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Notice is hereby given that we, the heirs of Moses
Kekuaiwa, ... Thence along Waihee along the ridge east of Honokohau valley in
a South easterly direction ...
mlpcaught.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/public-notic13.doc PUBLIC NOTICE
Notice of Heirship and Kuleana to Honokohau
To whom it may concern;
Notice is hereby given that we, the heirs of Moses Kekuaiwa, in order to secure for ourselves and our posterity the lawful exercise of our rights bestowed by the hand of Akua to inherit, dwell, live, work and worship upon that certain parcel of land situate at Honokohau, Kaanapali, Maui, secured by Land Commission Award 7714B, awarded by His Royal Majesty King Kamehemeha III, King of Hawaii, to Moses Kekuaiwa; present this public notice and declare to all people to whom these presents may come:
We are direct descendants of Moses Kekuaiwa, and thus claim the inherent blessings and birthright bestowed by the hand of Akua to inherit, dwell, live work and worship upon the land of Honokohau, which is secured by Land Commission Award 7714B, and
Whereas King Kamehameha III, the King of Hawaii, awarded Land Commission Award 7714B to Moses Kekuaiwa June 19, 1852; and
Whereas, Land Commission Award 7714B was awarded as ano alodio (allodial title) to Moses Kekuaiwa and his heirs forever, and
Whereas Land Commission Award 7714B describes the metes and bounds of Honokohau as follows;
Beginning at a pile of stones at the shore west of Poelua Valley on the boundary of Kahakuloa run
South 8 degrees 39’ East 19.74 chains on ridge along Kahakuloa
South 6 degrees 19’ East 28.80 chains on ridge along Kahakuloa to Pipipi Hill
South 12 degrees 52’ East 11.39 chains on ridge along Kahakuloa to Pipipi Hill
South 12 degrees 57’ East 4.26 chains on ridge along Kahakuloa to Pipipi Hill
South 21 degrees 4’ East 4.23 chains on ridge along Kahakuloa to Pipipi Hill
South 31 degrees 42’ East 5.00 chains on ridge along Kahakuloa to Pipipi Hill
South 00 degrees 20’ West 5.32 chains on ridge along Kahakuloa to Pipipi Hill
South 11 degrees 21’ West 5.77 chains on ridge along Kahakuloa to Pipipi Hill
South 7 degrees 42’ East 4.80 chains on ridge along Kahakuloa to Pipipi Hill
South 31 degrees 28’ East 27.90 chains on ridge along Kahakuloa across ravine
to ridge in center of Poelua valley
South 70 degrees 00’ East 33.90 chain on ridge along Kahakuloa and ridge
South 26 degrees 8’ West 41.40 on ridge along Kahakuloa to Puawa at the ehad
of the West branch of Poelua Valley
South 7 degrees 15’ West 63.60 chain on ridge along to Kaehakiako Hill
South 9 degrees 5’ East 21.14 chains on ridge along to Uau hill west of
Kahakuloa Valley
South a little east 264.00 chains to west side of Eke crater at the head of
Kahakuloa. Thence along Waihee along the ridge east of Honokohau valley in a South easterly direction from Eke to the brink of the Iao valley, East of Mount
Kukui a distance of about 9,500 feet.
Then west along the brink of the Iao valley to the summit of West Kukui.
Thence a little west of north about 2000 feet to the South East corner of the land of Honolua as settled by the boundary certificate.
Thence North 25 degrees 30’ West 470.00 chains along Honolua
North 5 degrees West 9.38 chains along Honolua
North 29 degrees 15’West 11.78 chains along Honolua
North 22 degrees 00’ East 3.83 chains along Honolua
North 13 degrees 30’ West 9.00 chains along Honolua
North 43 degrees 00’ West 9.00 chains along Honolua
North 24 degrees 30’ West 4.10 chains along Honolua
North 26 degrees 00’ West 51.75 chains along Honolua
North 33 degrees 30’ West 66.00 chains along Honolua
North 47 degrees 00’ West 80.58 chains along Honolua
North 14 degrees 00’ West 25.53 chains along Honolua
North 10 degrees 30’ West 6.53 chains along Honolua to Puhakupule near the
Thence eastwardly along the seashore to the place of beginning.
Whereas inherent title interest to the entire ahupua’a of Honokohau (except for 96 kuleana awards), secured by Land Commission Award 7714B is descended to the direct, lineal descendants of Moses Kekuaiwa.
Now, therefore, we the heirs of Moses Kekuaiwa declare before almighty Akua and all people, to whom these presents may come; that we rightfully claim for ourselves and our posterity, the inherent title interest to the entire Ahupuaa of Honokahua, (excluding those 96 kuleana awarded to individuals), which was purchased from the Government by Moses Kekuaiwa in 1852, for which King Kamehameha III, King of Hawaii, awarded Land Commission Award 7714B as allodial title; and thus the lawful right to title, regarding Honokohau, is inherent in every direct, lineal descendant of Moses Kekuaiwa today, which right has never been extinguished and/or relinquished by the heirs of Moses Kekuaiwa.
As the heirs of Moses Kekuaiwa, our kuleana is to do that which is pono in the sight of Akua a me na Kupuna makou. We will ensure that the land of our inheritance is never subjected to the abuse and misuse of those who have no other object other than to damage, desecrate and exploit the land for their own personal gain. We will establish appropriate measures to ensure effective, proficient stewardship of our iwi kupuna and our cultural sites. We will draw upon our own collective experiences, knowledge, skills, strengths, talents and various other resources to bring about the long awaited restoration, beautification and revitalization of Honokohau. We will, with the help of Akua and ohana, work with our own hands and tools, to protect ancestral sites, restore cultural and historical sites, and plant appropriate vegetation throughout Honokohau.
As the heirs of Moses Kekuaiwa, it is our duty, kuleana and obligation to return to Honokohau and bring about that which is pono in the sight of akua a me na kupuna a me ka ohana makou, for the benefit, blessings and enjoyment of all.
Donna Lanakila Willard
Heirs of Moses Kekuaiwa
Maui County Council
Charmaine Tavares, Mayor
Laura Thielen, Department of Natural Resources
Duke Aiona, Secretary of State
Linda Lingle, Governor
Circuit Court, Second Circuit
Gary A Yabuta, Chief of Police
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Notice is hereby given that we, the heirs of Lunalilo, Moses
Kekuaiwa and Kale .... Thence along Waihee along the ridge
east of Honokohau
valley in a South ...
mlpcaught.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/bureau-of-conveyance-notice.doc - [PDF]
Läna'i Land Conveyances (1845-1961): Summary and Excerpts from ...
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Kekuaiwa no Kekuanaoa; and the Ahupuaa of Kaa, area about 19468 acres, described ......Mahelona
and Moses Mahelona
(Owners). Situated in Maunalei Valley. ...
www.lanaichc.org/land-conveyances/lanai-bureau-of-conveyances.pdf - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIovxJK5rQo
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