Yep............the man was a Doctor...DOCTOR OSAMA BIN LADIN.................vs. the Undereducated including OBAMA, et. als.
NOW let's Watch to see who's using his Death to BANKROLL OFF OF...........
The following is a new article by
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Osama bin Laden's Useful Death
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In a propaganda piece reeking of US Triumphalism, two alleged journalists, Adam Goldman and Chris Brummitt, of the Associated Press or, rather, of the White House Ministry of Truth, write, or copy off a White House or CIA press release that "Osama bin Laden, the terror mastermind killed by Navy SEALs in an intense firefight, was hunted down based on information first gleaned years ago (emphasis added) from detainees at secret CIA prison sites in Eastern Europe, officials disclosed Monday."
How many Americans will notice that the first paragraph of the "report" justifies CIA prisons and torture? Without secret prisons and torture "the terror mastermind" would still be running free, despite having died from renal failure in 2001.
How many Americans will have the wits to wonder why the "terror mastermind" -- who defeated not merely the CIA and the FBI, but all 16 US intelligence agencies along with Israel's Mossad and the intelligence services of NATO, who defeated NORAD, the National Security Council, the Pentagon and Joint Chiefs of Staff, the US Air Force, and Air Traffic Control, who caused security procedures to fail four times in US airports in one hour on the same day, who caused the state-of-the-art Pentagon air defenses to fail, and who managed to fly three airliners into three buildings with pilots who did not know how to fly -- has not pulled off any other attack in almost ten years? Do Americans really believe that a government's security system that can so totally fail when confronted with a few Saudi Arabians with box cutters can renew itself to perfection overnight?
How many Americans will notice the resurrection of the long missing bin Laden as "terror mastermind" after his displacement by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the Guantanamo prisoner who confessed to being the "mastermind of 9/11" after being water-boarded 183 times?
Americans are too busy celebrating to think, a capability that seems to have been taken out of their education.
Americans are so enthralled over the death of bin Laden that they do not wonder why information gleamed years ago would take so long to locate a person who was allegedly living in a million-dollar building equipped with all the latest communication equipment next to the Pakistani Military Academy. Allegedly, the "most wanted criminal" was not moving from hide-out to hide-out in desolate mountains, but ensconced in luxury quarters in broad daylight. Nevertheless, despite his obvious location, it took the CIA years to find him after claiming to have gained information of his whereabouts out of captives in secret prisons. This is the image of the CIA as the new Keystone Cops.
In an immediate follow-up to the announcement that the Navy SEALs and CIA mercenaries acted in an exemplary fashion following the rules of engagement while a cowardly bin Laden hid behind a woman shield when the gunfire erupted, we have from the pressitutes that "U.S. officials conceded the risk of renewed attack. The terrorists almost certainly will attempt to avenge bin Laden's death, CIA Director Leon Panetta wrote in a memo. . . . Within a few hours, the Department of Homeland Security warned that bin Laden's death was likely to provide motivation for attacks from "homegrown violent extremists'."
John Brennan, White House counter-terrorism adviser, told reporters that "it was inconceivable that the terrorist fugitive didn't have support in Pakistan where his hideout had been custom built six years ago in a city with a heavy military presence."
So the claimed murder of bin Laden by the US in a sovereign foreign country with which the US is not at war, a crime under international law, has set up three more self-serving possibilities:
Terrorists will avenge bin Laden's death, says the CIA, setting up another false flag attack to keep the profits flowing into the military/security complex and the power flowing into the unaccountable CIA. Homeland Security can extend the domestic police state, abuse of travelers, and arrests of war protestors. And Pakistan is under the gun of invasion and takeover (for India, of course) for shielding bin Laden.
The Israel Lobby's representatives in the US Congress quickly fell in with the agenda. Senator Carl Levin, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, declared that the Pakistani Army and intelligence agency "have a lot of questions to answer, given the location, the length of time and the apparent fact that this was actually -- this facility was actually build for bin Laden, and its closeness to the central location of the Pakistani army."
The two reporters question nothing in the government's propaganda. Instead, the reporters join in the celebration. Nevertheless they let slip that "officials were weighing the release of at least one photo taken of bin Laden's body as part of what Brennan called an effort to make sure "nobody has any basis to try and deny the death.'"
As the Guardian and European newspapers have revealed, the photo of the dead bin Laden is a fake. As the alleged body has been dumped into the ocean, nothing remains but the word of the US government, which lied about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and al Qaeda connections, about yellowcake, about Iranian nukes, and, according to thousands of experts, about 9/11. Suddenly the government is telling us the truth about bin Laden's death? If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I'll let you have for a good price.
My initial interpretation of the faked bin Laden death was that Obama needed closure of the Afghan war and occupation in order to deal with the US budget deficit. Subsequent statements from Obama regime officials suggest that the agenda might be to give Americans a piece of war victory in order to boost their lagging enthusiasm. The military/security complex will become richer and more powerful, and Americans will be rewarded with vicarious pleasure in victory over enemies.
Let us look at Hawaiian National Pilipo's take on all of this:
Gluts for Glory
1:54 PM (5 hours ago)
But glutton Americans cheered in glory while they ignore the true reason for they have been indoctrinated to the "show me the evidence" society where the evidence is destroyed or altered, designed to supplement and reinforce, not truth, just history. Yet, these cheering Americans don't even recognize the irony of it even when they shop for groceries or go to the gas pump.
There's an abundant amount of evidence, yet the LIES AND PROPAGANDA continues.......
It just may be that the Americans are being played.....sheep or lemmings, you decide..............aloha. (click on each of pictures below)
This is the case of David versus Goliath. The Spartacus-syndrome where the little man defies the bully. The U.S. bully must demonize the resisters who refuse to succumb to the evil, war-mongering United States of America who hides behind the false shield of freedom and democracy.
Unbeknownst to many, the U.S. was begotten from a WASP theocracy underlying its democratic declaration which still holds sway in America today. This is a contradiction of the U.S. constitution's fist Amendment which declares that Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion..., whic means a government religion. It would be restrictive and forbidden to establish an official government religion.
This was one f the original experimentaions of the newly designed United States of America's democracy and freedoms. American vigilantism and lynch-mob style of resolution has been frowned upon and true justice with a right to trial had been encouraged. Today it has been taking a back-seat to real justice and the utilization of a double-standard dissing all religions save the modified christian heretic society and racial profiling and demonizing of non-christian religions.
Who was Behind the Assasination of Bin Laden & President William McKinley ?
Both Bin Laden and Mckinley illegaly and violently invaded foreign nations and both of them were
assasinated by the same group of people during their time in history. Bin Laden invaded the USA during the year 2000
and President Mckinley invaded Hawaii during 1897. Who were the master minds behind both assasinations ?
The corporate elites ! The oil corporate cartel did Bin Laden in and James Pulitzer and William Hurst, the news media
cartel, did Mckinley in.
A very wise Kahuna from Aleamai once said;
" no man is exempt from the law of cause and effect ,
sooner or later your time will come "
Eric Po'ohina
po box 744
kailua hi 96734
ph# 348-7550
Did Osama Bin Laden Win the "War on Terror"?
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We now have conflicting accounts of Osama bin Laden's death at the hands of a U.S. special forces team in a tony Pakistani suburb this week.
President Obama, in his address to the nation Sunday night, painted a picture of a perfectly clean, morally unambiguous operation: he said the U.S. was prepared to take the terror leader alive, but a major firefight ensued and, after trying to use his wife as a human shield, bin Laden went down with guns blazing.
The White House “revised” several key details of the raid in the following days. Bin Laden wasn't armed after all (he still “resisted,” officials say, although it's unclear how one resists a heavily armed special forces team without a weapon), and he didn't use a human shield. One official told CNN that there were no armed guards at the compound, another told Reuters that the Navy Seals team had been ordered to kill rather than capture bin Laden and NBC news reported that nobody fired a shot at the SEALs. Bin Laden's daughter, who was present during the raid, said that U.S. forces first captured their quarry alive and then executed him.
We don't know what happened that night. But we should at least acknowledge that there were any number of reasons why dumping bin Laden's corpse in the ocean would have been seen as far less problematic than taking him alive. What, exactly, would they have done with him? The International Criminal Court can only consider cases committed after 2001, and trying him in a domestic court with its evidentiary procedures was never an option. He could have been tried by military commission, but that process hasn't been widely accepted as legitimate.
On the margins, there has been some debate about the morality – and legality -- of such a “kill team” operation, but most Americans, understandably, couldn't care less. Even if we did assassinate him, so what? Bin Laden was a mass murderer, the bastard got his just rewards, and the U.S. government proved it could still accomplish a major national goal. The country got closure for the attacks of 9/11, and perhaps could now begin to wind down its “war on terror.”
That discussion has overlooked an important question, however. Setting aside the moral and legal implications, and our visceral, emotional satisfaction at seeing an outlaw shot down, would the decision to kill rather than capture him have been in the best interests of the U.S. and the international fight against terrorism?
I would argue that it would not have been – that, in fact, the reverse would hold true. Osama bin Laden is widely seen to have become a figurehead without direct operational command of the organization he founded. His importance, at this point in time, was largely symbolic. He served as an inspiration for extremists around the globe. Had he a choice in the matter, I have no doubt that he would have wanted nothing more than to die in a hail of gunfire by foreign troops in a predominantly Muslim country, a martyr to his cause, rather than rot away in a military prison, aging poorly and providing living proof that the world's most prominent terrorist – a figure who had been elevated to an existential threat – was ultimately impotent in the face of the world's greatest super-power.
Martyrdom has always been a powerful inspiration for others. I certainly don't blame Americans for rejoicing in the news of bin Laden's death, but we may have given him the exact ending he would have wanted, and, in doing so, we may have inspired others to follow his path to a “glorious” expiration.
This, again, is entirely speculative so long as the details of the raid remain obscure. But it mirrors another argument that is not so: that Osama bin Laden's attacks provoked the U.S. into a disastrous over-reaction – drawing it into an unwinnable and often hellish ground-war in Afghanistan and ultimately costing us thousands of American lives, trillions of dollars in national wealth, an enormous amount of international prestige and, more importantly, influence over global affairs.
That argument was ably sketched out this week by Ezra Klein of the Washington Post, based on an interview he conducted with Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, the Director of the Center for the Study of Terrorist Radicalization at the neoconservative Foundation for Defense of Democracies. As Klein put it, Gartenstein-Ross thinks bin Laden “had a strategy that we never bothered to understand, and thus that we never bothered to defend against.” His goal was not some fantasy about establishing a worldwide caliphate or imposing “Sharia law” on Greenwich Village; having seen the Soviet Union decline in large part by bankrupting itself in an arms race with the U.S., with a huge assist from the Mujahadeen fighting them in Afghanistan, his objective was to wage economic war against the United States by drawing it into a similar conflict.
Writing in Foreign Policy, Gartenstein-Ross noted that “the Soviet Union didn't just withdraw from Afghanistan in ignominious defeat, but the Soviet empire itself collapsed soon thereafter, in late 1991.”
“The campaign [against the Soviets] taught bin Laden a lot,” wrote Klein:
Did it work? Well, that depends on how you look at it. The U.S. economy is far more resilient than the Soviet economy of the 1980s, and we haven't gone anywhere, so in that sense it did not. But prior to the attacks, the Congressional Budget Office projected that we'd see budget surpluses throughout the decade. We face a large deficit now, in large part, because of Bush's decision to declare a “war” on terrorism – and to wage conventional wars against Afghanistan and Iraq – and then pass the first war-time tax cuts in the history of the Republic.
I would take the analysis a step further. The decision to go to “war” against a tactic also brought with it significant restrictions on our civil liberties; no longer could we credibly claim to be a beacon of freedom that the world ought to emulate.
Finally, we have to consider some geopolitics. University of Chicago scholar Robert Pape, one of the world's foremost experts on suicide terrorism, argues that all such acts have a common goal: to induce Democracies to withdrawal from lands they occupy (either directly or by proxy). The decision to declare “war” on terrorism – and a couple of nation-states – led directly to the death and displacement of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, as well as the scandals surrounding Abu Ghraib, the CIA's secret detention facilities, extraordinary renditions, Guantanamo Bay, and all the rest. And all of those things resulted in a very significant decline in the United States' global prestige, and our ability to influence global events.
Since its founding, al Qaeda has had two big, fat targets aside from the United States: the Saudi and Egyptian governments. Ten years after 9/11, the regime of Hosni Mubarak is gone, and last week, the Wall Street Journal reported ($$) that Israeli officials were “urging Washington to make it clear that the U.S. would intervene in Saudi Arabia should the survival of that government be threatened.” It would be a mistake to link the so-called “Arab Spring” directly to the decline of American influence in the Middle East, but it would be equally shortsighted to dismiss it as a contributing factor.
Perhaps this argument gives bin Laden too much credit. But terrorism is ultimately a tactic used by marginal extremist groups against far more powerful enemies. Bin Laden couldn't have known that we'd invade Iraq, but the idea that the United States under George W. Bush would react to acts of terror with acts of war against at least Afghanistan was not terribly difficult to predict. And the ruinous results of that reaction are apparent. We're still around, and it's likely that we have now killed or captured every single human being who was operationally involved in the attacks of 9/11, so perhaps it was a draw. But a superpower spending trillions to fight with a handful of terrorists to a draw may have been the best outcome for which bin Laden realistically could have hoped.
This is important to understand for one reason. As Daveed Gartenstein-Ross noted, “bin Laden's strategic ideas for beating a superpower... have permeated his organization, and are widely shared by al Qaeda's affiliates.” Osama bin Laden may be dead, but his ideology remains, and we continue to hemorrhage blood and treasure in a futile conflict into which the “terror mastermind” may well have drawn us. It's time that we stop doing what international terrorists want us to do.
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May 17, 2011
Two days ago, we reported on an interview by Samaa TV (News Beat With Fareeha Idrees) of an "eyewitness" to the "Osama bin Laden" assassination.
In short, Mohammad Bashir, a neighbor, claims that one helicopter arrived and dropped off 10 or 12 persons on the roof of "Osama's" house. About 20 minutes later, three helicopters came. The one that had dropped off the Pashtun speakers exploded. Two other helicopters came, but did not land. The neighbors went into the house, looked around, the army arrived about 20 minutes later. He questions how Bin Laden could have been taken, since the only helicopter that landed exploded.
We do not have the resources to verify Mohammad Bashir's account.
Today, we obtained the following translation of Mohammad Bashir's interview from Veterans Today:
Anchor: Welcome back, Mohammad Bashir is a resident of Abboottabads Bilal Town. Muhammad Bashir might seem an ordinary guy but he is no ordinary guy. Muhammad Bashir lives in front of Osama Ben Ladens house in Bilal Town Abbottabad. On 2nd of May, Muhammad Bashir was present on his rooftop from where he saw the whole American operation against Osama Ben Laden with his own eyes. Yesterday when our team was present In Bilal Town, Abbottabad, near Osama Ben Ladens hose, Muhammad Bashir came to us and said, Sister, I need to tell you something, something that is a burden on my heart and soul, just listen to what he said.
Bashir: I am going to share something about the Abbottabad operation which till this day nobody else has told you.
Anchor: But Muhammad Bashir was a little afraid too, while talking to me he telephoned hia reletive, Vice President of Jummat-e-Islami, Abdur Razzaq Abasi, watch it
Reporter: Tell me your name and tell me whare do you live
Bashir: Let me first, Let me talk to him one minute, i will give you full interview, full or half?
Reporter: Full Full
Bashir: Let me first talk to him
Reporter: To whom? To Abbasi?
Bashir: yes, to Abbasi
Anchor: Muhammad Bashir told us something that no one said before. So we checked his identity card, we also confirmed that he really lives there, we asked from the senior fellows about him. We were very astonished by his story just see and listen what he said.
Bashir: We were awake, not asleep, a helicopter came, some men came down from that, into that house, then that helicopter went away
Reporter: How many men?
Bashir: 10-12, then that helicopter took rounds of those rear hills, then he came back and when he came bach, two more helicopters arrived, one from the west and other from the north, there was a blast in the first helicopter and it was on fire, we immediately came out, when we reached there, the helicopter was burning, then after about 20 minutes the army and police arrived, they pushed us back, now we are asking that if oama was here then who took him to america because all those men that came in the helicopter died in the blast, now if Osama was in that helicopter he must have died and got burnt in that helicopter too, then how they took him? this is a question of serious concern. America claims they they killed him and picked him up. How they picked him up? This is what we are thinking
Reporter: Was there only one helicopter?
Bashir? Yes the other that came flew away to Mansehra, there was only one that landed the men and came back to pick them but as he was picking them up, it blew away and caught fire.
Reporter: Then were in it when it blew?
Bashir: Yes They were.
Reporter : How you know?
Bashir: We saw it with our own eyes
Reporter: You saw dead man?
Bashir: Yes, dead men,
Reporter: How many?
Bashir: I couldnt count them because then the compound was on fire. The gate was open, we went in, the army and police hadnt arrived then, there were some people but they werent stopping them. The whole neighborhood has seen that but they are silent now.
Bashir: We saw the helicopter burning, we saw the dead bodies, then everything was removed and now there is nothing
Reporter: How many dead bodies you saw?
Bashir: We couldnt count them because they were blown into pieces.
The reporter asked Bashir to narrate the story again.
Bashir said we could see the faces of those men but they were speaking pashto. I dont know whether they were Pakistani or American army or people of agencies, as you know that agency people can speak many languages.
May be they were speaking Pashto so that we consider them Pakistani.
They knocked and banged at our doors and told us not to come out.
I laid down on my rooftop and was watching them.
My kids were calling me, I told them to go to their rooms and let me check whats going on.
The reporter asks Bashir, that when he saw that the helicopter was American what was he thinking then?
Bashir said that he got afraid. He didnt had in his mind that they will attack that house. He thought that they might have come to attack the Pakistan Army.
The reporter asked so when was your cousin Shamraiz taken away?
Bashir: Shamrez was at our home, as the helicopter exploded, me and many others went out of our homes to see what happened. Shamrez also came out and the gate of the compound was open, we went in, every thing was lying scattered, as it is a huge compound, some body parts were lying here, some there, legs, arms, heads, broken and torn body parts, during that time some part of the helicopter inside, may be the engine or other fuel related part had an explosion so we rushed out. During that time Shamrez was taken away, he is in his home now, but no one is allowed to meet him and i couldnt get a chance to talk to him later.
Then the anchor says that they had vegetations inside the compound and Shamrez was their gardener. We know that two men Arshad and Tariq used to live there. They had good relations with the neighbours, they used to buy things from the local store. Sometimes imported dates and used to send many things to their neighbours.
Then the reporter is at Abdullah Ben Zubair Mosque, which is the nearest to compound of Osama.
She asks a guy: do you think people would have been glad and happy if they would have ever met osama?
The guy : Yes, possibly. Because he was a muslim and he believed in God.
This is the whole story! Every aspect and point translated.
The gentleman being interviewed lives across from the compound. His cousin Sahab Jamrez Khan used to grow vegetables in the compound. He was taken away in all the hullabaloo on tape @10.29 Bashir says he did not see when they wisked his cousin away.
Interviewer asks Have you spoken to your cousin?
Bashir No, I have not seen him yet he in in the house. They will not let him get out They will not let me get in.
2 other men Arshad Sahib and Tariq Sahib used to go to market to shop for that compound and bought international brand items. Dates, dried meat found in compound. Also food used to come from compound to Bashirs house Kabulu Pilau and things like that used to be presented to Bashir. They will follow up with more information. In the end the lady is standing in front of Abdullah Bin Zubair mosque. The mosque was with in walking distance of the compound. She asks people if Osama did attend this mosque people would have be happy? The one answered maybe. The other said Osama did not live here but he was muslim and believed in God. Interview ends.
Another thing to note is that Bashir mentioned that we are very sharif meaning law abiding honest people. His town was a peaceful place no excitement no murders, fights, and he is unhappy how they have made his town so frightful with all this news. One thing is very clear in this video. Two helicopters hovered never landed. One landed dropped Pashto speaking poeple on the roof 10-12 of them Helicopter left fo 20 minutes returned to load people in and small blast engine failure fire helicopter parts all over. Body parts arms, legs, head, all over. Pakistani Army/Police came in dispersed crowd. The whole scene is cleaned up totally now. No evidence left to examine.
Exposed: The Abbottabad, Pakistan Affair -- includes Samaa TV's brodacast of the interview with Mohammad Bashir
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