"Columbus Day" (fwd)

Monday, October 11, 2010

5:00 pm, in front of the Roman Catholic
Diocese of Honolulu, 1184 Bishop St. (at the top of Fort Street Mall).


Tony Castanha

 to papbullslist
show details 2:33 AM (4 hours ago)

*Mahalo to Runningfox

So come join us on Monday, and put theory into a little practice...

Dear Friends,
I know we have been here before, Columbus Day. I think this is an opportunity to educate people to the Annual Lie we celebrate called in the name of this supposedly hero, who found America ... pardon me while I chuckle to myself. I think it's such a obscene gesture. Would anybody celebrate Hitler? Tell the truth, learn the truth, get a better understanding of the indigenous peoples of this place called "Turtle Island " 
So as all this will take is for you to pass this on to all the folks you know.

Below is a piece of graphic art that may enlighten these folks a little and
with some humor and history and culture of the People of Turtle Island.

Thank You all for helping with this task.

Joseph "Doc Sunshine" Leon
Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.

-Chief Seattle, 1854

Uncle Jim Runningfox
USAF, Retired
Taino Elder Emeritus
Aymaco Tribe

Welcome to the Official Website of the Aymaco Taino Tribe

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Doc's-T-shirt.gif Doc's-T-shirt.gif
349K   View   Download  
columbusisnohero!.gif columbusisnohero!.gif
1974K   View   Download 

video-thumb-with-addto""> 3:54 video-actions" data-video-ids="Lbx3vYd5ddc" data-video-id="Lbx3vYd5ddc""> 3 years ago 18,645 views


Note:  see the article

Read about the Papal Bulls in the following:

Appears that the Manifest Destiny is just part of the picture as seen below started thru the following:


Compiled by Amelia Gora (2010)

The Statue of Liberty is not a representative of truth but a Trojan Horse in reality. The following Chronological History shows why:


1) Roman Empire

Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was one of the largest and most enduring in world history.

The saying "All Roads Lead to Rome" alludes to this central hub of technology, literature, culture and architecture in the ancient world. The engineers of the Roman age created an unparalleled network of roads in ancient history.

Approximately 50,000 miles (80,000 km) of roads spread Roman civilization, influence and the mighty legions throughout the western world. They built strong arched bridges, and mastered the concept of "running water" using aqueducts that, among other things, supplied public baths rivaling today's modern water facilities.

At the height of its power in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD, the Roman Empire consisted of some 2.2 million square miles (5.7 million sq. km). 60 million people (or as much as 1/5 of the world's population) claimed citizenship of Rome and as many as 120 million people may have lived within its borders.

# Roman History
# Index of Roman History
# Founding of Rome
# Kings of Rome
# Birth of Republic
# Conquest of Italy
# Punic Wars
# Late Republic
# Fall of Republic
# Early Empire
# Five Good Emperors

includes the Trojan Horse - Virgil



Virgil was a poet who lived during the civil wars in Rome and then in the time of the Roman Emperor Augustus, just before the birth of Jesus Christ. Virgil (VER-jill) was a friend of Maecenas (my-SEEN-ass), who was a friend of Augustus, and the poetry Virgil wrote was meant to support the government. He wrote a bunch of poems, called the Georgics, which are about how wonderful Italy is, and how nice it is to have peace (thanks to Augustus), and how good it is to live a simple, traditional life.

But the work Virgil is most remembered for is the epic poem called the Aeneid. This is a long poem in twelve books, like the Iliad or the Odyssey. The hero is Aeneas (i-KNEE-ass), who was a Trojan who was supposed to have escaped from Troy when the Greeks captured it during the Trojan War. It is the story of how Aeneas and his men (like Odysseus and his men) travelled from Troy to Italy to found the city of Rome. This makes the Trojans the ancestors of the Romans.

Virgil was not happy with the Aeneid. It was not published while he was alive, and when he died in 19 BC he left instructions that it should be destroyed. But his heirs published it anyway.

more on Virgil http://classics.mit.edu/Virgil/aeneid.html

2) Papal Bulls


13th Annual Papal Bulls Burning

In solidarity with indigenous peoples around the world, please join
us for the annual Indigenous Peoples' Day, Papal Bulls Burning ceremony in Honolulu on Monday, October 11, 5:00 pm, in front of the Roman Catholic
Diocese of Honolulu, 1184 Bishop St. (at the top of Fort Street Mall).

Indigenous peoples and supporters elsewhere are encouraged to organize
a small ceremonial event and symbolically burn or tear-up copies of the
May 4, 1493 papal bull "Inter Caetera" in demonstration against "Columbus
Day," or "Discoverer's Day" as it's known of here in Hawai'i. The document
can be downloaded from our website at:


*Students are especially encouraged to attend in order to put theory into
a little practice by linking the papal bulls issue with other important indigenous rights' and global issues we've been diligently covering in class.

Sponsoring organizations include: Kosmos Indigena, Ka Pakaukau, Department
of Ethnic Studies (UH Manoa), Ahupua'a Action Alliance, Hawai'i Institute
for Human Rights, and the Kanaka Maoli Tribunal Komike. For more
information, email: castanha@hawaii.edu, or phone (808) 737-6097.

*Indigenous peoples and supporters seek the formal revocation of the
1493 papal bull "Inter Caetera." This decree was issued by the Vatican
to Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the Caribbean. Along
with the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas, it sought to establish Christian
dominion over the globe and called for the subjugation of non-Christian
peoples and seizure of their lands. As a result, an estimated 100 million
indigenous peoples were killed off in the process of Europe's colonization
of the indigenous world. This papal edict has never been repealed and is
the foundation-stone of the international system we live under today and
directly related to the corporate-state-military plunder and rape of the
planet, which is sometimes linked to the phenomenon known as "globalization."

Aloha a hui hou.

In spirit,

Tony Castana (Carib/Boricua)
Kosmos Indigena


Paul Martin
Student Assistant

Ethnic Studies Department
2560 Campus Road, George 301
Honolulu, HI 96822
(808) 956-8086

Tony's scan.doc Tony's scan.doc
1147K View Download

Note: the term "indigenous" should not be used for our people............for we are kanaka maoli/ aboriginal Hawaiians as documented by Queen Liliuokalani.

"indigenous" means people who own nothing, have nothing, and are nothing - equal or less than slaves.....this was documented by K. Choy who did talk with the United Nations representative who had a meeting on the Big Island.

Recently, the United Nations has moved to extinguish all "indigenous" peoples claims......another overthrow? see the meetings scheduled on the Island of Maui with the United Nations representatives.

Please refrain from continuing the use of "indigenous" when it comes to our people...........besides, President Grover Cleveland did return Hawaii to Queen Liliuokalani in 1895 and the abundant amount of criminals, deviants, PIRATES are perpetuating lies to our people.

3) 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona signed by Austria; France; Prussia; Russia; Vatican (complemented for maintaining obedience amongst the people; U.S.; and England.

4) 1839 - Manifest Destiny:


Title: Manifest Destiny
Author: John O'Sullivan
Year Published: 1839

John L. O'Sullivan on Manifest Destiny, 1839

The American people having derived their origin from many other nations, and the Declaration of National Independence being entirely based on the great principle of human equality, these facts demonstrate at once our disconnected position as regards any other nation; that we have, in reality, but little connection with the past history of any of them, and still less with all antiquity, its glories, or its crimes. On the contrary, our national birth was the beginning of a new history, the formation and progress of an untried political system, which separates us from the past and connects us with the future only; and so far as regards the entire development of the natural rights of man, in moral, political, and national life, we may confidently assume that our country is destined to be the great nation of futurity.

It is so destined, because the principle upon which a nation is organized fixes its destiny, and that of equality is perfect, is universal. It presides in all the operations of the physical world, and it is also the conscious law of the soul -- the self-evident dictates of morality, which accurately defines the duty of man to man, and consequently man's rights as man. Besides, the truthful annals of any nation furnish abundant evidence, that its happiness, its greatness, its duration, were always proportionate to the democratic equality in its system of government. . . .

What friend of human liberty, civilization, and refinement, can cast his view over the past history of the monarchies and aristocracies of antiquity, and not deplore that they ever existed? What philanthropist can contemplate the oppressions, the cruelties, and injustice inflicted by them on the masses of mankind, and not turn with moral horror from the retrospect?

America is destined for better deeds. It is our unparalleled glory that we have no reminiscences of battle fields, but in defence of humanity, of the oppressed of all nations, of the rights of conscience, the rights of personal enfranchisement. Our annals describe no scenes of horrid carnage, where men were led on by hundreds of thousands to slay one another, dupes and victims to emperors, kings, nobles, demons in the human form called heroes. We have had patriots to defend our homes, our liberties, but no aspirants to crowns or thrones; nor have the American people ever suffered themselves to be led on by wicked ambition to depopulate the land, to spread desolation far and wide, that a human being might be placed on a seat of supremacy.

We have no interest in the scenes of antiquity, only as lessons of avoidance of nearly all their examples. The expansive future is our arena, and for our history. We are entering on its untrodden space, with the truths of God in our minds, beneficent objects in our hearts, and with a clear conscience unsullied by the past. We are the nation of human progress, and who will, what can, set limits to our onward march? Providence is with us, and no earthly power can. We point to the everlasting truth on the first page of our national declaration, and we proclaim to the millions of other lands, that "the gates of hell" -- the powers of aristocracy and monarchy -- "shall not prevail against it."

5) 1886 - Statue of Liberty


Liberty Enlightening the World

The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States and is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886, designated as a National Monument in 1924 and restored for her centennial on July 4, 1986.


About France:

France is an independent nation in Western Europe and the center of a large overseas administration. It is the third-largest European nation (after Russia and Ukraine).

In ancient times France was part of the Celtic territory known as Gaul or Gallia. Its present name is derived from the Latin Francia, meaning "country of the Franks," a Germanic people who conquered the area during the 5th century, at the time of the fall of the Western Roman Empire. It became a separate country in the 9th century.

Since the 17th century, France has played a major role in European and world events. In the 20th century, it has experienced numerous crises, including the devastation of two world wars, political and social upheavals, and the loss of a large empire in Indochina, Algeria, and West and Equatorial Africa. It has, however, survived and emerged from the ruins of World War II to become an important world supplier of agricultural and industrial products and a major partner in the EUROPEAN COMMUNITY (EC, or Common Market).

Today, the term metropolitan France refers to the mainland departments and CORSICA, a large island located in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Italy that has been a part of France since 1768. France has six overseas departments: FRENCH GUIANA in South America; GUADELOUPE and MARTINIQUE in the West Indies; MAYOTTE, an island formerly part of the Comoros, located in the Indian Ocean; REUNION, an island in the Indian Ocean; and SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON, islands off the east coast of Canada. In addition, France has numerous small possessions called overseas territories. These include a group of widely scattered islands in the South Pacific, which are administered from Tahiti and are known collectively as FRENCH POLYNESIA; FRENCH SOUTHERN AND ANTARCTIC TERRITORIES; NEW CALEDONIA and WALLIS AND FUTUNA ISLANDS; and many small islands in the southern oceans, including the Kerguelen and Crozet archipelagos and the islands of St. Paul and Amsterdam (Indian Ocean). The overseas departments and territories are represented in the French National Assembly.

Daniel Noin; Reviewed by Anne Depigny and Agnes Jolivet.
Source: The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, Release #6, ©1993

* GENERAL WORKS: Ardagh, John, France in the 1980s (1983) and A Cultural Atlas of France (1991); Bernstein, Richard, Fragile Glory: A Portrait of France and the French (1990); Braudel, Fernand, The Identity of France, vol. 1, trans. by S. Reynolds (1989); Mazey, Sonia, and Newman, Michel, eds., Mitterrand's France (1987); Zeldin, Theodore, The French (1983).
* GEOGRAPHY: Clout, Hugh D., The Geography of Post-War France (1972); Pinchemel, Philippe, France: A Geographical, Social, and Economic Survey, trans. by Dorothy and T. H. Elkins (1987); Economic Geography (1971); Tuppin, J., The Economic Geography of France (1983).
* ECONOMICS: Hough, Jean, The French Economy (1982); Keating, Michael, and Hainsworth, Paul, Decentralization and Change in Contemporary France (1986); Price, Roger, An Economic History of Modern France (1981).
* POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT: Harrison, Martin, et al., De Gaulle to Mitterrand: Presidential Power in France (1993); McCarthy, Patrick, ed., The French Socialists in Power (1987); Safran, William, French Polity, 3d ed. (1991); Tiersky, Ronald, France in the New Europe (1994); Wright, Vincent, The Government and Politics of France, 3d ed. (1989).

6) 1890 - American Naval Expansion to "refuel and protect commerce" or The U.S. Active Move Towards War around the World/War dog/Warmonger period


"War now not only occurs more rarely . . . [but is] an occasional excess, from which recovery is easy."

Alfred Thayer Mahan (1840-1914)
Naval Historian
Columbia College 1854-18567

By arguing that sea power—the strength of a nation’s navy—was the key to strong foreign policy, Alfred Thayer Mahan shaped American military planning and helped prompt a worldwide naval race in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Mahan studied at Columbia for two years beginning in 1854—he was a member of the Philolexian Society, the campus literary club established in 1802—before decamping for Annapolis, from which he graduated in 1859. A longtime naval officer who cut his teeth on the Union side in the Civil War, Mahan eventually lectured on history and strategy at the Naval War College in Newport, R.I. It was there, inspired in part by a history of Rome, that he began developing his theories; in 1890 he turned his lecture notes into The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783.

Appearing at a time when Japan and the nations of Europe were engaged in a fiercely competitive arms race, Mahan’s work had a singularly profound influence on politics worldwide. In the United States, Mahan’s theories found a particularly receptive audience in Presidents William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt: His work bolstered the case for rapid expansion and reconfiguration of the U.S. Navy, which replaced small cruisers with massive battleships and underwent a concomitant change in tactics; continued expansion overseas (to the Philippines, Hawaii and other Pacific islands, and the Caribbean), which allowed the creation bases at which U.S. ships could refuel and protect commerce; and even the construction of the Panama Canal, which facilitated the movement of fleets and freight. Mahan’s work influenced strategists in other countries as well, leading to naval buildups in England, Germany, and Japan in particular. Although Mahan saw military might as a means for avoiding war, the global growth inspired by his theories very clearly set the stage for World War I.
Read more about Alfred Thayer Mahan in the Columbia Encyclopedia

7) 1892 - 1893 Period

Law of Nations lawbreakers U.S., England, France (who helped to map the Pacific Ocean which was also funded by the U.S. and England, had gifted the U.S. with the Trojan Horse - Statue of Liberty), and the Morgan bankers (includes the International bankers) supported the Modern Day Trojan horse, the BOSTON Warship which sat in the Honolulu Harbor till the standing orders were given to leave ship to protect their Pirates/conspirators/treasonous citizens lives and property and moved in to Assume the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Pirates made up of a concerted group did plan, strategically move to assume assets, lands of a friendly, neutral, non-violent nation now documented.


The Trojan Horse Story used from the time of the Roman Empire evolved into the gifting of a Trojan Horse named the Statue of Liberty which claims to be representing democracy.........but to date, the U.S. has engaged in 22+ Wars and Conflicts since their beginnings.

France who gifted the Statue of Liberty began to chart out the Pacific Ocean, and the U.S. and England helped to finance further projects around islands in the Pacific Ocean.

U.S. Trojan Horse was the BOSTON Warship, with a concerted effort to move against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation in 1892-1893.

The Statue of Liberty, therefore, is a modern day Trojan Horse because the U.S. represents the opposite of democracy, and in reality slavery for the American people. (see John Nelson's article at http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037 )

The BOSTON Warship represented the U.S. et. als. lawbreakers, having breached the Law of Nations, created their own institutions/corporations including the United Nations who perpetuate the crimes against humanity around the World, like the Statue of Liberty, a Trojan Horse.

The Trojan Horse is also used in viruses for computers because Truth is feared.


p.s. I agree with Tane's comment: They can go to hell and take their false idol which is on Ellis Island with them.


You need to be a member of maoliworld to add comments!

Email me when people reply –


  • Okay sounds simple enough to understand. "Indigenous peoples and supporters elsewhere are encouraged to organize a small ceremonial event and symbolically burn or tear-up copies of the May 4, 1493 papal bull “Inter Caetera” in demonstration against “Columbus Day,” or “Discoverer’s Day” as it’s known as here in Hawai’i."

    Not sure if I am going to be there tomorrow, but I'm educating my grandson as to why grandma does not celebrate as Pilipo said Columbus Colon day.

    Still reading through Steve (Kuhio's) Vogler's dissertation and interviews very interesting readings. Much aloha for the music.
    • hi Kaohi,

      saw you on Pono's film about the Papal Bulls Burning.....the following message is from Tony Castanha:

      Bulls Burnt - video


      Tony Castanha
      to papbullslist

      show details 2:23 AM (5 hours ago)


      ---------- Forwarded message ----------
      Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 15:09:01 -1000
      From: Pono K. Kealoha
      Subject: CELEBRATE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES' DAY! 13th Annual Papal Bulls Burning
      10-11-2010 (fwd)



      13th Annual Papal Bulls Burning

      In solidarity with indigenous peoples around the world, please join
      us for the annual Indigenous Peoples' Day, Papal Bulls Burning ceremony
      in Honolulu on Monday, October 11, 5:00 pm, in front of the Roman Catholic
      Diocese of Honolulu, 1184 Bishop St. (at the top of Fort Street Mall).

      Indigenous peoples and supporters elsewhere are encouraged to organize
      a small ceremonial event and symbolically burn or tear-up copies of the
      May 4, 1493 papal bull "Inter Caetera" in demonstration against "Columbus
      Day," or "Discoverer's Day" as it's known of here in Hawai'i. The document
      can be downloaded from our website at:


      *Students are especially encouraged to attend in order to put theory into
      a little practice by linking the papal bulls issue with other important
      indigenous rights' and global issues we've been diligently covering in

      Sponsoring organizations include: Kosmos Indigena, Ka Pakaukau, Department
      of Ethnic Studies (UH Manoa), Ahupua'a Action Alliance, Hawai'i Institute
      for Human Rights, and the Kanaka Maoli Tribunal Komike. For more
      information, email: castanha@hawaii.edu, or phone (808) 737-6097.

      *Indigenous peoples and supporters seek the formal revocation of the
      1493 papal bull "Inter Caetera." This decree was issued by the Vatican
      to Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the Caribbean. Along
      with the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas, it sought to establish Christian
      dominion over the globe and called for the subjugation of non-Christian
      peoples and seizure of their lands. As a result, an estimated 100 million
      indigenous peoples were killed off in the process of Europe's colonization
      of the indigenous world. This papal edict has never been repealed and is
      the foundation-stone of the international system we live under today and
      directly related to the corporate-state-military plunder and rape of the
      planet, which is sometimes linked to the phenomenon known as

      Aloha a hui hou.

      In spirit,

      Tony Castana (Carib/Boricua)


      Kosmos Indigena

      YouTube - Videos from this email





  • from pilipo
    to Amelia Gora
    date Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 2:17 PM
    subject Re: Indigenous Peoples' Day / Papal Bulls Burning
    mailed-by hawaii.rr.com
    Images from this sender are always displayed. Don't display from now on.

    hide details 2:17 PM (59 minutes ago)

    Aloha kakou,
    Mahalo for correction in history. May I share observations of several readings through out my past 30 years. I don't mean to frighten or discuss anyone but part of my observation includes scripture of the Holy Bible. In the Book of Revelation, written by John who was exiled on the penal colony of Patmos near the end of the first century, some 60 years after Jesus the Christ walked Earth as Man. Some say the Book of Revelation is the the work of a a delirious mad-man and that this Jesus the Christ was even madder than John. Yet if one examines everything before us today, most of the world will be mad not to believe what was written then during the peak of the Roman Empire. Yet some of us well know that peak is now!

    Rev. 17:9 ; And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains , on which the Woman sitteth. (17:10) And there are seven kings; five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

    "All Roads Lead to Rome", is not an understatement. Detours or "Under Construction" are societies that have not yet conformed to the Doctrine of Empire. The Statue of Liberty (SL) is more than the Trojan Horse. Lady Liberty (SL) is many things to a "select few" and not a few things to many as so promoted. Lady Liberty was a gift to the new Legion in the Roman Empire, the United States of America by the French. One must wonder ever since Christopher Colon, why after every war or conflict, "Official Peace Treaties" are signed in France? To some, this Lady Liberty is known as the Goddess Minerva, and to others the legendary Assyrian Queen Semiramis, the developer of Mystery Babylon.

    And some say, she is not alone in the new Empire, for she was/is joined by the Goddess Persephone who sits on the roof of the U. S. Congress of the United States (forum) Why would this Goddess of Hades (Slavery) be so honored upon very top of the alleged Utopia of Freedom? Since the Fall of Babylon, The Tower of Babel no longer strides to reach the God of the Heavens, for it has encompassed the "one is" of John's revelation, their created God, the World Empire.

    While there is much is controversy of recorded history, we come to realize who owns the pen and paper. We can only interpret what is going on before us today. What we are getting, is not what we are seeing.

    E ala e, it is more than a jungle!

    Aloha is ke Akua,
    Hawaiian National (1936)

    *********************************************awesome observation/information........ Pilipo...aloha.

    <a rel=nofollow href=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PA1xzuP0nkI&a=GxdCwVVULXcc1gg--L..."/>

  • Maikai no oe,

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