Danner and Laenui Dancing with Uncle Sam

This was prompted by several e-mails with the two subjects who made remarks in the presence of many people and Robin Danner that spoke to those in Hawaiian Homes Meetings.  She was very evasive and arrogant from reports that came back to some of us.  Poka Laenui's exchanges were with a group of us.  It seems they promote a one-sided discussion to convince Hawaiians that the Akaka Bill is good.  I question what do they get out of the Akaka Bill if it is passed.  The have more to gain than any Hawaiian on Homestead land and those that are on the waiting list and the rest of the Hawaii nationals that should be included in voicing their objections.  Kaleikoa says it best:



----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Kaleikoa

Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 3:19:05 PM
Subject: Danner and Laenui Dancing with Uncle Sam

Mahalo piha ia Poka Laenui for his words of clarity. Kakoo!


"A colonial state will habitually use its domestic laws as a basis to justify its actions against a colonial people. And they will pretend that their domestic laws are indeed valid for all times and spaces. Those who continue to operate with such lies are the very ones who are called upon to, as you have been heard to cite, "Decolonize their mind!""


Ding! Ding! As they would say in the TV game show JEOPARDY, "What is the Akaka Bill?"



Aue no ka hoi e! Too much from Brother Poka. Better email his words back to him. Would not the Akaka Bill be part of US domestic law? Doesn’t the proposed Akaka Bill help to "justify" the US in its crimes against our people and land? Have not past US domestic laws been used in a destructive manner against our people and lands? Is Poka suggesting that our fellow hoa makaainana should also "pretend" while we endeavor to struggle on this path to reclaim the RE-recognition of our national identity?



How is it possible for Brother Poka to make the above statement with such clarity and wisdom, YET be a PROPONENT and ENABLER of such domestic US laws upon our lahui? Does Poka really have that kind of faith for US Domestic laws? Do we really need to march through the history of how US domestic laws have destroyed and hurt so-called "natives," including our lahui? Instead of holding the hand of the "devils" that have a long history of oppressing peoples like us, I expected more courage and heart from Brother Poka to defend our lahui against them.



Yes. WE all know that the Akaka Bill--US Domestic Law--will not stop our struggle for RE-recognition of our national identity. But, we all know that this Bill will be used by our oppressors as a false expression of our Lahui's SELF-determination. Although this "consent" will be an illusion, it is suffice for the US to use in its justification of its policies and actions towards our Lahui. As if this is what we desire.



Now, with regards to ROBBING Danner, I can fully understand her motives to push the so-called aKKKaka bill forward as she is well positioned via CHNA with her two hands closest to the "cookie-jar" of Uncle Sam. Always in front of the line to scrounge up the biggest crumbs off the table of Manifest Destiny. As our kupuna would say, he ‘ai pala niho! The economic benefit of the Kaka Bill to the well-behaved, docile, grateful and domesticated few must be exposed. Danner is a true veteran of cooptation and collaboration. Check our her history with Oil and "natives." She knows how to benefit from the plight of the oppressed. She has a long history of on your knees, crooked smile, uplifted lands, hapai laho politics "on-behalf" of her peoples.



Therefore, it’s easy to understand why she can "buy" the illusion and forget the truth.



What’s clear also, is that she—as well as few other weak characters—selfishly believes that they really represent our Lahui. Nothing can be further from the truth. There is no mandate, vote, body of evidence that supports the idea that our Lahui accept and support the terms and agenda of the so-called Akaka Bill.



Our lahui has never asked them to negotiate and beg on our lahui’s behalf. ‘Ole Masta’ has trained and appointed these few to believe that they actually know what is best for our lahui. And we, those who question and speak out against continued settler and foreign domination of our lands and Lahui, are portrayed as angry, ungrateful, and irrational. Damn right! As a good friend of mine would say, "they tried to Clorox us, but we stained Hawaiian!" For some of us, the collar will never fit no matter how much biscuits and bones you throw our way.



As our great Mo’iwahine Liliuokalani had said that the voice of the people is the voice of God. Makes you wonder whose voice the likes of Danner represent. If they truly love their lahui, they would have no fear in hearing directly from the hoa makaainana. This is why they cowardly run away from the idea of "hearings" being held throughout the paeaina. In its place, the likes of Danner put their trust and faith to the hands of Inouye, Akaka, and Abercrombie et al. Love your Daddy! Love your Daddy!



The bottom line is that the Akaka Bill is for the delusional since its based on lies and fraudulent history.


· Our LAHUI has never been "native," "indigenous," or "aboriginal," or even "Indian" to America.

· There is NO Treaty of Cession/Annexation to the US.

· Our LAHUI has never provided its consent to give up our political citizenship as Hawaiian Kingdom Nationals.

· Our LAHUI has never acquiesced to the title of our national lands.


No land, no water, no government! What the hell is a "governing entity"?


The Akaka Bill will not stop the desecration of our iwi kupuna at Naue, Kakanilua, and Ahuaiwi. It will not return water to our streams at Ko’olau, Maui. It will not stop the expansion of US military activities and installations at Haleakala. Mauna Kea. Pohakuloa. Makua. It will not protect the "Houseless Hawaiians" from forced evictions. It will not stop the unlawful adverse possession, force sale, and quiet-title actions against our kuleana lands.





Aole makou ae minamina i ka puu kala o ke aupuni,

ua lawa makou i ka pohaku, i ka ai kamahao o ka aina!

We do not value the Government’s hills of money,

we are satisfied with the rocks, the wondrous food of the land


Mai paa i ka leo, he ole ka hea mai e!



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  • John "Kaulahea" Ezzo is a cousin of mine. Edwina "Kaehu" (Mulaney); Danny Nahina, Bobby Miyasato, Aggie, etc. , we all used to run around after everyone was pau with work in Ka'anapali area. It was good times when all the cousins could get together, especially after work. Kaehu's sister, Leoni, married Randall. Not being alert, my sister Melissa Kamehaiku "married" her son and had two children, Kaulahea and Maki'ilei before I put two and two together. Auwe no ho'i e! Now her kids are our double-barrel 'ohana. LOL.... I miss those days and miss them also. Johnny was an even-tempered man with a good sense of humor; always a gentleman. Danny loved the ocean ( it was the first time I tried raw barracuda with lipoa. Hmmmm! ono!) His wife, Katie was the genealogist, a tall stately woman with a lot of intelligence and keen in managing a restaurant. My Mau'i cousins were some of the greatest people I know. We used to kukakuka of mant things. I'm the last of that gang of cousins; no one to "play" with and talk story. There are still my cousins in Napili on my Mom's side but I don't get to visit with them as often as I used to. I love and miss them also, besides my Dad's side of the family who are just as wonderful and knowledgeable. That's the Long-Gooman-Kahanu (Kanialama Branches). Most of my Mom's side is on West Maui for Olowalu to Waihe'e. My teachings come from both sides of my family of which I'm truly grateful. which also extends to Kaua'i, Molokai, and Hawai'i islands. I feel blessed. Also for you, Amelia and Kaohi and many others here on Maoliworld. E ku'u aloha ia kakou he mea po'ina 'ole.

    Kung Hee Fat Choy! to all as well. LOL....
  • Tane

    Thank You for a wonderful evening. Also too, Happy Chinese New Year!!!Kaohi
  • Amelia,

    After I wrote my piece of 'clean up movement' I listend to your video posting on Liliu's Quotes. In the middle of the night Dede and I used to sit under the Queens prison window at the Palace and she would strum her guitar and I would hum..while we both sat on the corner of the concret wall and she would sing this song. O Makala Pua... . Yes, the independence movement is larger than life.

    While I was in Hilo, I learned my two great friends Bernard and Adachi past into our spirit world. These men stood up to forces of hell in their earthly time. Bernard at Pearl City for the Leper's of this world at 4:30 am was abused by the state that used bulldozers and guns of fire. According to Jim Albertini Aunty Frenchy and Kawaipuna was there too, I had forgotten until Jim redescribed the event to Pono and I while sitting in his kitchen before we went moe.

    At Soli's house when he told me that Adachi died, I knew I had to set aside my time to morn because I had to 'fricken' focus on that dam 'NRC' and their weapons of mass destruction. So I am having a melt down now!

    I have my hanai grandson in my arms as I am writing. So for those of you who don't know Adachi Eaton--he was a true warrior in the wake of 'stopping the bombing' on Kaho'olawe. He stood in the largest wave of opposition of the military and it's slaves for the United States. O Kanaloa Kohe Malamalama rised above the myths and false rituals because of Adachi. He created that space between the modern KIRK and the heavens. Today, we would not have Ku and Hina if it had not been for Adachi rising above the bulshit'ers of the consent degree which allows bombing in Makua and Pohakaloa and elsewhere in the Pacific. Ku and Hina are our everyday ritual for human relationship not just somedays as in 'Military can bomb' somedays in Hawaii, thanks to the bullshit'ers of the 70's.

    In 1978 and on Moku of Keawe--Adachi pulled us out of the worst doldrums that we all encountered in our lives and because of his comforting, we were able to go back to our families. Adachi and his father took care of us on the island of Kahoolawe. Walking across the island and stepping on toxic shrapnel was a stupid thing for me to do. Filled with toxic chemicals and sick--Adachi kept us from falling from the actions of the greedy false scientist for our immune systems was strengthen by his aloha. I left O' Kanaloa Kohe Malamalama at Kealikahiki point, the birthing place--Adachi helped me into the canoe and as we moved away from the island I looked back to Adachi standing all alone on the shores of Kealaikahiki. I have this vision and now you too for it is not but of a memory anymore.

    Dripping in skulls and bones, enforcements, feeling like a dam failure, I left Adachi and the others on the Moku of Keawe and went home into the covenant of Uncle Sam Lono in the vallye of Haiku. From this stepping point, I was able to go home and pick up the movement again and continue raising my children. In 1987 I entered UH Manoa--Adachi was working near by as a parking lot attended at Puck's Ally and living in different places such as Palolo and Kapahulu. The confrontations mounting again, and Adachi gave his energy to the movement again trying to stabalize the fall from battles at UH Manoa. Mostly at the Atherton Building for our heavier discussions in the international arena was in full swing there. I am a bottom academic layer of the movement and different from the top layer of where the ivory towers exist.

    So my friend Adachi, I will be looking forward to joining you thank you for being there for all of us, we love you and miss you terribly and yes I felt your presence in the fricken cockpit hole at UH Hilo on Jan 17 --again as always your comfort for Soli, Pono, Isaac, Albertini, Corey was ever present.
  • Tane,

    We need to add Keanu Sai to this discussion because the paradox of the game pitches the National Security into the game. As to what can happen should the African Americans Mason's draw a 'shoot' of cowardly acts on Hawaii beginning with the Akaka Bill? The second wave (which is already on going) is the human trafficking. The Hawaiian movement are what Jon Osorio mentioned last night, so now, we are the energy to confront Keanu Sai's boy toy security walls of yuk yuk, Danners toys r us playhouse and my favorite personal friend Poka's inside janitorial service. What could happen should the Black Mason rise to the occasion and create this entity of 'kaka'? How do we jump from the cowards of the civil war to the cowards of the Trilateral Commission and their mass destruction? I am talking nuclear winter game planning. What if the tri-lateral set off a Mrs. Clintons dominos effect of nuclear bombs across the earth atmosphere? Why? Because Mrs. Clinton's suffrage movement does connect to the constitution to lift the WASP status quo and to cloud over the 'slave' their slave actions, where are the sweeping maids? Let's observe Uncle Tom (Obama Hawaiian boy), not! Does he take the cheese and put it in category one, two, or three? Filtering out--Keanu, Danner, or Poka, what is the true movement in this instance? Over time the characteristics of National Security? Women’s Suffrage (menopause)? Or Poka's kitchen knives? Flip the 100 coins in the box, and remove the show of heads. Do it again, and graph the result. What can one conclude from ones hypothesis?

    What analysis or conclusion can we draw from this 'slave' boy game drawn up by the Black Knights of the round table for the Chief in Command of the Pacific? Actually, this notion comes from the false Kamehameha game of the white fantasy skulls from hell.

    The worm systems functions should be disconnected by the 'movement' to shut down nuclear winter and the destruction of the human race. How? And where do we start? By understanding energies in both systems, that is the true dichotomy. The third wave are our lands on earth. Do we leave Gia for another journey through space. The 'movement' can and will prevail over the techies, the designers from hell and the human greed alignment. We need to just pull from our 'Na Kupuna' for their golden rules and learn to walk and do the right thing by our people. I got this from Pono Kealoha last night! Islanders rise up and raise your staff to clean up the filth. But, first ask yourself who are we? Then begin from this point--clarity is our goal--use the mops, brooms, and sponges start to clean out the worm holes.

    Let's get to work let's see the matrix:
    Na Kupuna
    Bill of rights, 1848 constitution, Kingdom Laws, genealogies etc...
    United States
    Bill of rights, constitution, states, and their genealogy etc...

    Start cleaning house...

    Love you much, Kaohi
  • Reminder: Tomorrow (Friday, February 5), in recognition of Leonard's
    arrest on February 6, 1976 (and 34 years of imprisonment), please
    contact the Attorney General to demand an Executive Review of the
    Peltier case.

    Write to:

    Attorney General Eric Holder
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20530

    You also can fax your letter to (202) 307-6777.

    Call: (202) 514-2000.

    E-Mail: askdoj@usdoj.gov. (Be sure to mark your e-mail to the
    attention of AG Holder.)

    The February 4 issue of the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee
    newsletter is online.


    -- Parole Appeal
    -- Benefit for Haitian Children
    -- February 6: 34 Years!

    Read it here:
    Time to set him free... Because it is the RIGHT thing to do.

    My letter response:
    Luwella K Leonardi
    85-1363 Halapoe Place
    Waianae, HI 96792

    Attorney General Eric Holder
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20530

    Dear Mr. Eric Holder,

    Please Sir, it has been 34 years since the imprisonment of Leonard Peltier an innocent man. Could the people of Oglala have an Executive Review of Mr. Peltier case. My interest in Leonard Peltier is a personal one for I too always respond to the calls of my people. Knowing full well the importance of being cognizant of what might happen when one helps people in need--especially the elderly. I visit the homeless communities here and other places such as New Orleans to check on children in poverty.

    We have a huge population of homeless from everywhere in Waianae-United States, Foreign Countries, as well as the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii attracts people from all over the world and the United States. My community has large groups of poor and poverty stricken people that is adjacent to Native Hawaiin communities defined by congress. We are defined by a blood quantum in Hawaii an Act of congress. Our living community is multi-generational household of Hawaiians.

    Like Ogala we are a community with every United States means of oppression. Hawaii is in 'Breach of Trust' where as lands are stolen and sold while children live in tents, stolen and sold in human trafficking. The elderly cried out to the young for help and Leonard Peltier heard the cry and responded, just as you would if your grandparents asked for help. The enforcement's of the United States punish our people when one speaks up and or take some form of action. The action that Leonard Peltier took in February of 76 was to help the elderly because they were being beaten, while their houses were being burned--wouldn't you respond to their cries too? This is not to far from my experiences here in my own community with the elderly, the heart of Hawaii.

    National Security are a deeper form of oppression that are not understood by the broader community. It is a private policing governing entity that walks and talks on it's own corporate game plan. We are communal community and have no recourse when profits usurps the spirits of human lives. That is the purest form of destruction from an organized group of humans. Redlining on communities where the weak and young exist are cowardly acts. An Executive Review of Leonard Peltier's case would bring peace to our elderly communities, that's a small part of justice.


    Luwella K Leonardi
    Department of Hawaiian Homes Lesee
  • I looked forward to getting back to this post tonight. Had to work tonight too. It get's so tireing sometimes.

    When the sisters first arrived in Hawaii, I attended their first meeting in Waianae. The Danner's I'm able to oppose at a snap once I remove the homesteaders from her equation. What I forgot to mention was my flying up to Kauai to oppose the sisters, but I was stopped by their community. Secondly, I tried to stop my own organization in supporting the direction that Robin was taking us to because of what had happened to the Eskimos and Oglala. That didn't happen and I guess one can say, we still need to be cognizant of HUD and funding from US to purchase power.

    On the otherhand, I too have a problem with Poka for he is generous with his ohana out here in Waianae--majorly aloha. All that I can do keep attending ones meetings, visit once in awhile, and show each other our concerns for our people.

    I know I always have to get back to the mid point and maintain the argumet of de-occupation as to how do we stay clear of the clutter, mmm I sometimes have no answers and that get's to be not so fun. Just a bit tired. If anything I wish I was wrong about the Hawaiian Civic Club, but been there done that for most of my life. I understand how people get into the club and leave only after they cause so much damage to our community. They were the leading voice when I was growing up and continue to craft their republican positions as we speak. It needs to be brought to a halt. As I understand it the non socials got together with the socials and formed Counsel of Hawaiian Organization and incorporated themselves as a grassroots organization. Together they formed their resolution after the 1978 con con to create OHA. I will feel much more relaxed on this concern after Mar 1.
    I forgot to say thanks for the reminder to connect the laws to the Hawaiian Kingdom laws. Will do. Love you much, Kaohi
  • Forgive me Tane,

    But, it was the innocence of Lena Hoohuli wanting to better the conditions of Hawaiians on Hawaiian Homestead which is the cause. Originally, Lena went before the politicians for a program to 'better the children' on Hawaiian Homestead. The setting an organized group and their constitution, again wanted to 'better the children' on Hawaiian Homestead with monies from the 200,000 (approx) acres land revenues. All of which had gotten stolen by other Hawaiians to form their own entity from our Hawaiian Homestead table scraps.

    In came the Republicans (Hawaiian Civic Club) and said, 'no' we must be a corporate entity before the crumbs from the scraps can be given to native Hawaiians with 50% plus bloodquantum and their quarter blood successor. Am I sitting around waiting for the camera and a hot incident--as in confrontations to anti upward (upward mobility) the picnic. Hell No!

    On March 1st Act 50 will decide the 'destiny' of many people that are below poverty. This should not be happening, but it is and I have no words to say to this up coming autrocity designed and master minded by Hawaiian Civc Club. But, why might I ask--is it worth the sematics? the play on words?

    Why not pay attention to Act 50 in the wake of the Akaka Bill? If our people were not in poverty, or destitute the civic club would just be that none entity. But, they have power because we are not paying attention to the 'real players' Danner and Poka are seasonal unlike the Hawaiian Civi Club that are far more organized, and dangerous. Lehua did everything to analize the Akaka Bill semantically, arguing the semantics of the bill have been done over and over--we are recanting the recanting. Stop the Hawaiian Civic Club dead in there fricken tracts! and you stop the Akaka Bill.

    Away from the Akaka Bill for a moment, their next move which I thought was over--I thought we did this move before. The next problem is the --water, or moisture in the atmosphere. I don't want grey water nor do I want arid land for our people. This may sound pretty stupid which I thought it was--until I saw an unusual play last night that connected the dots. There is an assumption that the Akaka Bill will happened or has happened and one needs to control water which is a newly formed frontal movement. I simply thought it was over and done over again and again. The obsession to posses the water rights that our people have under the common law of the land. This is all of my imagination.

    What I don't understand is that Act 50 for the Homeless (houseless) is intertwined with the display of a flag. Maybe I'm not reading this correctly!!! If we loose in court on March 1st, we loose the right to display a flag too? I need to go back to work tonight, I'll come by on chiro day. Love you much Kaohi
    • I, too, admired Poka and quite a few people are dismayed that he recently changed his tune in supporting the Akaka Bill. It is common knowledge many "academics" are for the Akaka Bill for fear they will lose their funding. The growing momentum of Hawaii nationalists does not dissuade them even if they subscribe to the truth of Hawaii's situation and desire total independence. Some have taken on the mantle of "it's better than nothing until we regain our independence.

      That foolhearty notion doesn't work as a panacea but veils the proper process we are struggling for to have the U.S. de-occupy our unique nation-state, the Kingdom of Hawai'i. This sends sends out mixed messages and the wrong proposition.

      As for Danner, she is an American who soundly believes in the racist WASP doctrines of Manifest Destiny and would prefer we be docile native Americans and kowtow to the whims of the U.S. government akin to the Native Americans already subjugated to the U.S. government. She is well-connected within the Native American organizations and in Washington, D.C. She doesn't see us regaining our independence and supports the status quo of remaining under the U.S. American control.

      Our discourse belongs with the State Department and NOT with the Interior Department of the U.S.A. This is where our resolution to address the wrongs committed by the U.S. must be adjucated; nothing less.

      Shifting to Kaohi's comments, I must remind everyone the mission of OHA - "for the betterment of the native Hawaiians". Why aren't we pressing this issue to OHA to resolve? This is exactly what will happen under the Akaka Bill....nothing! unless we force them to act in our behalf.

      The clubhouse Hawaiian civic social club does not have the connections that Danner has and will always be the lapdogs of the U.S. and its Manifest Destiny racist doctrines and the elitists that will benefit from the Akaka Bill. Most of them are compliant to them in fear of losing their land which is provisional.

      They are conditioned to think that they have the most to lose under the U.S. system. They cannot see the tree from the forrest. This becomes a form of the Stockholme Syndrome that many have succumbed to in their fear and lack of confidence as a national subject of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. We can assume the propagandized conditioning is complete; but once the opaque scales fall from their eyes, there will be lamenting and outrage once they see the truth that has been hidden from them and they have been duped by their oppressor, the WASP ethnocentric U.S.A.

      The cultural clash is the uncompromising racist WASP superiority mainstream society versus the Polynesian Hawaiian open mainstream society. Like Pele and Poliahu, it becomes a volatile relationship unless there is mutual resolution in respecting each other's boundaries.

      Kaohi, don't cite just one law but use other pertinent laws that are in existence within the Hawaiian Kingdom laws that compliment some of the U.S. laws and International laws and related to the laws of occupation, neutrality, civil rights and human rights.

      So many layers of issues intertwine, eh?
  • Aloha kaua e Tane.

    I have to reserve judgment about Poka because I saw and heard him with my own eyes and ears tell the cops at the march on August 21, 2009 that he has a permit for two lanes... not one and he was not a pushover about it. His very good friend called him unfront to do so so I give him props for that little though important thing.

    One of his close friends is also against the Akaka Bill so I think I will give Poka the benefit of the doubt.

    I know you were there because I saw you with my own eyes but where were those people who insult him when HE as an attorney was telling the cops off and he was not doing it for show. He dunno who the hell I am but I am very observant. I saw and heard him tell the cops while they tried to push all of us around from two lanes down to one lane. I go by what people DO not by what they SAY and/or claim. Poka VERY clearly took a stand so I cannot knock him for his mana'o.

    As for being related to pilau people we are ALL related to each other through Wakea, Papa, and Haloa so digging dirt on other people's roots is irrelevant. People make CHOICES. Some screw over Hawaiians/oiwi while some CHOOSE not to.

    Robin Danner clearly is doing this for money and power. She CHOOSES to do so.

    Courtesy of Maui powerhouse Mr. Foster Ampong... powered by Ke akua, fish, and poi:

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