From Kaohi and to our future problems:
Discounted Casualties
Part II The Threat In Our Backyards
1. Careless Dumping
Polluting Factory near Residential Area
I found Starmet Corporation, manufacturer of DU penetrators, about 30 kilometers (19 miles) northwest of Boston, Massachusetts, in the southwest tip of Concord, The historic town that launched the American Revolution. 
     Concord's population is about 18,000, and Starmet is one of several factories located in a quiet, wooded, otherwise residential area.
     "The state government has designated this factory one of the state's most toxic waste disposal sites." Jack Scotnicki (57), a volunteer teacher who was my guide that day, talked as he turned his car into the road leading to the factory.  "For decades, DU sludge and polluted water were dumped into the holding basin and marshland behind the factory, and DU particles emitted by the smokestacks,"
Threat to Water in the Suburbs
A major road runs in front of the factory, which stands on a small hill.  Beyond the road flows the Assabet River.  Parking the car on a side road next to the river, Scotnicki said, "This river provides the drinking water for Billerica, Massachusetts, a town that lies downstream.  If this were contaminated, we would be in serious trouble." His expression was grim as he looked at the river.
     Starmet Corporation was founded in 1958 as Nuclear Metals Inc. (NMI).  The original leaders of Nuclear Metals Inc.were professors at nearby Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).  They researched methods of using depleted uranium (U-238), a radioactive waste product generated in the nuclear weapon production process.  former President John F. Kennedy, then a US senator, helped celebrate the founding of this company by attending its opening ceremony.
    "At first, the company was also researching uranium-235, a fissile material.  We know this because uranium-235 has been detected in the waste," said Scotnicki.
No Shield for the Holding Basin
Full-scale production of DU penetrators to fulfill a military contract began in the 1970s.  At its peak in the 80s, the company had more than 600 employees. NMI's focus was on raising production.  The liquid radioactive waste it generated in the process was summarily dumped on site into a natural kettle hold in the ground.
     Referred to as a "holding basin," the radioactive sludge pit lacks even a concrete lining.  By 1985, more than 181 tons of DU, 317 tons of copper, and upwards of 360 kilograms of uranium-235 had been dumped into that hole.
Investigation by Local Residents
"Can you believe it?" Scotnicki raised his shoulders in an exaggerated gesture.  "These facts began to come out when local residents started a environmental study of NMI in 1989."
     Seeking to alter its image, NMI changed its name in 1997.  By September 1998, under the guidance of the state Department of Environmental Protection and with $6.5 million provided by its contract partner, the US Army, the newly named Starmet Corporation had spent $8.2 million to remove roughly 6,100 cubic meters of sludge from the basin and transport it to a low-level radioactive waste storage facility in UTAH.
     "It was too late," said Scotnicki.  The polluted water that seeped from the highly toxic radioactive sludge had already polluted the surrounding soil and underground water.

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  • It maybe too late for Waianae because the damage of transfereing contaminated soil to Makua from all military installations on Oahu, but what Hawaii citizens can do is stop the military from obtaining a License to posses and use in their live fire at Makua.

    What chances did I have on Jan. 13, 2010 in trying to stop this atrocity before Judge Barreta and Judge Kennedy of the AEC.

    US, Mass, had since 1958 to remedy this problem to non existence. MIT an institute of possibly some academic integrity, fat chance for UH Manoa Law School and HPU-ultimate betrayal. Cracked holding basin, like with what is happening at Barber's point as we speak. Name morph 1997 from "Nuclear.. to Star..."

    I can't even concieve the notion of Hawaii as a dump site for DU. Just getting back on track........

    All the more reasons why the Akaka Bill should be stopped!!!
    • Aloha kaua e Kaohi.

      I had one of the younger Hawaiians from Kauai tell me "F*ck you" as he stated that we should somehow "ignore" the Akaka Bill and that it SHOULDN'T be stopped. What the hell. Ignoring it won't make it "go away."

      It must must MUST be stopped!

      E malama pono.
      • ALOHA Kaua, e Ululani, The Day that President Obama signs the AKaKa BILL into Law, I will Burn It just as I have Burned the American Flag many times in the past. As I believe that Actions always Speaks Louder then Words. The AKaKa BILL is not worth the paper that it is printed on. Even Toilet Paper has more useage then the AKaKa BILL The picture below was taken when I testified before Senator's AKaKa's Committee hearing on the AKaKa BIL. I was THERE standing up for the Rights of our People. Many there thought that I would get Arrested for holding the National Flag of our Kingdom in front of Senator's AKaKa's Committee. I OPPOSED the AKaKa BILL then and I still OPPOSE the AKaKa BILL today. Keep in mind that many native Hawaiians especailly those living on Hawaiian Homestead Lands do support the AKaKa BILL. Look at their Sweet Lips and notice that they have Two Sides of their Wahu Nui.
        Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom, o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993

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