Kaohi: This is the site to go and get your application to be on the Five member commission for Act 195 do it!
Kaohi: This is the site to go and get your application to be on the Five member commission for Act 195 do it!
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- No, I come to realize that I'm wasting my time and energy on a simple problem that america had created to keep us divided. I believe that our HA is very important and shouldn't be wasted on childish things like this. But you right on one thing and that is to move on (IMUA). You have your path and I have mines, I won't say your path is wrong and I won't say uncle pomai path is wrong because we all are heading for the same goal and that is freedom. We (uncle Pomai and I) just can't see that State of Hawaii come up with their solution and our people thinks that it's the right way. Trust me this is a sand trap for our people to get involve with. America talks with a fork tongue all the time and you can witness that all over the world with America's Government. I know that my MANA is very strong and I don't look at you as my enemy, it's The State of Hawaii and it's government officials that is my enemy. You think that the state of Hawaii wants to give Hawaii back to it's proper claimants? Hell no, they just trying to look like the good guys so they still can perpetuate the fraud that they been doing for over 118 years. Nothing should be based on the blood quantum, that is a tool that the State of Hawaii been using for decades to remove us off of our lands and it's working because slowly were getting kicked off of our lands that the state of hawaii had gave our Kupuna's. Now if you have less than 50%, you have to give up your lands for someone else to move on it. That's is a bunch of b.s., now Ambercrombie pass a bill or act for them to have the right to sell our lands. They going have something coming shortly from our Government, you watch. I just want you to understand that if we fight, we not going to reach our goal. So I was telling you sorry and everyone else so we can come to our senses and realize how important for us to move forward as one.
- This has nothing to do with who has more Mana, this has to do with saving your MANA for the real battle.
- My tutu kane Kalipi is from a line or worriers. I don't think that by participating with the fake state is part or the answer, but if you think that is then good luck. My Mana like I said many hours ago saving it for the last battle and I intend to use it at that time. Law is what should be protecting us and I'll use my HA in the court room to win my case. May Ke Akua watch each and everyone of us, Aloha
- Yes, start preparing for the bigger battle. One needs to take on the bigger war. Should they not be a bigger opposition to Act 195, then this 'politica power' moves back to the center and restart the Federal Recognition in three to five years. I may or may not be here for that battle! five years from now I will be close to 70 and some will be gone or just to old. Need to incorporate the future generation safely!Act 195 is the beast of the belly! As Kupuna John Lake use to say to me the Ma Pele. I will never support diversity or multiculture on DHHL. Like I said to Pono K I will take the bloodquantum to my grave!!! If it happens before my time, so be it!Evictions from our aina has been around for a very long time, that is how we all started to rise up! To stop Gail Prejean's mom from being evicted from the top of Kalawaihine in Papakolea, Oahu.
- Delete
Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009 Genocide Activities File - Luwella Leonardi and Valerie Aquino from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, a living, human beingHonolulu Police Department
Many Interested OthersGreetings,My name is Amelia Gora. Please add the following names to the Genocide Activities File:Luwella Leonardi and Valarie/Valerie Aquino.Luwella Leonardi has stated the following words with the purpose of damaging/slandering my name, my character, my good reseach, etc.The documented words used: "asshole", "donkey jackass", "yellow bellow coward", "low life", "sick minds", etc. against myself/my person.She is all the above stated and more.She has also threatened Pomai Kinney's life, called him an exhorbitant amount of nasty names (on the internet and in private conversations) with the intent to defame his character, name, etc. as well."Valarie /Valerie Aquino" has made a number of statements to demean both my and Pomai Kinney's character, name, research, etc.She has no documented genealogies and falsely claims our Royal families as well. Identity theft appears the motivation of both Luwella Leonardi and Valarie/Valerie Aquino.Both are genocide activists/corruption agents working against our genocide race; therefore needs to be recorded for evidence. All of the comments made by them are records of genocide against our families, Queen Liliuokalani's families, Kamehameha's families, Royal Families documented.Their multiples of comments appear on maoliworld.com etc.Both claim to be descendants of Royal Families, have not the documents to prove themselves.Possibilities of "terrorist threatening" charges against these people will be left open due to the documented threats affecting life, properties, etc. made in the discussions at the forums on maoliworld.comFurther reports may be made in the event these people fail to cease and desist /refraining their toxic mentality against our families who are indeed part of Queen Liliuokalani's families documented.**************************************************On a post, Luwella Leonardi did state:"To think that the audience is stupid and they are unable to see right through this is despicable!No it's the low life of an assimulated mind set of deviance and ignorance. Tane is far from both of your sick minds."*************Note :Tane is part of our families of Queen Liliuokalani and the two genocide activists namely Luwella Leonardi and Valaria/Valarie Aquino are not part of our Royal Families.
The two Luwella Leonardi and Valerie/Valarie Aquino are modern day genocide activists perpetuating the frauds, the deceit, the lies, the criminal wrongdoings of their ancestors, etc.Sincerely,Amelia Goracopy(ies) to HPD/Honolulu Police Departmentinterested others
- KAOHI, "I will never support diversity or multiculture on DHHL. Like I said to Pono K I will take the bloodquantum to my grave!!! If it happens before my time, so be it!"How STUPID is Kaohi? Her own Children and Grandchildren are of Diversity and Muliticulture!As Kaohi married outside of her Blood Quantum to a person of Diversity and Muliticulture!Kaohi needs to get REAL and be PONO.Get PASS the Forsking B.S., Kaohi!
- bronson we know about this illegal fake state and its history...move on and IMUA...we need to move ahead do not let the past of history drown you spiritually.......i am now dealing from within learning about the false fake kupuna's that is from this fake state and dishing out criminal fasle lies and causing division among us.......and to have you back the lies up with amelia and your uncle kinney versus the fake lies of this state is again fork tongue....sleeping in bed with your enemy.....be care ful for uncle and anty that is telling the lies.....go befall on you toooooo, hummmmmmmm!!!!!!this forum is not waste time... this forum teaches us the good from the bad and the right from the wrong...only the Blind and the Lost can not see the real purpose that Ke Akua have us involved in.......so this is the place to identify the false fake from the truth, period.... i am only here to EXPOSE the Hewa and it is not only in this fake state...it is in the homes of these false fake kupuna's of this fake state.....hummmmmmm!!!!! for the home is where the lies begins~these false fake kupuna's is gobbled up with lies to divide.....if you have listened.....NO Mana, No Ha, NO Aloha......only sneaky snakes that lies and divide.......and bronson....our MANA and HA identify the true Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maolis.......go talk to your living kupuna's they going tell you...especially in Molokai......go see walter ritte.....he get something to tell bronson...no be po'opakiki (hard head)......go back and listen to your own kupuna's from your own sacred lands...not listen to outside influrences from foreigners off of oahu......you live in the piko of all hawaiian islands....you have all the sacred knowledge right there on your island of molokai........go back to the sacredness sayings of your ancestors......turn away from the mouths of LIES.....again bronson choose your POISION.....cause i stay watching......mahalo Ke Akua for his correct Leadership~~~
Kaohi: This is the site to go and get your application to be on the Five member commission for Act 195 do it!
Native Hawaiian Roll Commission
• Nominations from Qualified Native Hawaiians
• Nominations from Qualified Native Hawaiian Membership Organizations
• Apply
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Kaohi: This is the site to go and get your application to be on the Five member commission for Act 195 do it!
Kaohi: This is the site to go and get you application to be on the Five member commission for Act 195 do it!