yet....much confusion and disorder

more moneys is being testified by this communities of maui nui,

and yet we are still suffering from the decisions by these elected leaders of Usa.....


lots of moneys is being asked for farming in (kula),

this is american farmers...NOT kanaka maoli!!!.......that have turned our Ag grounds to Urban...(develpoment) and this is hewa a (wrongful criminal act)......these american farmers is given alot of benefits on their farm lands.....Local discounts (land and water)....if you farm on taxes towards your farm lands....and water is also discounted for farming, hummmmm?????

one older mainland farmer could not provide to care for her farm lands after 20 yrs. and yet she is still given many benefits running a farm status of discounts.....she need to pay for a business profit and not given any slack...... and or give back the lands back to our Recognised Native Hawaiians to Malama our Lands not to own and make illegal greedy american money on our Hawaiian Kingdom Lands, period.

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  • Sounds like with what we have going on here with hoopili, and all the bulldozing going on at Pohakea.  It's pretty much over on Oahu, just monitoring as to how we can survive our food security!

  • way tooooo much time is spent in the office of our council members.....(some of them have gained alot of weigh....ever since they were voted for the position)...please observe and i will testify what i witness today within this illegal govenrnment of Usa~~~~~who is now responsible for our lost, and confused district communities??????.....we dont see our council county members anymore?????.....why??????...for i only Expose the Hewa on our Kigndom of Maui Nui......amene~~~

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