Dwight Would Be Good In The House!

I have been putting some thought into how my campaign for a House seat in the Re- instated Hawaiian Government would look. Why would someone vote for me ? The planks in my platform are my stands on issues.

The fun part is that a plank can either turn a voter "on" or turn a voter "off".

Here goes !

Plank #1:

Let's set up a brand spanking new legal team !

Plank #2:

Let's set up currency exchange offices on each island !

Plank #3:

Let's fill the Office of King NOW !

Plank #4:

I will work for "The Inouye Foreign Aid Initiative" !!

Plank #5:

Let's initiate a National Policy for the liberation the Society Islands from France !

Plank #6:

Let's reinstate our National powers through a Satyagraha along the lines of the Samoan "Mau a Pule" !

Plank #7:

Let me elaborate:

#1: Let's set up a brand spanking- new legal team ! Fresh thinking might open new vistas. We need to run greater risks. Our National powers do not seem to be growing. Joseph Nawahi would see our apparent destiny as running lei stands out of the U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs.

#2: Let's set up currency exchange offices on each island ! Our Nationals will carry Samoan currency. We do NOT do business with the Occupier's blood- stained money; we use clean money. Samoan money is a statement of alliance. Our last king envisioned a naval alliance with Apia. We will attain Independence just like the Samoan Nation.

#3: Let's fill the Office of King NOW ! Have you noticed that there is the sound of a clock ticking in the background of our re- instatement efforts ? Every morning when the sun rises re- instatement seems a little more far- fetched. Our not having a monarch is crippling. Justice calls for a successor to Our Beloved Queen Lili'uokalani. National powers, not civil rights, must be our top priority. How can National powers be integral and whole without a monarch in that Palace ? President Grover Cleveland proclaimed and ordered that Justice called for the re- instatement of Our Queen to her Palace.

Justice does NOT call for Hawaiians to agitate for greater civil rights. Justice does NOT call for Hawaiians to reform their goverment and seek better government. Justice calls for one act only: Put their monarch back in that Palace. The justice of "rights" and the justice of "reforms" come later and secondarily. The primary movement is the restoration of National Power in the person of Our Monarch in Our Palace. Let the contest for King begin NOW because Justice cannot wait. Can Hawaiians accept a mere mortal King ? Or must Hawaiians wait for a Messiah ? To wait for a Messiah is to deny Justice ! Justice requires that a Monarch resides in that Palace whose shit stinks. Can Hawaiians face that reality ?

#4: I will work for "The Inouye Foreign Aid Initiative" !! Aloha means that The Hawaiian Kingdom will give Foreign Aid. I back the showering of economic aid on the entire Pacific Coast of the United States of America with the Military Bases and Battle Groups that Dan Inouye have brought home to Hawaii Nei. All those kanakas and wahines that feel that they need the tremendous economic benefits of Inouye's pork can just pack up and travel with the Battle Groups to San Diego Naval Station, Point Loma, and the like. The Governors of Washington State, Oregon, and California are facing incredible economic hardship. I will work in the Kingdom's House of Representatives to bring them immediate economic relief !

#5: Let's initiate a National Policy for the liberation the Society Islands from France ! I, Dwight de Armas, will work for a Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific like King David Kalakaua did in 1886. Our Reinstated Kingdom will not tolerate the use of Polynesians and Melanesians as guinea pigs by either France or the United States of America. We are not blackbirds !

#6: Let's reinstate our National powers through a Satyagraha along the lines of the Samoan "Mau a Pule" ! Gandhi said that there is a weapon more powerful than a nuclear submarine and the Samoans got it. I will work in the House to see that the Kanaka Maoli acquire and use this weapon: Satyagraha (Mau).

Here's a Biographical Sketch:

-- Dwight de Armas

-- born New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A. June 25, 1946

-- segregated "colored"

-- Roman Catholic, segregated

-- My mama took me to Los Angeles when I was 12 .

-- Jesuit educated in L.A. at Loyola

-- arrived in Kapa'a in 1971

-- worked Beachboy Hotel then Holsum Breadman under Harold Carvalho

-- drove Yamaguchi school bus in Anahola

-- lived Hilo, Kailua- Kona, Haleiwa, and Waianae

-- A.S. Architectural Drafting Honolulu Community College 1987

-- renounced United States citizenship Waianae District Court over Makua Valley evictions

-- renounced United States citizenship October 31, 2009 with Kane Pa at Anne Knudsen Park

I , Dwight de Armas, ha'aha'a present myself as a candidate for a House seat in the Reinstated Hawaiian Government. Please, vote for me. Mahalo nui loa.

Long Live the Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomai

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