Discounted Casualties
Part I On the Wrong Side of a Superpower
Friendly Fire
Akira Tashiro
A Body Full of Shrapnel and Bone Cancer
Around 70 kilometers (44 miles) south of Albuquerque, the largest city in New Mexico, the home of Jerry Wheat (32) stands in a new housing development in Los Lunas.
     Awakened by his wife Rebecca (30) at 10:00 on a weekend morning, Wheat descended the stairs from the second floor tying his shoulder-length blond hair behind his neck.  He is employed by for the Albuquerque Central Post Office.  Having worked the night shift the previous day, he had come home earlier that morning.
     "My body has been really messed up since the war. I have abdominal pains, joint pains.  Right now I'm most worried about my left arm." Sitting in a chair in the dining room, he rolled up the sleeve of his T-shirt to show me a scar.
     The scar was from an operation Wheat underwent in November 1998.  After he complained of arm pain in September, a piece of bone was removed for a biopsy at the Veterans Hospital in Albuquerque.  Tow months later, he underwent an operation that replaced his bone with a metal implant.
     "A tumor was growing on my bone. I'm sure it's because of the DU, but the hospital wouldn't admit that.  They said, 'Well, it's not cancer, but we'll take it out anyway."
Shelled by His Own Side
Wheat is positive that DU caused the cancer in his bone. On February 26, the third day of the ground war, his armored vehicle invaded southern Iraq during a fierce sandstorm and encountered the Iraqi military.  During that battle, his vehicle was shelled twice, in error, by American tanks.
     Wheat, the driver, was knocked unconscious by the first shell.  When he came to, his clothing was on fire.  He quickly removed his bulletproof vest as another fireball rose in front of him.  His neck, upper back, and lower back were so hot he thought he was on fire.  DU shrapnel was burning his skin as it penetrated his body.  Somehow, the armored vehicle was still running, and Wheat managed to drive it to a field hospital.
Learned the Truth after Discharge
"Miraculously, all nine of us in that vehicle survived, including the five men we rescued."  The next day, surgeons removed more than 25 pieces of shrapnel lodged up to two centimeters deep in Wheat's body.  Unaware that the shells that hit his vehicle were fired by US tanks, he returned to his toxic vehicle after treatment .  He continued to move with his unit until he returned to his station in Germany in early March.
     It was after his discharge in March 1992 that Wheat learned that US tanks had fired the rounds that hit his vehicle.  When his father, who works at Los Alamos National Laboratory, used a Geiger counter to test a piece of shrapnel his son had brought home, the shrapnel clearly registered radioactivity.
     "That was a terrible shock.  When I had my urine tested at the veterans Hospital in Baltimore in 1993, DU was detected, but they said it was within normal limits."
     DU particles entering the body usually lodge in the lungs and kidneys, but some eventually travel through the blood into the bones.  When Wheat underwent the biopsy and operation, he asked to have the removed tissue and bone "analyzed by a private research group." His request was denied.
Shrapnel Lodged in Head and Arm
Wheat believes that a piece of DU shrapnel is lodged in the back of his head and another in his right arm.  He lives on pain-killers.
     "If it wasn't cancer, they wouldn't have cut out the bone.  But I won't give up.
 I have two children to raise." As wheat spoke, he looked at his sons Joseph (9), and Derek (3) playing in the next room.
It's interesting how suddenly the chronics are cash crops therefore a new economic outlook

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  • There is an exceptible 'need' for economic therefore we now want chronics in our community. Provided it is bunkered down by time and rules and social service and not visibly sprawled. Locked down by 5:30 pm and lights out by 10 pm, but leave by 7 am. What a joke.

    We don't have service providers and a government entity that can take care of a homeless problem and these are the same entities going to take care of the sick from isotopes ten years from now.
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