the team of panels arrived on Maui Nui from oahu island of experts in our Sacred Lands and the dividing of it. Now that i got the thinkng mentality of OHA that runs our monies from our to learn more about the ones that handles our lands.
i have to remind myself that these are only organizations and agencies that suppose to be PONO (being in the right) with our Monies and Lands. now this new group of leaders is young and very advanced in business technology and very business oriented.
i like the new Chair, he is young vibrant and he does have a lot to offer to our future generation and i admire this in him and in his staff that he is leading. i only like to see him hold up to his words of wisdom, that he so proudly speaks of his kupuna's and ancestors of Oahu.
i was able to update all my information on the waiting list back, since the Apology Bill, yet without my knowing i registered in that same year of the Apology Bill, hummmmmm?????......thats 18 years ago and i have been on our Maui Nui waiting list till today.
i mentioned at this meeting that i was refused and denied 4 times because i could not afford a $250,000.00 loan letter from a bank to get the house that goes on the land of my ancestors......i claim....i just want my share of land.....i dont want my land be connected to Usa and be taxed with all the eminities of Usa......i already have my own natural design for my traditional hale.....for i just want to get on my Native Hawaiian Rights Land, period.......i ask for it, i believe it and soon to recieve it~~~mahalo Ke Akua for your corrrected Leadership and proper Protocols of our Ancestors~~~mauruuru.....da princess of Maui Nui
this is a MISSION for me, Kaohi......spoken from above and below....i am young, educated, i know who i am and i know where i belong and have other betta places to be.....i not here for you and or for the outside Intruders........i am here to educate and to be informed of the different mana'o that is lingering out in your island of oahu, of my island of Maui Nui.....and on the other kingdom island of our hawaii nei.
i dont like to bash and or take away your ideas for your own island....for each island hold their own battles to deal with......i am so past the battle among each other as Native Hawaiians versus Native Americans....for we know who we are and now to deal with Usa, whom is now aware they are TRASSPASSERS on our Sacred Royal Kingdom Hawaiian Isalands.
like you, kaohi.....i am one to go to meetings, to workshops and to talk and to LISTEN.......and Kaohi.....i got it~~~
No worry the battles are tough on Oahu, and not too many can withstand the 'ills' here. You take care what you can. As for here no worry, I'm okay! It just gets tireing sometimes. I have lots to do each day and need to keep moving on and at times beyond the small kine problems.
Mahalo tho!
keep up with the good work over there. Those of us on Oahu came to Maui, Molokai and Big Island to help and inturn we all assembled at Iolani Palace to try and understand the reason why we needed 'sovereignty' from the US Armed Forces. And that was because they were bombing our islands to a creating drought conditions, dust, and death and disease.
We don't have that kind of leadership today which is why the 'corporations' are coming in with the intent of pushing out the native Hawaiian women and children from Hawaii. And sadly, we have genealogist and veterans lending the 'state' a hand to debunk those of us who are the true activist that is trying to prevent this atrocities from happening. The out migration of our young people from Hawaii will have a devastating impact on where they will go and live. Living in another place without the skills to survive seems the real problem sadly much more than siting around, talking and no real action. Cyber space can lend a hand in reaching out to young people. But, unfortunately this is not the case. I have an audience, but it's not our people that reads this forum. So thanks for being here.
I know you want to do away with the 'bloodquantum' but it is what the developers want so that they can have a revolving door in all the houses that they build. The bankers demanded this during the native Hawaiian state and federal task force 80s. I know this for a fact because not only was I there at the 1978 con con, I was there at the last meeting with President Reagans commissioners, and the only Hawaiian Homestead sitting at the table. I was trying to stop the evictions, the homes turning into a profit making venture, and keeping our people eligible for DHHL that was 50% plus bloodquantum. Back then, we had 6,000 on the wait list today we have 35,000 on the list with 50% plus bloodquantum. These are families not individuals. If one crunches the numbers we have 170,000 eligible for the 200,000 acres, however what these meetings are about is to steal the 'available' lands and sell it to the general public, thus, leaving our wait list on a dead list!
Act 195 is a dead list and the so-called genealogist (pay pal) will be making tons of money suppliers of the dead list and their death certificates. This will happen in three years! I don't know how to reach the young minds except to give them the tools to live outside of Hawaii!!!! Your road to ruin is a dead man's chest for the very 'true' pirates of the sea.
It was our John Waihee that gave Bob Fukuda and Rod Burgess the go ahead for what use to cost $35,000 owner builder the developer's seat on our DHHL. Homes now cost 250 thousand or more to build because of tact on profits from all sides of the banker's choice. Insurance, insurance, insurance!
I am sorry about all of this, but now that Act 195 is here the populace from the general public and their general leases on DHHL will out number our voices at public hearings. We have no future, but to protect the native Hawaiians from peril via the bloodquantum.