Consensual Decision Making Process

This was sent to me. Although we already apply many of these things; it's good to glean from this and clearer define how we should conduct how we work among each other and with others. Based on this, we could formalize our own mana'o as a guided standard that we can encourage others to follow. We need to adjust our mindset to rational, critical thinking; divorce ourselves from the U.S. manifest destiny mindset; regard groups as political parties/entities with their distinct platforms; recognize the various political action organizations; educate our children to the correct history; encourage careers to sustain our nation such as Agriculture, hi-tech, finance, economics, health, and other various fields in modern times; and maintain the integrity of our friendly, neutral nation. Your mana'o would greatly be appreciated. Tane > From: > To: > Subject: MNN Consensual Decision Making Process > Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 11:48:46 -0400 > > CONSENSUAL DECISION MAKING PROCESS > > MNN. Oct. 31, 2009. The meetings in Kahnawake to set up a justice system are supposedly based on the decision making process of the Rotino’shonni:onwe. [Wampums 5 to 11, Kaianereh’ko:wa]. Our ancestors brought rational thinking to a principle. To keep our identity, we have to be free in body, mind and energy. We have to make up our own mind based on all the facts. There are many similarities in the nature based philosophies of all Ongwehonwe on Onowaregeh [Great Turtle Island] and beyond. These are the basic principles of our decision making process. > > GOAL. The decision must be in the best interests of all the people. Consensus does not mean that all agree but that all understand the decision. > > NOTE. Whatever ideas are put into the process, the needs and attitudes of each is considered and complements the decision. The individual has a duty to be directly involved, and to bring their ideas into the discussion within their clan. The final decision will be fully satisfactory to some, satisfactory to others and relatively satisfactory to the remainder, and will reflect elements from each group. This is a slow careful process requiring the reaching of a full understanding by each individual and not a decision made by a leader. > > WAR CHIEF. Presides over the meeting to make sure that collective rational thought and behavior are followed. > > CLANS. The people are divided into three clans: Bear, Wolf and Turtle. Each have 3 chiefs for a total of 9. > > ASSISTANT WAR CHIEF. Each clan selects a temporary spokesperson called an Assistant War Chief. > > WELL-KEEPER announces the subject for discussion and passes the issue over the Council Fire. > > The three clans deliberate. > > Then the Assistant War Chief either reports or asks questions or reports a final decision. If the Clans disagree or there is an error or the proceedings are irregular, the Assistant War Chief calls attention to it on behalf of his clan. They once again deliberate. > > The issue is then passed by all three clans. > > THREE CRITERIA. > > When an issue is discussed, the clans consider the short term and long term pros and cons of the issue. Three criteria must be met: > > 1.PEACE. Does it preserve the peace that is already established? > > 2.RIGHTEOUSNESS. Is it morally correct? And > > 3.POWER. Does it preserve the integrity of the nation? What does it do for the present and how does it affect the future seven generations from now? > > DURING DELIBERATIONS. > Each must follow the criteria of peace, righteousness and power at all times. Persons are asked throughout the process if they fully understand. If not, the process stops until this is accomplished. One cannot simply be stubborn and refuse to understand as they will be questioned. > > Every Person has a responsibility to expand and exercise their minds. The forces of life have given the human being the potential to use the mind to create a better life through peace, power and righteousness. > > In the decision-making process: > > -all opinions have to be considered; > > -all must be completely reasonable; > > -all should come with an open mind; > > -all must fully understand the other’s viewpoint; > > -each participant cannot repeat a position once it has been fully explained and understood; > > -if a person does not agree with the views that have been stated, they must fully explain their dissenting views; > > -no one can impose their will nor make decisions for another; > > -all must understand the viewpoint and agree of their own free will; and > > -if there is no consensus, the consensus is to retain the status quo. > > The Chiefs and the War Chief who preside over the meeting make sure that the Kaianereh’ko:wa and collective rational thought and behavior are followed. > > All human beings are capable of rational thought, which leads to solving even the most difficult problem. The underlying philosophy is that human beings are loving, caring and wish to interact in a positive way. People cannot think clearly when they are in psychological plain, or have feelings of rage or lose hope. The process must bring us from despair to hope. We have to resist being manipulated or having decisions made for us or pacifying us. We all have a responsibility to develop our minds. To think is to create a sane world for the present and future generations, a world safe from the emotional, irrational behavior controlled by fear, hatred, greed, jealousy, suspicion and conflict. The main obstacle to our survival is fear. > > We are a distinct nation with our own law, government, people and territory. We have to always assert this.

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  • GOAL. The decision must be in the best interests of all the people. Consensus does not mean that all agree but that all understand the decision.

  • Aloha kaua a Tane.

    I agree with Kaohi on several issues. I serve on several boards which supposedly create order among disorder yet some other board members purposefully try to control others even trying to silence them for the sake of the "consensual decision making process." To me sometimes disorder can be a great thing but then I like independent thinkers and people who act independently while being mindful of the "greater good." To me there can be balance but it's not necessarily one way and only one way to reach a decision (i.e. consensual.)

    "CONSENSUAL DECISION MAKING PROCESS" implies Group Think and I do not like Group Think. Different people have different ideas and solutions... and I like that.

    "if there is no consensus, the consensus is to retain the status quo." Which is not a good thing.

    "The main obstacle to our survival is fear." I would add "our ego" to it too. Fear and ego (as in the inability to put one's ego aside for the sake of the future generations) are the main obstacles to our survival.

    "encourage careers to sustain our nation such as Agriculture, hi-tech, finance, economics, health, and other various fields in modern times" To me children receive mixed, confusing messages.

    E malama pono.
  • Tane,

    Forgot to respond to this:

    "We need to adjust our mindset to rational, critical thinking; divorce ourselves from the U.S. manifest destiny mindset; regard groups as political parties/entities with their distinct platforms; recognize the various political action organizations; educate our children to the correct history; encourage careers to sustain our nation such as Agriculture, hi-tech, finance, economics, health, and other various fields in modern times; and maintain the integrity of our friendly, neutral nation."

    Always adjusting our mindset to recognize political actions, correct history to sustain and managable levels. As for neutral nation and friendly in modern times this takes work and constant engaging in a topic. Truth, I live in an aboriginal setting and I'm super cranky with co-existence. I truly don't know how to live in a co-existence and maintain a level of sustainable adaptations. I can only try.

    Love you Kaohi
  • Tane,

    I attend my associations meetings as much as possible. To reach "CONSENSUAL DECISION MAKING PROCESS" I have to choke down my spit. Forgive me, for we are coming upon some serious times and I have a problem with the above posting. If we are to free ourselves from enslavement, women gossip, status quo than freedom and govern by the people are important factors to consider when advocating for the people. The people are the sheep when we loose academic freedom or buy into the objectivity of 'thought'. As you know me, I would not accept theories that are 200 years old and that have caused and continue to relish on the flesh and bones of our people.

    Rage and pain are all good; the objective glance is a concern. At my community association, I heard the same crap!

    all opinions have to be considered;
    > -all must be completely reasonable;
    > -all should come with an open mind;
    > -all must fully understand the other’s viewpoint;
    > -each participant cannot repeat a position once it has been fully explained and understood;
    > -if a person does not agree with the views that have been stated, they must fully explain their dissenting views;
    > -no one can impose their will nor make decisions for another;
    > -all must understand the viewpoint and agree of their own free will; and
    > -if there is no consensus, the consensus is to retain the status quo.

    This grotesque set of Hawaiian/tribal wind up toy is mechanical and lack humanity. All opinions are never considered in Robert Rules of Order. If anything the truths do get squashed! Recently, I went to a community meeting, and I agreed to meet for more discussion on the up coming project. I even offered a cashiers check to pay for the event. A simple project was so hampered by the:

    "Each must follow the criteria of peace, righteousness and power at all times. Persons are asked throughout the process if they fully understand. If not, the process stops until this is accomplished. One cannot simply be stubborn and refuse to understand as they will be questioned.
    > Every Person has a responsibility to expand and exercise their minds. The forces of life have given the human being the potential to use the mind to create a better life through peace, power and righteousness."

    This whole behavior is stifling and leaves our park empty and useless because we are unable to think outside of structure and unable to return to the subject when needed. We consent to easy and painless agreements for the hell of it.

    I understand the need for order, however, we have nothing to order let alone come to a "CONSENSUAL DECISION MAKING PROCESS". I can work with space over time; however, historical records are canned in soup, adoption of another culture, and masked over seems difficult to distinguish when there is intent to do harm or just plain walk away out of ignorance. Harm to our future generation is not a one sided phenomenon--its spread wide and pretty messed up. It's popular to belong to a group of like mindedness--a way to hide ones pain and rage in social laughter.

    The actual individual hard at work hammering out a master piece does not happen in a set of rules. Just a lot of sweat and muscle pain proves his performance as true.

    Group consensus often destroys and hinders humanity are just my opinion. I participate so that I can hold myself accountable or maybe, I'm just a plain coward, or I wait for another battle front.

    My thoughts, love you Kaohi
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