our kupuna's of maui nui......have been told by our county of maui mayor, alan awakara......that our kupuna's NO MATTER anymore......this is a matter that needs to be exposed....for we are now RECOGNISED NATIVE HAWAIIANS and demand RESPECT from all outsiders, intruders and tresspassers.....and this include illegal elected officials of Usa.
our kupuna's have faced head on the siturations that this county of maui is planning for our future concerning our SACREDNESS. we are in the courts, we are in the media and we are Kukanaka (standing tall) for the rights of our next generation that is coming.
even our mayor is responsible and accountable to his position to honor our Rights and to listen to the voices of our living kupuna of Maui Nui. This kind of exposure of hewa (wrongful actions) will be witnessed by all to testify the Truth.....mahalo Ke Akua for his corrected Leaders and the proper Protocols of our Royal Sacred Ancestors~~~mauruuru