DISAPPEARED EVIDENCE:  In the Matter of "Federal participation in territorial development" of Hawaii

                                                                                     researched by Amelia Gora (2016)

What's with the Disappearing posts regarding the "Federal participation in territorial development" of Hawaii?

Incredibly, the articles posted disappears mysteriously.

So, the following are typed for your information and the References are posted below:


Commemorating the

40th Anniversary

of Establishment of


On January 1, 1940, The Star-Bulletin will publish a Pictorial Edition specially featuring Hawaii's industrial, political and social progress since territorial government was set up.

Hawaii's fight for equal rights---the campaign against discriminatory legislation or practice---will be emphasized.

This Anniversary Edition will be, further, a comprehensive review of island life and progress.

Army, Navy and other phases of federal participation in territorial development will be given much attention.

It will be an issue of vivid interest to the immediate reader, and of value as a source of information and reference........


Paragraph 3:

"Title to every inch of land was vested in the king by ancient feudal right, and when King Kamehameha III made a voluntary surrender of the land in 1848, it was an out and out gift to his people.  It marked the end of an era immemorially feudal, inaugurated the allodial era, and land became fee simple property for the first time in Polynesian history."


Kamehameha III shared not 'voluntary surrendered'.

Allodial/Alodio are titles given to Kamehameha III's subjects/kanaka maoli, and Not allodial era.  Referral to Fee Simple alone as land deeds in Hawaii shows a deliberate move to disenfranchise the true land owners of Allodial/Alodio titles.

The above articles shows the indoctrination of lies set up to defraud the true owners from the lands, and shows the planned development of the Territorial Government which criminally/pirated a neutral, friendly nation the Kingdom of Hawaii.

The use of the era in "allodial era" appears the beginning of the move to Equal Rights Amendment also known as ERA because of the highlighted "Hawaii's fight for equal rights --- the campaign against discriminatory legislation or practice---will be emphasized printed in the Preview to the 40th Anniversary of Establishment of TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT" in the 1939 article.

Also note that the capitalization is used....the Territory of Hawaii appears to have been assumed as the TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT, a Corporation entity due to the capitalization.

Research incomplete.

Informing many because..............


Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzcv5TJkJBA  Fifteen Men (Bottle of Rum)


References of 1939 and 1940:

Star-Bulletin/The Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Thursday, December 21, 1939 "....40th Anniversay of Establishment of Territorial Government", Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

The Honolulu Star-Bulletin, January 1, 1940, 40th Anniversary of the Territory, Final Ed, January 1940, HSB 530 (roll), Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

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