Obama Signs Global Internet Treaty Worse Than SOPA

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White House bypasses Senate to ink agreement that could allow Chinese companies to demand ISPs remove web content in US with no legal oversight

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Months before the debate about Internet censorship raged as SOPA and PIPA dominated the concerns of web users, President Obama signed an international treaty that would allow companies in China or any other country in the world to demand ISPs remove web content in the US with no legal oversight whatsoever.

Obama Signs Global Internet Treaty Worse Than SOPA government stickers acta protest.n

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement was signed by Obama on October 1 2011, yet is currently the subject of a White House petition demanding Senators be forced to ratify the treaty. The White House has circumvented the necessity to have the treaty confirmed by lawmakers by presenting it an as “executive agreement,” although legal scholars have highlighted the dubious nature of this characterization.

The hacktivist group Anonymous attacked and took offline the Federal Trade Commission’s website yesterday in protest against the treaty, which was also the subject ofdemonstrations across major cities in Poland, a country set to sign the agreement today.

Under the provisions of ACTA, copyright holders will be granted sweeping direct powers to demand ISPs remove material from the Internet on a whim. Whereas ISPs normally are only forced to remove content after a court order, all legal oversight will be abolished, a precedent that will apply globally, rendering the treaty worse in its potential scope for abuse than SOPA or PIPA.

A country known for its enforcement of harsh Internet censorship policies like China could demand under the treaty that an ISP in the United States remove content or terminate a website on its server altogether. As we have seen from the enforcement of similar copyright policies in the US, websites are sometimes targeted for no justifiable reason.

The groups pushing the treaty also want to empower copyright holders with the ability to demand that users who violate intellectual property rights (with no legal process) have their Internet connections terminated, a punishment that could only ever be properly enforced by the creation of an individual Internet ID card for every web user, a system that is already in the works.

“The same industry rightsholder groups that support the creation of ACTA have also called for mandatory network-level filtering by Internet Service Providers and for Internet Service Providers to terminate citizens’ Internet connection on repeat allegation of copyright infringement (the “Three Strikes” /Graduated Response) so there is reason to believe that ACTA will seek to increase intermediary liability and require these things of Internet Service Providers,” reports the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

The treaty will also mandate that ISPs disclose personal user information to the copyright holder, while providing authorities across the globe with broader powers to search laptops and Internet-capable devices at border checkpoints.

In presenting ACTA as an “international agreement” rather than a treaty, the Obama administration managed to circumvent the legislative process and avoid having to get Senate approval, a method questioned by Senator Wyden.

“That said, even if Obama has declared ACTA an executive agreement (while those in Europe insist that it’s a binding treaty), there is a very real Constitutional question here: can it actually be an executive agreement?” asks TechDirt. “The law is clear that the only things that can be covered by executive agreements are things that involve items that are solely under the President’s mandate. That is, you can’t sign an executive agreement that impacts the things Congress has control over. But here’s the thing: intellectual property, in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, is an issue given to Congress, not the President. Thus, there’s a pretty strong argument that the president legally cannot sign any intellectual property agreements as an executive agreement and, instead, must submit them to the Senate.”.

26 European Union member states along with the EU itself are set to sign the treaty at a ceremony today in Tokyo. Other countries wishing to sign the agreement have until May 2013 to do so.

Critics are urging those concerned about Obama’s decision to sign the document with no legislative oversight to demand the Senate be forced to ratify the treaty.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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  • FBI Wants New App to Wiretap the Internet

    'Scraping' social network postings including Facebook and Twitter

    - Common Dreams staff

    The FBI's Strategic Information and Operations Center (SOIC) posted a 'Request for Information (RFI)' online last week seeking companies to build a social network monitoring system for the FBI. The 12-page document (.pdf) spells out what the bureau wants from such a system and invites potential contractors to reply by February 10, 2012.

    It says the application should provide information about possible domestic and global threats superimposed onto maps "using mash-up technology".

    It says the application should collect "open source" information and have the ability to:

    • Provide an automated search and scrape capability of social networks including Facebook and Twitter.
    • Allow users to create new keyword searches.
    • Display different levels of threats as alerts on maps, possibly using color coding to distinguish priority. Google Maps 3D and Yahoo Maps are listed among the "preferred" mapping options.
    • Plot a wide range of domestic and global terror data.
    • Immediately translate foreign language tweets into English.

    It notes that agents need to "locate bad actors...and analyze their movements, vulnerabilities, limitations, and possible adverse actions". It also states that the bureau will use social media to create "pattern-of-life matrices" -- presumably logs of targets' daily routines -- that will aid law enforcement in planning operations.

    * * *

    New Scientist magazine reports today:

    "These tools that mine open source data and presumably store it for a very long time, do away with that kind of privacy. I worry about the effect of that on free speech in the US" -- Jennifer Lynch of the Electronic Frontier FoundationThe US Federal Bureau of Investigation has quietly released details of plans to continuously monitor the global output of Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, offering a rare glimpse into an activity that the FBI and other government agencies are reluctant to discuss publicly. The plans show that the bureau believes it can use information pulled from social media sites to better respond to crises, and maybe even to foresee them. [...]

    The use of the term "publicly available" suggests that Facebook and Twitter may be able to exempt themselves from the monitoring by making their posts private. But the desire of the US government to watch everyone may still have an unwelcome impact, warns Jennifer Lynch at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a San Francisco-based advocacy group.

    Lynch says that many people post to social media in the expectation that only their friends and followers are reading, which gives them "the sense of freedom to say what they want without worrying too much about recourse," says Lynch. "But these tools that mine open source data and presumably store it for a very long time, do away with that kind of privacy. I worry about the effect of that on free speech in the US".

    * * *

    The BBC reports:

    "Social networks are about connecting people with other people - if one person is the target of police monitoring, there will be a dragnet effect in which dozens, even hundreds, of innocent users also come under surveillance" -- Gus Hosein, Privacy InternationalThe FBI issued the request three weeks after the US Department of Homeland Security released a separate report into the privacy implications of monitoring social media websites.

    It justified the principle of using information that users have provided and not opted to make private.

    "Information posted to social media websites is publicly accessible and voluntarily generated. Thus the opportunity not to provide information exists prior to the informational post by the user," it says.[...]

    The London-based campaign group, Privacy International, said it was worried about the consequences of such activities.

    "Social networks are about connecting people with other people - if one person is the target of police monitoring, there will be a dragnet effect in which dozens, even hundreds, of innocent users also come under surveillance," said Gus Hosein, the group's executive director.

    "It is not necessarily the case that the more information law enforcement officers have, the safer we will be.

    "Police may well find themselves overwhelmed by a flood of personal information, information that is precious to those it concerns but useless for the purposes of crime prevention."

    * * *

    The Fierce Government website reports on 'refining raw social media into intelligence gold':

    tapped.gifThe notion that the future can be predicted by trends expressed in collective social media output is one that has gained increased currency in academic writing. A January analysis (.pdf) published by the Rand Corp. of tweets using the #IranElection hashtag during 2009 and early 2010 found a correlation between appearance of swear words and protests. The study also found a shift that indicated the protest movement was losing momentum when swearing shifted from curses at the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to curses at an opposition figure.

    A March 2011 paper published in the Journal of Computational Science (abstract) also posited that movements of the Dow Jones Industrial Average could be predicted to an accuracy of 86.7 percent by changes of national mood reflected in Tweets. According to The Economist, British hedge fund Derwent Capital Markets has licensed the algorithm to guide the investments of a $41 million fund.

    # # #

    37 Comments so far

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  • 26 Responses to “Obama Signs Global Internet Treaty Worse Than SOPA”

    1. ThreeTreeDog says:

      Wow, take the power from the people an give it to china. At least i can still tell the gov they are a bunch of fukn pigs and soon theyll all rot in hell. Legally, for the moment


      Startover Reply:

      Wake up People – THE TIME IS NOW!
      It’s them, or us…


      ThreeTreeDog Reply:

      I beleive 98% of the people on this site know this, ony question is where first.


      muffin Reply:

      What a game of charade our world operates under. Unfortunately there is no convenient solution; just hell ahead. I hope I get abducted by aliens real soon. After all the deceit I’ve had to accept on this earth, the anal probing I anticipate will feel therapeutic.


      ThreeTreeDog Reply:

      Well muffin hope your anal probing dreams come true, Id rather die of a gunshot wound.

    2. Robert Lane Aiassa says:


      Destroy capitalism- and their Monarchy!

      In our combined efforts Working with Hu Jinato, of China Republic, Beijing.

      Respectfully sir,

      Sponsors – that provide satellite intel for the secret service.


      New York Main Office:

      @ Chelsea Market Space
      (mail cannot be received at this address)
      75 Ninth Avenue
      2nd and 4th Floors
      New York, NY 10011
      Phone: +1 212-565-0000
      Fax: +1 212-565-0001

      London Main Office HQ

      Google UK Ltd
      @ Belgrave House
      76 Buckingham Palace Road
      London SW1W 9TQ
      United Kingdom
      Phone: +44 (0)20-7031-3000
      Fax: +44 (0)20-7031-3001

      It will be a matter of a decision to negotiate the terms of a new free trade
      agreement. For century’s the monarchy has dominated all regions and fascists of the
      world by a financial and military style dictatorship.

      DESTROY CAPILTALISM- NWO – and their control of WTO!

      How to successfully spy on their country?

      The Back Door – by access of the Russian Federations Of Intel Already provided on Networks.

      7 Balchug st.
      Moscow 115035
      Russian Federation
      Phone: +7-495-644-1400
      Fax: +7-495-644-1401

      This is your back door to important intelligence that can link directly to the US Pentagon-
      and the white house website @ Washington DC.

      Only Info Needed:

      Brand – Model – and Serial Numbers to Surveillance Equipment.

      By Obtain model and serial numbers to all street and “video survailence camera’s” that is
      operated by M-16 and London police.

      Hack systems- by it’s a procedure called intercept – of satellite controls. Therefore giving
      the unique ability to ease drop on the community and governmental structures. The “same” for other countries such as the united states in all major cities including traffic and other given
      in formations systems.

      Similar to a hand held device that controls the traffic light – and camera signals.

      The Spy drone – TQ 100 – that is an unmanned drone.

      A military droning technique to control the visual perimeter by overriding the computer central
      response. Thus used to redirect it’s intended signals. Gamma – wavelengths by creating a strong
      enough signal the impairs the system functions.

      End Of Report.

      Electronically Signed, Robert Lane Aiassa 01/24/2011 CCCP !! Hear Me Now – Tony Blair!


    3. Robert Lane Aiassa says:


      DESTROY THE FED- Banks of the New World Order under British style Zionism – their Vatican!

      WE THE PEOPLE, By the People – for all the People!


      Hit them in their pocket book – not yours!

      You Must CANCEL ALL YOUR INSURANCE POLICY – and Collapse their evil Empire!! They will go Broke!


      Auto – Home – Life – and Obama Care??


      WE HAVE ALL THE POWER— They need US – They need – We Don’t Not them !

      BY FORCE!!


      The court system will be overwhelmed — forced to legislate!!

      If these big banks – and insurance conglomerates can afford the billions in advertisement??

      Well…. Let do it people!!

      RON PAUL…….. ARE YOU WITH US – THE People – The American Militia!!


    4. Robert Lane Aiassa says:

      Fuck Capitalism – EVIL – Pure Evil.


    5. Jamie says:

      Can Obummer be tried for treason yet?


      Jamie Reply:

      At the very least he should be impeached.


      Robert Lane Aiassa Reply:

      Jamie…. Jamie… Jamie?

      You must understand this is the way of the new world order … it’s beautiful!!


      I had so much fun in hawaii – scofield military base!


      Wellll I’ll just say this – opps….. so sorry – Die Machen De’ Furer!


    6. Robert Lane Aiassa says:

      Military check points – entry into military base FUTURE?

      Chip – to identify?

      Replacement of old and obsolete – Military ID Systems – read and buy all books – Hand Regulations- Codes – and Become the perfect soldier!

      THE NEW ….. Stormtroopers!


    7. flaming_red_pill says:


      this is the first time i have said FUCK CHINA

      but seriously, china should be worried about biowarfare against them,

      not what we write on the internet.

      CHINA, hello, the internet is the early warning system of the human race and spirituality is human heritage, we can believe whatever we want to

      and eventually we find the truth by means of the open mind

      F communism that cuts out GOD

      i would only live in a commune that allowed religion


      Robert Lane Aiassa Reply:


      Yet – It’s the britsh whom believed ever since the american revolution – 1776 – they thought they discovered america??

      kinda ironic – eh?

      THen we must say – FUCK ENGLAND!! 15% of all tax revenue goes to support the British Royal Military!

      Plus – ever man elected to president ?

      The 1st country they visit?


      Relatives – Most RELATED 0- to Them!! Most don’t know that! Fuck thier system – ans Zionist New World Order – and all their principals of capitalism-

      Thier Global NWO !!


    8. LordMaverick says:

      So now what do we do? is there any way to fight back?


      ThreeTreeDog Reply:

      I dnt care until TSHTF, i just advise against kikn my door in.


      Robert Lane Aiassa Reply:

      Lord Maverick?

      Hollow Point Bullets – loaded with mercury tips – or nanafite coated with spay on – teflon.

      These will penetrate anything – plexiglass – and body armor – with use of nanfite or similar explosive tips!!

      BLUE PRINTS – Machine shops – to construct short range Rocket Launchers!

      Mocha Late’

      Establish a MOLE –

      The organization – MAFIA- or ?? to help spy on the Government, or Police Dept.

      Obtain as much information as humanly possible – visit your police dept – or Field office – with important info – FYI – fabricated.

      They will establish a lead ??

      Then you can track them – while they watch you – make sure you have a team established to take photo’s to expose thier agents of the government.

      It’s worth money – such as the Mexican – or Colombian cartels- it actually worked to help expose fast n furious!!

      Political Advantage!

      THE CONFEDERACY UNION- several States – to take control of all Rest Stops – and Check points for inner state borders!

      ENJOY- these are sequels and idea’s from Hollywood! LOL.

      PS- Ireland – Scotland?

      Entice those living in LONDON – UK- Do you want freedom?? Then we have to fight join the army against Zionist – and their Vatican!

      PS- Tell Tony Blair – I Said Hello? Lol :-)


      Robert Lane Aiassa Reply:

      Just like they would do to you!!

      INFO- aginst their own government operative – and the advantage.

      Does anyone Remember the hit movie?? “Unusual Suspects,” or the vatican – or Movie called Valarkie ??

      Just some freindly advice – LOL .


    9. Robert Lane Aiassa says:

      Who’s in control of NATO- WTO – NSA – NAFTA – and Integrated tax system – shared with ???


      Whom attempted to elslave the world – steal from the wealth- and robbed the poor – while preaching capitalism!

      Don’t believe it??

      Ask the Indians??

      Ireland – Italy – Germany- Russia – Scotland – Spain – Japan – HAWAII -and Yes…. CHINA – until 2004 when they broke free of their rule of their country!

      Taxes – Taxes – and More Taxes- The System- America – Then Built on THEIR Standards!

      WE SHOULD SAY – Fuck England!


      ThreeTreeDog Reply:



    10. roderick usher says:

      The operative word here is TREASON. IMPEACH THE BASTARD! R.U.


    11. Robert Lane Aiassa says:

      Why…. because he didn’t bow down to the rule of England?

      THE N- word? By the Queen?

      He’s not another “Patzi” like Hilary or bill Clinton selling out our country to the Evil Vatican??


      It’s OK for the ENGLISH – to lie to all the people – WTO?

      Tax all countries for their profit??


      It’s not OBAMA – who is the total enemy – It’s “Hilary “RODHAM” -N- Bill Clinton” – The family of weasels!


      Robert Lane Aiassa Reply:



    12. Socrates says:


      It is not England that you need to defeat. It is the City of London. England is a colony of the British Empire, as is every other nation and region of this earth in some way or form.

      The British Empire is the 4th incarnation of the Roman Empire:

      1. Rome
      2. Byzantium
      3. Venice
      4. London

      The English people are not your enemy, and we are waking up to the game that has been played on us, and the world.

      We are not strong enough in this country to defeat the system, but we can help destabilise it, at a critical point, while America fights to restore her sovereignty.

      The NWO (British Empire) MUST destroy America in order to consolidate its power, but the British Isles is key, because once we fall, free humanity has no foothold in Europe, and Hitler’s dream will be complete.



      Robert Lane Aiassa Reply:


      Hit all strong arms of their british intelligence – Banks- and their families – Rothschild’s- Rockefeller’s-and Morgan’s.

      Assassinate them ‘ while they are visiting in the Cayman Islands – off shores.

      Stock Market?


      List all agencies of their government – and affiliated companies – (one at a time) bankrupt by investment –

      THEN Withdraw all marketable interests – called turn coats!!


      Refuse all insurance protection backed by the banks – and collapse the empire from within – then they will be forced to negotiate!

      Let see – 1,000,0000 Americans stop insurance investments??


      The will all go broke – level wall street by financial means!


      NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM – By Elective Laws.

      Death NEW World Order!~

      Meanwhile other countries will help rebuild (tax and Intrest free) to Establish a New Reserve.


    13. jebus says:

      Why should we believe a single thing on this website? What ever happened to that insider guy who said he was going to testify that Bin Laden died years ago? His website is only about selling fiction books. It’s all a bunch of knee jerk hoopla and Alex Jones is such a megalomaniac, which is why he doesn’t bother setting up a platform for an alternative media network. He’s a Ron Paul commissar – he doesn’t even bother questioning Ron Paul’s inhuman austerity plan nor his wrist slap of the Fed. He’s shooting himself in the foot by being more of a tool each day.


    14. hwnwahine says:
      Your comment is awaiting moderation.

      Treason, Treason, Treason see also: John Nelson, legal researcher important for all to read……….



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