ask first before you come to somebodys house

kupuna kane man....said this to the CEO...dan banchand...of the American Safari Cruises...

this disciplined the captian to ask...for we get common sense Proper PROTOCOLS...even on Moloka'i.....for its not all about the money...again RESPECT and RECOGNITION...

mahalo nui to Kupuna kane man....Walter Ritte...and his ohana nation for Kukanaka (stand tall) to Imua (move forward) to do not only talk.....these kupuna's of good examples...been there and done be it~~~~for we have good examples to follow...there is Kupunas that is doing the right to our generation and we need to identify the good from the bad and the right from the wrongful criminal actions.......thank you moloka'i for Kukanaka and give us the strenght to stand tall~~~mauruuru~~~da princess of Loko O Mokuhinia...La haina da Royal Capital~~~

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  • its all about the common sense of RESPECT AND RECOGNITION, period...perfect example...simple to ask before you come and land your trash on our we say what????? have to go......period!!!

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