Where in the world was I when Avatar lost to Hurt Locker?


I was sharing my Avatar space (Maunawili) with friends and avoiding Hollywood.  Why was I avoiding Hurt Locker?  Out her in Waianae we live, eat sleep and kaka these pilau fantasies in real life. 


Act 50 Beltran vs State...Judge Acoba said, "if Hawaii adopts Beverly Hills definition of houseless, he will then err on the side of the State." 


Like Mexico, we have men with guns harrasing children and their care givers (parents, grandparents, uncles and aunties) in homeless camps, with guns mind you.  Kanaka Uncles/dads/grandpas/ are taken to OCCC for two weeks at a stretch leaving, for not having camping permite.


Makua is real and alive each day in an activist life.  Take 'Hurt Locker" and place that movie into the above and one will live Hollywoods damaging pscho game theory.  Keep in mind when Hollywood lived at the bottom of the hill at Fairfax, California and then moved to Beverly Hills.  Then add redlinning and then the Los Angeles Riots.  One can go on and on as to how life hurts in Waianae and do a comparison of California and analyz in a bizzar way how things are.  It's called survival and pray that one does not over react.  How do I do this, by using communications among friends.


So in answer to my own question one gives leave to real world and the fantasy world and follow the money trail only after one celebrate a birth and butterfly kisses to ones that dies.  Sad but true.


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  • A cut and paste from another forum post:

    "I think of the closing scenes in the movie Avatar, in which the planet Pandora itself rises up in rebellion against the presence of the predatory invaders. It is of course sheer fantasy to impute consciousness to a planet, although James Cameron uses that device effectively in the film. But let’s just imagine for a moment that the Icelandic volcano is sending us a message, on behalf of Mother Earth.

    In its explosive roar it’s really saying, rather gently: Sorry, you have to adjust to my normal workings. I need to vent, change, grow. You may be surprised at how new islands pop up, expand or disappear, or how stuff belched from my depths might impact your comfort level. But you’re not in charge here. You need to be reminded of that, every so often. And get over your arrogance, which is at least as annoying to me as the inconvenience of some ash in the air is to your travel schedules.

    Gary Leupp is Professor of History at Tufts University, and Adjunct Professor of Religion. He is the author of Servants, Shophands and Laborers in in the Cities of Tokugawa Japan; Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan; and Interracial Intimacy in Japan: Western Men and Japanese Women, 1543-1900. He is also a contributor to CounterPunch's merciless chronicle of the wars on Iraq, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia, Imperial Crusades. He can be reached at: gleupp@granite.tufts.edu"

    Interesting reading! Kaohi
  • Just sharing in the middle of listening to Keanu Sai!


    I am typing my manao as I am listening to Keanu Sai,

    Just sharing how I feel about Kam III always willing to support people and his Ohana, however, what everybody forgot that Kam I never really killed all Na Kanaka when he threw supposedly, what missionaries like to brag about over the Nuuanu Pali. My family live before, lived through, and live today in the same place. Kam III was a jerk, from my perspective (no body else's opinion just mind). He came to Koolaupoko created an upset for Na Kanaka. Played into the hands of the Catholics and the stupid Protestant. The Catholics treated the people at that time as slaves (my opinion). He went back to Maui and died, leaving a contract between two religious foreign groups and their corporate structure. Mostly the protestant in corporate stucture and the Catholic church turned Na Kanaka into slaves in the rock quarry.

    I take people to my dad's land to show what transpired and continue to transpire until today. Going take another 20 years for the academic community to catch up with where Na Kanaka are today--on the beach or in prison. I say, who knows and who cares? In my opinion, nobody! Kaohi
  • Hi Amelia,

    I did some purging and will continue to spring clean throughout the year. Need to stay on task as far as the military in Hawaii and their use of land--as in poisioning the very people that they presumed to have conquered.

    Romantic times are so blessed in Hawaii, so blessed that we are all walking down the Pirates plank. Next!

    UStream is an extreme process almost like Hurt Locker mentality, but I do miss the Avatar too.
    One needs to be clearly on task with the writings, and cognizant (sp) on the readings. But, I still argue the fact that the 'Verona' started the downfall of Hawaii and continue like you said until this day.

    But, the Laws of Nations are so complicated that I don't even know if I can get through the process in my life time. Eventhough I feel the tort or necessity is also a correct position to follow through on it, like Mexico says they have to be knowledgeable in their thinking. I strongly believe Mexico can pull the 'necessity' action off more than we can. They have always been successful besides they have skillful culture hardly infront the TV, always in the fields doing back breaking work.

    I cannot conceive the 'valley' mentality going beyond their actions straight into makai action especially with guns at their heads. It is so criminal what the state authorities are doing to people and by contract too.

    It's a good thing that the rocks fall, lots of mosquitos and safety is a constant uncomfortable concern for Valley people, it limits there action. Whereas those of us that live in Waianae we have longer days and shorter nights providing that one is well and have lots of energy to do work with one and one outside of the academic realm. There is plan to completely annihalate the homeless in Waianae, it would be interesting to see how the focus of 'poverty' swithch to only academic research for Na Kanaka's. In my opinion, research for the military for reasons why, I'm unable to conceive at this time.

    Going green really sells out your souls, and fills your back pocket with bull shit research, I just can't see the next 10 years, if, I'm around be about military 2050 designer plans for the comfort of military ... and nuclear budget of 54 billion. This is nuts! How in the hell can we survive...hurt me...hurt me...

    Much aloha with the latest thought on 'Hurt Locker' and Avatar Kaohi
  • I had to put this on early this morning, lot's of typo's. I did go in and sign the document, however, I had the lawyer look it over, ironically he joined the game of pirates. But, we shall see in Dec. what OHA does. After listening to the states audit speak on Public Broadcaste, it will be interesting. Kaohi
  • Have a happy day my friends!
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