amelia gora
Author, writer, editor of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web from the Hawaiian Islands. Have written more than 25 history, genealogy books, 341 issues of the news posted to date. Anti-war, researcher of more than 30 years history, 22 years of genealogy, 10+ years of laws. Articles/info posted at many forums - including /British Medical Journal. aloha.
- 46
- Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
Obama plan to benefit native Hawaiians runs into trouble
Who's Afraid of Zinn's Radical History?
Howard Zinn was the best history book writer ever. He used to send out messages and answered questions too. Love his honesty some people engage in opposition to Zinn because they want publicity for themselves? I think so. aloha.
Declaration of War on American Values: Battalion Commander Tells Troops that Pa…
old treasonous geezer needs to take a hike......booted out of the military and anyone else who has the same thinking......prosecute Obama who is an illegal alien born in Kenya and moving towards the One World Order/New World Order......all following him also needs to be reviewed, booted, stripped of his grades, etc.
"Stand With Snowden:" Julian Assange Speaks After 1 Yr in Ecuadorian Embassy
Posted on Facebook: Amelia Gora
Julian Assanges article has some awesome commentssee i've posted some comments too....
"Stand With Snowden:" Julian Assange Speaks After 1 Yr in
John Boehner cares more about blocking President Obama and catering to special interest groups than representing the American people.
Like · · Share · Promote · 26 minutes ago ·
Amelia Gora a good weekend....
Mike Love - "No More War"
Please support the artist! More
25 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora have you ever noticed how the "leaders" of OHA, UH Profs, et. als. are EVER SO guessing they have "shut up monies" or have they only recently discovered "they are in the WRONG.....following the usurpers, the criminal deviants, the OCCUPIERS, PIRATES, CONSPIRATORS, and PROBLEMATIC, against a neutral, non violent nation whose descendants exist....." Can you look yourself in the mirror....Maka Ala Sleeping Giants.....i
18 minutes ago · Like
Amelia Gora i've been on the foreign forums in the past and then discovered everyone's so caught up in the INDOCTRINATION, the the Hawaiian Islands..... we're amidst PIRATES.......ISSUES unresolved.... abundant yet we will continue to remain a neutral, friendly nation as directed by our great great grandmother Queen Liliuokalani...
8 minutes ago · Like
Amelia Gora p.s. Kamehameha III's - Kauikeouli's descendants exists today.... one of the many projects that I've been working on ...side by side with finding out who the PROBLEMATIC people/PIRATES are.....along with other researchers.....Wicked I tell you.......lots of Wickedness in the islands and it appears the same entities are providing Wickedness to ALL in the World as the long run, God will get them.... Stand with the INNOCENTS.......
Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around the - From the award-winning documentary, "Playing For...See More
about a minute ago · Like · Remove Preview
yes, see my comments posted above..........we need to support Whistleblowers including Sheriff Arpaio.........see some of the history above and at which exposes what's happening these days...........also see whistleblowers youtube videos ..... Leuren Moret a depleted uranium expert.... and we don't need perpetual wars which is what the criminals banksters, immoral lot who have Plundered Upon Innocents over time.... aloha..... an antiwar message...
maybe some of this newly posted info can help.......ref: "
.well, the Rockefellers are the permanent CEO's of the EXXON Corporation which evolved from Standard Oil Company and is the umbrella over many oil companies, electric companies, etc. They owned the 911 twin towers which was imploded and the cause of the PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS in Iraq, the Middle East, etc. They also owned the land that the United Nations is built on and are part of the ONE WORLD ORDER/NEW WORLD ORDER....remember one of the goals is to exterminate the populations? Well, a researcher friend from Texas gave me a book with the following information which shows a direct correlation of the financial system now operating deviously at yours and my expense: Remember the Federal Reserve? Well "The Reaper" news paper/magazine exposed the controlling stockholders in the Federal Reserve. They are: 1) Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin 2) Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris 3) Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy 4) Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam 5) Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York 6) Lehman Brothers Bank of New York 7) Goldman Sachs Bank of New York and Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (Rockefellers)....."these shareholders have controlled our political and economic destiny since 1913" and are now moving to control the World's populations through a combined effort moving towards One World Order /New World Order..........get the picture? and btw guess who owns a bulk of stocks in the Goldman Sachs ? The Criminal Racketeering PIRATES called the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates ! see
Dirty Money, Dirty Politics and Bishop Estate - Part
Stealing the Legacy of a Hawaiian Princess
8 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora also see
private accumulationprofits to corrupt the legal system, hijack public funds, ge...See More
7 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora btw the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC are Not Our Family but conspirators upholding Fraud claims and supported by the U.S., England, and the bankers .....see some of them listed in the Federal Reserve list, and others such as the JP Morgan banks, Bank of Hawaii whose shareholders includes foreign born President Barack Obama......get the picture? This posting is meant to empower everyone of what's happening now with some historical background......what can you do about it? Impeach, prosecute, support Whistleblowers including supporting Sheriff Arpaio, et. als. aloha to all Whistleblowers! Antiwar activists!
Stephen Verona Chicago We Can Make It
A stop motion video from 1972 for the rock group Chicago that I p
ALERT: Evidence Suggests that New Immigration Bill Was Designed as a Get Out…
yep, a "save the butt" move for Obama......after all he's lookin at all the angles as a Constitutional lawyer....but, in the case wwhere he's a documented War Criminal, it appears that there will be a mandate for his prosecution , prison term seems wondering if the Congressmen will have the balls to go there..............then again, many will probably step forward after Sheriff Arpaio moves.....
Shocking Legal Memo Outlines Obama Administration's Justification For Killing U.…
32 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora
SOJA | Peace in a Time of War (Full Album/Album Completo)
Full album "Peace in a Time of War" from SOJA (2003) Album Completo "Peace in a Time of War" do SOJA SUBSCRIBE / INSCREVA-SE LIKE / GOSTEI FAVORITE!
6 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora Posting the links again fyi: America is Not the Best Country in theWorld
"America Is Not the Greatest Country In the World"
3 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora Kamehameha's grandchildren '
The Hidden Families Are Within This Chronological History and Seventeen (17) Moopuna/Grandchildren
A Chronological History of Kalaniopuu's, and Kamehameha's Families With A Focus ...See More
2 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora Corruption in Hawaii about Ezra and Awesome Researcher Whistleblower Greg Wongham...
Judge Ezra ordered Greg Wongham to Remove His Website, Greg Wongham Died, and Judge Ezra is in an
Greg Wongham posted the following on his website, Judge Ezra had ordered him to ...See More
about a minute ago · Like · Remove Preview
Amelia Gora The Truth about Afri-Con Obama....
Afri-Con Man Info For All to See, Read, Pass Along............The Truth, the ROOT of President
The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya...See More
Don't be too sure about that...he's no different from George W. Bush, et. als.....who cannot travel to some nations because they can be arrested for War Crimes.......for one thing he lied about where he was born.....the Hawaiian Islands were not annexed by the U.S., the Royal Families exist meaning the Treaties supersedes all laws, the Treaties help to maintain the 1849 U.S. more at and read the corruption documented in Hawaii with a questionable death of an awesome whistleblower named Greg Wongham implicating a Federal Judge, etc. and lastly read about your President . aloha.
Barack Obama, Drone Ranger
There's several videos on youtube on how to build a drone..........
a whole series of videos exists on building your own fleet of planes............
this just may be an alternate use of defense for everyone................and deliver kisses, confetti, messages, etc.
on the other hand.........kinda brings back memories of a cute cartoon..."bringing home a baby bumble bee" and resulting in retaliation...........interesting lessons to learn from aged cartoons. ;p
Would You Like To Buy a DRONE? It's Actually Sold on-line.....Too bad it doesn't deliver Love Kisses....Updated 11.30.2012....
Posted by Amelia Gora on April 28, 2012 at 9:01am in Politics
View Discussions
Buy Your Own Drone! Now Only $300 Online
Apr 28, 2012 4:45 AM EDT
We don’t need to imagine the future anymore, writes Clive Stafford-Smith. In the dystopian reality of 2012, the drone can ruin your life in ways you never imagined.
Governor puts brakes on PLDC rulemaking
Kamehameha's descendants/heirs exists....Premeditation of taking over the Hawaiian Islands have been admitted by the U.S. - Public Law 103-150 as well as the Masons/Freemasons admission Reference: The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees, other Alii Trustees have NO TITLE because the owners exists....we're surrounded by Pirates who needs to be taken back by their government, the U.S. Kanaka Maoli are under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion... read the legal notice posted a few days ago at Evidence has been found and shared to all...Abercrombie is currently the lead Pirate......with Aila in second place, etc. etc.
burial grounds
Kawaiahao Church Burials - Updates - by Amelia GoraThe following is a Chronological listing of the events affecting Kawaiahao Church burials:1810 approximately - Maps found by researcher, cultural expert Mike Lee showing that the area was used as a burial ground.1848 - Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III gave the property to the Kanaka Maoli who helped to build the Kawaiahao Church. This was an ano alodio/alodio title.1848 - Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III conveyed the Konohiki title to Kaaha, husband of Kalola who married Luluhiwalani, et. als.Their children were Alapai Kahekili Luluhiwalani; hanai: Kamamalu (w) who married Liholiho/ Kamehameha II, and both died in England in 1824; hanai: Kapooloku/Abigail Kapoolohu (w)/ Princess Poomaikelani whose descendants existed in 1893 and today, including myself, Amelia Gora.1893 - Premeditated dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani and leaving her and her subjects, Alii, all Kanaka Maoli, foreigners under duress, stress, usurpation, coercion, etc.1894 - Sanford B. Dole, treasonous person, conspirator, Pirate criminally conveyed properties to the Church and disregarded the true ano alodio/alodio title holders, etc.2006 - The following was delivered to the Kawaiahao Church: 2011 - Oahu Burial Council Meeting pertaining to Kawaiahao Burials, etc. Activities List for those supporting Kawaiahao Burial Removals: - Continued Oppositions made, including Konohiki claims.SummaryThe criminal, wrongful removal of the true land owners, the ano alodio/alodio title owners were removed and their descendants were disregarded.Theft of gold coins, funerary objects were reported to the Honolulu Police Department, issues unresolved.Genocide Activities List at the Honolulu Police Department now contains more peoples names including the Kahu of the Kawaiahao Church, et. als.Failure to recognize the true owners are an issue, especially since the 1849 Treaty is still in place, a perpetual treaty.The 1849 Treaty with the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America is locked in with the 1849 U.S. Constitution.The Treaty(ies) supersedes State Laws. See: Kawaiahao Church along with others are illegally operating on foreign soil because the Hawaiian Kingdom is a foreign nation occupied by documented Pirates on the High Seas, Americans who did premeditate the criminal removal of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, raped the living and now the dead.The United States needs to set up an Embassy to take care of their own documented Missionaries/mercenaries, et. als./occupiers, criminal activists who have been breaking laws, stealing, swindling, making for profit, encroaching on properties without rights, obtaining assets, incomes, etc. since they arrived in 1820.aloha. Find more artists like Hawaiian Nation at Myspace MusicFind more artists like Hawaiian Nation at Myspace Music
Queen Liliuokalani prophesied and stated the following: “Oh, honest Americans, as Christians hear me for my downtrodden people! Their form
of Government is as dear to them as yours is Precious to you. Quite as warmly s you love
your country, so they love theirs. With all your Goodly possessions, covering a
territory so immense that there yet remain parts unexplored, possessing islands that,
although new at hand, had to be neutral ground in time of war, do not covet the little
vineyard of Naboth’s, so far from your shores, lest the Punishment of Ahab fall upon you,
if not in Your day, in that of your children, for “be not deceived, God is not
mocked.” The people to whom your fathers told of the living God, and taught to call
“Father”, and whom the sons now seek to despoil and destroy, are crying aloud
to Him in the time of trouble, and He will keep His promise, and will listen to the
Voices of His Hawaiian children lamenting for their homes.”
5:03 Added to queueKaulana Na PuaHidden behind a deceptively light tune, this protest song tells of the ardent opposition of Native Hawaiians to the annexation of their nation to ...5:06 Added to queueKaulana Na Puaadditional references:articles, pamphlets written by Amelia Gorahttp://www.democracynow.or... America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq
John Cusack and Jonathan Turley on Obama’s Constitution
The Confederate States were all part of the 30 States who agreed to the 1849 Treaty with the Hawaiian Kingdom. See the 11 Confederate States named and the 11 States underlined in the 30 States named which agreed to the Perpetual Friendship Treaty which locked in the U.S. Constitution:The order of secession resolutions and dates follow.1. South Carolina (December 20, 1860)[38]
2. Mississippi (January 9, 1861)[39]
3. Florida (January 10)[40]
4. Alabama (January 11)[41]5. Georgia (January 19, 1861)[42]
6. Louisiana (January 26)[43]
7. Texas (February 1; referendum the 23d)[44]
– Ft. Sumter and Lincoln's call up –8. Virginia (April 17; referendum May 23, 1861)[45]
9. Arkansas (May 6)[46]
10. Tennessee (May 7; referendum June 8)[47]
11. North Carolina (May 20, 1861)[48]
NOTESDelawareDec. 7, 1787
1 stThe first of the original 13 colonies.PennsylvaniaDec. 12, 1787
2 ndThe second of the original 13 colonies.New JerseyDec. 18, 1787
3 rdThe third of the original 13 colonies.GeorgiaJan. 2, 1788
4 thThe fourth of the original 13 coloniesConnecticutJan. 9, 1788
5 thThe fifth of the original 13 colonies.MassachusettsFeb. 6, 1788
6 thThe sixth of the original 13 coloniesMarylandApril 28, 1788
7 thThe seventh of the original 13 colonies.South CarolinaMay 23, 1788
8 thThe eighth of the original 13 colonies.New HampshireJune 21, 1788
9 thThe ninth of the original 13 coloniesVirginiaJune 25, 1788
10 thThe 10th of the original 13 colonies.New YorkJuly 26, 1788
11 thThe 11th of the original 13 colonies.North CarolinaNov. 21, 1789
12 thThe 12th of the original 13 colonies.Rhode IslandMay 29, 1790
13 thThe 13th of the original 13 colonies.VermontMarch 4, 1791
14 thUntil statehood, had been a region claimed by both New York and New HampshireKentuckyJune 1, 1792
15 thNever a territory, it was part of Virginia until statehood.TennesseeJune 1, 1796
16 thWas Southwest Territory before statehood.OhioMarch 1, 1803
17 thWas part of the Northwest Territory until statehood.LouisianaApril 30, 1812
18 thWith certain boundary changes, had been the Territory of Orleans.IndianaDec. 11, 1816
19 thThere was a residue of Indiana Territory that continued to exist under that name until Dec. 3, 1818, when it was attached to Michigan Territory.MississippiDec. 10, 1817
20 thTerritory by Act of April 7, 1798, effective May 7, 1798.IllinoisDec. 3, 1818
21 st.AlabamaDec. 14, 1819
22 ndTerritory by Act of March 3, 1817, effective Aug. 15, 1817.MaineMarch 15, 1820
23 rdWhat is now the state of Maine was, before statehood, called the District of Maine and belonged to Massachusetts.MissouriAug. 10, 1821
24 thThe state was much smaller than the territory. The area to the west and northwest of the state, which had been in the territory, was commonly known as the "Missouri Country" until May 30, 1854, and certain of the post offices in this area show a Missouri abbreviation in the postmark.ArkansasJune 15, 1836
25 thThe territory was larger than the state. After statehood the leftover area to the west had post offices that continued for some years to use an Arkansas abbreviation in the postmarks, although they were really in the "Indian Country."MichiganJan. 26., 1837
26 th.FloridaMarch 3, 1845
27 th.TexasDec. 29, 1845
28 thWas an independent republic before statehood.IowaDec. 28, 1846
29 th.WisconsinMay 29, 1848
30 thThe state is smaller than the territory and the leftover area continued to be called the Territory of Wisconsin until March 3, 1849. ▶ Reply
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 1 hour agoDeleteLincoln's policySince December, secessionists with and without state forces seized Federal Court Houses, U.S. Treasury mints and post offices. Southern governors ordered militia mobilization, seized most of the federal forts and cannon within their boundaries and U.S. armories of infantry weapons. The governors in big-state Republican strongholds of Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania quietly began buying weapons and training militia units themselves.[106] President Buchanan protested seizure of Federal property, but made no military response apart from a failed attempt to resupply Fort Sumter using the ship Star of the West, which was fired upon by South Carolina forces and turned back before it reached the fort.[105]Merchant Star of the West intended to resupply Ft. Sumter. Lincoln's policy to hold federal property was unlike Buchanan'sOn March 4, 1861, Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as President. In hisinaugural address, he argued that the Constitution was a more perfect unionthan the earlier Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, that it was a binding contract, and called any secession "legally void".[107] He had no intent to invade Southern states, nor did he intend to end slavery where it existed, but that he would use force to maintain possession of federal property. The government would make no move to recover post offices, and if resisted, mail delivery would end at state lines. Where popular conditions did not allow peaceful enforcement of Federal law, U.S. Marshals and Judges would be withdrawn. No mention was made of bullion lost from U.S. mints in Louisiana, Georgia and North Carolina. In Lincoln’s Inaugural, U.S. policy would only collect import duties at its ports, there could be no serious injury to justify revolution in the politics of four short years. His speech closed with a plea for restoration of the bonds of union.[108]The South sent delegations to Washington and offered to pay for the federal properties and enter into a peace treaty with the United States. Lincoln rejected any negotiations with Confederate agents because he claimed the Confederacy was not a legitimate government, and that making any treaty with it would be tantamount to recognition of it as a sovereign government.[109] Secretary of State William Seward who at that time saw himself as the real governor or “prime minister” behind the throne of the inexperienced Lincoln, engaged in unauthorized and indirect negotiations that failed.[109] President Lincoln was determined to hold all remaining Union-occupied forts in the Confederacy, Fort Monroe in Virginia, in Florida, Fort Pickens, Fort Jefferson, and Fort Taylor, and in the city first passing state Resolves for Secession, Charleston, South Carolina’s Fort Sumter.[110]Reference: March 4, 1861, Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as President. In hisinaugural address, he argued that the Constitution was a more perfect unionthan the earlier Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, that it was a binding contract, and called any secession "legally void".[107]
The 1849 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the U.S./United States/U.S.A./United States of America did indeed lock in the U.S. Constitution of 1849.U.S. President Lincoln called it "a binding contract, and called any secession "legally void". Reference: Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, Monday, March 4, 1861. Abraham LincolnAbraham Lincoln at age 54, 186316th President of the United StatesIn office
March 4, 1861 – April 15, 1865Vice PresidentHannibal Hamlin
Andrew JohnsonPreceded byJames BuchananSucceeded byAndrew JohnsonMember of the U.S. House of Representatives
from Illinois's 7th districtIn office
March 4, 1847 – March 4, 1849Preceded byJohn HenrySucceeded byThomas HarrisPersonal detailsBornFebruary 12, 1809
Hodgenville, Kentucky, U.S.DiedApril 15, 1865 (aged 56)
Petersen House, Washington, D.C., U.S.Resting placeLincoln's Tomb, Oak Ridge Cemetery
Springfield, IllinoisCitizenshipUnited States
San Marino[1][2][note 1]Political partyRepublican (1854–1865)
National Union (1864–1865)Other political
affiliationsWhig (Before 1854)Spouse(s)Mary ToddChildrenRobert
TadProfessionLawyerSignatureMilitary serviceService/branchIllinois MilitiaYears of service1832Rank CaptainBattles/warsBlack Hawk War Note: Lincoln was called one of the three greatest Presidents..............he was assassinated by JOHN WILKES BOOTH.......Research incomplete about a JOHN BOOTH from the Hawaiian Islands who was missing about that period, he was the son of Joseph BOOTH who appears to be the ancestor of U.S. President Barack Obama.U.S. President Lincoln was correct in saying that the U.S. Constitution was a "binding contract" because reviewing the 1849 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the U.S./United States/U.S.A./United States of America was and is indeed a legal, lawful, locked in "binding contract".
Therefore, the U.S. Constitution of 1849, as well as the 1849 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom, a Perpetual Treaty with the U.S./United States/U.S.A./United States of America remains a "binding contract", a contract that was approved, agreed to, signed by the 30 States documented above with the President and agreed to by Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III in 1849.The Newstates Constitution as documented in John Nelson's writings, see is the only Constitution that President Obama stripped.Americans are and remain protected under the U.S. Constitution as documented and validated by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln who was assassinated by the Booth descendant.If proven that OBAMA is indeed from the Booth family, then it just means that a slave captor's descendant continues to move to destroy a Nation through lies, wicked moves to breakdown a Nation contrary to the rule by England and the bankers/Monetary System, Corporations, etc.
(have cited these cases in our Royal Family(ies) claims....and guess what? The Volume 1 of the HAWAIIAN REPORTS is MISSING/STOLEN off the shelves in the Main Library-----------says something folks!...........check it out at other resource areas --- Archives, Supreme Court Law Library, etc.) aloha.
has it ever occurred to anyone that the U.S. under Obama has moved from a status of "civilized nation" to a "barbaric nation" see the Hawaiian Reports Volume 1 - cases of Landais and another case on Franchett ..,., these cases cite International laws and the rights of "civilized nations" to protect citizens of their nation which is what Spain did.... the idea is to protect and not "Kill" their citizens...come on legal people who have not joined the Bar - a mason/freemason connection....and help protect citizens.....aloha.
Beyond Rail
Ever thought of the number of deaths that will occur due to the Rail System as well?
Opposition to the Rail continues from the true landowners, who is not the State of Hawaii, etc.
Also, have you ever thought that the future wars planned would utilize the Rail System? In other words folks, the Rail System is NOT meant for you or I..........
realistically, the future Wars will be over Water...think about it!