hi Pilipo,

you've posted:
"The RAIL of 2012 is no different than the "Land Rush" after the Mahele. The Mahele was good only to a few, most of whom were foreigners and missionary sublings. It was successful duly because of the new legal system and ignorant Hawaiian people.
Greed has no boundaries, limitations or bloodline!!
Before we can turn things around, we must stop what they and we are doing. Unfortunately, they are doing something while most of us just talk about it. It begins with Saturday August 11 Primary Election of Ben Cayetano for Mayor. "
The claimed "land rush" .....and the Mahele was good only to a few is NOT true...........guess you haven't been into the laws because in the case DENNIS VS. KIEKIE it shows that the RP belongs to the specific person/family that it was assigned to, not even the King or Alii et. als. could take that away...............the foreigners and missionary siblings were usually give "less than allodial" titles........."freehold"..........
I don't think you're helping to educate our Kanaka Maoli by DISINFORMING them.............when the whole purpose of educating our Kanaka Maoli is EMPOWERMENT BY KNOWLEDGE............the "new legal system" made everyone a small business owner of sorts because people could sell, rent or lease AND after that generation passed on, it was to be once again pass on to the next generation to rent, lease, sell until that generation passed on and so forth..........
Bet you haven't done or completed your genealogies, yet you talk about greed............has it ever dawned on you that you are at fault to some degree because you haven't done your homework and are actually helping those Americans who look to assume YOUR Royal Patent/land commission.............the truth is that YOU and others CAN reclaim your tutu's land and many are just bitching and letting everything slide..............find out what the TRUE MEANING OF ALODIO/ANO ALODIO which "inures" to the descendants/heirs FOREVER.........can you define what PERPETUAL, FOREVER means?
Hawaiians were "ignorant" to some degree because after all there were laws passed so that Hawaiians couldn't speak the language, etc..............and that's part of the GENOCIDE of our people.
As for PILIPINAS CAYETANO...............has your memory LAPSED?  He was the one who pushed for the RICE Vs. CAYETANO case which made the Courts APPROVE IDENTITY THEFT ON "Hawaiians"...........because "HAWAIIANS now means ALL WHO ARE BORN IN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS"................that is why EVERYONE can vote in the OHA/ Office of Hawaiian Affairs elections etc.
Luckily we're saved for the facts that the term "kanaka maoli" is an official term for our Hawaiian people which was used as early as 1877 according to my researches.
Most times I think your articles are Kool...............but in this one, I PERSONALLY THINK THAT THIS ONE SUCKS>>......Don't forget that this PILIPENUS/PILIPINAS also is an attorney, a lawyer who's ALSO OWNED BY THE KSBE/BERNICE PAUAHI BISHOP ESTATES whose administrator did say that KSBE OWNS ALL THE LAWYERS IN HAWAII, some on the mainland, etc........................and DON'T forget that his wife's business was built on lands AFTER GREG WONGHAM, of CORRUPTION IN HAWAII had his business BULLDOZED DOWN DURING CAYETANO'S ADMINISTRATION..............
Now Pilipo..............WHY DIDN'T YOU RUN FOR MAYOR?  You would've gotten my Vote!
See GREG WONGHAM's link on CAYETANO'S questionnable issues, etc. here it is if you can't get to the link:




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Greater Things > News > Clinton Scandals > Riady - Hawaiian Banks Link > Unfolding Tales of the West

Untold Tales of the West

by Greg Wongham

There’s a story unfolding throughout the western part of America (Utah, Nevada, California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho) that is not being told and unlike the great sagas of pioneering men and women that founded of the country, this story of the West is being hushed up and here's the reason why.

This story is about the banking company, Bank of the West, and the bank holding company that controls it, BancWest. BancWest was created when Hawaii’s second largest bank, 1st Hawaiian Bank merged with Bank of the West, which is controlled by the French banking firm BanqueWest. This consolidation of capital between European, Hawaii and the California based Bank of the West has created the 2nd largest bank in Utah. They will have 118 branches in Northern and Central California, 30 branches in Oregon, 9 branches in Washington, 68 branches in Utah and Idaho and 23 branches in New Mexico and 7 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The public should be concerned about these mega changes in the banking system because of the similarities they bare to the changes in the banking system that caused the failure of the thrift banks throughout the country in the ‘80s. The failure of the thrifts amounted to $ 328 billion of losses and in 1989, the closing of the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Company (FSLIC). If the Federal Deposit Insurance Company (FDIC) falls victim to the myriad of unforeseen banking problems that arose in the ‘80s, then a crisis exist that threatens the principles of the FDIC and exposes the ordinary citizen to financial ruin.

The politically connected role of 1st Hawaiian Bank is integrally linked to Washington and Wall Street. It existed during the tenure of former Secretary of the Treasury, William Simon, who served during the Reagan Administration (1970-1979), and through the tenure of former Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin, who served during the Clinton Administration (1993-1999), until he resigned in May of 1999. 1st Hawaiian’s CEO, Walter Dodds and former Governor John Waihee, as well as, Hawaii’s present Governor Ben Cayetano were listed as guest who were slept overnight and met with President Clinton at the White house. The mere fact that these people are acquainted is no crime, so, what's the problem?

The problems are based on loan losses that may have been carried on the books of 1st Hawaiian Bank since 1975, when Hawaii’s first thrift bank failed. 1st Hawaiian took over the ailing thrift at the behest of then (D)Governor George Ariyoshi, who was also one of the bank’s directors. From 1975 to 1983, nine of Hawaii’s 20 thrift banks, as well as, Hawaii’s equivalent of the FSLIC, Thrift Guaranty, failed. Hawaii’s Thrift Guaranty was established by the State legislature and contained provisions that mandated that the monies contributed into Thrift Guaranty would come from the 20 State chartered banks.

The monies would be used to insure depositors accounts up to $10,000 per account. In 1985, 1st Hawaiian Bank’s CEO, Walter Dodds was reported to have come to the rescue of the State’s thrifts by loaning the State $32 million, which would eventually be repaid by the taxpayers of Hawaii.

A run on the Hawaii banks ensued, based on the outcry from the public surrounding rumors of insider deals and political corruption linking the Governor and his brother James Ariyoshi. Hawaii’s Democratic Party machine appointed Ms Donna Tanoue as the Hawaii Bank Examiner after he was made the scapegoat for stalling and not taking action sooner. Ms. Tanoue white-washed the situation; and, in the end; no one was held accountable and no one did time. Reports suggested that the Governor had intervened on behalf of his good friend and long time political supporter, developer Norman Inaba. This was similar to the classic question that arose across the country as one thrift after another failed, it ask, “what are the risk when a bank loans the majority of its money to one developer?”

The loan losses that have been carried on the books of 1st Hawaiian as “goodwill” assets came back to haunt the bank in 1998, as the bank attempted to expand and buy-out other banks. The Federal Deposit Insurance Company (FDIC) standards required banks to set aside cash reserves to cover both old and new loan losses. The bank realized that this might present problems for them and their future plans to expand. That’s when the Hawaii Democratic machine was able to influence President Clinton to appoint Ms. Donna Tanoue to the position of Chairman, of the FDIC. Since then, the FDIC has lessened their standards and a record number of banks have failed. The results of which is that the FDIC has lost money.

The greatest threat to the people of California, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, New Mexico, Colorado and the other western states that the Bank of the West will call home, lies in the fact that the FDIC is the agency that decides whether or not, one bank has the financial capacity to buy out another bank. If Ms. Tanoue is allowed to cover-up for her politically connected banker friends as she did before; then the public should beware of the financial losses that may accrue if the bank’s losses rise.

Last week, the Japan Travel Bureau, warned Japanese travelers about going to Saipan because of the rising crime including murders, and increasing drug problems. BancWest has begun operations in Saipan. If tourism suffers because of the social unrest, then business suffers and banks lose money. The question that arose as the savings and loans failed was, what is the risk of banks loaning the majority of their money to one developer? The question that the public should ask is, what are the risk of a bank holding company that seeks to do business in countries that are experiencing social and political instability?

The Clinton / Gore link to the Hawaii bank scandal

Before the politically connected Hawaii banks could fulfill their plans to expand they needed support from the 1993, Democratic Party’s Presidential hopeful, William Jefferson Clinton. They used their connections to Asian financial banking sources and the vast fortune of the Hawaii Democratic Party controlled Hawaiian Trusts like a carrot to lure the cash strapped Clinton. It resulted in Clinton’s appointment of Goldman-Sachs, co-director Robert Rubin as Clinton’s Secretary of the Treasury. Goldman-Sachs was already involved with Hawaii banking deals that included former Secretary Treasurer, William Simon.

In his position as Secretary of the Treasury, Robert Rubin was successful in changing two laws that had been part of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for more than 60-plus years. The first of the laws, the Glass-Steagall Act was implemented after the stock market crash of 1929. Like many of the banking and finance related laws that were passed during this time, the Glass-Steagall Act was meant to protect the public against risk that might jeopardize their money relative to the sales of securities. The law, forbid banks from engaging in the securities business. The government’s newly created securities regulatory agency, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) wanted to deny any chance for banks to co-mingle the monies of depositors with the minimum cash required to raise capital through the sale of stocks and bonds. Don’t be surprised if one day, ads appear in your local papers offering high-yield Chinese government bonds (for dams, bridges, highways, airports, and weapons of mass destruction).

The second law that was changed by Rubin in 1997, was the Bank Holding Company Act. He argued that the laws were archaic and were instituted in a time that didn’t reflect the changes that the American banking industry faced in today’s competitive financial world. The modifications to the Bank Holding Company Act would allow America’s banks to broaden the definition of banking services that would be allowed by the government’s financial regulatory agencies.

Thus, Rubin was successful in opening the door for bank holding companies and their affiliates to engage in stock brokerage activities like underwriting and dealing, as well as, other diversified banking and finance related services. The changes that were made by Rubin, and the lessening of the standards by Ms. Tanoue, made it possible for 1st Hawaiian’s holding company, BancWest to enhance their revenue generating potential despite the old loan losses they absorbed to keep their political insiders out of jail after the Hawaii thrifts failed.

One wonders how you’ll be factored into the equation, after all, its only money . . . your money.

return to main Hawaiian Banks Scandal page


bullet  See also

Bank of the West Will Become Utah's Second-Largest Bank  (BancWest Press Release; January 18, 2000) - "Bancwest will acquire 68 Utah, Idaho branches divested in Zions-First Security Merger." 


This page posted on September 26, 2000
Last updated on October 01, 2004

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What's Going On

A small video I made of Marvin Gaye's classic "What's Going On". I wanted to try and capture the essence of the time when Marvin first presented ...

by albee07  5 years ago  1,077,643 views

So who's the lesser of the EVILS?
ALL ATTORNEYS ARE PART OF THE MASONS/FREEMASON..........................along with CLINTON, ETC.........CARLYLE \
HATES HAWAIIANS, PEOPLE OF COLOR.....................perhaps supporting NON MASONS/FREEMASONS is the BEST THING TO, know that I will not be attending your move to hold signs for the PILIPENUS, et. als..........

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 5:00 PM, pilipo <> wrote:
Aloha kakou he Hawaii au,
As per my email of Aug. 06. the restoration of Hawaii as we keiki o ka aina know it begins the morning of August 11, Saturday Primary Mayoral Election. Most of you do not recognize the threat upon us and don't know what the Enemy is. Allowing the RAIL to continue is but a pimple on the Dragon's back. If we allow Carlisle and Caldwell to continue on course the flood gates  will end Hawaii nei on Oahu. And if you think you can take refuge on the neighbor islands, rest assured they will duplicate what is Oahu there to by 2050.
The RAIL of 2012 is no different than the "Land Rush" after the Mahele. The Mahele was good only to a few, most of whom were foreigners and missionary sublings. It was successful duly because of the new legal system and ignorant Hawaiian people.
Greed has no boundaries, limitations or bloodline!!
Before we can turn things around, we must stop what they and we are doing. Unfortunately, they are doing something while most of us just talk about it. It begins with Saturday August 11 Primary Election of Ben Cayetano for Mayor. 
Hope to see you there.
malama ke kino,
Hawaiian National (1936)
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 8:04 AM
Subject: Standing Up For Truth Sign Waving
Aloha Pilipo,

     Look forward to seeing you tomorrow and thank you for your support at the Kaneohe Sign Wave.   We are pushing for 1,000+ people so your help is greatly appreciated.  We are meeting in front of the capitol for the sign waving (by St. Damien Statute)  If you know anyone  else who can come, please pass this email along.  They can call me or email me to confirm they are attending and let me know their shirt sizes so I can have it waiting for them.  
I included the link of the video of the sign  wave at Kaneohe below if you didn't receive it  


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  • Pilipo posted the following:

    Aloha ka'ua e Amelia,
    Mahalo piha! I don't think you are interpreting my post correctly.
    The "Land Rush" that I referenced was a select "Foreigners" living in Hawaii and abroad that were given an "OPEN HOUSE" invitation because of the Mahele. Kamehameha III and other Monarchs after him were duped into creating the Mahele which although of "good intentions" is the father of "Freeholding Barons" of modern day dynasty in Hawaii nei.
    While there were "claim-jumpers" during the "Gold Rush" of 1800 s' in the Americas, there was "land-jumpers" in Hawaii during and after the "Land Rush" of the Mahele. Most of the Kanaka Maoli that had the opportunity to file the lands they lived upon did not file and the door for the Kanaka Maoli closed after 1852 but was soften with windows of the written official Constitution of 1852 so the Kanaka Maoli could look in and feel feel better.  
    I believe most Kanaka Maoli tend to give too much credit to the Kamehameha Dynasty. While they did many great things for the people but they were all influenced by Foreigners disguised as good intentions. What happen to the Hawaiian Monarchy is no different than what has happen to the lawful United States of America. Henry Kissinger has been a Presidential National Security Advisor since Nixon. Kissinger said, "The illegal we do immediately. The Un-Constitutional takes a little more time". Fortunately, through the indulgence and dedication of Ohana like yours, land issues are not dead. When I was in the U. S. Army in the 50's, I learned well what "color" is all about and once they have exhausted your skills for their need you are expendable. The Hawaiian Monarchy was no different. I believe you and your ohana are well aware that after Kamehameha V the Hawaiian Kingdom became a Pacific Circus.  
    I have no differences with what Wongham discloses. I have spoken with Greg even back in 1970's when he occupied his Sand Island business of kukui nuts. Wongham's father was one of our first sponsors of Kai Oni Canoe Club in the Moloka'I Ho'e. I knew of what is going on before Wongham but I refused to accept that it was (is) predominantly a cancer.
    I am not a threat to any land claims or Kanaka Maoli, for I well know my roots is of a foreign tree. I also can not run for any Public Office in their system, for I am have been a "declared Hawaiian National" since July 4, 1996. Besides, if I ran for Mayor only you would vote for me and would not want to waste your time. I know of Masons, Banking and Military, local or otherwise. For every Hawaiian Monarch that was a Mason, they were controlled by a Foreigner. From the 1800, Hawaii was a Las Vegas for the Masons. And those that were not public about "Masonry" condone it. Like greed there is no barrier or boundary in Masonry. We all can not be Kamehamehas' but as keiki o ka aina we all can be Hawaiian Nationals.   
    Over the years I have tried to climb over the Maunakea's of obstruction. Most want to climb to the top to see or be seen. I want to go to the other side to exist. Even with what you and others say against Cayetano, I consider my assistance of Ben Cayetano for Mayor the lesser of 'Three Evils".  At my years, I now will go around the maunakeas to get to the other side. As I mentioned in my post, "The RAIL is just another "Land Rush"  and is a hewa that will never heal". I do not expect most to understand and do not make any apologies. The "Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend" is a temporary Association. Knowing what is the Enemy is Reality!
    Kaulana Na Pua !
    malama  ke kino,
    pilipo souza
    Hawaiian National (1936)
    Mahalo Pilipo!
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