This is part of an article which discusses the storage of ammunition to be used against United States Citizens, etc...........a Planned SEVEN YEAR WAR...........included is the following.......yet ask yourselves WHY IS THERE NOTHING STATED IN DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT THEN CAUSING FEAR..................If the President is ILLEGAL then his actions are ILLEGAL, and where are the charges for this ILLEGAL business not part of this article?
Could be that articles such as this is intended to indoctrinate people in thinking the worse and how it's not possible to correct things.....................
Well people.............the focus should be on CORRECTING THE WRONGS focus on the ILLEGAL Administration and take steps in IMPEACHING the non U.S. Citizen OBAMA for starters...... then those who continue to support him such as CONGRESS, other words,
TAKE BACK YOUR GOVERNMENT!¤t=Obama_Funny_Dance.mp4
The ten steps to establishing a dictatorship
Remember, Naomi Wolf talks about all this in her documentary The End of America, where she outlines the 10 steps through which all nations establish a dictatorship.
Those steps are:
1. Create an internal/external threat that terrorizes the populace. This has already been accomplished with Oklahoma City (false flag) and 9/11 (another false flag). Get the film "A Noble Lie" from to learn the truth about Oklahoma City.
2. Create secret prisons, with torture. Obama did this nicely with the NDAA (as well as keeping GITMO open even after promising he would close it).
3. Create a paramilitary force. This is the TSA.
4. Single out ordinary citizens as 'troublesome persons.' This has been accomplished by Janet Napolitano's "if you see something, say something" propaganda campaign.
5. Establish surveillance of citizens' groups and ordinary citizens deemed 'troublesome.' This is already well under way through surveillance of emails, phone calls, vehicle movements and more.
6. Detain and release citizens without formally charging them with any crime. This has been "legalized" under Obama's NDAA. (
7. Target key individuals who are well known, popular figures. This has already begun and will likely accelerate. Who do you think killed Andrew Breitbart? Congressman Bono?
8. Restrict the press. Already done. The U.S. government, in fact, essentially runs the mainstream media today. White House announcements are simply printed as "fact" with zero journalism and zero fact checking taking place.
9. Redefine dissent as treason. This is already happening with figures like Ted Nugent who was recently "visited" by the Secret Service after his anti-Obama rant. All throughout government speeches today, the criminals at the very top proclaim that anyone who questions government is "anti-American" and might be involved in domestic terrorism. The FBI even warns that people who "stockpile food" might be terrorists! (Even though the government itself stockpiles massive quantities of food, guns, ammunition, communications gear, medical supplies and more...)
10. Subvert the rule of law. Already done. Law has been complete abandoned by the ATF, DEA, FDA, USDA and every other federal agency you can think of. The Attorney General Eric Holder actively plots ways to destroy the Bill of Rights, and the government stages false flag terror attacks to undermine constitutional protections.
See this important speech from Wolf at:
This is the comment that I've posted:
There are many ONE WORLD ORDER activists operating now with their intended goals to accommodate themselves, get rid of the "useless, needless eaters" by disease, etc. targeting certain PEOPLE OF COLOR populations, the other issues are to remove guns from those who will defend themselves, remove healthcare, etc. The media including this website moves on maintaining FEAR on all American citizens when the TRUE FOCUS should be on IMPEACHING THE PRESIDENT, an ILLEGAL ALIEN WHO IS NOT AN AMERICAN CITIZEN and stay on that because all will be NULL and VOID - the ramifications are that those who are deliberately KILLING INNOCENTS can be prosecuted, implicated, etc. Are the Americans really the ones who have borrowing monies to give to the CORPORATIONS as welfare benefits....when the CORPORATIONS are really building weapons for WAR, supporting the KILLING OF INNOCENTS.,.,TAKE BACK YOUR GOVERNMENT Save the People along the way by eliminating the Law Breakers who are laughing at everyone as they watch how FEAR affects the People........make Corrections by Removing OBAMA, and all of his supporting Congressmen who are on record for conspliracies, etc. See: and read John Nelson's legal article....... aloha. Informing other nations, other citizens would also help......besides, many are watching to see what the American people will do..........Take the LEAD.....or move to Make Changes with Many!
These are comments by others:
God save mankind!
So I myself was brainwashed for a year or two. Then I started researching it for myself. I actually began by reearching nutritional support for children with autism. This led to research on vaccines. I was BLOWN AWAY by what I discovered. I am a board certified behavior analyst, specializing in behavior therapy and skills develpment for children with autism and I know that ABA and other therapies work, but diet is also crucial. And getting the word out about vaccines is crucial.
It's so sad that parents like you are left to deal with the day to day struggles of raising a child who was harmed by Big Pharma. :(
This was the most disturbing post:
Bill Gates is perhaps the most dangerous man on the planet?
Learn more:
Many are watching our Kanaka Maoli as well................:
......and he will come again..............until then we have to malama.