Do-Or-Die Time For AKaKa BILL

Do-or-die time for Akaka Bill

 HST, Jul 08, 2010

Congressional passage of the Hawaiian sovereignty bill has become possible with yesterday's dropping of controversial alterations of the legislation that were made in December. Those changes had cost the support of Gov. Linda Lingle and possibly crucial bipartisan support of any kind. Sen. Daniel Akaka and the rest of Hawaii's congressional delegation have prudently agreed to eliminate the objectionable changes, and Lingle is back on board favoring enactment.

"Now is the time to act," Sen. Daniel Inouye wrote in a Fourth of July column in Sunday's Star-Advertiser, "even if it may require compromise to, at long last, adopt a measure that begins the process of self-determination" of native Hawaiians.

The altered bill, approved by the House in February, would have recognized the Hawaiian governing council as "an Indian tribe." Much of what that entailed was "unsuited for the state of Hawaii" and "will certainly engender new disputes over the status of much of the land in Hawaii," objected Hawaii Attorney General Mark Bennett.

For example, Indian laws rather than state or federal statutes typically govern Indian reservations. Hawaii has no similar land bases. Lingle, expressing opposition to the altered bill to all Senate Republicans, had asserted that the bill would set the native Hawaiian governing entity and the state "on a jurisdictional collision course" that would result in costly litigation and "remedial legislation" by Congress.

Inouye expressed concern about the changes when he became aware of them. He said they were "totally unexpected" and he was "very surprised" that the revisions were not shared with the Lingle administration. Akaka rejected holding hearings in Hawaii on the changes, as we urged.

Two attorneys close to Inouye, Akaka and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs discussed possible amendments recently with Bennett aimed at restoring Lingle's support. Bennett told the Star-Advertiser's Derrick DePledge that the administration would support the bill "if the language that we discussed were put in the bill."

The Senate fell four votes short of the 60 needed to overcome a filibuster in 2006, but that was when Republicans were in control. Democratic senators now number 58, but Lingle's opposition could have resulted in defeat. Furthermore, Republicans are expected to regain seats in the November election.

Time is running out. The Senate will be in recess much of August and will be busy with spending bills in September. Senators will be consumed with campaigns after that. Clearly, the best opportunity to take a vote is this month, as Akaka has been advised, leaving time for the House to approve the improved bill.

For the long-delayed and so-close Akaka Bill, survival demanded this compromise. Given the shifting political winds, it's do-or-die time.



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  • I encourage all to write to the Congress people to vote NO to this insidious Manifest Destiny Bill. All Hawaii national citizens, subjects to the Kingdom of Hawai'i, still exist since the nation is in rem since the U.S. invasion and belligerent occupation. We descendants of bona fide subjects of the kingdom still hold our citizenship. Roughly 16% of the subjects were non-kanaka maoli who were ever-loyal to the Queen and her government and signed the Ku'e Petitions. Therefore, all nationals did not relinquish their citizenship to the Kingdom of Hawai'i.

    Complying to the U.S. and the elite Hawaiians that will benefit under the belligerent occupation is criminal and not for the benefit of the Kingdom's citizenry. I've already made up my mind not to comply and participate in this disingenuous bill if it passes and I will always fight them about it. I will not recognize the usurping governing entity that the U.S. wants to replace the Hawaiian Kingdom with and use for it's own elite purposes.

    If it should pass and then you realize the folly, let me be the first to say, "I told you so!" This bill is full of contradictions; even Houdini can't escape from knowing the truth. Why remain stateless when you still have your country taken over by hostile occupiers? The U.S. shame and dishonor will never be erased with or without the Akaka Bill. The only solution is for the U.S. to de-occupy our country and our nation's restoration to the status it maintains.

  • Oddly enough, since I'm using Pono's computer, I've been barred from entering my comment. Here is what I respond to one of the questions and remarks:

    The Ku'e Petitions weren't concealed as it was brushed aside. It was useful along with the memorial and the Queen's protest; for the U.S. congress rejected the treaty of annexation. To circumvent this, the U.S. congress at the urging of President McKinley, did an unlawful act by passing their internal Newland's resolution. Till today, there is no treaty of annexation. The U.S. is continuously violating the law of occupation and the law of neutrality.

    The song Kaulana Na Pua reinforces the objection of annexation and many of us have known this since the invasion, fake revolution, and U.S. belligerent occupation. Thus you forget who controls the media within the U.S. and who revised the history plus what is taught in the schools.

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