Oracle's Ellis to Buy, Invest in Hawaii's Lanai Island

  • Amelia Gora
    As one of the true land owners of Lanai, etc. Just letting everyone know that Lanai Island is NOT FOR SALE! read for more information... aloha, Amelia Gora p.s. the Legal Notice has been posted to President Obama, Hillary Clinton, et. als.
  • David Hillemann ·  Top Commenter
    Why all the jealousy from these people? The worked hard and smart. Good for him. American households saw their net worth drop by nearly 40% over the last three years. Not due to the "1%", but due to the BO administration. Every single one of us had the same opportunities to be as financially successful as Larry, but since most are not, they blame the 1% for their own short comings. How about taking responsibility for your own actions and your own success or failure?
    • Kenneth J Fleming ·  Top Commenter · Adrian College
      Great post, David.
    • Thomas Twyford ·  Top Commenter
      David you ever heard of the Great Recession. How about the economic and financial collapse of 9/15/2008. Both before Obama was elected. Shoot a hole in the economy and your in for a long haul out. Outsourcing, business streamlining, the internet, just in time manufacturing, record numbers of students furthering their skills, retraining. You can argue Obama hasn't done enough or whatever that's valid. But before Obama was elected the country was in ruin. Unemployment went up 60% under bush, housing fell 50% in some areas', the stock market fell 60% and the national debt not only rose 5 trillion under bush, it was projected to be zero by late 2008 when clinton handed over the keys. Yet it stood at 11 trillion. An 11 Trillion dollar turn around. Please give credit where it's due. The truth is I have some faith in Obama. I like his social reforms and Health care reform. I have zero, -0, faith the GOP congress or a GOP president will do anything.
    • Steve Sawyer ·  Top Commenter
      Thomas Twyford ...

      Alan Krueger, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers: "The economy lost jobs for 25 straight months beginning in February 2008, and over 8 million jobs were lost as a result of the Great Recession."

      The democrats took control of Congress in January, 2007. One year later, jobs are tanking...

      Average Monthly Unemployment Rate, 2001 - 2006 (Republican Congress): 5.29%
      Average Monthly Unemployment Rate, 2007 - 2011 (democratic Congress): 7.63%

      During the 96 months that Bush was in office, the Unemployment Rate NEVER rose above 6.30% until the 93rd month. That was 7 years, 9 months of Unemployment BELOW 6.40%!!

      The Unemployment Rate rose above 6.30%, for the first time during Bush, in October, 2008.

      That was a nice try, though...
  • Larry Mergen ·  Top Commenter · Electronics Institute- Kansas City, Missouri
    I think if I had the money I would do something just like that. Would be nice.
  • Rudolph Schmidt ·  Top Commenter · San Francisco, California
    The 1% get to buy islands while the 99% struggle to pay for their own homes.
    • Larry Mergen ·  Top Commenter · Electronics Institute- Kansas City, Missouri
      If you can't afford a home you shouldn't buy it, Extremely simple problem.
    • Johnny Horton
      Laura Bradley-Seaquest - so you are saying the corporations that are struggling, although accepting public bailouts, should close shop and dissolve into something smaller and more manageable?? 
      please do speak on behalf of the Americans whose tax money is being used to support these zombie enterprises.
    • Riad A. Shaalan
      Laura Bradley-Seaquest Wow. Reverse psychology at it's best.
  • J Noel Wagner ·  Top Commenter
    Must be that most 99% er's are so stupid, or ignorant, or lazy, or envious, or jealous, or they just hope the liberals will let them have some air to breathe every now and then. Get off your duffs and raise yourself up, you won't get handed anything to make it worthwhile. If you are counting on the liberals to give you a lift, you will be real old before you smarten up. It ain't going to happen! How many of these poor folks are hiring today? You ever work for someone you consider poorer than you are? Get real man, and quit touting the liberal line. All the liberals are losers too, but a bunch of them are still devious enough to know how to cheat and steal and move themselves into the 1% er's. They just pretend they are not.
  • Glenn D. Porter · University of Hawaii
    I have been to Lanai. It is a lovely place, friends have homes there, the question is who would buy if from Ellison. It has limited access to fresh water and can only support a small poplulation. It was excellent for growing Pineapple but has limited ability to be developed and subdivided. If so Castle and Cook who develops land on Oahu would have done so all ready. If you like Pheasant the birds feed on Pineapple and make a great sweet meat.
  • Jwtx Whitten ·  Top Commenter
    These way over paid Zealots VIP'S that is why Americans have been put out of their jobs ! They are arrogant sob's. Americans we have to stop them from being paid 27 millions dollars a year and even higher than that. No one deserves to paid like that. That is why all of the out sourcing too. God All Mighty Wake Up America !
    • Karl Jay ·  ·  Top Commenter · Washington, District of Columbia
      "noone deserves to be paid like that"... you do know free enterprise, capitalism.. and how you can make unlimited success, with luck/hardwork/etc... this is the way we have the best innovators in the world. If we made it a socialist state with a cap on earnings, well... we might as well move to China. Oh wait.. they have joined us as a capitalist society now too. Ok, maybe move to Cuba? wait.. they are opening things up again... hhmm... North Korea for u

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