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Don't come looking at Gramama Obama's Bank
lame cherry ^ | Sept 28 2008 | lame cherry 

Posted on 4/26/2010 4:19:26 PM by tutstar

Tucked away on the 10th floor of South Beretania apartments in Honolulu, Hawaii is quite a woman, the one engineered profile online suggests for Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham, the grandmother who raised Barack Hussein Obama when he was abandoned by his mother, but for the wonder woman profile which was created online, the one question jumps out that no one has noticed:

If Madelyn Dunham was thee woman as her profile states who paved the way for all women in banking, thee woman who raised Barack Obama, then why is Barack Obama running away from this woman, why is she hiding in an apartment in Hawaii, when her presence would have gotten her the entire Hillary Clinton feminist vote as we are told in her profile that Grandma Dunham was better than the invention of the wheel for women?

I have stumbled across the answer in this as it is so old that even the internet servers are being scrubbed of the stories which lead to Madelyn Dunham.

The first red light which went off for Grandma Dunham was when I was attempting a profile search which all living people have. "Someone" has scrubbed Madelyn Dunham's profile in spots and is listing her as 40 years younger. Mr. Obama's sister, Mya, is listed as a relative, but not one Barack Obama is listed.

As an example if one uses as a control, Henry Kissinger, who is oft times blamed for all things globalist and who should be one person who could have his profile information scrubbed, one can find Dr. Kissinger listed with family and associates.

So if Doc Kissinger is in the system, why is Madelyn Dunham, the paver of banking ways for women and raiser of messiah not listed?

I believe the key starts out with Mrs. Dunham's choice of employment at Bankho, or the Bank of Hawaii starting in 1960 where she was elevated after 10 years in 1970 as Vice President. That is quite a meteoric rise from bank teller to executive in that short of period of time. Mrs. Dunham's expertise was in Escrow Accounts which are used as 3rd party money transfer accounts between two people who basically do not trust each other and still need a deal to be done.

It was during this period that the Democratic machine in Hawaii was killing bank examiner bills, because at the same time the two largest banks in Hawaii were making a huge push into the Pacific Rim from 1963 to 1970. You thought opening doors to China began with Kissinger and Nixon? Nope someone was paving that way a decade before and 30 years before Bush 41 set upon what is termed his policy to modernize China.

Bank of Hawaii is listed as the largest bank in Hawaii of that period and expanded into the Pacific Rim buying up assets during the Vietnam War.

It is into this which Madelyn Dunham was being promoted as an expert in money transfers for her entire career and this is why she is being hidden away and planted stories are abounding about old Gram banking leader and Stanley Ann, anthropologist, and no one is mentioning what these two women were setting up in an international Marxist or globalist scheme which has yet to come to fruition, until their Barack hits the stage.

On March 31, 1980, Jimmy Carter enacted the Depository Instituions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 which would phase out all savings rate ceilings on consumer accounts and deregulated the banking industry. People have heard nonstop it was Reagan or Bush who started all of this deregulation when the fact is comrade Carter initiated what was to become the biggest economic rape of the world. Rush Limbaugh has invested a great deal of time noting Jimmy Carter and his housing act started this housing mess, but it was the banking rape which Carter set into place which America is being rocked by now.

I ask people to keep with this for the punchline as the situation is laid out, because you will not believe what the Obama women were setting up for the globalists.

Mrs. Dunham would retire in 1986 from the escrow fund of Bankoh. Her daughter who was an anthropoligist would then go into, banking. Huh? You might question. Yes she went into banking in Indonesia setting up microfinance for poor women there.

What on earth is microfinance?

Ever heard of a progressive changing their name to a liberal? That is exactly what microfinance is. Microfinance is in the late 1980's, a savings and loan for destitute 3rd world types. If people remember history in BCCI and other savings and loans raping American small investors in the Bank of Coccaine and Crime International, then you know what Stanley Ann Dunham has now set up as the largest loan system to a billion people in Indonesia. Microfinance is the term no one has yet figured out which is the next derivative as the globalist cartels have set this monster up in every impoverished nation in the world.

Getting ahead of the story, the Rothschilds are currently in India providing microfinance for poor Indian farmers with the money being crop seed which fails and they can not repay. The end result is the Rothschild cartel owning Indian farmland while Indian farmers commit suicide. The cartel though is enjoying record exports of tainted grain grown on poisonous ground being sold around the world, including to Americans.

So Gram Dunham leaves the bank running the new world escrow service forming and Stanley Ann is setting up savings and loans in the 3rd world as she happens to find her way to New York too running the World Women's Banking created the United Nations in 29 poverty nations around the world.

Follow this now please, World Women's Banking was brainchild of Stichting INGKA Foundation of the Netherlands. INGKA owns an international furniture outlet chain, but holds it's assets in a $36 billion dollar account making it the richest on earth. For a modern tax rape in the United States, this is exactly what Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are doing as they keep their assests out of tax coffers while preying on consumers. I ask you to remember that Buffet has billion dollar foundations for each child and raped over 31 billion dollars out of the markets which people lost in the last months.

This is what the Dunham women were setting up for the 3rd world and is about to be sprung.

Now we come to Bank of Hawaii dumping huge amounts of money into Asian markets in a money transfer in the 1990's. Of course that money loaned did not stay in Asia in the least, it instead was part of the Bill Clinton Indonesian, yes Indonesia again, Riaydi and Lippo Group money funneling campaign funds into the Clinton reelection bid with Al Gore. What people missed in this was the money from the Chinese was not just about bribes to the Clintons. The Indonesians, Chinese and Clinton globalists were after the real prize of the New York Stock Exchange offering up the communist Chinese Xiamen International Bank to both the Hang Seng and New York.

It would be Hawaii's Democratic machine which would use billions of dollars in Kamaehameha School funds with Bishop Estate to underwrite the public offering of Xiamen.

This should be sounding familiar in the same corruption engulfing Illinois in funds being embezzled there and Barack Obama and Joe Biden's names popping up in funds allotted to them. Do you remember what William Ayers was after in his Chicago school initiatives was federal funds and Tony Rezko was playing with Chicago real estate making slums for blacks.

Are you seeing a Marxist pattern here in moving money around in public funds, real estate, poor people in housing and massive market collapse?

So the money went out of Hawaii while the Chinagate money came into the mainland. Soon enough the Asians who dumped their excess in the American markets had their economies tanked. Hawaiian investors lost record sums, but that means the cartels gained billions.

Bush 41 would send in the FBI to Hawaii for all this Democratic coruption, but being replaced by Bill Clinton, it would be Webster Hubbell number 3 at Justice under Janet Reno would shut down the investigation. In order to cover up the failure of half of Hawaii's industrial banks in this nation rape, Bill Clinton appointed Donna Tanuoe who had absolutely no banking experience as head of the FDIC. She would hold that position until 2001 and is currently now part of the executive committee of, the Bank of Hawaii, our old escrow account operative Madelyn Dunham's place of vocation.

This massive money laundering scheme was set up off the mainland and collapsed ruining Hawaiians was not even covered by the press no more than if it was in another nation. Some in the press probably think Hawaii is another nation. Donna Tanuoe emerged in covering up the massive collapse of Hawaiian banking in the 1983 to 1985 period of the last years of Madelyn Dunham employment. She set the stage in the FDIC for what America is currently imploding in now.

John McCain and Republican banking committee members tried in Senate Bill 190 to reign this in in 2005, but were stopped by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

If people want to know a really small world, behold Bank of Hawaii is now run by a flunky who covered up the original nation rape where Mrs. Dunham worked and the other bank in Hawaii just happened to be purchased by BNP Paribas SA, currently owned by Nadhmi Auchi of Saddam Hussein oil for food bribery to the Clintons and the world socialists, with money laundering, who just happened to be in Chicago buying up Tony Rezko's real estate and shaking hands with Barack Hussein Obama. Toss in Marc Rich who was the genius behind BCCI funding and Bill Clinton's pardon, and one has the entire banking fraud scheme of the past 30 years now engulfing the world.

Now do you perhaps understand why one planted story on Madelyn Dunham as wonder woman is being circulated and why Barack Obama is running from this woman and not featuring her as she should be a campaign asset for the female vote in America?

If not let us enter the future of an Obama age, when the term "risky microfinance" starts cropping up. I ask you to think about 1 billion Indonesian, Indian, Bangladeshi, African, ok if we go the full route, number it 2 billion women all in microfinance. Suppose they have on average 1000 dollar loans which would talley 2 trillion dollars, plus the sewing machines, materials, grains etc... all these poor people were sold like the Indian farmers. That would make a 4 trillion dollar profit already from Stanley Ann Dunham's microfinance "helping the poor". Now crash that debt system just like the Obama backers crashed the United States derivative markets to assist him. Imagine forclosing on 2 billion people's 40 acre farms just like the Rothschilds are accomplishing in India.

Does that not sound like a pretty good scheme where you sold poor people goods you made, put them into debt, crash the system and then take their collateral which you as a cartel can now exploit in farming making the slaves buy food from their own land.

Now do you understand why Barack Obama and his syndicate have targetted specific stories leading everyone away from Grandmama Obama and Mama Obama? In these women's actions was the genisis of financial diaster which is the ghost of Christmas past, Christmas present and Christmas future. The last things Barack Obama wants is anyone sniffing around his family's Hawaiian banking past or his family's Indonesian banking past as it leads right into Chicago banking and New York finance collapse that Barack Obama has a part in.

Nobody has put this scheme together and is this blog's exclusive again. The Congress isn't going to mention this. The pundits will not touch this, so maybe the remainder 299 million Americans and those speaking Spanish had better start chatting about this so the Congress and pundits will have to.

Make my Nobel and Pulitzer checks out to Sturm Ruger as I like their firearms for a shopping spree.

TOPICS: GovernmentMiscellaneous
KEYWORDS: bankofhawaiicertifigatederivativesmadelydunhammicrofinancenaturalborncitizenstanleyanndunham

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Derivatives, Dunhams, Chicago! OH MY! 
1 posted on 4/26/2010 4:19:26 PM by tutstar

To: BP2; rxsid; null and void; Candor7


2 posted on 4/26/2010 4:20:00 PM by tutstar (Baptist Ping list - freepmail me to get on or

To: tutstar



3 posted on 4/26/2010 4:27:05 PM by GeronL ( << Get your science fiction and fiction test marketed)

To: tutstar
"If Madelyn Dunham was thee woman as her profile states who paved the way for all women in banking, thee woman who raised Barack Obama, then why is Barack Obama running away from this woman, why is she hiding in an apartment in Hawaii,..."

Maybe because she has been dead for a year and a half....if she is still locked in that apartment, the sight wouldn't be pretty... 

4 posted on 4/26/2010 4:30:15 PM by tuckrdout ( A fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back. Prov.29:11)

To: GeronL


I didn’t write it but it may fit. 8^)

5 posted on 4/26/2010 4:33:01 PM by tutstar (Baptist Ping list - freepmail me to get on or

To: tuckrdout

If you note the date on the article that would explain the stench. This wasn’t posted surprisingly enough.

6 posted on 4/26/2010 4:33:45 PM by tutstar (Baptist Ping list - freepmail me to get on or

To: tutstar


7 posted on 4/26/2010 4:42:24 PM by phockthis

To: tutstar

The tin foil hatters are the ones who will get Pulitzers after all this stuff!

8 posted on 4/26/2010 4:46:12 PM by Blogger

To: tuckrdout

The article is from Sept. 2008.


9 posted on 4/26/2010 4:49:15 PM by skr (May God confound the enemy)

To: tutstar

lamecherry should have taken some lessons from Webster Griffin Tarpley

10 posted on 4/26/2010 4:50:48 PM by MissDairyGoodnessVT (Free Nobel Peace Prize with oil change =^..^=)

To: Blogger

call me blonde, i don’t get it

11 posted on 4/26/2010 4:51:52 PM by tutstar (Baptist Ping list - freepmail me to get on or

To: tutstar

I know the date of this is 2008 but I have wondered what his mother was doing all those years. This article explains a lot. And his grandparents were socialists which explains bammy’s socialistic attitude and his friendship with Bill Ayers.

This guy is from one bad bunch of slimeballs and I’m starting to believe he really is the Manchurian President.

12 posted on 4/26/2010 5:01:19 PM by Terry Mross (Founding Fathers.....grave....rolling over.)

To: tuckrdout
They probably had her on life support right up until a few days before the election, when they pulled the plug on poor ol’ granny. They certainly didn't seem to be in any hurry to have the funeral, did they? 
13 posted on 4/26/2010 5:01:37 PM by smokingfrog (Free Men will always be armed with the Truth.)

To: tuckrdout; tutstar; smokingfrog; All

> if she is still locked in that apartment, the sight wouldn't be pretty...

Rest assured, she's quite dead and her ashes (DNA) were scattered in the Pacific Ocean in December 2008, along with anything else Obama found when visiting her immediately before the 2008 Election Day.

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14 posted on 4/26/2010 5:07:41 PM by BP2 (I think, therefore I'm a conservative)

To: tutstar

bumping big time...

15 posted on 4/26/2010 5:09:55 PM by redhead ("If you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat." --Ronald W. Reagan)

To: redhead


16 posted on 4/26/2010 5:13:26 PM by txhurl

To: tutstar

Well it is a damning sequence on coincidences!

17 posted on 4/26/2010 5:15:18 PM by pingman (Price is what you pay, value is what you get.)

To: Las Vegas Ron

goodnight ping. :-)

18 posted on 4/26/2010 5:16:03 PM by DJ MacWoW (Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you. Ben Franklin)

To: tutstar

Just saying that those who have been accused of being “Tin foil hatter” conspiracy kooks are likely on to something.

19 posted on 4/26/2010 5:24:30 PM by Blogger

To: Terry Mross

The whole situation stinks, who hides everything about themself? even the baby pics? Something rotten in Denmark.

20 posted on 4/26/2010 5:28:52 PM by tutstar (Baptist Ping list - freepmail me to get on or

To: BP2


21 posted on 4/26/2010 5:29:44 PM by tutstar (Baptist Ping list - freepmail me to get on or

To: redhead


22 posted on 4/26/2010 5:30:04 PM by tutstar (Baptist Ping list - freepmail me to get on or

To: Blogger

ok got it now 8^)

23 posted on 4/26/2010 5:30:50 PM by tutstar (Baptist Ping list - freepmail me to get on or

To: Terry Mross

and they went to great lengths to hid wha the really is from the voting public..

24 posted on 4/26/2010 5:42:39 PM by dalebert

To: dalebert

$2 million or so can hide a lot of his history. I guess to him it’s worth it. So what the hell is he hiding?
Hey Barry, whatcha hidin? Ya punk. We cannot hide a dime of income or our medical records (coming soon) but you are allowed to hide ALL your life history and still play president on tv.

25 posted on 4/26/2010 5:48:53 PM by Texas resident (Outlaw fisherman)

To: tutstar

what this realys says is that the entire democrat leadership is in on giant fraud imbezzlement scam...they are a money laundering mafia..with world wide connections. It started with carter...clintonistas continued it and bamer is following suit...the power is in the wealth and this is a giant world wide rape. is that right?

26 posted on 4/26/2010 5:49:29 PM by dalebert

To: Texas resident

two million of money that he ripped off and never worked for should be easy to spend

27 posted on 4/26/2010 5:50:54 PM by dalebert

To: tutstar

“Now crash that debt system just like the Obama backers crashed the United States derivative markets to assist him. Imagine foreclosing on 2 billion people’s 40 acre farms just like the Rothschilds are accomplishing in India.

Does that not sound like a pretty good scheme where you sold poor people goods you made, put them into debt, crash the system and then take their collateral which you as a cartel can now exploit in farming making the slaves buy food from their own land. “

This is all you need to know. Maybe his backers WERE responsible for the massive run on money market accounts before the election.

Then imagine putting millions of Americans into debt on their over priced houses, and then steal that collateral back from them, after you have made them slaves.

Coming to North America soon!!!

28 posted on 4/26/2010 5:52:49 PM by TruthConquers (Delendae sunt publicae scholae)

To: smokingfrog; tutstar
"They certainly didn't seem to be in any hurry to have the funeral, did they?"


All she is, is dust in the wind...♫ 

29 posted on 4/26/2010 6:33:14 PM by Semper Mark (Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms. - Aristotle)

To: tuckrdout

Who would have thought the Hawaiian banking system was a hotbed of communism? :)

30 posted on 4/26/2010 6:49:10 PM by shadowland

To: tutstar


31 posted on 4/26/2010 6:50:42 PM by WhirlwindAttack (If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.)

To: Fred Nerks

I remember an article about this stuff a year or so ago.

32 posted on 4/26/2010 7:03:21 PM by little jeremiah ( - Good herb formulas made by a friend)

To: tutstar
From many of my posts, I have always stated why Toot never showed up in public while Hillary & McPain carted out their moms for support!!!

IIRC Mabelle and two daughters never visit M-i-L and great grandmother, very strange??? 

33 posted on 4/26/2010 7:39:35 PM by danamco (")

To: tutstar

NO, NO, NO, I was born there!!!

34 posted on 4/26/2010 7:45:56 PM by danamco (")

To: tutstar

Big ole’ Bump

35 posted on 4/26/2010 8:08:52 PM by EggsAckley ( There's an Ethiopian in the fuel supply!)

To: tutstar

During the early 1980s, Peter Geithner oversaw the Ford Foundation’s microfinance programs in Indonesia being developed by Ann Dunham Soetoro, President Barack Obama’s mother, and they met in person at least once.

Peter Geithner is the father of Tim Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury

36 posted on 4/26/2010 8:46:01 PM by SoCalPol (Reagan Republican for Palin 2012)

To: little jeremiah

thanks for the ping, I’ll read tomorrow.

37 posted on 4/27/2010 1:20:55 AM by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum!)

To: tutstar

This makes the circumstances surrounding her soi-dissant demise quite suspicious -—

38 posted on 4/27/2010 1:41:33 AM by Uncle Chip (TRUTH : Ignore it. Deride it. Allegorize it. Interpret it. But you can't ESCAPE it.)

To: tutstar

bookmark for later read

39 posted on 4/27/2010 2:00:53 AM by PatriotGirl827 (Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, a sinner)

To: Fred Nerks; null and void; stockpirate; george76; PhilDragoo; Candor7; rxsid; MeekOneGOP; ...

Ping to Toots Dunham/Obama interesting bank associations.

40 posted on 4/27/2010 3:59:46 AM by Candor7 (Now's the time to ante up against the Obama Fascist Junta ( member NRA))

To: tutstar

Yes! Thanks for posting this. I happened upon it last night when I was looking for that Chicago bank Davis used back when and it’s still being being used by the same thugs now. Can’t think of the name but Hussein gave it a big chunk of stimulus dollars. They’re all in this together. Always have been and nothing is being done to stop them because they’ve got half of Congress in on the scam as well. Disgusting.

41 posted on 4/27/2010 5:17:23 AM by bgill (how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the POTUS)

To: tuckrdout
Maybe because she has been dead for a year and a half.

See the date - Sept. '08. That's two months before she died in Nov. '08 

42 posted on 4/27/2010 5:20:51 AM by bgill (how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the POTUS)

To: tutstar

The A.C. doesn’t have baby pics. Or maybe all of the baby pics are of him in a tent in Kenya.

43 posted on 4/27/2010 5:22:59 AM by Terry Mross (Founding Fathers.....grave....rolling over.)

To: Candor7; Fred Nerks; null and void; stockpirate; george76; PhilDragoo; rxsid; MeekOneGOP; ...

If a devious person desired the means to create new Aliases for a variety of shady business dealings (and even covert govt operations), I couldn’t think of a better way than to have a family contact, on the inside of the (International) Banking Industry, to establish Lines of Credit and Bank Accounts under different names.Thus if you are wondering how/why Ann Dunham and Barack Obama likely have SO MANY reported Aliases and SSNs ... well, there you are.

I knew a woman when I was much younger (deceased now and NOT related to the Dunhams) who for DECADES maintained three different SSNs (and I saw all 3 SSN cards) under her maiden name and from both her first & second husbands married names, bilking the State and Federal government for various Welfare, Food Stamps and Assistance programs. As such, she was also able to maintain Checking Accounts in different names as well, as checks were issued by MAIL (sent to various friends & relatives) instead of by Electronic Funds transfer as they are often done today.

It wasn’t until 1972 that Social Security Cards and numbers were issued CentrallyAnn Dunham dumped Obama Jr onto her parents in Hawaii in December 1971However, even after 1972, there were a multitude of ways to create fake Aliases and get “on the grid” if you wanted to. Just ask an Illegal Alien or Mobster laundering money, even in 2010, and find out how relatively easy it is to obtain a fake ID and establish further credentials from that one fake photo ID. In fact, ALL but ONE of the 9/11 hijackers (Mohamed Atta) used FAKE IDs to gain further credentials with state and local agencies.

Granted, it is slightly more difficult nowadays with computerized and centralized tracking, but back in the 60s through mid-90s, it was about as simple as applying for a Library card today. As the Andy Dufresne character describes (art imitating life) in Shawshank Redemption when describing how he hid the Warden's money, a paper trail can be designed to lead to nowhere ... and no one:

RED: I'm sure you're good, but all that paper leaves a trail. Anybody gets too curious -- FBI, IRS, whatever -- that trail's gonna lead to somebody.

ANDY: Sure it will. But not to me, and certainly not to the warden.

RED: Who then?

ANDY: Peter Stevens.

RED: Who?

ANDY: The silent, silent partner. He's the guilty one, your Honor. The man with the bank accounts. That's where the filtering process starts. They trace it back, all they're gonna find is him.

RED: Yeah, okay, but who the hell is he?

ANDY: A phantom. An apparition. Second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit. I conjured him out of thin air. He doesn't exist... except on paper.

RED: You can't just make a person up.

ANDY: Sure you can, if you know how the system works, and where the cracks are. It's amazing what you can accomplish by mail. Mr. Stevens has a birth certificate, social security card, driver's license. They ever track those accounts, they'll wind up chasing a figment of my imagination.

Ironically, TODAY one of the FIRST places to get “on the grid” to establish a new Alias is by applying for a card at your local neighborhood Library. If the Library Staff requires "proof of residency", a FAKE yet convincing-looking Lease Agreement, letter from a Utility Provider, or CHECKING ACCOUNT information is simple enough to CREATE in a COMPUTER, and thus create an Alias by simply providing a FAKE "proof of residence". Take my word on it — it's VERY EASY.

44 posted on 4/27/2010 6:19:44 AM by BP2 (I think, therefore I'm a conservative)

To: onyx; penelopesire; seekthetruth; television is just wrong; jcsjcm; BP2; Pablo Mac; ...


45 posted on 4/27/2010 6:41:59 AM by STARWISE (The overlords are in place .. we are a nation under siege .. pray, go Galt & hunker down)


Thanks..I read this last night and was a little confused by it all. I don’t question that something nefarious was likely going on, but when I saw an attempt at a ‘Rothschild connection’, I was a little skeptical...mainly because the Rothschild conspiracies are so rampant. Thanks for the ping. If someone could put this in layman’s terms, it would be appreciated.

46 posted on 4/27/2010 6:51:52 AM by penelopesire ("The only CHANGE you will get with the Democrats is the CHANGE left in your pocket")

To: tutstar; BP2

I read lamecherry all the time. The blog is the one who outted Biden and his son taking care of Obama’s problem with Larry Sinclair. A couple of things that stick out for me when I originally read this.

The Indonesian microfinance land theft was happening but you never heard a word of it in the media. I even searched for anything about it online when the Obama multiple social security numbers came out. The only thing I heard was on talk radio. I believe it was Jim Franklin.

Remember that Geithner’s father was head of Ford foundation when Stanley Ann worked in Indonesia. Where is Geithner now? Raping American and looking ignorant when questioned. Bernanke is Bilderberg’s and he has trillions he does not have to account for. New world order. Another ignoramus looking idiot when questioned. Duh? The two people in charge of the hen house are the biggest criminals this side of Obama.

On Henry Kissinger,I have a speech I found online in 2008 by good ol’ Henry to a foreign summit. In that speech he says (paraphrasing) he see’s no reason for the United states in the future to be the leader in economy. I believe he is a part of this.

“Mrs. Dunham’s choice of employment at Bankho.” Going back to articles you keep in mind just in case they fit in the future and make sense.”The 3 stooges go to Washington.” In that article it suggests Madelyn’s father, Rollo C Payne, knew he was raising a daughter for the cause. His job was to make sure she got the training. Bookkeeping. In the article he leased his land to Rockefeller of Standard oil and worked for Rockefeller. Rockefeller has said he does not care who rules as long as he has all the money. In one book Rockefeller said he would not apologize for wanting a one world governing body.

“INGKA owns an international furniture outlet chain” Remember Mr Stanley Ann Dunham worked for a furniture company? I don’t know if there is a connection but start twilight zone music.

47 posted on 4/27/2010 6:59:53 AM by OafOfOffice (W.C:Socialism:Philosophy of failure,creed of ignorance,gospel of envy,the equal sharing of misery)

To: Grampa Dave; Liz; george76; Ernest_at_the_Beach
Ping and a bump.

BTW, it's Not my bank. 
48 posted on 4/27/2010 7:03:49 AM by BIGLOOK (Keelhaul Congress!)

To: tutstar
"If not let us enter the future of an Obama age, when the term "risky microfinance" starts cropping up. I ask you to think about 1 billion Indonesian, Indian, Bangladeshi, African, ok if we go the full route, number it 2 billion women all in microfinance. Suppose they have on average 1000 dollar loans which would talley 2 trillion dollars, plus the sewing machines, materials, grains etc... all these poor people were sold like the Indian farmers. That would make a 4 trillion dollar profit already from Stanley Ann Dunham's microfinance "helping the poor". Now crash that debt system just like the Obama backers crashed the United States derivative markets to assist him. Imagine forclosing on 2 billion people's 40 acre farms just like the Rothschilds are accomplishing in India."


49 posted on 4/27/2010 7:03:52 AM by Spunky (You are free to make choices, but not free from the consequences)

To: BP2
Sure you can, if you know how the system works, and where the cracks are. It's amazing what you can accomplish by mail. Mr. Stevens has a birth certificate, social security card, driver's license. They ever track those accounts, they'll wind up chasing a figment of my imagination.

The Dunhams knew how to scam the system and taught little Barry. Gramps didn't have to pay for little Barry's elite private school because he got a scholarship (I suspect that's why papa had to come back to Hawaii). Barry grew up knowing he would never have to lift a finger if he could get others to pay his way.

Atta & Co. knew the system didn't work and counted on the system not bothering to check their paperwork or care when they overstayed their visas. And we still haven't woken up. There are untold numbers with expired visas still here after all these years since 9/11. Ask any illegal alien and he's sure to have three or four different IDs on him. 

50 posted on 4/27/2010 7:21:27 AM by bgill (how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the POTUS)

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