Building resilience is positive way of helping our keiki deal with challenges. We can teach them to problem solve by asking questions and how would they solve problems without resorting to violence. We can teach them to kokua each other respect others despite difference of opinion. We teach them how to be resourceful and link families to services too. We build positive self-esteem by educating the true history of the Hawaiian people. We do this by promoting higher education and finding resources to pay for college. We do this by having family picnics at the beach or home or just visit 'ohana. We do this by sharing our mo'olelo and doing our genealogy. We do this by making positive affirmations and working on improving others! We all do this because we love our kupuna and grateful for their mana'o! We do this because our keiki needs to hear us say "WE LOVE THEM TOO!" Please share your mana'o on this topic!

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