxins, etc. and are in the business of extermination campaign against our good people.

The entity State of Hawaii, OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, City and Counties merely support their moves to kill off all of our good people in the, they are not fit to have any kind of government here and legally, morally, can be usurped by their own citizens, etc. The countering moves by their citizens, et. als. includes human rights violations, terror activities, genocide, etc. can also be piggy-backed on claims with our Hawaiian/ aboriginal Hawaiians/kanaka maoli as well. Tourists, all other innocents claims will also be added with the intent to document the U.S. as a terrorist nation along with the Sandanistas, etc. who have taken their case to the World Court and have documented that U.S. is indeed a terrorist nation.

Yes, OHA is in deep kim chee..........Amaral, Apoliona, et. als. have not protected the lives, safety, health of our people in the Hawaiian Islands and will be listed on the genocide activities list, along with all the participants of the illegal document "Covenant/covenant" created by the belligerent occupiers.

Once again, these are the documents showing Premeditation to assume our Hawaiian Islands, Pearl Harbor, our government, our Queen via the following which was found by Shane Lee, a researcher:"/>

The U.S., along with England, and the bankers owes the Hawaiian Kingdom, and our Royal families 500 Trillion dollars per year in gold coins retroactive to 1893....This is also a notice of debt due.


Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, Hawaiian Genealogy Society Representatives, Hawaiian Kingdom

cc: interested others
Legal Notice
Important Notice:  The entity State of Hawaii - First Circuit Court has removed the aged indexes from the shelves and without notice/forwarning are charging researcher $5 per name search in the indexes.  The lame excuse is that they have only one set, due to costs have not made copies of the indexes and will eventually scan the indexes for the public.  Meanwhile, they are charging the public, not only kanaka maoli but EVERYONE $5 per name!...did talk with the Supervisor Okita and she couldn't fully answer why they kept files that were nearly or more than a hundred years old and really should be at the Archives, which includes Queen Liliuokalani's Probate! Queen Liliuokalani died in 1917.  She claimed that the Court was not covered under the Sunshine Law and were the Court of Record......did inform her that many of the documents were records of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and these are issues of Genocide.  They have failed to properly inform the Public, failed to have hearings on the matters etc.  I have also recently heard that the Bureau of Conveyances will also be closing down the research room and having their clerks hand out the books.  The books of the 1800's thru 1893 belongs to the Hawaiian Kingdom, and Not the documented criminal deviants, usurpers, Pirates, Pirate Nation sitting upon our Neutral, Non Violent, Friendly Nation, Identity Thieves, Conspirators, Racketeers, etc.

Please pass the information on and call the Governors Office, document your complaint with your government/Hawaiian Kingdom(s) etc. (there are 40+ organizations, governments) or even OHA /Office of Hawaiian Affairs for those insisting on being U.S. citizens, because the above affects ALL in the Hawaiian Islands.

Alternately, you're welcome to send your opposition to so that it could be documented for active genocide issues against neutral, non violent, friendly subjects of a neutral, friendly nation, and respecting /speaking in behalf of other citizens in the Hawaiian Islands as well.

This letter is documented as Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2010-3000 Genocide Activities Files at the Honolulu Police Department - by Amelia Gora, a Royal person, one of Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, Kahekili's, Kaumualii's, Nuuanu's, Akahi's, Mataio Kekuanaoa's, Queen Liliuokalani's, et. als. descendants, et. als.; one of the Representatives of the Hawaiian Genealogy Society, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Royal Families House of Nobles (Hulu Manu descendant)



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