I have to ask you without sounding like a fool, what happened to the America we learned about in school??
Well, I know your'e really busy and probably have to go, so in closing Mr. President, let me say..... ALOHA NO!
Ao'le......look around mr. president....this is the sacred lands that raised you and your ohana nation
congress is Responsible for the Acts of Injustice toward us....till today over 100 hundred years ago
you and congres will be Accountable for the wrongful criminal actions against our
Recognized Native Hawaiians.....one day your family will live the hardship that
your decisions have brought upon our Hawaiian Nationals...remember you human toooooo!!!!!
Obama... GO HOME!
Hawaii is way past this event, we were there twice before once on UH Campus where Keleikoa was beaten by a planted officer, I was too at UH manoa and both person's got away with it!!! It was Dr. Haunani K Trask that confronted the National Guard soon after she told Governor Ben Cayetano to go get F@@@@! I watched her from my car window to make sure nothing was happening to her. I had just pulled into the campus to go and help the protest--cause a kahea came through the radio.
What pisses me off Ben witnessed UC Berkley's protest shooting.
As I read through your haole occupy article, I just want to remind you Laulani Teal was at the corner near the Zoo in protest with a blue tarp during the APEC. Another point I want you to understand why I say Hawaii is far ahead. APEC was about Nuclear Proliferation with China! So in my opinion Wall street Occupy (a good thing) is a bunch of babies and their credit debt. We are far ahead of that...like nuclear war!
It's going to happen just a matter of time!
What is being negotiated is the dump site for nuclear debrie material to be dumped in our Pacific Ocean. My dear friend Albertini doesn't get it yet, but he will. He lead the charge in the 70s and he'll come back to it.
Pono K and I came home to a Civic Hawaiian Club confrontation at Iolani Palace on Jan 17, 2010. Every aspect of this riot was there. In the aftermath, after the queens moved to the fence during and after. Laulani Teal shouldered the problem in the courts. I told her and Keaumoku it was not as the Queens wanted and that was to have their picnic area. It was about the blue tarp!! So, Laulani listened and she went to court, Keaumoku got his tent back. We won the day, but it could have gone bad! Like with Kollin Elderts. He is our frontal lobe!!!!Like with the British Riots Mark Duggan!!! That just recently happened. The main media tied Hawaii to that riot in Britian. And I am sure Deedy was schooled and trained in David Kennedy's Thesis too.
My point Andrew, we are passed that pepper spray. Two Nakupuna women was pepper sprayed in Kahuku over a right to drive into your drive way that dated pre America. It's just the way the state laws is written..the gates have to be closed for 24 hours in order to claim right of passage.
Agaiin, we need to focus on the up coming event when the ruling comes down for Kolling Elderts murder'er!!!
Dear Mr. President,
please REMOVE your illegal fake state government.... the military and the missionary
these entities is the product of your Usa americans......please remove these illegal occupiers
off our SACRED Lands of our Hawaiian Kingdom....may your God given conscience move
you Mr. President to do the right (pono) and help us begin the Cleansing work
for our next future Royal Kingdom Heirs of our SACREDNESS.....mauruuru......da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia