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Here’s where to start:
1. Eat an organic diet as much as possible. Most foods contain harmful pesticides and genetically-modified organisms.
2. Try to make a large component of your diet raw vegetables and juices. It’s easy when you eat a large salad daily and drink a freshly-made juice.
3. Engage in periodic cleanses or detox programs: one day a week, a weekend every month, or a longer detox in the spring and fall.
4. Sauna to help eliminate toxins through the skin in sweat. Of course, consult your physician prior to starting a sauna regime.
5. Stretch daily: yoga, tai chi, and qigong, are excellent.
6. Avoid chemical cleaning products in favor of natural cleaning ones. Baking soda, vinegar, or orange oil can replace almost any chemical cleaner.
7. Avoid chemical pesticides at home. Use baking soda with sugar or peppermint oil.
8. Read labels on food products and avoid those with which you are unfamiliar.
9. Avoid synthetic chemicals in personal care products and cosmetics. Read labels and avoid those ingredients with which you’re unfamiliar. No label? Avoid the product. Definitely avoid any containing: parabens, diethanolamine (DEA), or phthalates.
10. Drink an ounce of wheatgrass juice daily to supplement your diet. Wheatgrass juice is nutritionally equivalent to many vegetables.
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11. Take chlorella or spirulina tablets daily to supplement your diet and help round out the nutrients you .
12. Exercise for 45 minutes daily. Brisk walking, rebounding, running, cycling, cross-country skiing are excellent choices. Be sure to consult a physician prior to beginning.
13. Eat at least three of the best detoxifying foods daily. Some of the best detoxifiers include: broccoli, garlic, spinach, cabbage, sprouts, blueberries, ginger, and turmeric.
14. Exchange massages with a partner. Massage improves circulation and helps move lymph (lymph picks up toxins throughout the body so it can be eliminated).
15. Kick the habit. If you smoke or are exposed to second-hand smoke, quit it.
16. Cut back on alcohol consumption. Alcohol must be filtered by the liver, which has over 500 other functions. Even moderate drinking increases the risk of conditions like breast cancer.
17. Toss out the toxins at home and in the garage. Of course, dispose of them properly based on your community’s guidelines.
18. Add a water filter to your tap water. Even a Brita will help remove some of the impurities in your water.
19. Toss the non-stick pans. Teflon, Silverstone and other coatings emit harmful perflourochemicals (PFCs). The EPA classifies them as carcinogens.
20. Choose no-VOC paints for your home. VOCs are volatile organic compounds, many of which are linked to cancer.