Bellows Beach Closure Plan Upsets Neighbors By Gary T. Kubota POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Jun 02, 2009 The Marine Corps has decided to close its beaches at Bellows Air Force Station to the public starting this weekend and through June due to what it called "persistent unsafe and environmentally destructive activities." But at least a couple of Waimanalo Neighborhood Board members said they feel the closure is "unfair." "Basically this is just a few people spoiling it for everybody," said board member Andrew Jamila Jr. "We don't want this to be mass punishment for people." Jamila said he did not know until a few days ago that the beach area was experiencing problems, including illicit drug use and drunkenness. The Marines, which use Bellows as a training area for amphibious landings, open a portion of the beach area for public use on weekends. The corps said the closure is due to unsafe activities, including drug use, fights, large campfires, trash dumping, off-roading on the beach, alcohol use and vehicle break-ins. The Marines said the area would be cleaned and reopened in time for the Fourth of July weekend. The military, retirees and guests may continue to use the Air Force cabins on the beach in a restricted area. Board Chairman Wilson Kekoa Ho said many Waimanalo students are out of school in June and July, and the decision eliminates 50 percent of their camping time. Ho said Bellows attracts people islandwide on weekends, and he felt thousands of residents were being punished for the conduct of a small minority. The Marine Corps has decided to close its beaches at Bellows Air Force Station to the public starting this weekend and through June due to what it called "persistent unsafe and environmentally destructive activities." But at least a couple of Waimanalo Neighborhood Board members said they feel the closure is "unfair." "Basically this is just a few people spoiling it for everybody," said board member Andrew Jamila Jr. "We don't want this to be mass punishment for people." Jamila said he did not know until a few days ago that the beach area was experiencing problems, including illicit drug use and drunkenness. The Marines, which use Bellows as a training area for amphibious landings, open a portion of the beach area for public use on weekends. The corps said the closure is due to unsafe activities, including drug use, fights, large campfires, trash dumping, off-roading on the beach, alcohol use and vehicle break-ins. The Marines said the area would be cleaned and reopened in time for the Fourth of July weekend. The military, retirees and guests may continue to use the Air Force cabins on the beach in a restricted area. Board Chairman Wilson Kekoa Ho said many Waimanalo students are out of school in June and July, and the decision eliminates 50 percent of their camping time. Ho said Bellows attracts people islandwide on weekends, and he felt thousands of residents were being punished for the conduct of a small minority. Source: 20090602_Bellows_beach_closure_plan_upsets_neighbors.html

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  • the closure is due to unsafe activities, including
    drug use, fights, large campfires, trash dumping, off-roading on the
    beach, alcohol use and vehicle break-ins.

    Ho said Bellows attracts people islandwide on weekends, and he felt
    thousands of residents were being punished for the conduct of a small

    I'm not surprised that they make some innocent people pay for what the few guilty have done. Always ruining it for the rest! It's more than that though... some people want to totally control the aina and suck the life out of her.

    Malama, Lana
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