Wednesday, March 31, 201 0 Honolulu Advertiser 

Ban on Tents, Shopping Carts in Parks Across Oahu Signed Into Law 

New laws that prohibit unauthorized tents and shopping carts in city parks are now official. Mayor Mufi Hannemann on Wednesday signed the two bills into law and police will begin enforcing the restrictions on April 19.

The new law bans tents with walls in city parks unless authorized by camping permits or other park permits. This means that tents will no longer be allowed at Kapiolani Park unless authorized for special permitted events.

Temporary canopies that are commonly used in parks to create shade for picnics and sporting events will still be allowed.

More information about camping regulations, including a list of city parks where camping is allowed with permits, is available at

The City Council on March 17 also prohibited shopping carts in city parks. Hannemann said shopping carts do not belong in parks, where they create obstructions and unnecessary clutter, and damage grass and landscaping.

City agencies will post information about the rules in parks, and officials and service providers will provide information to park users before enforcement begins. Police will also give warnings of the potential violations, and may begin issuing citations on April 19. Violators may be subject to fines of up to $500, imprisonment of up to 30 days or both.

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  • Forgot to note babie strollers are the latest fashion for homeless. Can you imagine these governing entities outlaw baby strollers from parks. It's okay to laugh..for humanity sake!
  • The first time I met Mufi, it was at Fort DeRussey ..he was working for Senator Akaka and we had a town hearing in one of the old rundown buildings at DeRussey. Gail Prejean was there and I didn't really know Gail at that time. As to why I was there for the hearing, we were in our beginning stages of ceded (stolen) lands and it's income.

    There was a visiting Native American with long hair that Mufi thought was a local which wasn't the case, he was from turtle island and was very from a tribe.

    Mufi called the MPs I was near the door, Akaka was irritated, and I watched two MPS with 'Hurt Locker' mentality walk down that aisle with full intent to do harm.

    In Waianae, I experience Mufi's 'Hurt Locker' mentality everyday. The Samoan punks and their drugs, prostitution, and full on gang mentality from their Americna/Western Samoan California Football-Mormon a game. A real game of life everyday on our beaches and our Na Kanaka infants, women and the old are no match to the Mufi'ians. 'Hurt Locker' mentality, Judge Acoba and his Hollywood court game in Hawaii with Act 50 Marie Beltran vs State case just makes the game spicy. But, if one carries the Jan 17, 2010 to the pile, one can see why George's Canopy was an important stance!!!!!!!

    What Mufi is saying, "I work for Akaka never mine the Native-Indian, Gail Prjean, Akaka, I am the talking 'Chief' and I enjoy the use/abuse of my ignorance for humanity." The Game Theory is where he plays, and unless one comes to the battle front with full understanding of the game rules which in this case is the City Ordinace not the Courts of law---Mufi wins!

    If you ever sit down with Rod Tam he can give you the details of Mufi's 'tent city' mentality, trust me he saw it coming and tried to stop the 'tent canopy' ordinance or maintain it's purpose. It was for crafting, recreation, and political activities--and not for homeless. There is no mixture with humanity and recreation, but somehow it did through all the Samoan talking-chief 'Hurt Locker' mentality. So what rules are we all playing? One needs to know what game rules before you can play the game and win/loose. I wish I knew how to play chess.

    The game of Monarchy Continutity-- remember Fort DeRussey belonged to 'Liliu' and the Rothchilds stole it through the talking chief. Want to play? Kapiolani Park belongs to the Monarchy, so where are the Konohiki's and the access and private/personal property..mmmmm. But, I'm sure the Royal Order of Oahu will sign their souls away as they recently did at Fort DeRussey. Wow these talking chiefs are so tricky in their 'pilau Hurt Locker" mentality just like high school bullies.

    In the mean time.....we gobble up Senator Inouye's military budget--this is going green. Kaohi
  • This ban specifically targets the homeless. Instead of resolving the homelessness/ houseless, the mayor disregards the situation Hawai'i residents face whereby many are at the edge of being homeless. The disparity of earning power versus cost of living is wider than ever. If one does logistics and compares this disparity, one would find that the minimum wage should be about $35.00 an hour and based on a 40 hour week.

    If the State wants to balance the budget, then it should start with themselves. The legislators are part-time legislators; but they are paid more than most states that have FULL-TIME leigislators and have built-in perks.

    Why is the governor attacking the education departmen when it is one of the main recipient of "ceded lands" revenues? Are residents outraged, yet? Not a bit. They are just as complicit with this scam and have allowed it to happen for generations. Now they have to pay the piper, yet no one's really screaming. It seems the public is readily accepting to eat shit. If you want change; you have to step up to the plate. If not; join the homeless, your children might already be there or will be in the immediate future. Shame on you complacent idlers!
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