Kaohi: This is the site to go and get your application to be on the Five member commission for Act 195 do it!

Kaohi:  This is the site to go and get your application to be on the Five member commission for Act 195 do it!

Native Hawaiian Roll Commission

Thank you for your interest in participating in the establishment of the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission.
  • There are three parts to this webpage. Select the appropriate option(s):

Nominations from Qualified Native Hawaiians

Complete this form if you are an individual who wishes to nominate yourself, and/or nominate others to serve as members of the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission. Fill out the document verifying that you are qualified to nominate a candidate(s) for the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission. Nominate up to five (5) individuals per form. Complete and submit additional forms to make more than five (5) nominations.

Nominations from Qualified Native Hawaiian Membership Organizations

Complete this form if you are authorized by a Qualified Native Hawaiian Organization to submit its nominations for appointment to the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission to the Governor. Act 195, 2011 Session Laws of Hawai`i, defines a "qualified Native Hawaiian membership organization" as "includ[ing] an organization that, on the effective date of this Act [July 6, 2011], has been in existence for at least ten years, and whose purpose has been and is the betterment of the conditions of the Native Hawaiian people." Complete additional forms if your organization wishes to make more than five (5) nominations.


If you have been nominated by a Qualified Native Hawaiian, including yourself, or a Qualified Native Hawaiian Organization, you MUST ALSO submit your application online to be eligible.
To apply, you must select the board 'NATIVE HAWAIIAN ROLL COMMISSION' located within the 'Governor (Gov)' category.

Replies to This Discussion

Bronson Keali'i KalipiPermalink Reply by Bronson Keali'i Kalipi 8 hours ago
No, I come to realize that I'm wasting my time and energy on a simple problem that america had created to keep us divided.  I believe that our HA is very important and shouldn't be wasted on childish things like this.  But you right on one thing and that is to move on (IMUA).  You have your path and I have mines, I won't say your path is wrong and I won't say uncle pomai path is wrong because we all are heading for the same goal and that is freedom.  We (uncle Pomai and I) just can't see that State of Hawaii come up with their solution and our people thinks that it's the right way.  Trust me this is a sand trap for our people to get  involve with.  America talks with a fork tongue all the time and you can witness that all over the world with America's Government.  I know that my MANA is very strong and I don't look at you as my enemy, it's The State of Hawaii and it's government officials that is my enemy.  You think that the state of Hawaii wants to give Hawaii back to it's proper claimants?  Hell no, they just trying to look like the good guys so they still can perpetuate the fraud that they been doing for over 118 years.  Nothing should be based on the blood quantum, that is a tool that the State of Hawaii been using for decades to remove us off of our lands and it's working because slowly were getting kicked off of our lands that the state of hawaii had gave our Kupuna's.  Now if you have less than 50%, you have to give up your lands for someone else to move on it.  That's is a bunch of b.s., now Ambercrombie pass a bill or act for them to have the right to sell our lands.  They going have something coming shortly from our Government, you watch.  I just want you to understand that if we fight, we not going to reach our goal.  So I was telling you sorry and everyone else so we can come to our senses and realize how important for us to move forward as one.
Bronson Keali'i KalipiPermalink Reply by Bronson Keali'i Kalipi 8 hours ago
This has nothing to do with who has more Mana, this has to do with saving your MANA for the real battle.
Bronson Keali'i KalipiPermalink Reply by Bronson Keali'i Kalipi 2 hours ago
My tutu kane Kalipi is from a line or worriers.   I don't think that by participating with the fake state is part or the answer, but if you think that is then good luck.  My Mana like I said many hours ago saving it for the last battle and I intend to use it at that time.  Law is what should be protecting us and I'll use my HA in the court room to win my case.  May Ke Akua watch each and everyone of us, Aloha
KaohiPermalink Reply by Kaohi 3 hours ago
Yes, start preparing for the bigger battle.  One needs to take on the bigger war.  Should they not be a bigger opposition to Act 195, then this 'politica power' moves back to the center and restart the Federal Recognition in three to five years.  I may or may not be here for that battle!  five years from now I will be close to 70 and some will be gone or just to old.  Need to incorporate the future generation safely!
Act 195 is the beast of the belly!  As Kupuna John Lake use to say to me the Ma Pele.  I will never support diversity or multiculture on DHHL. Like I said to Pono K I will take the bloodquantum to my grave!!! If it happens before my time, so be it!
Evictions from our aina has been around for a very long time, that is how we all started to rise up! To stop Gail Prejean's mom from being evicted from the top of Kalawaihine in Papakolea, Oahu.
Amelia GoraPermalink Reply by Amelia Gora 2 hours ago

Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009  Genocide Activities File - Luwella Leonardi and Valerie Aquino from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, a living, human being
Honolulu Police Department
Many Interested Others
My name is Amelia Gora.  Please add the following names to the Genocide Activities File:
Luwella Leonardi and Valarie/Valerie Aquino.

Luwella Leonardi has stated the following words with the purpose of damaging/slandering my name, my character, my good reseach, etc.
The documented words used: "asshole", "donkey jackass", "yellow bellow coward", "low life", "sick minds", etc. against myself/my person. 
She is all the above stated and more.
She has also threatened Pomai Kinney's life, called him an exhorbitant amount of nasty names (on the internet and in private conversations) with the intent to defame his character, name, etc. as well. 
 "Valarie /Valerie Aquino" has made a number of statements to demean both my and Pomai Kinney's character, name, research, etc.
She has no documented genealogies and falsely claims our Royal families as well.  Identity theft appears the motivation of both Luwella Leonardi and Valarie/Valerie Aquino.
Both are genocide activists/corruption agents working against our genocide race; therefore needs to be recorded for evidence.  All of the comments made by them are records of genocide against our families, Queen Liliuokalani's families, Kamehameha's families, Royal Families documented.
Their multiples of comments appear on maoliworld.com etc.
Both claim to be descendants of Royal Families, have not the documents to prove themselves.
Possibilities of "terrorist threatening" charges against these people will be left open due to the documented threats affecting life, properties, etc. made in the discussions at the forums on maoliworld.com 
Further reports may be made in the event these people fail to cease and desist /refraining their toxic mentality against our families who are indeed part of Queen Liliuokalani's families documented.
On a post, Luwella Leonardi did state:
"To think that the audience is stupid and they are unable to see right through this is despicable!
No it's the low life of an assimulated mind set of deviance and ignorance.  Tane is far from both of your sick minds."
 Note :
Tane is part of our families of Queen Liliuokalani and the two genocide activists namely Luwella Leonardi and Valaria/Valarie Aquino are not part of our Royal Families.

 The two Luwella Leonardi and Valerie/Valarie Aquino are modern day genocide activists perpetuating the frauds, the deceit, the lies, the criminal wrongdoings of their ancestors, etc.
Amelia Gora
copy(ies) to HPD/Honolulu Police Department
                         interested others
Amelia GoraPermalink Reply by Amelia Gora 1 hour ago
Monday, July 25, 2011 8:04 AM

Added information for this report per Pomai Kinney: da Princess of Maui Nui also known as Valerie/Valaria Aquino did also threaten his life.

It was noted after posting to Pomai Kinney in the Chatroom of Maoliworld.com today at 7:30 a.m. approximately.


Amelia Gora
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: amelia gora <hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com>
To: "hpd@honolulu.gov" <hpd@honolulu.gov>
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009 Genocide Activities File - Luwella Leonardi and Valerie Aquino from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, a living, human being


Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009  Genocide Activities File - Luwella Leonardi and Valerie Aquino from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, a living, human being
Honolulu Police Department
Many Interested Others
My name is Amelia Gora.  Please add the following names to the Genocide Activities File:
Luwella Leonardi and Valarie/Valerie Aquino.

Luwella Leonardi has stated the following words with the purpose of damaging/slandering my name, my character, my good reseach, etc.
The documented words used: "asshole", "donkey jackass", "yellow bellow coward", "low life", "sick minds", etc. against myself/my person. 
She is all the above stated and more.
She has also threatened Pomai Kinney's life, called him an exhorbitant amount of nasty names (on the internet and in private conversations) with the intent to defame his character, name, etc. as well. 
 "Valarie /Valerie Aquino" has made a number of statements to demean both my and Pomai Kinney's character, name, research, etc.
She has no documented genealogies and falsely claims our Royal families as well.  Identity theft appears the motivation of both Luwella Leonardi and Valarie/Valerie Aquino.
Both are genocide activists/corruption agents working against our genocide race; therefore needs to be recorded for evidence.  All of the comments made by them are records of genocide against our families, Queen Liliuokalani's families, Kamehameha's families, Royal Families documented.
Their multiples of comments appear on maoliworld.com etc.
Both claim to be descendants of Royal Families, have not the documents to prove themselves.
Possibilities of "terrorist threatening" charges against these people will be left open due to the documented threats affecting life, properties, etc. made in the discussions at the forums on maoliworld.com 
Further reports may be made in the event these people fail to cease and desist /refraining their toxic mentality against our families who are indeed part of Queen Liliuokalani's families documented.
On a post, Luwella Leonardi did state:
"To think that the audience is stupid and they are unable to see right through this is despicable!
No it's the low life of an assimulated mind set of deviance and ignorance.  Tane is far from both of your sick minds."
 Note :
Tane is part of our families of Queen Liliuokalani and the two genocide activists namely Luwella Leonardi and Valaria/Valarie Aquino are not part of our Royal Families.

 The two Luwella Leonardi and Valerie/Valarie Aquino are modern day genocide activists perpetuating the frauds, the deceit, the lies, the criminal wrongdoings of their ancestors, etc.
Amelia Gora
copy(ies) to HPD/Honolulu Police Department
interested others
PomaikaiokalaniPermalink Reply by Pomaikaiokalani 1 hour ago
KAOHI, "I will never support diversity or multiculture on DHHL. Like I said to Pono K I will take the bloodquantum to my grave!!! If it happens before my time, so be it!"
How STUPID is Kaohi?  Her own Children and Grandchildren are of Diversity and Muliticulture!  
As Kaohi married outside of her Blood Quantum to a person of Diversity and Muliticulture!  
Kaohi needs to get REAL and be PONO. 
Get PASS the Forsking B.S., Kaohi!
da princessPermalink Reply by da princess 56 minutes ago
bronson we know about this illegal fake state and its history...move on and IMUA...we need to move ahead do not let the past of history drown you spiritually.......i am now dealing from within learning about the false fake kupuna's that is from this fake state and dishing out criminal fasle lies and causing division among us.......and to have you back the lies up with amelia and your uncle kinney versus the fake lies of this state is again fork tongue....sleeping in bed with your enemy.....be care ful for uncle and anty that is telling the lies.....go befall on you toooooo, hummmmmmmm!!!!!!
this forum is not waste time... this forum teaches us the good from the bad and the right from the wrong...only the Blind and the Lost can not see the real purpose that Ke Akua have us involved in.......so this is the place to identify the false fake from the truth, period.... i am only here to EXPOSE the Hewa and it is not only in this fake state...it is in the homes of these false fake kupuna's of this fake state.....hummmmmmm!!!!! for the home is where the lies begins~
these false fake kupuna's is gobbled up with lies to divide.....if you have listened.....NO Mana, No Ha, NO Aloha......only sneaky snakes that lies and divide.......and bronson....our MANA and HA identify the true Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maolis.......go talk to your living kupuna's they going tell you...especially in Molokai......go see walter ritte.....he get something to tell bronson...no be po'opakiki (hard head)......go back and listen to your own kupuna's from your own sacred lands...not listen to outside influrences from foreigners off of oahu......you live in the piko of all hawaiian islands....you have all the sacred knowledge right there on your island of molokai........go back to the sacredness sayings of your ancestors......turn away from the mouths of LIES.....again bronson choose your POISION.....cause i stay watching......mahalo Ke Akua for his correct Leadership~~~

You need to be a member of maoliworld to add comments!

Email me when people reply –


  • Amelia GoraPermalink Reply by Amelia Gora 31 minutes ago
    Monday, July 25, 2011 8:04 AM

    Added information for this report per Pomai Kinney: da Princess of Maui Nui also known as Valerie/Valaria Aquino did also threaten his life.

    It was noted after posting to Pomai Kinney in the Chatroom of Maoliworld.com today at 7:30 a.m. approximately.


    Amelia Gora
    ----- Forwarded Message -----
    From: amelia gora <hawaiianhistory@yahoo.com>
    To: "hpd@honolulu.gov" <hpd@honolulu.gov>
    Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 6:49 AM
    Subject: Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009 Genocide Activities File - Luwella Leonardi and Valerie Aquino from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, a living, human being


    Re: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Document No. 2011 - 2009  Genocide Activities File - Luwella Leonardi and Valerie Aquino from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, and as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Royal Families House of Nobles, a living, human being
    Honolulu Police Department
    Many Interested Others
    My name is Amelia Gora.  Please add the following names to the Genocide Activities File:
    Luwella Leonardi and Valarie/Valerie Aquino.

    Luwella Leonardi has stated the following words with the purpose of damaging/slandering my name, my character, my good reseach, etc.
    The documented words used: "asshole", "donkey jackass", "yellow bellow coward", "low life", "sick minds", etc. against myself/my person. 
    She is all the above stated and more.
    She has also threatened Pomai Kinney's life, called him an exhorbitant amount of nasty names (on the internet and in private conversations) with the intent to defame his character, name, etc. as well. 
     "Valarie /Valerie Aquino" has made a number of statements to demean both my and Pomai Kinney's character, name, research, etc.
    She has no documented genealogies and falsely claims our Royal families as well.  Identity theft appears the motivation of both Luwella Leonardi and Valarie/Valerie Aquino.
    Both are genocide activists/corruption agents working against our genocide race; therefore needs to be recorded for evidence.  All of the comments made by them are records of genocide against our families, Queen Liliuokalani's families, Kamehameha's families, Royal Families documented.
    Their multiples of comments appear on maoliworld.com etc.
    Both claim to be descendants of Royal Families, have not the documents to prove themselves.
    Possibilities of "terrorist threatening" charges against these people will be left open due to the documented threats affecting life, properties, etc. made in the discussions at the forums on maoliworld.com 
    Further reports may be made in the event these people fail to cease and desist /refraining their toxic mentality against our families who are indeed part of Queen Liliuokalani's families documented.
    On a post, Luwella Leonardi did state:
    "To think that the audience is stupid and they are unable to see right through this is despicable!
    No it's the low life of an assimulated mind set of deviance and ignorance.  Tane is far from both of your sick minds."
     Note :
    Tane is part of our families of Queen Liliuokalani and the two genocide activists namely Luwella Leonardi and Valaria/Valarie Aquino are not part of our Royal Families.

     The two Luwella Leonardi and Valerie/Valarie Aquino are modern day genocide activists perpetuating the frauds, the deceit, the lies, the criminal wrongdoings of their ancestors, etc.
    Amelia Gora
    copy(ies) to HPD/Honolulu Police Department
    interested others
    Note:  Ramifications of the above can be many.............for Pomai Kinney also has an opportunity to press charges....fyi.
    da princessPermalink Reply by da princess 30 minutes ago
    wake up kinney...you live in Hawaii.....where have you been.......our scared kingdom islands is made up of multicultural...that was the main purpose for this fake illegal state to function by bringing in illegal imigrants and migrants as Tyrants to work the plantations (greedy business men)......kinney this is old stuff to dish out to Kupuna Kaohi.......history say one thing and mr. kinney mouth says another yet have same western thinking mentality...confused, blind and lost~~~
    see i know my history and i know my Royal Lineage that i have already showed other Royal Ali'i Nui on my Sacred Kingdom Island of maui nui.......i refuse to show my sacredness (legal Royal Lineage Documents) to any Tom, Dick, Harry, Mary, Henry, Richard, Amelia's that have NO mana, NO Ha and NO Aloha......i am a Royal Direct Decendent of my tutu wahine......High Chiefess Queen Keopuolani....my mama designed her Royal Tomb in Lahaina at Waiola Chruch with my uncle Oberle Kaanana and my uncle John Kaina with the guidance of my grandma LYDIA POAIPUNI, my uncle Mana Kahaiali'i and my grand aunt Mary Kamaka....my mama Kahili Kaina Momona was the last known Royal Ali'i Nui to die on the Village of Moku'ula, the sacred kingdom island of Loko Mokuhinia in Lahaina the Royal Capitol of our Hawaiian Kingdom Government and to hear bashing lies from oahu fake state kupuna's is UNACCEPTABLE.......Respect is needed so bad from oahu natives that we need to address these IMMEDIATELY, our next future generation no need face this type of abuse and criminal actions from another coming from an other island and not know their research and resourses correctly.......i only Expose the Hewa.....hard mission to accomplish but i am a Tigeressseseeeeeessssssssss and i claw down deep like my Royal Wahine Warriors as LEADERS.....mauruuru......da princess of moku'ula....the Capitol of Lahaina, Maui Nui
    PomaikaiokalaniPermalink Reply by Pomaikaiokalani 19 minutes ago
    IT'S YOU and KAOHI needs to WAKE UP and GET REAL!
    Go and Play with Abercrombie and his ACT 195! 
    Like I told you, YOU could never message up to the Toe Nail of my Kupunawahine who now is in her grave!  
    Like Kaohi you both are a Disgrace! 
    So go Lay Your EGGS some place else! 
    As EGGS will be Broken! 
    LuLu BELLS like you and Kaohi who Lay EGGS should take care of their Na Okole Lolo! 
    • Amelia GoraPermalink Reply by Amelia Gora 5 minutes ago
      Note:  Ramifications of the above can be many.............for Pomai Kinney also has an opportunity to press charges.....(even me)..fyi.
      spill out your names..........and you claim the Royal families lines..........and you have mana? hah......
      your names are unrecognizable..........therefore, hearsay..........
      "Tigeressseseeeeeessssssssss and i claw down deep like my Royal Wahine Warriors as LEADERS..."
      talking stupid.........Tigers are from another country....what? China?............claw down deep .... our families are those who GOUGED DOWN DEEP...............
      you'll have a hard time to prove your lineage............for sure.............as stated before....good luck.
      "Respect is needed so bad from oahu natives that we need to address these IMMEDIATELY, our next future generation no need face this type of abuse and criminal actions from another coming from an other island and not know their research and resourses correctly"
      Research and resourses ---i know that many have been copying my research and claiming it to be theirs......now howz about TRUTH .............put it out girl............hard to prove your claims............have fun......then go thru the gauntlet of those who already have their genealogies documented ........well enough words said because the Kamehameha's et. als. bloodlines are here and also watching too.
      you get mana?..............because you pilipina chinese too.......then that means you get manapua too...lol.
       .....real work is in progress..........dubious diversions is what you are all about....goodbye.

      Kaohi: This is the site to go and get your application to be on the Five member commission for Act 195 do it!

      Native Hawaiian Roll Commission

      Thank you for your interest in participating in the establishment of the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission.
      • There are three parts to this webpage. Select the appropriate option(s):

      Nominations from Qualified Native Hawaiians

      Complete this form if you are an individual who wishes to nominate yourself, and/or nominate others to serve as members of the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission. Fill out the document verifying that you are qualified to nominate a candidate(s) for the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission. Nominate up to five (5) individuals per form. Complete and submit additional forms to make more than five (5) nominations.

      Nominations from Qualified Native Hawaiian Membership Organizations

      Complete this form if you are authorized by a Qualified Native Hawaiian Organization to submit its nominations for appointment to the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission to the Governor. Act 195, 2011 Session Laws of Hawai`i, defines a "qualified Native Hawaiian membership organization" as "includ[ing] an organization that, on the effective date of this Act [July 6, 2011], has been in existence for at least ten years, and whose purpose has been and is the betterment of the conditions of the Native Hawaiian people." Complete additional forms if your organization wishes to make more than five (5) nominations.


      If you have been nominated by a Qualified Native Hawaiian, including yourself, or a Qualified Native Hawaiian Organization, you MUST ALSO submit your application online to be eligible.
      To apply, you must select the board 'NATIVE HAWAIIAN ROLL COMMISSION' located within the 'Governor (Gov)' category.

      Replies to This Discussion

      Amelia GoraPermalink Reply by Amelia Gora 7 hours ago
      Note:  Ramifications of the above can be many.............for Pomai Kinney also has an opportunity to press charges.....(even me)..fyi.
      spill out your names..........and you claim the Royal families lines..........and you have mana? hah......
      your names are unrecognizable..........therefore, hearsay..........
      "Tigeressseseeeeeessssssssss and i claw down deep like my Royal Wahine Warriors as LEADERS..."
      talking stupid.........Tigers are from another country....what? China?............claw down deep .... our families are those who GOUGED DOWN DEEP...............
      you'll have a hard time to prove your lineage............for sure.............as stated before....good luck.
      "Respect is needed so bad from oahu natives that we need to address these IMMEDIATELY, our next future generation no need face this type of abuse and criminal actions from another coming from an other island and not know their research and resourses correctly"
      Research and resourses ---i know that many have been copying my research and claiming it to be theirs......now howz about TRUTH .............put it out girl............hard to prove your claims............have fun......then go thru the gauntlet of those who already have their genealogies documented ........well enough words said because the Kamehameha's et. als. bloodlines are here and also watching too.
      you get mana?..............because you pilipina chinese too.......then that means you get manapua too...lol.
       .....real work is in progress..........dubious diversions is what you are all about....goodbye.
      PomaikaiokalaniPermalink Reply by Pomaikaiokalani 6 hours ago
      KUE KAOHI and Abercrombie and ACT 195
      • da princessPermalink Reply by da princess 6 hours ago
        i love to counter your charges...for i am up for the CHALLENGE...bring it on..... amelia and mr. kinney for the false accusations of me being in the military and recieving military finance.....also using another information (valerie aquino) to falsely lie of my character.....so again bring it on... i know how to deal in the court system now..been there and done that and Ke Akua and the other listeners....know of what you have done and you owe both me---Valarie Aquino and Valerie Aquino legal documents an PUBLIC APOLOGY for the LIES of the inaccuarate information and false Resource about me.....Slandering (the utterance of a falsehood)......your illegal documents failed you again amelia and you publicly slandered my character with Lies, using the name of another person to disgrade my INTEGREITY as a Royal Kingdom Heir of my Kingdom of Maui Nui......my Royal Heirs is not from Oahu...and i am of no part of your royal family......i only ask those from oahu to RESPRCT and RECOGNIZE our Royal Heirs of our Kingdom of Maui Nui, Lahaina the Capitol of our Hawaiian Kingdom Government.
        henry kinney this is the time to rise above amelia and to stop her continued Lies, Hatred, Anger towards another Royal Heir.....i have and given my Royal Lineage to other Royal Heirs on my Kingdom of Maui Nui....that is why i am WELL RESPECTED on my Kingdom Island of Maui Nui.......by other Respected Royals, period.......
        i hold you amelia and mr. kinney responsible and accountable for the Slandering towards another Royal Heir of our Kingdom Island of Maui Nui......for i only Expose the Hewa to NOT continue in my next generations to come.......
        and since we are now talking about legal court....i ask ikaika hussey to MONITOR and REGULATE....these illegal slanders to end and to stop this kind of abuse and criminal verbal activitiy by amelia and mr. kinney that has been going on for over 3 years......i have never used any kind of cussing towards any of you and i have never changed your character....both you amelia and kinney have identified yourselves to the public eyes~~~~you both did it on your own~~~~and more will come...watch!
        for all i know today....is that i demand an APOLOGY for the Slander and false accusation in public of my character and now the death threat to kinney....whats up with that......i hold you amelia gora for this illegal criminal activity........see you in court, hummmmmmm!!!!!! i will go to court and see to justify my legal rights for this type of Slander that will not happen to our next generation dealing with this kind of Hatred and Anger~~~~~ displayed by you and mr. kinney, displaying amounts of CUSSING and THREATS to Kupuna Kaohi (listeners read the disrespect to kupuna kaohi) by these two senior elders......shame on them.....again i only Expose the Hewa so we in my new and improved generation can move forward and IMUA our Mission from our Royal Kingdom Ancestors.......mahalo Ke Akua for his wonderful Truths and Leadership......I ask my Ancestors to protect me and guidance among Slanders (false utterance)..mahalo Ke Akua...mauruuru...da princess
        da princessPermalink Reply by da princess 2 hours ago
        what kind genealogist you amelia......you no can research...scared cause you no can lie no more.......truth will muzzle you very shortly...watch....because you need another lie to cover the one you already planted......this is the western mentality that have DIVIDED our people and soon this will end...for Ke Akua has his time table and the lies can not hide no more.
        how you going cover your hewa (wrongful behavior) using manipualtion words to divide our people......i am also doing a separating work to know the good from the bad and the right from the wrong.....and this is the Best Place to Publicly call ones like amelia to the table of INTEGREITY and ACCOUNTABILITY....for i still hold you amelia for the Slander (lies) that you caused for Valerie Aquino and myself Valarie Aquino......you failed in your research to accurately speak truth......you again is the cause to the Hatred and Anger that is on this forum of Truth.......i love to meet you in court for SLANDERING (lies of another)....no one will believe your Lies anymore......for you have proven false in your research and you need to be responsible for the lies of the character of another........a false and fake geneaolgist and researcher of LIES.....I only EXPOSE the Hewa~~~
        da princessPermalink Reply by da princess 2 hours ago
        i have my own Royal Bloodline of Maui Nui...for i am not from Oahu, peroid..........i do not need yours from oahu that is involved with the fake state on oahu.......i would be embarrass to claim you as family.....they should be scolding you for your arrogrant and tyrant attitude towards others......you have mislead our next generation with your Hatred and Anger.......i again ask Ikaika Hussey to MONITOR and REGULATE you as a SLANDERING person causing harm to the character of a Royal Kingdom Heir......you taught you was the only one out there....well today i am your worst NIGHTMARE........i am here on Maui Nui........Claiming my Rights of my Ancesters on Maui Nui.....and you amelia is NO PART of my ohana nation on Maui Nui......mahalo Ke Akua for the Truth and Strength to know good from bad and right from wrong........i so need it in my generation to KUKANAKA (stand tall) and EXPOSE the continued HEWA's on oahu~~~mauruuru~~~da princess
        • da princessPermalink Reply by da princess 2 hours ago
          no forget kamehameha your grand papa......bowed down naked in RESPECT to my great, great, great grand mama----HIGH CHIEFESS QUEEN KEOPUOLANI and out of all his wifes...only my great grand mama beared his ROYALIES.....on Maui Nui.....so betta you go read the written History and you should also visit your so called Royals of oahu to learn your verbal history  and they going give you good scoldings for SLANDERING and MANIPULATING the minds of our next generation in Hatred and Anger.....again I am here only to EXPOSE the Hewa that is leaking from the island of oahu......mahalo Ke Akua for your correct Leadership.......mauruuru...da princess of maui nui
          da princessPermalink Reply by da princess 2 hours ago
          oh..oh...oh....for your information amelia....yes i am a Tigeresssssesssss...i was born in the year of a Tiger (1962)....and to help you with your research of me......i am also part Chinese and Spanish on my daddy's side.....hummmmmmm? what else you like know????? for i have noting to hide but to only to EXPOSE the Hewa on oahu like you amelia........that is dishing out Hatred and Anger...in my generation and i will Expose you and all those that surrounds you......for i am your worst NIGHTMARE...(sweet dreams........mauruuru....da princess of Maui Nui
          da princessPermalink Reply by da princess 1 hour ago
          i am so happy to meet you amelia and kinney in court....the courts have become my second house.....you better look up the other 3 court cases that i won on my own with no other help from this illegal system....only Ke Akua guided me with Truth and Truth alone won my cases......one was with a major hotel and the other was with a landlord (man i was her worst nightmare of maui) and the other is with a bank......i still have 3 delicious court cases to deal with and i can not wait....one is with a fair housing living condition dealing with a Disabled and another is with the police officers of maui nui.......i studied, researched and know my History, my Ancestors and my Laws of American and Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maoli LAWS....i am so ready...bring it on......mahalo Ke Akua for his correct Leadership to know good from bad and right from wrong...and this is the reason that i need to continue my Mission to Expose the Hewa........mauruuru...da princess of maui nui
          • PomaikaiokalaniPermalink Reply by Pomaikaiokalani 1 hour ago
            Expose and Lay all YOUR EGGS, o dp as THEY will be Broken!
            Amelia GoraPermalink Reply by Amelia Gora 1 second ago
            totally bent out of shape aren't you............
            and Luwella Leonardi's unprofessional/non professional remarks over time is certainly an area where your EMPLOYERS, the Department of Education WOULD NOT BE TOO HAPPY ABOUT.........
            there's enough evidence for a reprimand, etc.........and it seems appropriate to have them know about it too...............I was a teacher with the Department of Education........have a Bachelor's in Science - Liberal Studies emphasis in Psychology and Sociology, etc . and it's obvious that something soooo wrong is up with you people........compounded with the fact that Luwella is in contact with little ones?
            you don't sound like you have had any formal education......
            Keep it up because all of these ongoing posts ...........are displaying characters of both of you which should be reviewed, parts of which is being sent to the DOE.
            A reprimand seems in order.
            Continue your nastiness both of you because as Pomai says:
            "Expose and Lay all YOUR EGGS, o dp as THEY will be Broken!"
            - posts made from the families of Queen Liliuokalani.
            PomaikaiokalaniPermalink Reply by Pomaikaiokalani 20 minutes ago
            KUE KAOHI, Abercrombie and ACT 195..................


            Note to all :   Luwella Leonardi/Kaohi DID REMOVE THESE POSTS FROM THE FORUM and HER POSTS WERE COPIED AND STORED AS EVIDENCE.........

            This is being reposted to EXPOSE HER DEVIANCE.................truly WICKED......

            once again POMAI KINNEY Can PROSECUTE the two as well for threats against his person/death threats documented.

            As one quart/two quart low claims.........hah..........IT IS OUR FAMILIES WHO HAS EXPOSED THE WRONGS, THE CRIMINAL WRONGS...........and here it is AGAIN for all to see.

            The above forum post:

            Kaohi: This is the site to go and get your application to be on the Five member commission for Act 195 do it! 

            Kaohi:  This is the site to go and get you application to be on the Five member commission for Act 195 do it!

This reply was deleted.