24 May 2010
Compiled by:
Nā `Ohana O Hawai`i
Richard Dennis “Kūpapalani” Souther
1551 South Beretania Street, #516
Honolulu, O`ahu, Hawai`i 96826
(808) 349-2378


Ho`ohui Database Index



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Ho`ohui Database Index. Direct Descendants of Kamehameha. 1. A`a. Ha`alo`u [07538]. `A`akalani. `A`akalani (k) [05739]. A`alaioa. A`alaioa (w) [04488]. Aana ...


Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Ha`alo`u [07538]
`A`akalani (k) [05739]
A`alaioa (w) [04488]
Theresa [29328]
Amberlyn Chareah Lehua (1989- ) [29038]
Elizabeth (Richardson) (1911- ) [01688]
John [01697]
Aarona (k) [30791]
Alice K. (1931- ) [09425]
Henrietta Elizabeth Lanikapua (DeMello) (1945- )
Ray Arthur [23709]
Ray Arthur, Jr. (1969- ) [25939]
Hazel [23111]
Donavan Kaleihulumamo Sakuma Lindsey (1984- )
Florentino Untin [12931]
Henrietta Kaluna Michiko Lindsey (1964- )
Henry K. (1985- ) [15143]
Jasmine Daisy Nāpua Yoshiko (Sakuma) (1947- )
Robert Conrado (1944- ) [12930]
Violet Juanita (Brangan) [12932]
Vivian Kalanilehua Chieko Lindsey (1966- )
Mae Lynne [01724]
Felipe dela Cruz (1934-2005) [09253]
Lorna Mae [09254]
Michelle [27584]
Vickie E. (---) [27583]
Nadine (Narmore) [21182]
Toni Louise [25450]
Clinton [09424]
Hatsuko [30510]
Sharon S. (1949- ) [09426]
Shinichi [09427]
Abraham (1955- ) [28178]
Abraham J. (1979-1982) 28181]
Allison Kalikolehua (Bright) (1955- ) [28167]
Angela K. (1976- ) [28180]
Ann Mokihana (1973- ) [28179]
Melvin [09428]
Brandy (Bacal) [09218]
Carmen Victor (1964- ) [05672]
Chandralynn (c1990- ) [09216]
David H. “Kawika” (1955-2009) [31455]
Harold [09212]
Iona Kaleihano (Ni`ihau) [08243]
Jack Victor (1961- ) [04514]
Jacqueline (c1991- ) [09217]
Jacques Keali`ipono Sakurai (2001- ) [09219]
Jacques Vicentri (1961- ) [04514]
Janet [09213]
Janet Grace Kiko Fusae (1987-2007) [08244]
Pono (2001- ) [09219]
Remi (1957- ) [08600]
Neil (1938- ) [10673]


Cecelia K. (Gamurot) (1956- ) [28355]
Norene Noelani (1945- ) [16427]
Abila / Abilla
Belvina “Bella” (1902-1927) [04132]
Albina [14924]
Canice (Haleakalā) [09249]
Margaret [22827]
Dean [09429]
Philip Hōkūokalani (1950- ) [09430]
Francis Alvin (1929-2005) [02270]
Irene [27587]
Jonathan Pono (1979- ) [13173]
Mark (1965- ) [27589]
Michael [27588]
Frank [09572]
Frank Darryl [21103]
Frank Lyle [21102]
Frank Michael [21101]
Yvonne [10463]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Abdullah Saraj (1938- ) [12515]
Kia Mohammed Abdullah
Lonnie Ruth (1944- ) [12514]
Saraj [12530]
Richard “Ricky” (c1986- ) [16600]
Tryone Eduardo (1964- ) [09433]
Catherine (1934-2009) [21177]
Illinois Leilani (Isaacs) 28466]
Kermit [28469]
Keana Taylor (1995- ) [02031]
Leona Leilani (Malama) (1974- ) [02013]
Mary Jane (---) [02030]
Ralph Chad (1971- ) [02014]
Ralph Cua [02029]
Javier Dalere (1955- ) [09434]
Manny Dalere (1950-2004) [04183]
George Pedro [15513]
Polly Ann Laura (Billedo) (1939- ) [15510]
Isabella Hapahoa (Alapa`i) (1867-1936) [26408]
William Charles [26416]
Austin Aum Pew [19169]
Benjamin Tin Hop, Jr. (1925-2003)
Brunson T. (1954- ) [09435]
Esther [19175]
Everlyn (Pang) [21279]
Gladys [19174]
Helen [19171]
Jason [27590]
Jeannette [09436]
Julia [19173]
Mildred [19170]
Pamela [19176]
Rebecca Kaonaona (Ka`iliuli) (1906-1966) [18972]
Richard [19172]
Thomas Kamali`i [19168]
Thomas Tintun (1895-dec.) [19167]
Ana Alana Akim (1877-1932) [03301]
Shirley Ann (1943- ) [00798]
Ellenmerle Kawailani “Tita” (Swain) (1924- )
Alice [23337]
Elsie [10253]
James John [23339]
Lucille [23334]
Lucy (Woods) 23332]
Mary Jane [23338]
Maude [23336]
Pat [23335]
Claudia Lea (1954- ) [30030]
Adele Kaniko (1914- ) 24945]
Adrien Alika (1976- ) [32978]
Albert O. [20345]
Albert Robert [05094]
Alexander “Alika” (1780-1871) [04513]
Alexander II (c1855-dec.) [29260]
Alexander Napuhako “Alika” (1813-1865)
Alisha Grace Kealoha (1983- ) [32979]
Ann Leilani (1946- ) [04338]
Anna Kalili Kuoha (Akona) (1867-1918) [17774]
Annie Puna Pa`alua (1840-dec.) [29241]
Barbara Jane (Hisu) [01894]
Bernard Kalunamaka`ainana, Jr. (1963- ) [20557]
Beverly [30210]
Casey [22430]
Charlotte Olili (Harbottle) (1813-1893) [29232]
Christie Tewksbury (1950- ) [04352]
Cole [27592]
Colleen Ku`uipoaloha (1954- ) [32875]
Darlynn Kīna`u [24806]
David II (c1857-dec.) [29261]
Derrick Kalani (1960- ) [33006]
Doreen Kealohapau`ole (1954-1963) [32876]
Dorothy (Freitas) (1940- ) [33005]
Emily (1847-dec.) [04416]
Etelka (Māhoe) [09465]
Evelyn Kalilikuoha Pahia (1932- ) [32520]
Fannie (1883-dec.) [30806]
Francis Kaniku (1938-2002) [32522]
Frank L. (1939- ) [24804]
George (1841-1842) [04414]
Glennie [22432]
Gordean Makanalani (1959- ) [30246]
Hannah (Kawa) [30805]
Harriett Henrietta (1885-dec.) [26374]
Henrietta [09476]
Henrietta (c1857-dec.) [29262]
Henry Jackson (1876-1950) [04342]
Henry Jackson “Hank”, Jr. (1907-1978) [04337]
Henry Jackson III (1947- ) [04339]
Hester Kapuhealani [09477]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Iris Yuk Lin (Poy) (1960- ) [20539]
Irmalee Kamakaonaona (1928-2009) [09468]
Isaac Eric Ke`eaumoku (1956- ) [32877]
Isaac Eric Ke`eaumoku, Jr. (1989- ) [32981]
Isaac Kapule-a-Līloa-Keali`i, Jr. (1861-1941) [17773]
Isaac Kapuleali`i Loakeali`i, Jr. (1861-1941) [17773]
Isaac Ke`eaumoku (1817-1900) [29256]
Isaac Ke`eaumoku I (1936-1993) [32521]
Isaac Louis Maika`i (1898-1965) [26377]
Isabella Kahaunani (Duarte) (1928- ) [04775]
James (c1802-dec.) [04361]
James (1845-dec.) [04347]
James A. Napokaikuoholani (1837-c1853) [29239]
James B. [02165]
James Ka`ohu [09473]
Jason B., Jr. (1994- ) [02167]
Jean [29254]
Jimmy Josey Kalani (1951-1954) [32874]
John ( -1823) [03202]
John (1791-1844) [03201]
John B. (1909- ) [04344]
John Kalauao (1923- ) [32516]
John Quincy [09466]
John Quincy (1954- ) [004350]
John Quincy, Jr. (1924-2009) [09471]
John Quincy III [22427]
Jonathan (1810-1891) [04362]
Jonathan (1864-1842) [04415]
Joseph Isaac Kanehoa V (1984- ) [32980]
Joseph Kanehoa (1890-1941) [26376]
Joseph Kanehoa II (1925-1980) [32517]
Joseph Kanehoalani III (1948- ) [32873]
Joseph Kanehoalani IV (1988- ) [32887]
Josephine [09478]
Josiah (1822-dec.) [04360]
Josnette Hōkūlani (1979- ) [32886]
Joyel Pi`ilani (1975- ) [33009]
Kamahina [27597]
Kamaile [27595]
Kamaka [27599]
Kathleen Kami (Hernandez) (1969- ) [02153]
Kaulupa [27598]
Kawehi [27596]
Keahi Todd [24807]
Kekai I. (1990- ) [02166]
Keli`iopuni (Kalanikaukeha) [29257]
Kelley [22431]
Kelsey Ann Tehani Ku`ulei`ilima (1998- ) [32893]
Kimberly Ann Keahaulani (1974- ) [32884]
Kimo Lupekapuokeaumakali`i (1958- ) [32878]
Kirby [22429]
Ku`uleinani K. (1995- ) [02168]
Laura Punini (1965- ) [33008]
Leslie (Borges) [04341]
Lillian Juliette (Baptiste) (1913-2007) [04351]
Lisa Christine (Lundbergh) (1956- ) [32977]
Lorraine Kanuhea (Duarte) (1937- ) [04844]
Louisa Kekahilinaniopauahi (1888-1983) [26375]
Mandy Kawaiolaonalani (1989- ) [20559]
Margery (Dillon) (1808-1876) [04363]
Maria Punapanaewa (1841-1891) [23681]
Marie Emelia Leilehua (1926- ) [09467]
Martha [03231]
Mary (Naone) (1929- ) [32871]
Mary Evelyn Kalilikuoha (1932- ) [32520]
Mary Ka`ohelani (1892-1971) [17772]
Mary Puna Panaewa (1838-1912) [29240]
Michael Luther Aholo [09475]
Minarose Kawailani (Ka`a`a) (1906-1954) [20163]
Minnie (Bucher) (c1855-1923) [04346]
Minnie Leialoha (Kauahikaua) [32162]
Norma Laulaniuluokaniu (Kihoi) (1947- ) [24802]
Pamela Jean Haunani (1962- ) [33007]
Pauline Keolai (c1930- ) [32519]
Pohunui Kekahuna ( - 1880) [25915]
Priscilla Lei Puanani (1947- ) [32872]
Rebecca Beke (1836-dec.) [29259]
Rhonda (1840-dec.) [04413]
Richard [09472]
Rodlyn Keala (1976- ) [32885]
Rose [06720]
Rowena `Ilima (Manuel) (1952- ) [32883]
Roxanne [27594]
Samuel [09489]
Sarah (c1846-b1893) [29244]
Sarah Kaniaulono (c1853-dec.) [03346]
Sarah Kaniaulono “Sally” (1797-dec.) [04510]
Sarah Ulukaihonua (Harbottle) (1811- ) [29231]
Scott [27593]
Sophia Kahiwakaumaka (Pahia) [32161]
Sophia Kahiwakaumaka (1927- ) [32518]
Sylvia [27591]
Thomas Dillon (1848-1931) [04345]
Travis Keala [24805]
Verda Louise (1878-1959) [04343]
Victoria Ka`ailama (1844-dec.) [29242]
Walter Scott Kaohu (1933-2007) [09474]
Ward [22428]
Wayne Kaleo [24808]
William Henry Ka`ahanui I (1921-1922) [32514]
William Henry Ka`ahanui II (1922- ) [32515]
William Keko`olani (1833-1885) [29243]
Winona (---) [30209]
Zenia Malulani (1987- ) [20558]
Kylie Ann Ka`ohuonalani (2001- ) [32894]
Charisse Regina (1962- ) [05213]
Marshal Ancog (1940- ) [05211]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Marshal Ancog, Jr. (1960- ) [05212]
Verna Pearl (Awa) (1938- ) [04256]
Tanya [04321]
Annie [27994]
Blossom Puanani (1939- ) [31491]
Carl Healani (1942- ) [19882]
Carl Healani, Jr. (1964- ) [19885]
Elladine Puaalakai (Sylva) (1941- ) [19879]
Eva Kaualililehuaopanae (1900-1955) [13975]
Genoa Leilani (1918-2008) [06477]
Hattie Kaehuana`ole (Davis) (1888-1967) [07651]
John Green (1888-1925) [07650]
Kaeo Kulani [19883]
Victoria Kaipo [19884]
Robert [09490]
Senba [07987]
Dale S. (1951- ) [18357]
Annabell (Low) (1918- ) [06835]
Arnold (1963- ) [06930]
Audrey Ann (Sampaio) (1939- ) [06926]
Brandon (1977- ) [06940]
Calandria Ann (1957- ) [06927]
Christina (1959- ) [06923]
Clarence F. (1939- ) [06894]
Clarence F., Jr. (1961- ) [06929]
Claudett M. (1957- ) [06922]
Dale (Bartalome) (1945- ) [06936]
Daniel E. (1961- ) [06924]
Darci (1980- ) [06941]
David R. (1968- ) [06925]
Deanne L. (1967- ) [06937]
Deidre L. (1968- ) [06938]
Donald S. (1944- ) [06896]
Edith S. (Odo) [06854]
Finesse A. (1953- ) [06858]
Lawrence Low (1928- ) [06853]
Lawrence Low, Jr. (1958-1958) [06860]
Louise (1911- ) [06830]
Louise Ann (1941-1969) [06895]
Martin [06863]
Mary H. (Magbao) (1939- ) [06921]
Nicholas (1895-1969) [06851]
Patrick [06862]
Phyllis (Makii) (1950- ) [06939]
Renee C. (1951- ) [06856]
Renwick N. (1959- ) [06928]
Robert (1938- ) [06893]
Sandra L. (1970- ) [06931]
Shane A. K. (1973- ) [06861]
Shye’Ann D. (1949- ) [06855]
Xavier H. (1952- ) [06857]
Yvette L. (1956- ) [06859]
Adrinette L. (1952- ) [24397]
Douglas [28598]
Sarah (Prestidge) [28599]
Alison Gay Lehuanani (Pai) (1965- ) [03655]
Gabriel [09492]
Rowena K. (---) [09491]
Christian ( -1867) [27002]
Keli`ikekoaloa (Makahau`ole) (c1840-a1867) [27001]
Roselie Natalie Kauanuialeimaka (1864-1936) [26999]
Alfred Aiu, Jr. (1919-1960) [03566]
Caroline `Iwalani (1947- ) [09507]
Siva (1949- ) [09508]
Adeline Evyln (1902-1971) [08066]
Marilyn [16408]
Dorothy Tianalita (Alo) [00659]
Kahalaomapuana [00667]
Liava [00665]
Melissa Danielle [00666]
Tatiana Tianalita [00668]
Evelyn Yoshiko [06454]
Guy J. K. [27602]
Guy Yoshi (1965- ) [09220]
Isao [16453]
James Kiyoshi (1937-2008) [11672]
Jason Paul (1974- ) [16456]
Joan (Akiu) (1947- ) [14378]
Kimsem Y. P. [27603]
Leslie Lee-Ann (1975- ) [16457]
Melba P. K. (---) [27601]
Melissa M. K. [27604]
Terry N. (---) [16458]
Thomas Isami (1945- ) [16452]
Thomas Yoshio (1970- ) [16455]
Wallace J. (1925-1998) [03898]
Betty Ann Noelani [10270]
James Pua [22416]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
James Pua, Jr. [10269]
Randy [21321]
Randy Lance [10268]
Sandy (Chang) [21320]
Sandy (Kapolielu) [22417]
Shantell Pikake [21322]
Wilma Pikake (Navarro) [10264]
Dawn Marie Alohalani (Ahsui) [10276]
Jesse [22414]
Demetrius Palani [15060]
Paulette [20469]
Alama Clarise [22732]
Cadee Kaonohikalā Pai Nebreja (2006- ) [22740]
Cassidy U`ilani Pai Nebreja (1999- ) [22738]
Chloe Keali`i Lehua Opi`o Māhealani Pai Nebreja
(2004- ) [22739]
Cody Māhealani Pai Nebreja (1997- ) [22737]
Dana Louise Kaonohi`ikana [22735]
Davine Lehua [22733]
Dennis Ronald Keleoolama`oma`ookaikane "Tiny"
Faith Alohalani (Ayau) [10460]
Liezl (Nebreja) (1974- ) [22736]
Yvonne Mohala Haunani [22734]
Mercedes (Villanueva) [33076]
Collin [23231]
Curtis [23229]
Lori [23227]
Nicole [23230]
Adeline (Soares) (1894-1968) [30882]
Christopher Keone Jonika (1980- ) [32654]
Curtis Kimo (1955- ) [30884]
Dennis G. [27545]
Gilbert Paul (1930- ) [30880]
Karen (Humphrey) [32653]
Laura H. (---) (1916-1998) [18686]
Leilani (Bright) (1929- ) [29879]
Loretta (Torres) (1934- ) [09512]
Manuel Perreira (1891-1978) [30881]
Marcialee Laniwahine (Lindsey) (1950- ) [13074]
Ronald [15557]
Ronald Patrick [09510]
Sharon Ku`ulei (1984- ) [30883]
Andres [16134]
Jessie (Reclosado) [16135]
Mary Jean (1947- ) [16133]
Mabel Ku`ulei [10711]
Ah Cheong
Georgina Louisa [21003]
Ah Chick
Lily (1913-1971) [12028]
Ah Chin
Alexander (1941- ) [21680]
Dolinda [21615]
Elizabeth Kaulili`i (Akana) (1927- ) [17558]
George P. T. (1949- ) [21681]
Jackson [21677]
John L. (1939- ) [21679]
Ray C. K. (1952- ) [21682]
Ah Chong
Alum [29734]
Annie (Kalama) [05660]
Kapuni [29733]
Kawena (1880-1955) [05658]
(1880-1955) [05658]
Kong [05659]
Ah Chow
Maude [25748]
Ah Fat
Lau [27835]
Ah Fong
Charles (1913- ) [07991]
Henry Keawe (1911-1980) [07990]
Jessie Mariah (Higbee) (1902- ) [13408]
Leilani (Long) (1914- ) [13418]
Lydia Leimomi “Lily” (Wilson) (1917-1985) [13411]
Ah Hou or Ah Ho
Loku “Rose” (1908-1986) [28538]
Ah Hoy
Tusipepa [12414]
Ah Hu
Look [17844]
Ah Leong
Patsy Ka`anohiulaokalā (1936- ) [09517]
Ah Mook
Joyce K. Ka`anana (Pulawa) [21780]
Ah Mow
Lydia “Lei” [10511]
Ah Moy
Mailana [12739]
Ah Nee
Abigail Lehua (1950- ) [07432]
Albert (1954- ) [15979]
Branden Kamuelakahikahiwa (1964- ) [32680]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Charlene Helen (Nobrega) [Twin] (1945- ) [13594]
Crystal Kimiko (1978- ) [02554]
Daniel Kanaiela Nobuo (1981- ) [02555]
Donald Lee (1945- ) [02552]
Donald Lee, Jr. (1973- ) [02553]
Fun Kum Liu (1856-dec.) [08296]
Gordon Burt Pōhakupōmaika`ina`auao (1965- )
Herbert Keli`i (1968- ) [15980]
Lee Ann Leilani Naomi “Koko” (Bright) (1964- )
Mailana (Ah Moy) [12739]
Mary (Ka`ahiki) 05915]
Mele Malamalama (Pā) (1854-b1910) [08290]
Samuel Glynie (1936- ) [32681]
Samuel Kamuela (1983- ) [02556]
Sandra Mailehaiwale (Antone) (1938- ) [32682]
Sarah Emiko Makanani (1988- ) [32684]
Sharon Ka`iulani (1959- ) [07692]
Sharon Mitzuko (Ishiki) (1952- ) [02537]
Ty Tero Kau`inohea (1967- ) [09979]
Ah Nee-Bright
Brandee Etsuko Māhealani (1984- ) [32683]
Ah Nin
Bernice (Lum Ho) [15590]
John [15589]
Minnie Marie (1949- ) [15588]
Ah Puck
Virgilia Kamakako`olau Kialoa (Makuakāne)
(1921-1985) [25969]
Ah Quin / AhQuin
Clarence Kealaaumoe [16198]
Dancel Apuakehau [28688]
Enoch Tearohanui [28690]
Hagoth [28692]
Helen Grace Ka`ena Kai (1951- ) [16197]
Jared [28693]
Job Keanalum [28689]
Kaina Ka`apua`a Apuakehau (1990- ) [20243]
Kainoa Te`arohanui (1992- ) [20244]
Kawehi Primrose (1996- ) [20245]
Lancelot Kipukai [28686]
Liana Ha`aheo (Sundell) (1970- ) [20192]
Mabel “Lani” (Poepoe) (1936-2005) [28672]
Maiden Pamailani [28685]
Rhine Kumpoe [28687]
Waianuhea Wilfred (1953- ) [09980]
Wilda Keakaohawai`i (Lua) [16199]
William, Jr. (1966- ) [20241]
William Ka`apipua`a Apuakehau (c1931- ) [28673]
William Ka`apipua`a Apuakehau, Jr. [28691]
Ah Sam
Helen Kamaka (1879-1961) [24493]
Henry K. [08359]
Mary Luana (Morton) (1938- ) [14046]
Ralph Lelepa [08358]
Ah Sing / Ahsing
Alice Elizabeth (Paet) (1956- ) [29153]
Cecilia Kapule (Kahae) (1871-1946) [00876]
Emma Agnes (1906- ) [09199]
Gee [09202]
Glenn (1953- ) [09981]
Jacinth Kalahiki (1928-2006) [29138]
Jacinth Kalahiki “Jay”, Jr. (1960- ) [29143]
Keola (1954- ) [11003]
Kim Kanani (1955- ) [29142]
Lucy (1898-1949) [00006]
Mildred Nani [29140]
Rana Kapuaahihiaolanihu`u (1964- ) [29144]
Shawn Kakelaokalani (1953- ) [29141]
Thomas Matthew Waiolikeola (1954- ) [11003]
Susie Nae`ole (Kahilipulu) [09203]
Verna Manon Hi`ilei (Lee) (1933- ) [14060]
Victoria Pi`ilani (1899-1957) [00874]
Willie [00875]
Ah Sing-Bombard
Shannon Marie Anuhea (1980- ) [29147]
Shawn Kakelaokalani (1953- ) [29141]
Trevor Lee Kauanoeoka`āina (1979- ) [29146]
Ah Sing-Gray
Kau`i Lee Kamelenanioianuali (1982- ) [29149]
Ah Tai
Mary Jun Tai “Mele” (c1876-1946) [25966]
Ah Yet
Amoy (1907- ) [07988]
Lin (1909-1974) [07989]
Ah Yo
Minnie Nahale (Jones) (1920-1998) [04613]
Paul [12582]
Ah Yuen
Miriam (Keawe-Aiko) [11418]
Abraham Wahea (1891-1956) [15296]
Aonani [09994]
Benedict K. (1931-2005) [15410]
Benjamin P. L. (1938-1998) [03899]
Benjamin P. L., Jr. [09986]
Brian [09991]
Christian [09992]
Coleman [09985]
Elaine Kahi`ilani (1926- ) [15295]
Kehaulani [09987]
Kevin [09990]
Maile [09995]
Margaret Lapaela (Apiki) (1890-1969) [15297]
Michael [09993]
Norman Elias (1932-2003) [09988]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Paris Blaine Lakimoku (1965- ) [09983]
Rowena (---) [09989]
Shane Spencer Leiohu (1964- ) [09984]
Yvonne (---) [09982]
Lena [08391]
Lucille [02009]
Marion Leimomi [17489]
Pauline M. ( -1998) [03900]
Maria Kali [25011]
`Aha`ula (k) [20792
`Aha`ula (k) [32154]
Aheakalani (k) [26274]
Annie [02527]
Emma `Aima
Ana (1872-1944) [28198]
Jennie K. (Kepilino) (1918-1997) [06353]
Mary Mailohi [12604]
Maryann (1886-1938) [27026]
Peter K. (1913-1986) [06366]
Peter K., Jr. (1944-1993) [25937]
Ahia Kalanikumaikikekia
Ahia Kalanikumaikikekia (w) [11257]
Ahiakumaiki`eki`e (w) [07349]
Mary Keli`ikuewa (1883-1955) [04530]
Mele Kekuewa Keali`iaweuweu (1883-1955) [04530]
Momi [00834]
Aolani [25471]
Georginna [21090]
Harvey [25470]
Josephine M. (1942- ) [12281]
Kalei (Nu`uanu) [31559]
Nellie K. (Hopeau) [20862]
Reginald [20871]
Stephen (1962- ) [09455]
Tanya `Ilima [06170]
Tiare (Ritte) [20439]
Ahinoama (w) [06034]
Lucille (1933- ) [07278]
Henry (1937- ) [19091]
Blanche (1923- ) [00532]
Abraham Amana [06521]
Abraham, Jr. [07805]
Ainsley Anthony (1952- ) [15561]
Alexander Amana (1901-1929)
Alexander Lani Līloa “Alika” (1921-2000) [03996]
Bernard [06538]
Charles Kauhiaimokuakama (1924-2007) [05700]
Christa [27608]
Eldred [09710]
Gilbert [07804]
Henderson Kala`auala (1923-2008) [05805]
Henderson Kala`auala, Jr. [05806]
Irene Kawehikulaniokapunohulaikeawakea (Isaacs)
(1900-1975) [05803]
John [07976]
John K. [30830]
John K., Jr. (c1940- ) [30831]
Julia [30576]
Julia Hi`ilani (Ani) [05955]
Lolita [07974]
Melinda Pualani (Lindsey) (1951- ) [09842]
Ursula [27607]
Vicki [09711]
Violet (Kailikini) (1915- ) [21248]
Abe Puhipau [11001]
Allen `Ōhi`alau (1939- ) [32638]
Candance Mohala [Adopted] (1973- ) [32641]
Francis [29372]
Franklin `Ōhi`alau (1915- ) [32639]
Joyce `Ipolani (Castro) (1943- ) [30872]
Robert [11002]
Victoria (Ho`a) (1915- ) [32640]
Malie AhSai [32123]
Jonathan (1813-dec.) [22057]
Ruth Ami (c1835-1907) [18846]
Fatui Moana (1935-2003) [02703]
Heilala `Ahio [27611]
Katoveve (---) [27609]
Tevita [27610]
Elikapeka [27884]
Ioane [27894]
James Luther [27832]
Joseph [27886]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Keoni [27885]
Lilia (Kahuakaiula) [27889]
Luther “Pule” [27887]
Lydia Ka`onohiponiponi`okalani (1878-1979) [25762]
Mary (Robello) [27834]
Mary Keahi (1897-1950) [26052]
Petuela [27893]
Samuel P. [27892]
Wile Kaleiolili [27891]
Rebecca Ah Moi Ali`ikapeka (1918- ) [18204]
AhQuin [see Ah Quin]
Ahsing [see Ah Sing]
Charles [10275]
Dawn Marie Alohalani [10276]
Derek Anthony Kua`a [10278]
Lori (Brown) [22415]
Lynette Moanikeala (Navarro) [10263]
Raymond Kukuiokalani [10277]
Kekoa Kekiali`iokonakeolamano`owaipi`o [10279]
Ahu (k) [07233]
Ahua`i (k) [05685]
Joelyn Māhealani (1957- ) [24526]
Rosalind Kanekapolei [13916]
Carolyn (1954- ) [04240]
Carolyn (1978- ) [05402]
Eric (1983- ) [05404]
Michael (1980- ) [05403]
Rothwell (1953- ) [05401]
Ahuli (w) [06275]
Ahulililani (k) [06179]
Robert Ramon (1953- ) [09953]
Ahumaikealakea (w) [23880]
Ahuna (w) [05861]
Albert Keokiali`i (1925- ) [16035]
Albert Keokiali`i (1959- ) [16034]
Alina [05986]
Bambi Nālani (1972- ) [16502]
Carolyn Hall (Higgs) [16504]
Celeste Awapuhi (1953- ) [05468]
Cherryl (Berry) [16497]
Daniel Kau`ikapu [23811]
Darlene Leinani (Green) (1961- ) [16031]
Davelyn (Tripp) [16503]
Edie Lorrie K. M. (1962- ) [16496]
Edward Kehoa (1914-1968) [14266]
Edward Kehoa, Jr. (1944- ) [14269]
Edwin Kahiwa (1952- ) [14472]
Eleanor Kalawaiakamali`iwahineli`ili`i (Simeona)
(1928- ) [16036]
Elizabeth N. (1954-1954) [14473]
Emma Kaleionamoku Keahulani (Nāwai) (1918- )
Frances Ah Lan [05990]
Garrett K. (1977- ) [16506]
Gladys P. (---) [27612]
Herbert Nikela [14267]
Helen [05989]
Irene (Merseberg) [23625]
`Iwalani [27615]
James [05987]
Jason Keola (1975- ) [16505]
Jaysen Elisha Alapaki (1981- ) [16037]
Joseph P. H., Jr. (1954- ) [11004]
Joseph Peter “Tarzan” IV (1931-2006) [09850]
Joseph Peter V [27613]
Kahulumanu Myrna (1937-2009) [23513]
Kekoa [27614]
Lillian Pōmaika`i [15154]
Lorraine Lokelani (John) (1943- ) [16493]
Luisa (Ka`ulili) [05935]
Mabel Ka`anohipua`okalani (1893-1960) [00116]
Marsha [23626]
Marsha `Ilima [23820]
Martina Tamara (1922- ) [14818]
Maydell Marion Kamanalani (1930- ) [26075]
Noelle Dawn [Hānai] (1970- ) [16501]
Pamela Jean (Ferreira) (1947- ) [16498]
Renee [27616]
Rose (Baptiste) [14268]
Thelma Kamala (1918- ) [00117]
Thelma Kamala (1930- ) [00119]
Walter [32218]
Walter N. (1956-1973) [14271]
Welden Kahililaulani (1948- ) [14270]
William [05988]
Ahuna pake
Ahuna pake (k) [05985]
`Ahu`ula (k) [23866]
`Ahu`ula-a-Keawe (k) [23866]
Charles III [22274]
Charles, Jr. [22273]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Ekela [22275]
Marchelle [22270]
Melvina Mokuola (Amina) [10470]
Sherrell [21171]
Allen Henry Uiha (1938-2006) [12938]
Amelia M. (1927- ) [08201]
Angeline Kauhiwai (Lindsey) (1919-2005) [07817]
Carmen Kameahululani Lindsey (1943- ) [12940]
Chad Richard Kaleihulumamo Lindsey (1971- )
Charles Akona (1881-1936) [12922]
Hattie Kailihune (Mahi`ole) (1883-1927) [12923]
Henry Kaiama (1911-1970) [12921]
Howard Kaleihulumano (1945- ) [01249]
Margaret Olana (Kaipo) (1947- ) [01248]
Natalie Elizabeth Noelani Lindsey (1968- ) [01272]
Nola (Bartlett) [27160]
Patricia Ann Kauhiwai (1940- ) [12939]
Rhett Allen Uiha Lindsey (1980- ) [06578]
Scott Henry Kaiama Lindsey (1967- ) [06575]
Shalsea Lilia Makanoe Lindsey (1983- ) [06579]
Tai Howard Nakolulani Lindsey (1975- ) [06577]
Aialei (w) [06201]
Amanda (1929- ) [29788]
Misao [15151]
Lucy [12876]
Emma `Aima [09704]
Aikakakeaweiwi (k) [29552]
Aikake (k) [06234]
Charles Kakaleka [14316]
Harriett (1948- ) [14315]
Mary (Cravalho) [14317]
`Aikanaka (k) (c1780-dec.) [03102]
Akalaninuiaimokuhewahewa (c1831-dec.) [28966]
Clyde [28345]
Edward Ryon Makuahanai (1946-1978) [21100]
Frederick [01332]
Gerald [28343]
Heneli (c1876-dec.) [28967]
Heneri (c1876-dec.) [28967]
Henrietta (---) [28341]
Marie (c1876-dec.) [28967]
Mary Elizabeth [01289]
Myra [28342]
Solomon “Pops”, Jr. [28340]
Solomon III [28344]
Thomas Hewahewa (1917-2002) [29215]
Gary [03557]
Aila (w) [06289]
Lewis [19710]
Sandra Mary (Trinidad) (1957- ) [19380]
Ailau (k) [07353]
Mary Kino`ole (Pitman) ( -d1917) [07343]
Mary Ann (1897-dec.) [07266]
John Owen (1883-1917) [06659]
Mary Purdy Lamiki (c1855-1921) [06658]
`Āina (w) (1833-dec.) [03196]
Edward Shim Kealoha (196?- ) [09456]
Henry Kealoha [18431]
Lynda Ann Ludivina Kanui`okalani (Pali) (1943- )
Oinaku (1833-dec.) [03196]
Ainini (w) [05855]
Natasha Leilani [31321]
`Aiona (k) [05862]
`Aiona (k) [05858]
`Aiona II (k) [05862]
Ahuna (w) [05861]
Alice [Alika] [05863]
Alika [Alice] [05863]
Anabelle “Maile” [31596]
Antoinette June (Chillingworth) (1935- ) [08046]
Barbera [31592]
Charles [27071]
Charles, Jr. [31590]
Cheryl Lohelani [10769]
Clifford Keola (1962- ) [08360]
David [08361]
Denise Kristine Lokipohihiokalani (1964- ) [13535]
Duke (1955- ) [22959]
Edward [31591]
Elizabeth [29876]
Ella [31593]
Emela [05860]
Gabriel Kamamo Anthony [13533]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Gabriel Kamamo Anthony, Jr. (1934- ) [13532]
George Aiau [26762]
Gladys Kamakakuokalani (1933-2000) [01216]
Godfrey Aukai [10770]
Hali U`ilani [10776]
Harold [10767]
Helen Alan (Akeo) [26763]
Helen Keano`okalani (1916-2004) [23603]
Helena Kahauolupea [10768]
Helena Kamakaponiponi Enoka (Pai) [10761]
Ida Ka`apuni (Lincoln) (1930-2009) [27059]
Idalyn [31594]
James R. “Duke”, Jr. (1955- ) [22959]
Judy [31595]
Ka`imilani [22964]
Kaulurose [05864]
Kuli`a [22961]
Liane (Lindsey) [30994]
Luka [05859]
Makana [22962]
Norman Pilialoha [10771]
Ohulani [22963]
Paulo [01238]
Pono Victor [10772]
Robert Mapuana (1942- ) [11452]
Rosaline (Hiwa) [01239]
Rose (Mahelona) [13534]
Sandra G. (1966- ) [25852]
Shantel Kamamo`okalani (1987- ) [15932]
Tammy (Cogburn) [10775]
Travis Kainalu Kakalia [30961]
Treasure Kamakanahiwahiwaokalani K. [30960]
Vivian (Welsh) [22960]
Yvette Klarisse Kamamo`okalani (1965- ) [13536]
Andrea [27387]
Bernie Toi Kapena Lam Ho (1979- ) [31499]
Bruce Keli`iholokai (1977- ) [26954]
Corinne [31498]
Dione [29540]
Edwina [25115]
Eva L. (Purdy) (c1941- ) [25023]
Ivy [25113]
Rebecca Evalani [14297]
Shirley [25114]
Walter Aloka [25111]
Sarah Kela Kaihe (Pi`ena) (1890-c1935) [28368]
Ashley (Bullard) [01920]
Ayleen [27620]
Bruce [27624]
Charmaine [27621]
Ellen `Iolani Hale (Kaleikini) [01912]
Gina [27617]
Greta [27619]
Henrietta [27618]
James [27626]
John [27625]
John Keli`i (c1871-1920) [20151]
Kahealani W. (1975- ) [01914]
Kari (2001- ) [01924]
Kauilani K. (1978- ) [01915]
Keali`i K. (1979- ) [01916]
Kekamali`iokalani K. (1987- ) [01917]
Keli`i Kai K. (1974- ) [01913]
Lambert K. (1951- ) [01908]
Leighton [01911]
Leighton N. (1928-1998) [03901]
Leighton N., Jr. [27622]
Nora [07768]
Sharon K. (Ke`ohuhu) (1956- ) [01901]
Victor M. (2004- ) [01928]
Brian Kawaiaea [27631]
Clarence Kailihakuma (1926-2003) [09996]
Clarence Ko`olau [27628]
Denise [27632]
Doris (---) [27627]
Gregory [27629]
Margaret Kilauano [01273]
Rodney [27630]
Annie Josephine [06516]
Augusta (Cockett) [06374]
Boniface [09381]
Charles Kahoali`i [06501]
Charles Kahoali`I, Jr. [06514]
Clementine [06494]
Coline Kaualoku [01315]
Cornelius [06492]
Cornelius Victor [06503]
D. Eleneke Ernest [06487]
Danita `Imaikalani (McGregor) [24697]
Elizabeth [06484]
Eugene Kahoali`i E. [06486]
Gertrude [06493]
Gladys [06512]
Helen [06497]
Joanie [23471]
John [06482]
Josephine Annie (Keomea) [06490]
Kaomeanuilimukapu [06504]
Leanor [Leonard] [06499]
Margaret Mā`iki (Kealoha) (1925-1984) [01276]
Mary [06496]
Matthew [06481]
Mildred Wong [06515]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Oliver Revere [06495]
Philomena [06502]
Regina [06505]
Simon Jeremiah [06485]
Theresa [06498]
Theresa Kelakaia [06483]
Thomas Pi`imauna KaneakalaikawehiwenaoKona
Victor [06491]
Victoria Pi`imauna [05812]
Victoria Kealohi [06488]
Wilhelmina Mae [06517]
Abigail Kamaka (1857-1942) [08078]
Adrienna Kahakuka`Alani (Dudoit) (1923-2003)
Aldora [28317]
Alexander Līloa (1935-2004) [01095]
Alice Kaleimanuia
Kaheowa`anuiponili`ihoapaipainohohupa (Pā)
(1912-1992) [32259]
Alison Gay Lehuanani (Pai) (1965- ) [03655]
Alma Ka`eo [08890]
Alva [28314]
Anthony [09269]
April Kaleionālani (Smith) [04578]
Ariana Pu`uwailani (1991- ) [05557]
Arthur [15418]
Arthur (1884-dec.) [05508]
Arthur “Kaiser”, Jr. (1915-1999) [02267]
Arthur III (1944- ) [03642]
Arthur IV “Skip” (1961- ) [03643]
Arthur Ha`aheokaleoohaalulu V (1991- ) [05554]
Beverly (---) [05507]
Beverly Moana (Albino) (1944- ) [03517]
Beverly Moana (Hoapili) (1944- ) [03517]
Beverly Moana (Pai) (1944- ) [03517]
Bianca [28319]
Bryan Anton Kaleionāmoku (c1964- ) [08357]
Butch [09274]
Candace Mary (1947- ) [05506]
Carla Moanikeala (1960- ) [17736]
Charman [08938]
Chelsea Tiare Kaleionalani (1995- ) [11652]
Cheryl Moana (1970- ) [11649]
Christopher [28316]
Christy (Carter) (1964- ) [17743]
Ciana Hikialani (1989- ) [17744]
Corey Kimo (1968- ) [03648]
Cory Kimo, Jr. (1991-2007) [05543]
Curtis Scott (1964- ) [03644]
Daisy Ke`alohilanimokukapawa Hua-Ying (1996- )
Danielle [09277]
Daryl Jean Kai`ulani (DuPont) (1937-2003) [17734]
Derek K. [22831]
Diera Kuliaikau`i (1990- ) [17745]
Douglas `Umi [28320]
Edward Joseph Kawai [20734]
Ellen Kamaka (Kaohi) (c1836-1913) [05518]
Emsley (c1967- ) [08934]
Eric [09275]
Eugene Lionel (1919-1981) [05520]
Euphemia [15417]
Euphemia (Davidson) (1887- ) [05509]
Evie (c1970- ) [08936]
Francis Kenneth [15413]
Fred “Ka`uhane” [27638]
G'iannayr Ke`alohinokamakaokamakua (1994- )
Gideon Palimakakoa Jin-Lung (2000- ) [08891]
Gunther [28315]
Gwen (---) [09270]
Haunani Lynn (1972- ) [03647]
Hau`olionālani (1970- ) [03649]
Helene Mildred (Wond) (1919- ) [03962]
Hemanaimaikalani Shanei (1992- ) [05559]
Henry Lorin [15415]
Herbert C. [15412]
Herbert Young (1935- ) [27533]
Herman [09271]
Ikaika (1964- ) [03644]
James (c1965- ) [08932]
Janel Akemi (Fujii) (1972-2009) [22830]
Janine (Castillo) (1963- ) [03653]
Jessie Kapi`o (Kea) (c1878-b1908) [05523]
Joan Māhealani (1961- ) [17737]
Jodie [09276]
John (c1915- ) [09267]
John, Jr. [09268]
John Davidson [15416]
John Wai`ale`ale [09302]
Joseph Kawai (1880-dec.) [05519]
Josephine Hannah (1941- ) [30329]
Kaiwa [03664]
Kaleimakaonaona (1996- ) [05556]
Kauikeolani Tiffany (1987- ) [05567]
Keahi [03665]
Kealoha [03667]
Keith Keola (1964- ) [17738]
Kenneth “Ku`ulei” [27636]
Kihalulumoku (1906-1907) [05524]
Kimo [03663]
Kirk Kuali`i (1966- ) [03646]
Ku`ulei [03666]
Lamborie Ha`aheoleihua (Low) (1964- ) [05551]
Lawrence Davidson [15414]
Lee Kamuela Yoshino (1983- ) [03651]
Liane Laua`e (1961- ) [03650]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Lihilihiokeahi [05522]
Lihilihiokeahi (Miranda) [12572]
Lilia Wahinekapu (c1864-1897) [05529]
Lily Keaka (Kapololū) (1888-dec.) [05514]
Lisa Napela (1966-2009) [32385]
Lloyd “Moana” [27639]
Lory Leilani (Hsiao-Ling) [08892]
Luneta (---) [08931]
Lyla (c1969- ) [08935]
Mahonri Kupaianaha Xiao-Lung (1998- ) [08894]
Marilyn (---) [03670]
Marvalle “Molly” [27633]
Marvis “Ulu” [27634]
Minei Kimberly Andre (Kalima) (1965- ) [03659]
Moana Diane (Fernandez) [11648]
Nathan P. [09457]
Patricia [05505]
Priscilla (Charman) (1939-2005) [04294]
Randolph (1917-1985) [09273]
Reid Toshiro (1967- ) [03661]
Richard “Kalani” [27637]
Rick (c1966- ) [08933]
Robert Bruce (1949- ) [04579]
Robert Bruce, Jr. (1968- ) [04577]
Robert Bruce Kaleikaumaka (1996- ) [04576]
Rosalie Louwella Ann (Lee) (1961- ) [05542]
Samlyn (c1971- ) [08937]
Samson W. (1945-2007]
Samuel [12571]
Samuel [15411]
Samuel (1868-1938) [05513]
Samuel Pāhoa (c1832-1894) [05517]
Sarah [30330]
Shanei Ka`iulani (1990- ) [05577]
Shannon (1965- ) [03645]
Shannon Hemaulihiwahikiwalemainalani, Jr. (1994- )
Taylor Pōmaika`i (1994- ) [03654]
Tayshea (Puakea) (1973- ) [03662]
Thomas [05503]
Treyson K. (2001-2001) [02265]
Violet “Swettie” [09272]
Waldemar K. “Ipo” (1936-2002) [02264]
Wendy Sadako (Serikaku) (1968- ) [05564]
William “Butch” [27635]
Zelda [28318]
Jodie [09276]
Kera Kalei Pi`ilani (1998- ) [05571]
Curtis Noho`oikaika (1984- ) [03656]
Glenn H. (1982- ) [09620]
Lois M. (1961- ) [09621]
Akahi II
Akahi II Chiefess of Ke`ei & Kona [30798]
`Akāhiakuleana (w) [02999]
Akahi`ilikapu (w) [18834]
Akahikame`enoa (w) [05682]
Akahime`enoa (w) [05682]
Akahinui (w) [17926]
Akaka (w) [26749]
Abraham Kahikina (1917-1997) [17882]
Alan Limaikaika [09625]
Belinda (---) [31088]
Daniel Kahikina (1924- ) [07228]
Daniel Kahikina, Jr. [09624]
Gerard Kapena (1954- ) [09600]
Gerard Lanakila [31089]
John E. K. (1914-1998) [18701]
Joshua [31090]
Mary Mildred (Chong) [09622]
Millannie K. [09623]
Nicholas Kalaohikina [09626]
Rachel [31091]
Victoria Akau [22819]
Akaka Kukalani
Akaka Kukalani (w) (c1800-dec.) [03593]
`Aikau (c1831- ) [28966]
Blair [09627]
Ah Fah [33490]
Akaka Ka`ana`ana (c1873-1907) [08541]
Arthur Aia (1926- ) [04778]
Audrey Kawohilani (1956- ) [04942]
Beatrice (Cazimero) (c1908- ) [33491]
Beatrice Kamila (1945- ) [33489]
Brenda (Coit) (1957- ) [05443]
Calvin [33509]
Caroline Kahai (c1928- ) [04805]
Christopher Lawrence (1978- ) [25584]
Daniel [33510]
David Pake (1885-dec.) [08765]
Elizabeth Pakele (1923- ) [04802]
Eunice (1925- ) [04940]
Gene Lawrence (1960- ) [04984]
Gerik Gene (1984- ) [25586]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Hattie Kahananui Ka`ana`ana (1899-dec.) [08768]
Hayden Lee Kaohulani (1954- ) [04941]
James Ka`ale (1899-1959) [04800]
James Ka`ale, Jr. (1922- ) [04801]
Jocelyn (Yano) [05442]
Joshua James Joseph Kamakalani (1990- ) [05444]
Ka`ana`ana (c1839-1879) [08544]
Kaleleonālani Emma (Lincoln) (1890-dec.) [26974]
Kamaka Ka`ana`ana (1886-dec.) [08766]
Kash (1989- ) [05438]
Kellen (1976- ) [05436]
Kenny Kalani (1966- ) [04946]
Kolby (1983- ) [05437]
Lance Lani (1960- ) [04945]
Linda (Iida) (1954- ) [05435]
Loveymae L. (1940- ) [04947]
Margaret Ku`ulei (1925-1991) [04803]
Marshal Kimo (1959- ) [04944]
Martha Ka`ana`ana (c1888-dec.) [08767]
Monica (1977- ) [25581]
Pake Ka`ana`ana (1857-1932) [08763]
Pamela Mae (Llayus) [25583]
Pauline [33511]
Raelyn Kawaiehu Ioane [05446]
Rebecca “Becky” (Ma`ele) (1905-1985) [04721]
Rebecca Elizabeth (Lincoln) (1897-1915) [27050]
Rebecca Malia (1927- ) [04804]
Roslyn Lai`ei`e Ioane [Step-child] (1979- ) [05445]
Ruth Loi Chau Chu [13080]
Saeze Mae (1983- ) [25585]
Sharon [33512]
Sharon (1960- ) [25580]
Sherry Mae (1946- ) [04982]
Sterling Kamakalani (1957- ) [04943]
Travis (1982- ) [25582]
Trinidad (Tiogangco) (1924- ) [04981]
Violet May [07842]
Warner Glen “Jojo” (1953- ) [04983]
William (1897-dec.) [27053]
William Pa`ahao [27048]
Abraham Maluhia Wong (1925- ) [13638]
Abraham Wong (1897-1964) [13635]
Adam [30133]
Ah Lang (1898-1979) [12943]
Ah Lei (1907-1984) [10055]
Ah Mi (1891-1969) [10047]
Ah Yee Ka`ili (1893-1996) [10049]
Aiona (1892-1980) [10048]
Aiona, Jr. (1920- ) [34496]
Akaiko (1884-1933) [20224]
Alan Robert (1960- ) [21668]
Albert Kahumoku [06948]
Albert Sheldon (1943- ) [06950]
Alfreda Ku`ualoha (Machado) [22296]
Alice Omela Waiahinu (Tucker) (1904-1955) [10076]
Allison Ah Lin (1951- ) [21666]
Alma (Yano) [21674]
Alvin Joseph (1929- ) [13640]
Ami (1891-1969) [10047]
Anastasia Leilani (1994- ) [22368]
Arleigh Mun On (1940- ) [10186]
Barbara (Sherman) [21627]
Bessie Louise “Betty Lou” (Gagner) (1925- ) [02991]
Burt Kanamu Ahleong (1968- ) [09628]
Carolyn Ann Pi`ilani [32796]
Charles Kelekolio (1917-1997) [00861]
Charlotte Leimomi (Huihui) (1927-1984) [34500]
Chun [20222]
Chun T. [35273]
Curtis M. (1932- ) [07087]
Cynthia Marie (Fairchild) [22369]
Daisy Kawaolani [08959]
Darryl [01959]
David [22299]
Dorothy Omela (1921- ) [17555]
Edith Maleka (1931-1969) [10209]
Edward L. [09629]
Edwin [27746]
Eilynn [27644]
Elise Kalua [13918]
Elizabeth (Tampon) [22649]
Elizabeth [30109]
Elizabeth Gail (Holmes) [22365]
Elizabeth Kapeka (Kamaka) (1934-1974) [21728]
Elizabeth Kaulili`i (1927- ) [17558]
Emiko “Amy” (Morioka) [21686]
Emma Meliaka [Twin] (1896-1938) [10050]
Esther Po`ohiwi [Twin] (1896-1985) [10051]
Evangeline Leinani (1930- ) [16420]
Everest [27748]
F. Lang (1889-dec.) [35272]
Frances Lonohiwa (1923- ) [35276]
Francis Hiroshi (1955- ) [21689]
Francis K. (1887-dec.) [20225]
Frank (1898-1965) [10052]
Genevieve Ho`olaikahiluonalani (1915-2003) [21280]
George (c1911-dec.) [10057]
Gerald Kealohaohana (1932-2004) [15209]
Gnit Wah (Wong) (1914- ) [10185]
Harriet (Kahema) [20223]
Harriet Ah Lin Ku`uleialoha (1912- ) [10058]
Harriet Gwendolyn (1931- ) [13641]
Harriet Kailiki`ihoaulani “Hattie” (Ka`ana`ana)
(c1905- ) [08099]
Helen Kamoena Kalalani (Kaina) (1890-1967) [10068]
Henry Ah Lei (1924- ) [17556]
Herbert Aiona (1924-1983) [34498]
Herbert Poliokeola (1929- ) [17560]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Hillary [27749]
Irma Irene (Rosehill) [30130]
James Keali`ikauahi [26040]
Jocelyn Kahealani (1974- ) [10191]
John “PJ” [09631]
John Aiona (1928-1988) [34499]
John Wong [13636]
Joseph Aiona (1922-1991) [34497]
Joseph Kepa (1898-1965) [10052]
Joseph Kepa, Jr. (1925-1984) [17557]
Josephine Kaula`au (1878-dec.) [32103]
Joshua Francis (1997- ) [22654]
Kailianu (Ka`apuiki) (1864-1945) [10020]
Kaleka (1984- ) [01960]
Kamila Li`ili`i (Kahiona) (1859-dec.) [00869]
Kanoelehua (1987- ) [01961]
Kao`onolani Ka`aumoana [21347]
Kapika (Kauka) [35274]
Karen Liane (1953- ) [07088]
Kathie Lynn (1956- ) [07089]
Kathryn [27645]
Katie Akaka (Stewart) (1893-dec.) [22975]
Kawika Kalale [21346]
Keith Kalani (1957- ) [03559]
Keli`i [09632]
Kevin William (1973- ) [07091]
Kismet Lee (1959- ) [07090]
Kui Len Pong (1898-1979) [12943]
Lee Mai Sun (1855-dec.) [00868]
Lerbbie (1953- ) [21670]
Lincoln Kaihalulu (1916-2005) [03514]
Lincoln Kaihalulu, Jr. (1948-2008) [18070]
Linda (---) [27747]
Linda Toshie (Toma) (1948- ) [10187]
Lisa Ann (1970- ) [21672]
Lorraine Song Ngo Kailianu (1936- ) [10210]
Marguerite M. N. (Piltz) [26041]
Maria Sulice (Martinez) [22650]
Marilyn Kam Hoong (Luke) (1917- ) [10193]
Martha Ho`okano (1904-1992) [10017]
Mary “Momi” (Kahuanui) [33690]
Mary Carter [34653]
Mary Nawahine (1915-1969) [10059]
Mary K. “Mickey” (---) [27640]
Mary Ku`uleinālani [Twin] (1920-1977) [34495]
Mary Nāwahine (1915-1969) [10059]
Michael Joseph (1963- ) [21669]
Michelle Emiko (1971- ) [10190]
Nani (Ho`omanawanui) [20226]
Naomi H. (Kawai) (1932- ) [07075]
Nicole Sherry [22653]
Norman (Gapusan) [21675]
Palani Robert (1993- ) [22372]
Patricia (---) [09630]
Patrick Ah Lei (1959- ) [21667]
Pauline Kanionapua`okalani (Ke`ohuhu) (1963- )
Poha Ah Tuck (1910-1995) [10056]
Puamana (1917- ) [35275]
Rebecca Leilani Ah Choy (1906-1968) [10054]
Richard Ah Lei (1975- ) [10192]
Richard Elliott (1941- ) [06949]
Rita [07002]
Ronald J., Jr. (1960- ) [16801]
Rose Ah Lin (1928- ) [17559]
Rose Pi`ipi`i (1901-1983) [10053]
Roy [27642]
Sarah Kamila Kaluahine (1881-1917) [00867]
Selma Marian (1958- ) [21671]
Spencer Nohea (1947- ) [06951]
Stella Servia Ha`ilaua`ala (Ka`aua`a) (1918- ) [06947]
Susan [27643]
Theresa Kelakaia (Aiu) [06483]
Thomas Faye (1927- ) [13639]
Walter [32107]
William [27641]
William Ah Lei (1907-1984) [10055]
William Ku`uleiaihue Ah Lei (1907-1984) [10055]
Wong Sing (c1854-1936) [10019]
Wong Sung (c1854-1936) [10019]
Bruce Kuaika [33781]
Jolene Sarah (Walker) [33782]
Daniel Yukio (1952- ) [09640]
Leinā`ala [01122]
Abel Kelemana [00326]
Esther Ka`aho`ola`okalani [00327]
Rita Mary Kealohilani (Spencer) [00322]
Annie Lulu (Maihui) [00891]
Christian (c1870-dec.) [00890]
Mary Blanche (1860-1917) [01539]
Preston Kalani [02015]
Samuel [02020]
Sharon (---) [02021]
John Awa (1854-dec.) [01435]
Kīhei Monica (Pekelo) (1858-dec.) [01436]
Joseph (1828-b1890) [01437]
Theresa Kelekia Ha`aeoholani (1869-1937) [01434]
Xavier Jaime (1979- ) [14700]
Alapa`i (k) [21019]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Althea K. [20827]
Ape “Abbie” (1874-1957) [33324]
Apikaila (c1855-b1947) [28413]
Bernadette [27770]
Bessie [31097]
Charlene Kapuanani [22293]
Charles Kahoali`i (c1876-1900) [26411]
Christina Lehualani Ku`uipoalohaokapu`uwai
(1980- ) [17722]
Darnell P. [27767]
Dorothy [27763]
Eddie Boy (1982- ) [16300]
Edward (c1865-dec.) [19678]
Edward (1889-dec.) [18771]
Edward (1917-1969) [18773]
Edward Keiki`okalani (1956- ) [17721]
Edward Keiki`okalani, Jr. (1982- ) [16300]
Elizabeth [09649]
Ellen Kameha`iku (Nahina) (1887-dec.) [18772]
Elona Kaholoa`a [26403]
Esther Kuokalani (c1880-1908) [26413]
Flora (Iseri) [27868]
George Kaomea (c1880-dec.) [33325]
Harry [27867]
Henry Kaluanako`oko`o (1869-1925) [26409]
Herman Ikaika (1920-1986) [18203]
Ikaika (1993- ) [20777]
Isabell Kapuanani O Hualalai [20823]
Isabella Hapahoa (1867-1936) [26408]
Ivy [27761]
Jacklyn [27866]
John [27760]
John Manokalanipo (c1841-dec.) [26402]
Johnny Latai Broomfield Hiroshi (1964- ) [09650]
Joseph Herman Ikaika (1920-1986) [18203]
Joseph Kahoano (c1882-1898) [26414]
Julia [05821]
Ka`aua (c1857-dec.) [33318]
Kahananui (Kuhiaimokuakama) (c1824-dec.) [28416]
Kahiona Kaomea (c1886-dec.) [33326]
Kalani [27766]
Kana`i Oliver [27869]
Kanbert [27865]
Kaomea “George” (1856-b1947) [33317]
Kaomela (c1859-dec.) [33319]
Karen [27864]
Keali`i [27764]
Keana (c1867-dec.) [33321]
Kekoa (1995- ) [20778]
Keoki Kapu [33783]
Kimberly Campbell (Dux) (1955- ) [18201]
Kūhiō Kelley [21262]
Ku`ulei (1983- ) [18205]
Kyler Davis [27870]
Lambert Paul Lukela [27863]
Lambert Paul Lukela, Jr. (1977-2009) [27862]
Laura Kahokuokalā (c1884-1900) [26415]
Laverne H. [01832]
Liliana (c1851-dec.) [33316]
Lillian (Cook) (c1875-dec.) [19681]
Lily Kaomea (1895-dec.) [33327]
Lono (c1839-dec.) [28415]
Margaret Laialohelohe (Kahulamu) (1922-2008)
Martha (1913- ) [20404]
Mele (1845-a1910) [26405]
Nancy (1927- ) [14333]
Nohea [27769]
Paul Ikaika (1937-2004) [18796]
Ralph [27759]
Ralph Kaonohiokalā Po`omaihealani [20825]
Ralph Kaonohiokalā Po`omaihealani, Jr. [22298]
Rebecca Ah Moi Ali`ikapeka (Ahpoo) (1918- )
Roselani (Apo) [26417]
Samuel (1866-dec.) [33320]
Samuel Kalua III [27765]
Samuel Kalua, Jr. (1939-2003) [21138]
Samuel Kaonohiokalā (c1878-1910) [26412]
Sandy [27768]
Sheba Kaihekuā`i (1872-1910) [26410]
Tavaiki Na`ehu (1830-1900) [21816]
Vel (---) [20776]
Velma [27762]
Winona Ku`uleiawapuhi (Cuson) [33784]
Benjamin (1924- ) [05537]
Bernice Kailani (Hoapili) (1928-1987) [05502]
Beverly Moana (1944- ) [03517]
Charles Makana`akeakuaokeola`Okalani (1988- )
Chas (1988- ) [02277]
Eldene Lonalani (Sproat) (1962- ) [02273]
Ipo (1959- ) [02272]
Johanna Līloa Kaleinoenoe (Morales) [02280]
Kaenaokalā Indie Kealohaiaanoheaahepa`anaauokala`e
Sproat (1989- ) [02278]
Kaiena (1989- ) [02278]
Kealohilani Johanna
Sproat (1984- ) [02276]
Keiki (1982- ) [02275]
Keikiokapelikaokamanaoio Moses (1982- ) [02275]
Lilly (Lewis) (1901- ) [05539]
Lohi (1984- ) [02276]
Makana (1981- ) [02274]
Moses [02279]
Pedro (1894-dec.) [05538]
Rachel Nāpua (Kaleikini) (1942-2005) [03516]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Thaddeus Ku`uipolaua`ekamakana (1959- ) [02272]
Thaddeus Ku`uipolaua`ekamakana, Jr. (1981- )
Rosalie Enos (Alfonso) [00579]
Mary Mililani [01258]
Nathaniel [01726]
Rebecca Mailelehua (Nakoa) [01719]
Shane Kamalani Nakoa (2001- ) [01751]
Dana Marie (Vierra) [00661]
Dorothy Kauokawelo (Chong) [00654]
Dorothy Tianalita [00659]
Jonli Coll Hakuaiakalani [00657]
Jordan Bronson Kaleomana [00662]
Keni Drew [00658]
Keni Joseph [00664]
Leilehua (Keoho`okalani) [00663]
Robin-Li Faleamoe Nalanieha [00660]
Tasi, Jr. [00655]
Tasi Henry [00656]
`A`ima [01247]
Irmgard Keali`iwahinealohanohokahaopuamana
(Farden) (1911-2001) [01244]
Mihana [01246]
Emmanuel [01919]
Kauilani K. (Aipia) (1978- ) [01915]
Judy Ann [00380]
Lani Lee [00386]
Lauri [00387]
Ronald [00385]
Ronnie [00388]
Lyle Benjamin (1960- ) [09689]
Beatrice Kamila (Akamu) (1945- ) [33489]
Darren Akamu (1969- ) [33424]
Deborah Kahealani (1968- ) [33508]
Gerald A. (19-- - )
Jon Alan (1942- ) [33488]
Kevin Keoki (1980- ) [33507]
Paul Kamali`ipunaheleoka`āina (1962- ) [03564]
William Ka`iwa (1934- ) [03565]
Charles Kaleiokalani (1864-1913) [33699]
Charles Kauhane (1864-1913) [33699]
Charles K., Jr. (1892-1952) [33794]
Elizabeth Kua (Kahaleua) [33798]
Emma (Nali`i) [33795]
Hanalei (1905- ) [33802]
Kiana (1894-1961) [33799]
Ku`ualohanālani Kaili (Calles) (1902- ) [33804]
Leimakani Lesley (1932-2001) [33642]
Lesley Leimakani (1932-2001) [33642]
Malia Ka`ai (Uwaia) [33797]
Maliana [Kimeona] (1893-dec.) [33652]
Marian [33691]
Mariana (Simeona) (1893-dec.) [33652]
Mary Kaiakauilani (Kuluwaimaka) (1870-1912)
Mary Leslie (1901-1916) [33801]
Moses Kauhane (1889-1970) [33651]
Rose Leilehua Makealani (Kaipo) (1894-1944) [33803]
William Charles (1896-1962) [33800]
Charles (1967- ) [35335]
D’Andre (1980- ) [20600]
Pamela U`ilani [25615]
Abigail [21005]
Alika Mark (1977- ) [07069]
Clarissalei [01836]
Desmon Dean (1951- ) [16410]
Frances [22607]
Julita (Villanueva) (1950- ) [24701]
Kathleen Manulani (Simeona) (1951- ) [07045]
Lourdes Pearl (Brown) (1925- ) [16412]
Moanikeala (1982- ) [07070]
Ronald (1949- ) [07068]
Sandra Mailehaiwale (1938- ) [32682]
Sharon Ioana (Bailey) (1961- ) [14205]
Solomon Haumea (1919-1981) [16411]
Walter Kala (1946- ) [24709]
Walter Kala, Jr. [24710]
Maria (1858-1929) [09615]
Aly Noholani [Identical Twin] (2007- ) [22250]
Blaise David James (2007- ) [31340]
Brandyn (1988- ) [31341]
Brendan John (1984- ) [24177]
Jersey Kealohilani [Identical Twin] (2007- ) [22252]
John [24156]
Leann Robin (Fergerstrom) (1965- ) [17128]
Tony [22251]
Clifton Keola Ishun [29351]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Mia Katherine Keolahiwalani (2005- ) [29350]
James Hitoshi [29187]
Jeffrey Mark (1953-2007) [09735]
Kahueonālani (Kupihea) [29185]
Kimiko (---) [11071]
Makoto [29186]
Marilyn [11072]
Mona (1958- ) [05361]
Sylvia [11073]
Teruo [11070]
A`oa`o (k) [02628]
Louise [24696]
Arthur “Sonny” [29495]
Charles (1957- ) [09736]
Elsie Leilani (1912- ) [27476]
Ernest Say [13774]
George [29497]
Harold [29496]
Libbie Nawahine (Ka`aiahuna) [13775]
Molly Kanuha (1923-2009) [13770]
A`olepua (k/w) [07361]
Audrey H. (Young) (1923-1983) [00902]
Blossom A. (1932- ) [00898]
Christian (c1870-dec.) [00890]
Christian (1898-1952)
Christian Reginald (1923- ) [00892]
Dwan (Colton) [00905]
Evangeline K. (1936- ) [00899]
Francis K. (1940-1998) [00900]
Henry K. (1931- ) [00897]
Joseph K. (1926- ) [00894]
Kathryn (Hilderbran) [00901]
Kawai [01277]]
Lei Lohelani (1938- ) [00880]
Mary Lohealani (Pua`ala) (1898-1966) [00886]
Masako (Kitada) (1928-2004) [00903]
Paul K. (1929-1992) [00896]
Raymond K. (1927-1995) [00895]
Shirley (McMoore) [00904]
Walter (c1954- ) [01180]
Walter K. (1925- ) [00893]
Beverly Healani Sun Lan [01310]
Christine (Apao) [01279]
Debra (Kealohapau`ole) [28311]
Lovey Leinā`ala Lay Choy (1947-1998) [01278]
Caroline (---) [01280]
Christine [01279]
Lucy (Apiki) [01701]
Scott Alani (1965- ) [06474]
Anne K. (Chow) [01839]
Chris Ann Kale (1961- ) [01840]
Eleanor Kapi`olani (Kahuli) (1969- ) [01844]
Jennifer Pualani (Verviss) (1969- ) [01845]
Mary Elizabeth (`Aikau) [01289]
Mary Wallace Kahalelehuaokamanuakalani (Kunukau)
(1938-2001) [01823]
Ralph K. [01838]
Rena Maile-Māhoe [01288]
Thomas Keala Unea (1940- ) [01831]
Thomas Keala Unea, Jr. (1963- ) [01841]
Wendell Kahealani (1965- ) [01842]
William Kamau (1968- ) [01843]
Charleen (1949- ) [01779]
Ivan Matsuo (1960- ) [09743]
Terry Mitsuo (1965- ) [09778]
Daniel LeRoy Kealohiokalani Seikichi (2003- )
Dorothy E. (1923-2000) [09780]
Evan (1988- ) [20700]
Harold (1934- ) [09800]
Jane [09734]
Jo Ann [09828]
May [09829]
Michelle Kekahili (Chappell) (1970- ) [32510]
Noreen H. [13713]
Paul Seikichi (1967- ) [32511]
Rachel Hoalalokelani Yasuko (1998- )
Tsuruko [09830]
Anastacia Cruz [01958]
George [Twin] (1952- ) [09926]
John F. [Twin] (1952- ) [09927]
Benjamin Vincent (1983- ) [22957]
Catherine (Kasparovitch) [09380]
Cheryl Marie [29289]
Dawnaree (Kelekolio) [19967]
Jessica Lynn Kalihilihiokalā (1993- ) [20309]
John Lynn (1963- ) [09885]
Mary Louise Kaleonahenahe [13940]
Sherry Leilani (Nunes) [Twin] (1959- ) [20303]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Alva John (1897-1980) [00935]
Lucy Juliana (1929- ) [00934]
Martha (Ko`ohuli) (1903-1990) [00936]
Bernard (1930- ) [31956]
Harry Melvin, Jr. (1968- ) [09928]
Joseph Gilbert (1919-2004) [32425]
Mabel Kalei (1908-1986) [31945]
Manuel (1909-1989) [31955]
Marvin (1943- ) [31958]
Maxine (1932- ) [31957]
Maxine Kalei [25432]
Wayne (1946- ) [31959]
Yvonne [23933]
Amy Waoala (Kalili) [00273]
Faith Aiko Manaolana [00317]
Kenneth [00313]
Laura Lee Kaumaka [00316]
Lori Ann Naheana [00315]
Lorna Mae Kīna`u [00314]
Daniel David [28277]
Danielle (Trevis) [28284]
Joanne (Moa) [28281]
Julie Ann [28274]
Kathleen Louise (Kohler) [28272]
Katlyn Kanana [28282]
Lisa Marie [28273]
Michael Wayne [28275]
Rush William [28285]
Wayne Kaualoha [28283]
Wayne Overlin Kaualoha (1937-2009) [28269]
William Anthony [28276]
William Ka`ohelauli`ikauanaulu (1963- ) [09939]
Woody Kawailiulā (1962- ) [09940]
Bernedette [01733]
Garet [01735]
Laurel K. L. (1952- ) [00728]
Lillian (---) [01737]
Au Hoy
Daniel Yen Wha (1956- ) [09947]
Jeffrey (1981- ) [03570]
Judy [09950]
Lark [09948]
Sandra [09949]
Auwae (k) [29659]
Agnes (Kela) [21298]
Allen [09332]
Anthony [09334]
Celestine [09338]
Charles [09335]
Charlotte [09337]
De Ann Po`omaihealani [21260]
Dorcus Ruth (Po`omaihealani) [20798]
Duane [09333]
Edmond George [21257]
Eric Shane Pilialoha [21259]
Henrietta [09341]
Henry [09330]
Henry Allen “Papa” (1906-2000) [03997]
Jewellyn Mary [09344]
Julia [09346]
Kamalolo (c1850- dec.) [30096]
Lapeka (c1835-dec.) [30390]
Lelani [09336]
Maile [09339]
Marie “Nani” [09340]
Mark [09331]
Mercy [09343]
Norma [09342]
Preston Ernest Kaleolani…. [21258]
Puakalehua [27956]
Rae Lee [09345]
Ronald [09329]
Tahekekai Kauwalani [21261]
Abigail Moanikealaokalani Hau`oliauikeakua (1997- )
Afong (c1857-dec.) [00035]
Alroy Lyal Nālei (Enos) [00218]
Amy Kaimiola (1890-1944) [00057]
Ane Kapo`o (Hale) [00053]
Anina (c1865-dec.) [00032]
Beatrice Maiaka (Chung Hoon) [00222]
Benjamin Keawe [00215]
Cathy M. (---) [00150]
Chad Moku [00201]
Chan Mun Hin [00051]
Chan Mun Kan [00052]
Charlotte Mahela Leialoha (1903- ) [00064]
Chun (c1840-dec.) [00027]
Clinton Kakela [00214]
Daniel (1898-dec.) [00062]
Daniel Kaniela Kupono (1982- ) [01423]
Daniela N. A. [00151]
Dorothy Ellen Kanani (Mathias) [00165]
Elizabeth Kekulanamu (Poepoe) (1864-1932) [00044]
Elizabeth Kininae (1886-1947) [00055]
Elizabeth Ku`uipo [00213]
Elizabeth Lillian Kalehua (1894-1921) [00059]
`Ena (Randall) (Mrs.) [00242]
Frank Iopa Leohailani (1895-1931) [00060]
Gabrielle Aulani Ho`omanawanui (1995- ) [01424]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
George [00147]
George Elama Kaelemakule (1891-1961) [00058]
George Elama Kaelemakule, Jr. [00225]
George Ho`omanawanui (1933-1994) [00164]
George Keoki Ho`omanawanui, Jr. (1958- ) [00188]
Gladys Kekulanamu [00224]
Helen Kealohilani (1862-1919) [00031]
Helen Kīna`u (1899-1960) [00063]
Herman (c1920- ) [00118]
Herman T. K. [00149]
Jacklyn Māhealani [00202]
James Luluhiwalani (1888-1973) [00056]
James Luluhiwalani III (c1962- ) [00166]
James Luluhiwalani Yat Mun, Jr. (1932-2008) [00162]
Jeanne Starr (Lum) [00186]
Joel Pua`aiki Nake`u (1938- ) [00226]
John Cummings [00193]
John Cummings, Jr. [00198]
John Luluhiwalani Ahina (1858-1927) [00030]
Jolyn Kaimiola [00203]
Joseph Nake`u (1907-1925) [00066]
Kathryn Kahōkūhealani [00212]
Kazumi (---) [00146]
Keith Kalanikau (c1964- ) [00167]
Kelli Naomi Tamayo (Chang) [01422]
Kirk Kaleokalani [00211]
Laurine Ululani (c1963- ) [00168]
Leorna [00243]
Lorna Hau`olilani (1905- ) [00065]
Lorna Lelhua [00196]
Lucia Amoe Keli`ipo`ohinaoloeau (1873-
1968) [00034]
Lucy Ann Kahanamoku (Wong) (1934-2005) [00185]
Lum (Shee) [00050]
Mabel Ka`anohipua`okalani (Ahuna) (1893-1960) [00116]
Maria Aoe Lupeau (c1870-dec.) [00033]
Mary (1884-1905) [00054]
Mary Melekahana [00163]
Michael [00148]
Michael Scott Keola [00199]
Mona Haunani (Ha`o) (1961- ) [00189]
Rachel Lehua [00217]
Rebecca Pumehana [00216]
Roberta Maeha (Nani`ole) [00197]
Samuel Kamuela Kalaniokekeiki (1981- ) [00908]
Samuel Kauwilaonako`olau (1897-1915) [00061]
Shauna Marie (Remigio) (1981- ) [01426]
Sheri-Dee [00187]
Thelma Māhealani (Ching) [00200]
Theodore Henani (1912-1987) [00197]
Theodore Kakela [00195]
Toni Jean (Sorenson) [00210]
Violet Jill Kanelani Kīna`u [00194]
Violet Marie Mahela [00223]
Violet Townsend (Cummings) [00192]
Vita S. [00152]
Aweau (k) (1810-1887) [24445]
Anna (---) [31101]
Annie (Nuhi) [33910]
Blossom [27792]
Brett “Ali`i” [27786]
Clara [18786]
Eadie K. [27793]
Herman [27789]
Hina (1869-dec.) [29898]
Ioane (1871-dec.) [29899]
James H. (1874-1952) [33909]
Kahopuwaiki ( -1916) [29895]
Kingsley (27788)
Larry Loyes Kukahiko (1920-2009) [27350]
Larry Loyes Kukahiko, Jr. [27787]
Lemuel [31099]
Lewis, Jr. [09956]
Liena [27791]
Mahoe (1867-dec.) [29897]
Margaret Kamahamahokaiaokamehameha (1833-1921)
Marla [27790]
Nakuilauhulu (1865-dec.) [29896]
Nathan Kawai (1964- ) [09957]
Rachel (1900-1945) [33908]
Willye [09956]
Abigail (Kawai) [08585]
Alma K. (Dana) (1923- ) [10440]
Anthony K. [29536]
Brenda (Lagrimas) [08591]
Claire “Kehau” [27646]
Clement Clifford [10457]
Clifford [10456]
Dione [29540]
Edelweiss [29539]
Edlynn F. [29538]
Edmund Francis (1951-2009) [10459]
Edmund Francis, Jr. [29534]
Edward [10458]
Edward “Manu” (1912-1998) [18799]
Edward Halealoha (1964- ) [04532]
Edward Haleanini [18616]
Edward Keluopeope`ole (1883-dec.) [18618]
Faith Alohalani [10460]
Harriet K. Leialoha Ahiona (1915- ) [08578]
Jessica F. [29541]
Jocelyn Leimamo [21730]
Karen (Shinsato) [08589]
Kari (Kristiansen) [09959]
Katheleen Maile (Kamai) [22741]
Kawika Shinsato (1980- ) [08590]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Maryann (Kahape`a) [31991]
Merle Moanikeala (U`u) [08571]
Michael [29537]
Michelle Kananionāpua (1975- ) [08594]
Nathaniel [29535]
Oliva Lealohaokalahui [20467]
Olivia Haunani (1962- ) [08572]
Olivia Kaleialohaokalahui (Townsend) [18617]
Rene Lani (1961- ) [08588]
Reychelle Nicole Ku`uipo Moanikeala (1978- ) [08595]
Reynolds Hapai (1937- ) [08570]
Reynolds Leialoha, Jr. (1959- ) [08587]
Ronette (Igarta) [08593]
Sharay Keala (1965- ) [08573]
Shyla (1981- ) [08592]
Timothy Lloyd Pua`aloha (1958- ) [08586]
Dino Sean (1961- ) [10500]
Steven Manu (1964- ) [11152]
Kevin (1965- ) [24632]
Patience Nāmakauahoaokawenaulaokalani
ikiikikalaninui (Wiggin) (1920- ) [01261]
Sheryn Lee [00429]
Roselle Flora Keli`ihonipua (Lindsey) (1937- )
Helen (1918-1999) [09968]
Daniel Kananikamaha`oonalani (1976- ) [01982]
Kaleo Kekoa`okalani Pi`ilani [01987]
Kylee Lahela Kamaluonalani Pi`ilani [01988]
Martin Francis [01983]
Nāinoa Kananikamaha`oonalani Pi`ilani (1999- )
Shae Toshie Kauionalani Pi`ilani (1995- ) [01985]
Viola Jean Okanani (Kekahuna) [01984]
Anne Louise [32269]
Cher Ramona De Leon (1973- ) [05159]
Dean Edward (1963- ) [10600]
George [05158]
Jean L. (1919- ) [32270]
Kathleen [29085]
Raymond Lopaka (1978- ) [05162]
Sylvia Ann (De Leon) (1953- ) [04881]
Teri Kapi`olani (1975- ) [05160]
Tina Marie Leilani (1976- ) [05161]
Arthur [01784]
Chase (1992- ) [01786]
Janice Ann [00559]
Pearl (Kahanoi) [01785]
Shane Pearl [01783]
Aileen Mae (Medeiros) (1948- ) [13047]
Cory Christopher Kaimana (1987- ) [36550]
Evette (1969- ) [08716]
Frank Silva, Jr. [36557]
Josephine Martin (Rego) [36558]
Judy [08718]
Lisa Marie (Querubin) (1968- ) [36552]
Robert Frank (1946-2000) [36556]
Roxanne Nani [36556]
Sarah Marie Waimapuna (1992- ) [36553]
Selena Christina Waianuhea (1995- ) [36554]
Stanley [08717]
Travis Kaimana (1968- ) [36551]
Zethan Kaiwaiola Kaimana (2005- ) [36555]
Guy Ho`olae (1953- ) [16169]
Howard [16170]
Ku`uipo Peggy Lee (Donner) (1955- ) [13968]
Lorraine Leioho (Alo) [16171]
Lynne [22689]
Helen M. [16772]
Dale (1945- ) [06936]
Anela Marie Kawehionāpua (1980- ) [26174]
Catherine Kawehionāpua (Cummins) (1926- ) [26170]
Catherine Kawehionāpua (1958- ) [26173]
Elvira Charlotte (Hapai) (1876-1924) [18491]
Geraldine Kapi`olani [15673]
Helene [35239]
Henry [35238]
Henry James (1945-2003) [04328]
Luther Rudolph, Jr. (1926-1985) [26171]
Paul Henry (1874-dec.) [27907]
Paul Henry, Jr. ( -1913) [35237]
Rachel E. Leinani (1954- ) [26172]
Jennifer (1980- ) [34149]
Julie Ellen Lilinoe (Brissette) [00551]
Laura Ann Kaleihuamakanoe [00564]
Richard Allen [00563]
Elizabeth [27390]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Mary (Warren) 11250]
Nola [27160]
Rebecca [11248]
Robert [11249]
Robert Perry (1973- ) [32274]
Rose (c1853-1879) [21447]
Cecilia Lapaku (Ka`ahanui) [18948]
Christopher Cui (1965- ) [32275]
Barbara Cecile [25456]
Marcella (Jose) [15242]
Napoleon [15241]
Gail [22371]
Amy (Stynker) [19492]
Blanche (Siragaloa) [19736]
Charity Momilani (1951- ) [19482]
Cheyenne Tersita (1958- ) [21241]
Clifford [06326]
Daniel Kaula, Jr. (1957- ) [21242]
David Justin Ko`ala [19741]
Faith Mililani (1952- ) [19483]
Florence Linda [01662]
Georgina Winifred Kapaela (Kauwena`ole) [01642]
Hedy (Burdette) [19731]
Hope Wehelani (1953- ) [19484]
John [01660]
John, Jr. [01663]
Joy Kaleolani (1955- ) [19485]
Laura Ruby Maile (Brown) (1932-1985) [19199]
Patience U`ilani (1960- ) [19488]
Penny Leinā`ala (1963- ) [19489]
Phyllis Diane (1954- ) [21497]
Quintin Isaac Kai [19740]
Renee (Bariett) [19732]
Richard Kanakanui`aukai (1930-2004) [19481]
Richard Kanakanui`aukai, Jr. (1957- ) [19486]
Rocky Hanamaika`i (1958- ) [19487]
Ryces Pualani (1962- ) [20983]
Samantha Kulamanu (1982- ) [21498]
Virginia May [01661]
George [20112]
Lee (c 1945- ) [14244]
Maile Deborah (1938- ) [20113]
Martha Kahailani (Sniffen) [Twin] (1910- ) [19923]
Beau Jameson Kehaulani (1980- ) [24392]
Ilene Anne (1957- ) [32276]
James Edmond (1943- ) [24389]
Jeb Regas Leupuna (1976- ) [24390]
Jmi Lilinoe (1979- ) [24391]
Sandra Lilinoe (Kawelo) (1946- ) [24377]
Barbara Louise Jennie (1947-1999) [06308]
Claudia Mildred [06309]
Clyde Given [06316]
Hannah [12133]
Harry Walter [06315]
John Clarence [06311]
John Clarence (1899-1964) [06306]
John Clarence “Sonny” (1922-1956) [06304]
Lambert Armin [06314]
Larry Robert [06313]
Louise Elizabeth (Nauahi) (1904-1965) [06307]
Maryann (Kaihe) (1928-2005) [06295]
Mitchell Aaron [06312]
Thomas Robert (1964- ) [06310]
Eleanor Leilani (Moku) (1919- ) [36196]
Lester George [36204]
Annie Kahalepouli [17063]
Bernard [33213]
Arcennette U`ilani (Amina) (1979- ) [10483]
Kaicha [22190]
Kainan [22188]
Kawehe [10507]
Konakona [22189]
Shane Wai [22187]
Jarin Kulamanu (1992- ) [18225]
Kelson Kauanoe (1989- ) [18224]
Lyla Kauanoe (1961- ) [18175]
Reuben (1961- ) [18223]
Kalini M. (1961- ) [32277]
Teva (1960- ) [28777]
Sarah [32740]
Annie [24547]
Frank [10660]
Gail (Machado) [10659]
Ellery D. (1959- ) [30055]
Catherine (Kimi) (1922- ) [15576]
John [15579]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Barbara K. (Wa`ahila) [00155]
David [00161]
Jefer P., Jr. [23153]
Lamela (Holt) (c1934- ) [23148]
Dale Warren (1957- ) [15537]
David Kaniela [00698]
Michael [00696]
Sean Kaulike [00697]
Stacy K. (Lau) [00695]
Aloha Oe Louise Keonaona (1947- ) [23484]
Aloma (Ching) (1941- ) [23485]
Annabelle (Lezicki) [23476]
Annette Kehaulani (1942- ) [23482]
Annette Leialoha (1919- ) [23480]
Annette M. (1974- ) [23506]
Billy (c1971- ) [23478]
Bryant Brennon Oshiro “BB” (1964- ) [07445]
Chante-Maraea (1990- ) [23468]
Connor [23491]
Dalton [23490]
Daniel David [23520]
Daniel Gardner (c1895-dec.) [23522]
Donovan [23489]
Estrella “Nita” (Bunda) (1923- ) [23521]
Frances “Leone” (South) [23517]
Irene (Oshiro) [23466]
Jennifer L. (1971- ) [23505]
Joanie (Aiu) [23471]
Judy Elizabeth (McCain) (1947- ) [23503]
Kanani Ho`okano (1961- ) [23487]
Kendel Calvin Kanaina [23518]
Lance Ho`okano (1960- ) [23486]
Leocadia Lily Nohokula (1915- ) [23524]
Lisa Leilani (1967- ) [23504]
Maui (1993- ) [23469]
Nicole L. (1969- ) [23477]
Renise (Haile) [23472]
Rodney [23519]
Sherillyn D. (1961- ) [23473]
Stephanie Louise Ku`uleialoha Na`aikahiehiemalie
(Mossman) (1889-1981) [23523]
Tracy Lee (1963- ) [23474]
Warner D. (1964- ) [23488]
Wayne Valentine Pu`uli`i (1946- ) [23483]
Wendel David Kaleiohawai`i (1939- ) [23481]
Wendel David Keonaona Kukamokunuiokea
(1918-1985) [23479]
William Stephen Kealoha (1940- ) [23470]
Tiffany (1987- ) [23467]
Ashley Wahinekaulani (1986- ) [12181]
Blanca Estelle (Valencia) [12170]
Christopher Kukuiokalani (1978- ) [12173]
Cleighton (1929- ) [07337]
Darilyn Kealohapualani (Gramberg) [12175]
Denise Keikilani (1981- ) [12174]
Desiree Uwekalaniolakahonua (1982- ) [12167]
Doreen Leinā`ala (Machado) (1957- ) [22945]
Edward Kanani (1976- ) [12172]
Flora (1926- ) [07335]
Francis II (1925- ) [07333]
Francis Keali`inohopono Desha (1905-1990) [01344]
Harriet (Desha) (1907- ) [07330]
Helen Kapuailohia (Desha) (1882-1952) [01346]
Helen S. (1919- ) [07332]
Howard Polialoha (1951- ) [12160]
Hyacinth Lokalia (1967- ) [12176]
Ikaika Makanui (1978- ) [12185]
Jesse Alika (1976- ) [12193]
Jesse Pumehana (1954- ) [12162]
Kalai [33449]
Kalehuamakanoe Kristine Kamakawiwo`ole (1981- )
Kapono [03574]
Kauinohea Katherine Kawelolani (1982- ) [12179]
Keolamaikalani Breckenridge Desha (1951- ) [03575]
Louise Leimamo (1947- ) [12157]
Louise Leiomalama (Walker) (1907-2000) [01343]
Mahi [07339]
Matthew Charles Puaali`i (1949- ) [12159]
Matthew Heine Puaali`i (1970- ) [12177]
Mildred Puaena (Copp) [07338]
Milton (Desha) (1904- ) [07329]
Peter Carl (1862-1961) [01345]
Peter Carl, Jr. (1915- ) [07331]
Sarah Ka`alo`okalani (1953- ) [12161]
Shanelle “Haka” (Delaries) [33448]
Tevai [33450]
Violet Leimamo (Cummins) (1929- ) [12156]
Walker Keapolani Desha (1927-1964) [07336]
Walker Keapolani Desha, Jr. (1948-1983) [12158]
Walker Keapolani Desha III (1972- ) [12171]
William Kamakawiwo`ole (1955- ) [12163]
Winona Kapuailohiamanonokalani Desha (1923- )
Timothy [14711]
Kawika Allen (1980- ) [01167]
Mark (1954- ) [01166]
Scott Roy (1965- ) [11013]
Ho`ohui Database Index
Direct Descendants of Kamehameha
Jamene Ku`uleialoha (Reyes) (1949- ) [01282]
Elizabeth [01829]
Jayme Kealohilanilīhu`enuiahanakalanikekaikuihala
Matthew Kamakanamaikalani [00342]
Padeken Kahalekuiinaihe [00340]
Spencer Kahalekuiinaihe [00341]
Stephanie Nalani (Spencer) [00336]
Gregory Daniel (1957- ) [11016]
Earl Dominic (1959- ) [11015]
Helen (Kalaluhi) (1908-1965) [00928]
Isabelo (1890-1952) [00927]
Louise Leilani (1929-1986) [00926]
Samuel Keawe, Jr. (1955-2001) [01086]
John Paul (1958- ) [11017]
Adeline (Burr) [33866]
Agnes (Nobriga) [33864]
August M., Jr. [33863]
Calvin Gary (1933- ) [03804]
Catharine Pua`ala [09121]
Darlene Carol (Jerves) (1949- ) [03802]
Donald [27653]
Emma (Kaho`okele) (1892-dec.) [17752]
Francis Isadore “Tony” (1940-2007) [07061]
Gilbert Roy [28438]
Gilbert S. [28441]
James [17798]
Jennie (1908- ) [28432]
Jennie Fumi (Mitsuhashi) (1885-1920) [28429]
John (c1885-dec.) [28428]
John Kuihelani (1905-1996) [28430]
Joseph (1909- ) [28433]
Joseph H. (1919-1998) [03906]
Lurline [27654]
Māhealani [28443]
Manuel K. S. [33865]
Marguerite (---) [27652]
Mark M. [28442]
Minerva (1910- ) [28434]
Nāinoaokaho`okele (1985- ) [03803]
Norbert Lawrence Ku`ualoha (1954- ) [03800]
Norbert Lawrence (c1987- ) [31636]
Pamela [28031]
Patricia [28440]
Penny U. [28444]
Pi`ilani (---) [27805]
Rosaline Anastasia (Kailewa) (1917- ) [28435]
Sheryl “Mapela” [16620]
Shigeko (Oshio) [28436]
Shirley [28439]
Stanley “Wally” (1921-1997) [18673]
Stephanie [28437]
Stephen Kahele (1907-2002) [28431]
Tony (c1960- ) [27806]
Vonnell [28032]
Wallace (1909- ) [28433]
William J. (1914-1979) [25700]
Bernice Pauahi (Pākī) (1831-1884) [01172]
Charles Reed (1822-1915) [01173]

You need to be a member of maoliworld to add comments!

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    The Obama Timeline... and thoughts on restoring American liberties

    Governor Neil Abercrombie is a Liar

    Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie was recently asked by a Honolulu television reporter to clarify what he meant by “he was there” when Obama was born—a statement ridiculed by Donald Trump.


    Abercrombie responded, “I was here in Hawaii.”


    Reporter: “You were [merely] here in Hawaii, not in the [delivery] room obviously.”


    Abercrombie: “Look, you know, let’s, let’s be serious, and it, it, uh, it is simply reprehensible to have this kind of conversation, uh, insulting someone’s mother and father speaks about the person who is doing it.”


    Abercrombie claims he first saw the infant Obama just “days after he was born” when his parents brought him to the University of Hawaii campus. “We not only saw him and were with them but were introduced to him of course at our gatherings, our student gatherings. And, uh, of course over the years then, uh, as he was raised by his mother and his grandparents, uh, we of course saw him frequently because he was, he was with his grandfather all the time.”


    There are several problems with Abercrombie’s story. Abercrombie purportedly told long-time friend Mike Evans he first met Obama when he was playing T-ball at age 5 or 6—not as an infant. Further, although Obama’s father, Obama, Sr. attended the University of Hawaii in the fall of 1961, his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was attending the University of Washington and, in August 1961 visited her friend Susan Blake in Seattle to show off her new baby. By the time Dunham returned to the University of Hawaii, Obama, Sr. had already left for Harvard. It was therefore impossible for Abercrombie—or anyone else—to have seen Obama, Jr. with his parents at “student gatherings” in Hawaii because Dunham and her baby were in Seattle.


    In researching The Obama Timeline, this author interviewed former students of the University of Hawaii who knew Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. quite well. None of them ever heard of Stanley Ann Dunham; none of them ever saw Obama, Sr. with a woman with that name; none of them believed he was married to anyone other than a woman in Kenya; and none of them ever saw him with an infant son or were told he had a new child and an American bride.


    Abercrombie is lying. Perhaps his memory will improve once he faces obstruction of justice charges when Obama is indicted for fraud.



    Don Fredrick

    April 23, 2011


    P.S. Feel free to pass this on to Donald Trump—and 308 million other Americans.

    • Reference:  http://www.colony14.net/id525.html



      • http://youtu.be/pwNGfNZCxVQ



        Abercrombie Lies to Obama...................and onto Charles Reed Bishop (see PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  CHARLES REED BISHOP AND FRIENDS at http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/GORA8037 )................The Truth Counters all the LIES, the Genocide Activities, etc..............Identity Thefts of our People....... Listed on the Honolulu Police Department Genocide Activities List - Governor Neil Abercrombie,

        Richard Dennis “Kūpapalani” Souther
        1551 South Beretania Street, #516
        Honolulu, O`ahu, Hawai`i 96826
        (808) 349-2378



        Adding Abercrombie and Souther to the Genocide Activities File:


        Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Document No. 2011-3070 by Amelia Gora, a Kamehameha descendant, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, One of the Representatives of the Hawaiian Genealogy/Genealogical Society





        • message to hd/Honolulu Police Department:

          Genocide Activities File No. 2011-3070 for Governor Neil Abercrombie, Souther from Amelia Gora, a Kamehameha descendant, Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs.. aloha.





          • Just received this message from the Wisdomfund:


            THE WISDOM FUND
            a nonprofit corporation
            EID # 54-1755689
            Est. 1995
            Yet Another Bogus Terror Plot — http://www.twf.org/News/Y2009/0522-Bogus.html
            September 29, 2011
            The FBI Again Thwarts Its Own Terror Plot
            The FBI has received substantial criticism over the past decade -- much of it valid -- but nobody can deny its record of excellence in thwarting its own Terrorist plots.  Time and again, the FBI concocts a Terrorist attack, infiltrates Muslim communities in order to find recruits, persuades them to perpetrate the attack, supplies them with the money, weapons and know-how they need to carry it out -- only to heroically jump in at the last moment, arrest the would-be perpetrators whom the FBI converted, and save a grateful nation from the plot manufactured by the FBI.
            Last year, the FBI subjected 19-year-old Somali-American Mohamed Osman Mohamud to months of encouragement, support and money and convinced him to detonate a bomb at a crowded Christmas event in Portland, Oregon, only to arrest him at the last moment and then issue a Press Release boasting of its success. In late 2009, the FBI persuaded and enabled Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, a 19-year old Jordanian citizen, to place a fake bomb at a Dallas skyscraper and separately convinced Farooque Ahmed, a 34-year-old naturalized American citizen born in Pakistan, to bomb the Washington Metro.  And now, the FBI has yet again saved us all from its own Terrorist plot by arresting 26-year-old American citizen Rezwan Ferdaus after having spent months providing him with the plans and materials to attack the Pentagon, American troops in Iraq, and possibly the Capitol Building using "remote-controlled" model airplanes carrying explosives.
            In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
            FREE, "The War on Islam" (250,000+ sold / downloaded) — http://www.twf.org/Library/WaronIslam.html

            THE WISDOM FUND: News & Views May 22, 2009
            The Nation

            Yet Another Bogus 'Terror' Plot

            by Robert Dreyfuss

            By the now, it's maddeningly familiar. A scary terrorist plot is announced. Then it's revealed that the suspects are a hapless bunch of ne'er-do-wells or run-of-the-mill thugs without the slightest connection to any terrorists at all, never mind to Al Qaeda. Finally, the last piece of the puzzle: the entire plot is revealed to have been cooked up by a scummy government agent-provocateur.

            I've seen this movie before. In this case, the alleged perps -- Onta Williams, James Cromitie, David Williams, and Laguerre Payen -- were losers, ex-cons, drug addicts. Al Qaeda they're not. Without the assistance of the agent who entrapped them, they would never have dreamed of committing political violence, nor would they have had the slightest idea about where to acquire plastic explosives or a Stinger missile. That didn't stop prosecutors from acting as if they'd captured Osama bin Laden himself. Noted the Los Angeles Times:

            Prosecutors called it the latest in a string of homegrown terrorism plots hatched after Sept. 11.

            "It's hard to envision a more chilling plot," Assistant U.S. Atty. Eric Snyder said in court Thursday. He described all four suspects as "eager to bring death to Jews."

            Actually, it's hard to imagine a stupider, less competent, and less important plot. The four losers were ensnared by a creepy FBI agent who hung around the mosque in upstate New York until he found what he was looking for. . . .

            Despite the pompous statements from Mayor Bloomberg of New York and other politicians, including Representative Peter King, the whole story is bogus. The four losers may have been inclined to violence, and they may have harbored a virulent strain of anti-Semitism. But it seems that the informant whipped up their violent tendencies and their hatred of Jews, cooked up the plot, incited them, arranged their purchase of weapons, and then had them busted. To ensure that it made headlines, the creepy informant claimed to be representing a Pakistani extremist group, Jaish-e Muhammad, a bona fide terrorist organization. He wasn't, of course. . . .

            FULL TEXT


            Robert Dreyfuss is a freelance investigative journalist whose work has appeared in The Nation, Rolling Stone, Mother Jones, The American Prospect, and other progressive publications.

            "Terrorized by 'War on Terror'," The Wisdom Fund, March 25, 2007

            "Bush Administration Exploited Terror Plots For Political Gain," Huffington Post, February 23, 2008

            Sean O'Neill, et al, "All Suspects in UK 'Student Terror Plot' Released," The Times, April 22, 2009

            Matthew Weaver and agencies, "Four arrested over alleged New York terrorist bomb plot," Guardian, May 21, 2009

            "MPAC Outraged Over NYC Synagogue Plots," Muslim Public Affairs Council, May 21, 2009

            "CAIR Applauds FBI for Preventing Attacks on NY Jewish Sites," Council on American-Islamic Relations, May 21, 2009

            "MPAC Sends Letter to FBI Director Over Use of Informants," Muslim Public Affairs Council, May 26, 2009

            "CAIR Questions FBI Tactics in NY Synagogue 'Plot'," Council on American-Islamic Relations, May 26, 2009

            [What they're saying is that he's a Muslim who planned to go overseas at some point in the future and fight in some Muslim cause, such as helping to overthrow the brutal, authoritarian regime in Jordan, which is an ally of the U.S. government. As part of this future plan, Boyd is alleged to have persuaded some other Americans to become Muslims. And apparently he also purchased a variety of weapons to wage his future jihadist campaign - weapons that, if I'm not mistaken, are available for purchase at any gun show in the U.S.--Jacob G. Hornberger, "The North Carolinian Jihadist," fff.org, July 30, 2009]

            [Mohammed Jawad was as young as 12 when he was arrested by Afghan police in 2002 and accused of throwing a grenade at U.S. soldiers. Although he confessed to the crime after Afghan officials threatened to kill him and his family, his statements were later ruled inadmissible by two U.S. judges because they were coerced.

            Now, although the Justice Department has conceded it can't rely on those confessions and can no longer imprison Jawad based on the laws of war, it's said it may file new criminal charges against him based on previously unavailable eyewitness testimony to the crime. Those witnesses, however, according to Jawad's U.S. military defense lawyer, were all paid in gifts or cash in exchange for their testimony.--Daphne Eviatar, "Military Lawyer Claims U.S. Paid Gitmo Prosecution Witnesses," Washington Independent, August 4, 2009]

            [That level is "small compared to other violent crime in America, but not insignificant," according to the study, titled "Anti-Terror Lessons of Muslim-Americans."--"Study: Threat of Muslim-American terrorism in U.S. exaggerated," CNN, January 7, 2010]

            [Defense attorneys . . . said the informant chose the targets, supplied fake bombs for the synagogues and a fake missile to shoot down planes. The motion said he also offered to pay the defendants, who attorneys alleged weren't inclined toward any crime until the informant began recruiting them.--Jonathan Dienst and Hasani Gittens, "Synagogue Bomb Suspects: The Feds Put Us Up to It!," nbcnewyork.com, March 19, 2010]

            Roger Cohen, "The Real Threat to America," nytimes.com, November 25, 2010

            [A Somali-born, American teenager was apparently set up by federal law enforcement officials who posed as radical Islamic fighters and lured the young man into a plot he believed would lead him to detonate a car bomb at an Oregon Christmas tree lighting ceremony.--Stephen C. Webster, "FBI apparently set up US teen blamed for fake car bomb," rawstory.com, November 27, 2010]

            Glenn Greenwald, "The FBI successfully thwarts its own Terrorist plot," salon.com, November 28, 2010

            [ . . . the only terrorist plots the defendants have participated in are those invented by the government.--Wesley Yang, "The Terrorist Search Engine," nymag.com, December 5, 2010]

            Graham Rayman, "Were the Newburgh 4 Really Out to Blow Up Synagogues?," Village Voice, March 2, 2011

            [The government's use of surveillance, informants and invented plots fails to enhance public safety and instead prompts human rights concerns, an NYU report says.--Raja Abdulrahim, "Muslims targeted in U.S. terrorism cases, report says," Los Angeles Times, May 19, 2011]

            [On Wednesday, a much-publicised FBI terrorism sting concluded when three of four men from Newburgh, New York were sentenced to 25 years in prison . . .

            Throughout the sentencing, Judge McMahon remained firm: this case was a government invention. The men in question did not agree to carry out the crime due to ideology. They had no allegiance to, or even knowledge, of the terrorist group Jaish-i-Mohammed, in whose name they allegedly acted. They were not motivated to criminal behaviour by their allegiance to Allah. They were motivated, purely and simply, by money; as such, they were criminals deserving punishment, but not terrorists.--Karen Greenberg, "The FBI's Synagogue Bomb Plot," Guardian, July 1, 2011]

            "Terror Probes Have FBI's Informant Numbers Soaring," npr.org, August 21, 2011

            [Last year, the FBI subjected 19-year-old Somali-American Mohamed Osman Mohamud to months of encouragement, support and money and convinced him to detonate a bomb at a crowded Christmas event in Portland, Oregon, only to arrest him at the last moment and then issue a Press Release boasting of its success. In late 2009, the FBI persuaded and enabled Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, a 19-year old Jordanian citizen, to place a fake bomb at a Dallas skyscraper and separately convinced Farooque Ahmed, a 34-year-old naturalized American citizen born in Pakistan, to bomb the Washington Metro.--Glenn Greenwald, "The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot," salon.com, September 29, 2011]


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