1) Do We Really Have Options To Reinstate The Hawaiian Kingdom Without Making Any Assumptions About It???


2) If The Continuity Of The Monarchy Is The Only Way That We can Legally, Under The "Rule Of Law," Reinstate The Hawaiian Kingdom, And Reactivate Our Treaties We Had With Over 20 Countries,  What Can We All Do To Help Our People Not To Be Led Astray & Deviated From This Fact & Truth Anymore??? 



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  • to tired to respond at length, I don't know the answers--but, I believe the answers are embedded in both Amelia and Tane's wisdom. They are the researchers with evidence and principles to back their manao up. I had a great night with the Primacio Family from Washington. Thanks much for the hook up. Kaohi
  • Pretty good tonight not much on signing in so took long time Kaohi
    • Mahalo, Kaohi for participating on Hawai'i TV Live. I hope you are finding our discussion on "The Continuity Of The Monarchy," both intriging and exciting? Looking forward to see you on the Live Show at either 7:00am-9:00am or 7:00pm-9:00pm. Mahalo Nui Loa to you and your ohana!!!
  • Yes, I feel (assumptions) that Henry Noa is on to something about 'reinstate' of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

    Did you read (don't know what the citation this is at this time) Sanford B Dole's assumptions to Burgess on his 'evil' personal need to not reinstate the Queen of a monarchy/ constitutional monarchy?

    In General, people are afraid of reinstating a 'female' based on geneology or family as a governing entity, such as yourself? Don't mean to put words in your mouth so to speak.

    Once the fear of a female based monarchy existing, then I believe it is the peoples choice to rule, don't you think.

    I believe you are trying to jump ahead and raise the list of laws in the aftermath of the monachy/constitutional (whichever) and locate the laws so that ground rules can be laid down.

    Then if that is the case, I like the common law-- Hawaii's Supreme Court Judge Richardson's common law or natural law. All things that are not man made such as air, water, ocean, plants, or animal life. The natural law court belongs to the aboriginal people of the Ka Pae Aina.

    With this understanding one can go to the recent Pres. Owada encounter at the Hawaii's Supreme court with Henry Noa and Leon Siu, which I believe you are inquiring about because it connects to UN..international and I believe Nationals pryor to 1893 and until today.

    If one ask David Ma questions about Taiwan not just what he knows about, but ask Poka too. For me without this understanding of China, Taiwan and Hawaii my answers would lead to confusion or to 1,000 questions plus time away from what it is you are trying to hammer in on your show.

    I am intrigued with the Marten's Clause and am trying to pay attention to such a possibility process within the UN and or Hague. This is in it's exploratory stage and trying to make connections too.

    As for your second question: I am sorta like a butterfly flitting from flower to flower because I don't have the time to deepen the quest from reinstated, monarchy/constitution and organize people to hammer down these connections of treaties (I'm co-dependent) between historical treaties and reality.

    I believe Kaleo if you sit and talk with Mahealani's sovereign group at Iolani Palace and get the sense of her 'vessal' and the law of the sea, or trade route of passage etc... the second part of your question can be answered.

    She has people organized/organizing and she's pretty convincing. Her organization have a lot of Makaainana and I am amazed how they are listening intently and applying to their families and close community friends. They are questioning, asking, and listening intently to her and following through with money and filling out applications that play on the everyday necessity--such as courts and things.

    Would I join both groups, I would in sinage, however, as far as a fully active and loyal memeber no! I do sinage on any group to help boost their membership. Because as I believe you alluded to 'help' I believe strongly that people should go to the group that loves them and keep them inform. To me that's important to have people of the same minds in a group.

    As for trust and all, I try not to get too close to the heart of the group leaders as much as possible because they need to strategies to keep memebers safe. But I do like some information so that I can support there endeavors.

    We all need muti tools and in each group I look at what their contributions are and work from there. There is a common theme among all of them and that is Independent 'ideals'.

    So what are the independent ideals... I believe Kuhio Steve Vogler came closer to the center as far as academic details we or he is looking at the matrix (heart of the monarchy) or independence from US/Soviet Union and Hawaii/Russia. Not sure yet still trying to digest the 'thoughts' of information.

    If I've gone into a circle in trying to answer your question it's just because these are all new concepts of thoughts for me. Maybe other people have processed their understanding, I am not there yet.

    I checked your webstream too late this morning will try again tonight.

    My close to home issues are the homeless on our shores because we are having a mean sweep with major confusion between houseless and authority. More of oppressive abuse to me from Samoa and US means of solving their capitalistic economic woes.

    Homeless were being treated like shit yesterday by HPD and their are children in the mix. Sadly, lots of nonprofit organizations are making lots of monies off this deal. In the millions.

    Hope I answered or shed some light on ones ground of thoughts. Kaohi
  • Henry Noa asked Pres. Owada questions and the Pres. response was the Taiwan problem or situation. Kaohi
    • Aloha no, Auntie Kaohi. Could you reiterate and explain in a little more detail what you are tryimg to communicate across from your posting from earlier???

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