The following post was made by J. Kehaulani Kauanui in regards to the SB1520 and theAkaka Bill:

The stolen sovereignty of Hawaii's indigenous people

The 'Akaka bill' is a US colonial device to ratify the robbery of the Kanaka Maoli people's rights in the 1893 coup. We do not assent

  • Hawaii Obama first nation
    Hawaii's most famous son: Barack Obama in Honolulu, where he scattered his mother's ashes in 2008. On 6 July 2011, Hawaii's governor is signing into law controversial legislation conferring First Nation status on Hawaii's indigenous peoples. Photograph: AP Photo/Alex Brandon

    On Wednesday 6 July 2011 at 2pm HST, Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie will sign SB1520 – a scam built to undercut the restoration of the Hawaiian Nation under international law – into law. This recently passed state legislation by the name of the "First Nation Government Bill" will authorise a process for the creation of a "Native Hawaiian governing entity". Adding insult to great injury, this disgrace will take place at Washington Place in Honolulu, the residence of former Hawaiian monarch, Queen Lili'uokalani, who was overthrown by a US-backed coup in 1893.

    This legislation is the state version of federal legislation, which had been repeatedly proposed and defeated in U.S Congress throughout the last decade, known as the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganisation Act, and dubbed "the Akaka bill" (named after Democratic US Senator Daniel Akaka). The Akaka bill, and the new state version of it, was pushed by a powerful Hawaiian organisation, the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, and two key Hawaii state agencies, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. It is supposed to represent self-determination for Native Hawaiians, but nothing could be further from the truth.

    From the start, Hawaii's congressional delegation attempted to ram through the bill despite massive opposition to it among the Kanaka Maoli (indigenous Hawaiian) people whom it affects first and foremost. The delegation held just one five-day hearing, back in 2000, on the bill since its inception, and only on the single island of O'ahu. Although there was overwhelming opposition to the bill, the delegation reported quite the opposite to Congress. The federal version of the legislation proposed that the US government recognise a "Native Hawaiian governing entity" that was to be certified by the US Department of the Interior in conformity with US federal law and practice regarding Native American tribal nations.

    For independence activists who advocate for the restoration of a Hawaiian nation under international law, the entire bill was a farce since the historical harm the United States first committed in Hawai'i in 1893 – by backing an illegal coup – brought down not a Native Hawaiian governing entity, but the Hawaiian Kingdom government, an independent state comprising Kanaka Maoli and non-indigenous subjects. Consequently, the Kanaka Maoli people and other descendants of Hawaiian Kingdom citizens have, since that time, accumulated fundamental political and other claims against the United States under international law. These the United States must recognise rather than hope to dispel via the enactment of state-driven proposals.

    While the state version does not authorise a "nation to nation" relationship between the US federal government and a Native Hawaiian governing entity, the First Nation government legislation (like the federal version) is a bogus trap. The new law sets up a commission to produce a "Native Hawaiian roll", where Kanaka Maoli sign on to take part in the formation of the First Nation within the state process – the first time there would be any documented evidence of acquiescence to the US government or its subsidiaries.

    Protesters will be there today to protest the supposed surrender of the Hawaiian Nation to the United States of America, as the trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and other state agents take position to transition into the new First Nation. Those Kanaka Maoli and other Hawaiian nationals will be holding signs with declarations such as "Hell no, we won't enroll" – punctuated by "and neither would the Queen".

                                            TAKING A STEP BACK --- FOCUSING ON WHAT IS IS
                                                                                          by Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of
                                                                                          Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles
Let's take a step back and review all that has occurred recently.
The U.S. supporting their criminal American deviants, the Provisional government, turned Republic, turned Territory, turned State has been pulling the wool over the eyes of all people in the Hawaiian Islands and the World over time.
see New York Times January 9, 1893 article "PEARL HARBOR COALING STATION - Imperative Necessity that the UNITED STATES TAKE POSSESSION." the last paragraph gave instructions to not mention troops, which left the BOSTON warship with gatling guns and armed men.  The criminal dethronement occurred on January 17, 1893 see
In actuality, the U.S. Presidents and Congress did Premeditate the criminal assumption of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation which was and continues to be part of the Pacific Empire made up of Aetearoa (New Zealand grabbed by England in 1893), and the Samoan Islands (grabbed by France, and Germany in 1893).
Outside of the legal 3-12 miles contiguous borders from the U.S., the Hawaiian archipelago/ Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian islands is well out of this range; therefore, the U.S. cannot legally assume a separate nation under the Law of Nations/ International Laws.
The term "Hawaii" has been used with the implication that it was something new.....replacing the old.
The terms used by the fictitious entity Provisional government turned Territory turned Republic turned State of Hawaii with documented oppositions and under the label of "State of Hawaii" is not the same as the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago.
Also note that the U.S. uses various names UNITED STATES, United States, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, United States of America, America, etc.



A Think Tank has been maneuvering over time to assume lands, assets, of a neutral nation, with the continued move to lie to citizens in "Hawaii", the Hawaiian Kingdom/the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago and all nations in the World over time.




Oppositions were made through Queen Liliuokalani's documents, Oppositions by families, supporters of Queen Liliuokalani over time.


Setting Up the Akaka Bill through SB1520

Oppositions to the Akaka Bill are maintained, Oppositions to SB1520 have been maintained, copies served to the entity State of Hawaii, U.S. President Obama, etc.

Know that the terminology "Hawaii" was used by the U.S. since criminally dethroning our Queen in 1893, and the terminology "Hawaii" was the term suggested by England.

Therefore, the proper words that we as a Nation continue to use are Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago and NOT just the simple word "Hawaii".
Do you see what I see?  A Whole Set of NEW TERMINOLOGIES Made by PIRATES ON THE HIGH SEAS/PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC/PARASITES OF THE PACIFIC for Ahupuaa/Hawaiian archipelago, etc:

Notice how the criminal/pirate entity(ies) promotes the dubious label all renamed:
  1. National Monuments in Hawaii | Travel Tips - › ... › National Monuments - Cached 
    Known for its warm weather and beaches, Hawaii has been a tourist hot spot for decades. But the state is also home to war monuments, forests and historical ...
  2. Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument - Wikipedia, the free ...ānaumokuākea_Marine_National_Monu... - CachedSimilar
    The monument also includes the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge (590991.50 acres (2391.7 km2)) and Battle of Midway National Memorial, the Hawaii State ...
  3. Category:National Monuments in Hawaii - Wikipedia, the free ... - CachedSimilar
    Pages in category "National Monuments in Hawaii". This category contains ...
  4. Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument - CachedSimilar
    Jul 28, 2010 – State of Hawaii seal · Facebook · Mano Honu Diver Monk Seal. Eel. Latest Monument News. 06/13/11 NOAA Releases its Final Policy on ...
  5. Hawaii - National Park Service

    Hawaii. Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. Updating Results. List View ... Diamond Head State Monument was upgraded to accommodate a dramatic increase in park ...
  6. World War II Valor in the Pacific (U.S. National Park Service)

    Apr 20, 2011 – The national memorial commemorates the site where World War ...
  7. Vast Hawaii Sea Area Now a National Monument : NPR

    Jun 15, 2006 – A vast chain of remote Hawaiian islands, teeming with endangered sea life, has become the nation's newest national monument -- and the ...




The Criminal Deviants/Genocide Activists/PIRATES ON THE HIGH SEAS/PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC/PARASITES IN PARADISE have slowly been using their own terminologies for our Hawaiian Sites, lands, etc. by SUBSTITUTING language that they have created including the term "Hawaii".


The continuum of our Hawaiian government remains, which supercede all of their new terms used, and denying all of their terms used for our Private Properties, Crown Lands, Konohiki lands, and Hawaiian Government lands.


Utilizing the Premeditation documents (found by researcher Shane Lee), the facts that Queen Liliuokalani and her subjects were under duress, stress, coercion, and usurpation - nulls and voids all, Queen Liliuokalani's real opposition letter was discovered/ found by Kiliwehi, the fact that the bloodlines/ families exists, the fact that there was no Annexation, reminding everyone that Royal persons are not subject to the laws COUNTERS all......we will continue to use the ORIGINAL TERMS of our Hawaiian Nation, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian Kingdom.

Cease and Desist documents generated for the PIRATES ON THE HIGH SEAS/PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC/PARASITES IN PARADISE, Active Genocide Activists, continues, and is hereby documented for the public record, for All Kanaka Maoli/Subjects/Hawaiian Nationals/Foreigners and All citizens in our Hawaiian Kingdom.
This is also posted for the purpose of all Nations who have Treaties with Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/ Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago.

Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

2 years ago 4,201 views



Websites/Links for Hawaiian Nationals ...........researchers:  Amelia Gora, Shane Lee, Kiliwehi Kekumano, Francis Keoua Gora, and unnamed others (2011)

Kamehameha III's First Laws found at the Mission Houses Archives, behind Kawaiahao Church
Premeditation to Assume Pearl Harbor Coaling Station/the Hawaiian Islands - a Standing Order by Congress Eight (8) days BEFORE DETHRONING QUEEN LILIUOKALANI in 1893: 
Page 1:
Page 2:
President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani
Genealogies 1867 (first part)
Genealogies 1867 (second part)
Genealogies 1867 (third and last part)
Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano:
Annexation Opposition (page 2)
Annexation Opposition (page 3)
Annexation Opposition (page 4)
The Hawaiian Disgrace
Shameful Conspiracy
Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920

IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web see hawaiian genealogy society and


You need to be a member of maoliworld to add comments!

Email me when people reply –


  • Kamehameha descendant under Duress, Coercion, Stress, and Usurpation by Belligerent Occupiers!




    Kamehameha descendant under duress, coercion, stress, and usurpation.....


    Watch this video...............genocide activities ongoing...........






    Replies to This Discussion


    as for the "" Keanu Sai........... I don't know about that.


    There are three (3) parts to a Hawaiian Government:


    (1)  Permanent:  Sovereign part  - descendants/heirs exist including Mike Lee (including myself and others)


    (2)  Permanent:  House of Nobles part - descendants/heirs exist (including myself and others)


    (3) Voted in part:  House of Representatives



    a reminder........................and to let you folks know that there are more than 40+ Hawaiian Kingdom's/ Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago.





    Find more artists like Hawaiian Nation at Myspace Music


    hi Everyone,


    Have been reviewing the situations of the Hawaiian Governments ----


    The permanent parts, of course, remains in the Sovereigns & The House of Nobles permanent branches, and then those moving for independence follows:


    1)  Keanu Sai

    Dr. David Keanu Sai
    Chairman of the Council of Regency
    Acting Minister of the Interior

    Acting Council of Regency
    P.O. Box 2194
    Honolulu, H.I. 96805-2194



    2) Ko Hawaii Pae Aina - Aran Ardaiz et. al.

    Aloha Mark:




    Mark, I am hopefully your friend, not your enemy.  Please excuse me Mark, but I find your language to be a bit unacceptable and publicly showing your frustration, anger and prejudice is not the answer.


    I do not believe I have met you, but your questions regarding APEC and “…native hawaiian people…” demands a response in truth.  Before dealing with APEC, Hawaiians have to look at themselves to find where their rights are.  If you do not know where your rights are, you have already lost.  The Monarchy and Kingdom did not look at color of skin or blood quantum as justification for citizenship… they looked at whether or not you were a Hawaiian “national” born to the aina (One born with the boundaries of a Country called Ko Hawaii Pae Aina) or one acceptable for Hawaiian citizenship, from whatever country.  Hawaii was a “neutral country” and a refuge for those fleeing bondage or slavery from other countries.  That is a fact affirming that Ko Hawaii Pae Aina did not discriminate on account of race, color or blood quantum.


    First of all, under U.S. law and STATE OF HAWAII Statutes, “native Hawaiians” are considered aboriginals without birth rights, they being possessions of the U.S. Government because the U.S. Congress (1920 Homestead Act for Hawaii) created that term and “citizenship status” which is outside of Kingdom law and right.  Secondly, the term and citizenship “status” as “U.S. citizens” (which many Hawaiians in ignorance claim to be) is also a creation of the U.S. Congress for Emancipated Black Slaves under the 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.  If Hawaiians want to be U.S. “citizens” and “Taxpayers” (the government Office held by “U.S. citizens” as designated by the U.S. Congress), i.e. being fiction Officials of Government, they automatically lose because they are owned and controlled by the corporate structure that created their title and fictitious, lesser citizenship “status” (a Capitis Diminutio entity).


    Let me be much clearer.  When an individual child is born, it has birth rights.  Those rights under Hawaiian Kingdom law are the same as under United States law and include the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.  Under that properly spelled birth name (NOT THE ALL CAPITALIZED NAME or one NAME CAPITALIZED) the rights that belong to that child are many, some being: right to vote, right to assemble, right to worship, right to travel, right to Habeas corpus, right to a Trial by Jury (common-law), right to a Jury of Peers (by People who know your character and of equal status in the area), right to bear arms, etc.  The STATE OF HAWAII has always discriminated against Hawaiian “Nationals” and has denied them the right to vote in any of their elections.  They only permit their own government creations the right to vote…. Check the fine print in the Registration to Vote Form.  Hawaiians do not have right in the de facto STATE OF HAWAII or U.S. systems, even on their own aina.  That is why they lose all their court cases; it comes down to citizenship and jurisdiction.


    The ALL CAPITALIZED NAME, or one name BEING CAPITALIZED, changes the lawful citizenship status of the individual claiming that fictitious and corporate government created name.  The ALL CAPITALIZED NAME, or one name BEING CAPITALIZED, represents a corporate person OWNED BY THE U.S. Government, NOT BY YOU!  Your birth name is in the proper English-language written and printed in the same manner as your signature (Your “Seal”).  Unfortunately, when individuals honor the fiction name, they waive their birth rights by “implied consent”, creating what is considered to be an “implied contract” on the basis of ignorance (lack of knowledge of the law).  Remember, the courts and attorneys will always tell you, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse!”   Unfortunately, the educational system (controlled by the STATE OF HAWAII and U.S. Government), courts and attorneys hide this truth from the common-folk and populace for their own benefit for power, prestige and monetary gain.  This is a deliberate abuse of the educational and justice systems by politicians in power who know the truth.


    SOLUTION:  Hawaiians need to come home!  They need to apply for proper name citizenship documents under their own laws which are still and always have been alive.  Once Hawaiians come home to their own birth names and birth rights on their own land, they have power of their own laws against those that do evil things on their aina.   


    I have had the pleasure of helping win several court cases in behalf of Hawaiian “Nationals” (not “native Hawaiians” or “U.S. citizens” of Hawaiian ethnic citizenship “status”).  Three of those cases are: STATE OF HAWAII Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) being DLNR Case No. MA-09-03, and U.S. District Court for the Honolulu District, Miscellaneous Filing No. MC 09 00270 JMS/BMK, a case dealing with Hawaiian “nationals” and Hawaiian cultural rights;  STATE OF HAWAII 1st Circuit Court Case No. CR. 10-0779 / CIVIL No. 10-1-1207-06, of Hawaiian “national” charged with “attempted murder”;  and most recently on June 17, 2011, in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Hawaii District, Case No. 10-01188 (Chapter 7) wherein the court and a U.S. Trustee in bankruptcy were trying to steal Hawaiian “Crown Patent land” held in trust under Konohiki rights while court, et al, supported fraudulent Hawaiian land claim placing aina into bankruptcy court not owned by the bankrupt party, Waiehu Aina, LLC, on the Island of Maui, a criminal act.


                    What I am trying to say, is that Hawaiians do have rights, but only under their lawful, properly spelled (in upper and lower case letters) birth name and Hawaiian National laws.   Hawaiians, after filing a Declaration re-claiming their birthrights with the following government, as permitted by the U.S. Congress created 1959 Statehood Act for Hawaii, Section 19, can obtain Hawaiian “National” Identification Cards.  If Hawaiians want to identify themselves as Hawaiians, they cannot use foreign I.D. cards or documents, but those issued by Ke Aupuni o Hawaii, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, H.I., re-activated by law under the Supreme Court for the Hawaiian Islands which was re-activated in 1996.


    I am attaching the forms (4 sets) for Hawaiians who desire to claim their own birth rights back by declaration and rightful claim as Hawaiian “nationals” born to the aina under the de jure laws of this Hawaiian National Government.  Should you have questions, please write to:


                                                                                    Ke Aupuni o Hawaii

                                                                                    Ko Hawaii Pae Aina

                                                                                    General delivery (Box 62107)

                                                                                    Manoa Station, Island of Oahu

                                                                                    Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, H.I.


    As time permits, response will be made by the proper Official under lawful Hawaiian Kingdom National Government oath of Office.



    With all due respect and with Aloha,


    In Christ Jesus,


    Aran Alton Ardaiz



    From: mark 
    Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:23 AM
    Subject: why is it...???


    with all this big talk about APEC and all. why is it that the 100% native hawaiian people of ni'ihau have not had input into the process? i have noticed that the 100% Hawaii blood quantum folks (those who are actually almost black in skin color) have not had ANY representation in any of this statehood vs sovereignty, questionably. why are the almost "hapa all-white folks" excluding the almost "all-black people"? get mad if ya want to...but before you do ./..answer my questions! i want a KING and Queen. i want them to look like The Great King and The Great Queen! i don't trust white people or any that want to be white. fuck dis shit! it's time somebody said something about the hypocrisy of blood quantum and how everybody wanna just dodge the question. when the native hawaiians of ni'ihau came to the convention center last summer. they were totally ignored by the "activists"!! i saw outward signs of racism. i hate that shit! tell me what we gonna do about restoring the full-blooded, then i will go to prison a happy man, protesting and demanding like a true brother of the cause. viva la freedom!!!


    3) Interim Provisional Government - Dennis Ragsdale


    This is our Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago posting which is on the Whitehouse website (no one else is there right now---checked before ---correct me if I'm wrong):
    OpEdNews - Diary: Can You Guess Who's On the Whitehouse Website ...
    Diary: Kingdom of Hawaii Exists.....evidence is shown at the website etc. aloha.
    Kingdom of Hawaii on the Whitehouse Website.....only our ...
    Can You Guess Who's On the Whitehouse Website? More Reasons Why We Should Merge....aloha. Posted by Amelia Gora on August 7, 2011 at 1:04am OHA/Office o…
    Note and personal bias:  As posted previously, we, the descendants of Kamehameha, House of Nobles permanent members are the only ones posted on the whitehouse website............we represent some of the descendants/ heirs of both Kamehameha and the House of Nobles.
    Three parts to the Hawaiian Government is necessary and ideally the combination of Keanu Sai, Aran Ardaiz, Dennis Ragsdale, et. als. would be totally awesome.
    Cousin Alex Luka with Henry Noa would be awesome too but they are for nation within a nation.  Cousin Kelii from Ka Lahui remain connected to OHA the occupier's "government" who funds travel monies, grants, etc. 


    then there's nation within a nation:


    1) OHA - Office of Hawaiian Affairs who gives out free t-shirts for can the occupier/oppressor form a government to operate under them.....wicked.


    2)  Ka Lahui - once loud, many support OHA today........


    3)  The Reinstated Hawaiian government -


    1. Prime Minister Henry Noa Lawful Hawaiian Government ...


    play_c.gif 19, 2011 - 4 min - Uploaded by KingdomHawaii
    This is part 1 of a series being cut from a forty minute interview of Prime Minister Henry Noa. This one is his announcement of the upcoming ...
    There are many other "Kingdom's" but know that the Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom, etc. is the ideal/appropriate matter that affects all today.
    Just updating information ------


    and posting this just because it's cute:


    Mike off of Facebook:  What do you call a black dog wagging its tail?

    Happy meal.

    Please spay or neuter your pets! This is a tragic example of an in-bread dog! (Please Share - rather than tag yourself, thanks!)
    This is NOT my Dog, nor have I ever said it was...





    Have a good weekend!



  • More Examples of dubious changes of our Hawaiian language/words utilized now:


    "Ua Mau Ke Ea o Ka Aina I Ka Pono"


    this recent version:  "Ua Mau Keia o Ka Aina I Ka Pono"


    Explanation:  Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III's version, the original version shows the words Ke Ea or the Independence, Sovereignty




    the entity State of Hawaii:  Keia meaning this and not as complex or correct Ke Ea noted above.


    Another example -


    The place on Oahu known as "Waimanalo" (any name with the word Wai - waters means a gift of life with other descriptions)




    The recent version "Nalo" (what the hell---a place called the FLIES? lol)


    Explanation:  Many of the younger people are being taught to call the Waimanalo "Nalo" an updated version, when in actuality, the purpose is to subtly rename ancient places a new renamed name by the PIRATES/criminal deviants recently. 


    Yet another example is Waikiki




    Wai - supposedly an updated term used for Waikiki.  Again, many of the younger people are being taught to call the Waikiki "Wai" an updated version, when in actuality, the purpose is to subtly rename ancient places a new renamed name by the PIRATES/criminal deviants recently.




    We have much to teach, reinforce, remind our younger folk as well as others to utilize the proper terminology, because it remains our responsibility to remind our families, friends of the subtle changes utilized by criminal deviants/PIRATES to create a mindset which aids their attempts to assume all..........criminal deviants versus our ancient 3,000+ year old Societies lands, resources, culture, LANGUAGE, etc.


    Contributions made by researchers Maka, Glenn, and myself.


    Remember that Queen Liliuokalani, our tutus,  and we continue to be surrounded by criminal deviants/ steadfast


    Steadfast - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...


    Definition of STEADFAST. 1. a : firmly fixed in place : immovable b : not subject to change <the steadfast doctrine of original sin — Ellen Glasgow> ...

    or the term used in  Queen Kapiolani's motto "Kulia I ka Nuu"  versus a changed/updated version utilized by Kapiolani Community College and the Honolulu office of the Internal Revenue Service (my former employer)  version with the okina's ("Kulia I ka Nu'u") which is a subtle change made by the criminal deviants/PIRATES, which changes the original words..........maintain and recognize deception, notice and utilize the original, the real version always.........


    Documenting Truth because


    Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME)  WICKED TO THE MAX!




    eyes 068

    Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

    Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

    2 years ago 4,201 views



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