Posted by Tane on December 19, 2009 at 1:51am in Politics
Despite our previous history, and no one said we were perfect, the issue lies in the fact that we were a multi-ethnic nation within the Hawaiian Polynesian society and not within the racist WASP society of the U.S. The treachery and violation of international law, especially from one of the members (U.S.A.) against another member (Kingdom of Hawai'i) that culminated in 1893 that is the ultimate issue. It was never a racial issue but a national issue; contrary to what Conklin-ites may have you believe. They expect you to adopt the way they think, act, and hold their same racist WASP values they are so-well known for in their country. Let's look at the true facts:
Many Polynesian-Hawaiians and other descendants of the Kingdom of Hawai'i at the time of the U.S. invasion and belligerent occupation continue to oppose the Akaka bill since its inception; while the U.S. government, the alleged State of Hawai'i, OHA, CNHA, and others that don't truly represent the Hawaiian subjects, least of all the native Hawaiians, have been scheming to pass this disingenuous bill in the U.S. Congress. Once again, the U.S. contines to create its domestic laws to enforce within a foreign democratic country.
Our voices have been suppressed and down-played for over 116 years; yet two people that represent the alleged state of Hawai'i and those with special pecuniary interests and interests of the U.S. are heard loud and clear with hopes in a resolution amicable to all interested parties except those who are patriotic to the Kingdom of Hawai'i. Playing with our lives as if it's statistics on a piece of paper is immoral and demonstrates criminal in conduct.
There are many U.S. Americans that believe in truth, justice, honor, equality, basic human rights, and freedom for all; unfortunately, not many are in the Executive branch, U.S. Congress, and it's Judicial system of the U.S. government which the corporate oligarchy oversees. It's the bane of the U.S. system historically which all are affected. Just the U.S. Manifest Destiny and its racist doctrines are a contradiction of those values professed. It behooves us to take another look at the conduct of the U.S. government with its struggle to do the right thing and for whose benefit.
Because of the Hawaiian Kingdom subjects' protest presented in their Ku'e petitions of 1897 against U.S. intervention and annexation, the U.S. Congress hesitated and rejected the treaty of annexation submitted by the U.S.-protected ipso facto Provisional Government and its republic of Hawaii. In it's determination to annex Hawai'i, U.S. Representative Ball argued in 1898, "...we can find no precedent to sustain the method here proposed for admitting foreign territory." He thus characterized the effort to annex Hawaii by joint resolution after the defeat of the treaty as "a deliberate attempt to do unlawfully that which cannot be lawfully done." Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice, on October 4, 1988 concurred with this analysis.
U.S. Representative William Springer (D) Maine in 1893 declared that the self-proclaimed Provisonal Government by the committee of Public Safety which consisted of U.S. Americans could not have maintained an existence for an hour had it not been for the fact that the U.S. marine forces and the American Minister acting in conjunction with them. ...It is a usurpation, which could not have had any de facto existence, to say nothing of a rightful existence, except for the presence of the overpowering armed forces of the United States".
A scathing article written by Congressman D.H. Chamberlain (NY) in the New York Times, February 12, 1894 titled as "Hawaii Stolen Property" made a careful analysis of events and judging the policy of the Administration based on law, fact, and right; justifies the call for the Queen's restoration.
Miriam Michelson, a reporter for The San Francisco Call, did an investigative report of Hawai'i while she was there, which was published September 30, 1897 and confirmed "...for Hawaii has not asked for annexation. There are over 100,000 people on the islands. Of these not 3 percent declared for annexation. To the natives the loss of nationality is hateful,aberrant."
Steven T. Newcomb, Director of the Indigenous Law Institute and a research fellow at the Fourth World Center of study of Indigenous Law and Politics, had his article printed in the Honolulu Advertiser, March 12, 2000 headlined as "Justice Memo Shows U.S. Never Legally Annexed Hawaii". He states the Justice Department memo enables us to arive at a number of conclusions of which there was no annexation in 1898, the U.S. territory of Hawai'i was not established in 1900 despite congressional legislation purpoting to the contrary, and the statehood vote was an attempt to hide an illegal act that began on 1893 with U.S. complicity.
International Law expert, Professor Francis A. Boyle, stated "The Kingdom of Hawai'i has been under the military occupation of the United States government since 1893, to which the laws of belligerent occupation apply (see US Army Field Manual 27-10 [1956]...And belligerent occupation does not transfer or displace sovereignty, which still resides in the Kingdom and its people."
These are a few of the proclamations that went ignored. Add to these the protests of Hawaii nationals who are the subjects of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. We are the third person in this two-party exclusive discussion. We are the purported beneficiaries; but no one wants to listen to us. Shouldn't we have a say in the matter; rather than be told what is to be for our own good and theirs? The Akaka Bill is a contradiction in itself and we rebuke it as a seditious, racist act of U.S. Manifest Destiny
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The Akaka Tribe will allow in only 27% or fewer of Hawaiians. Signing Kau Inoa does not guarantee "Qualification" for tribe--"Qualification" will be decided by 9 "commissioners"
Must read:
Akaka Bill: More than 73% of Hawaiians not "Qualified" for membership in Akaka Tribe
That's a given since its inception and something we knew bck then. All one has to do is check out the native Americans and their history with the U.S. Besides that, the blood quantum thing is a U.S. tool that goes back a long time in their 200 year history. They created about ten hoops to jump through before you can even be considered. Because of Congress' plenary authority, they can at a later date "unrecognize" you.
We ought to know; we were a co-member in the Family of Nations along with the U.S. and one day they decided not to recognize our treaties, status, our nation; and took it away by force and labeled us like the Indians of their country. What makes it difficult for the U.S. is that we were internationally recognized as an independent sovereign nation-state; just like the U.S., Britain, France, and Germany didn't want to be on unfriendly terms with the upstart U.S.A., the errant child of Great Britain. Europeans felt they should stick together and North America was controlled by their brethren and white supremacy was the order of the day. They believe it's a white man's world and we must accept their double-standards.
Kau Inoa is just a ruse to pass the bill showing support of the masses. A great majority is not eligible and they knew that from the beginning. The Territory of Hawai'i and the State of Hawaii have altered enough of the birth certificates to make many Hawaiians ineligible for Hawaiian Homes and that legacy will extend to the Akaka Tribe. LOL.. They've already doctored our nationality from subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii to being U.S. citizens of America. Now they are going to make a semblance of a native American Indian tribe and call us Indian when it suitsw them. How? How! Ugh! Kimo Sabe!
Mahalo for your mana'o on this Uncle Tane. In your post: International Law expert, Professor Francis A. Boyle, stated "The Kingdom of Hawai'i has been under the military occupation of the United States government since 1893, to which the laws of belligerent occupation apply (see US Army Field Manual 27-10 [1956]...And belligerent occupation does not transfer or displace sovereignty, which still resides in the Kingdom and its people."
In land issues this also applies to the 1893 Jeep trail roads providing us access to shoreline and mauka-no state, county or federal law obstructs us from using these trails freely. These trails were used as part of the military occupation of the US government in 1893-it is Kanaka Maoli's right of way because no one has jurisdiction over these trails since the "physical deoccupation of troops and their equipment/jeeps" THIS IS OUR OPEN DOOR PHYSICALLY TO GATHERING RIGHTS and USES
and who or what is Hawaii Free Press and who is Andrew Walden?
Must read:
Akaka Bill: More than 73% of Hawaiians not "Qualified" for membership in Akaka Tribe
Tribes Boot Members Keep Loot
That's a given since its inception and something we knew bck then. All one has to do is check out the native Americans and their history with the U.S. Besides that, the blood quantum thing is a U.S. tool that goes back a long time in their 200 year history. They created about ten hoops to jump through before you can even be considered. Because of Congress' plenary authority, they can at a later date "unrecognize" you.
We ought to know; we were a co-member in the Family of Nations along with the U.S. and one day they decided not to recognize our treaties, status, our nation; and took it away by force and labeled us like the Indians of their country. What makes it difficult for the U.S. is that we were internationally recognized as an independent sovereign nation-state; just like the U.S., Britain, France, and Germany didn't want to be on unfriendly terms with the upstart U.S.A., the errant child of Great Britain. Europeans felt they should stick together and North America was controlled by their brethren and white supremacy was the order of the day. They believe it's a white man's world and we must accept their double-standards.
Kau Inoa is just a ruse to pass the bill showing support of the masses. A great majority is not eligible and they knew that from the beginning. The Territory of Hawai'i and the State of Hawaii have altered enough of the birth certificates to make many Hawaiians ineligible for Hawaiian Homes and that legacy will extend to the Akaka Tribe. LOL.. They've already doctored our nationality from subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii to being U.S. citizens of America. Now they are going to make a semblance of a native American Indian tribe and call us Indian when it suitsw them. How? How! Ugh! Kimo Sabe!
International Law expert, Professor Francis A. Boyle, stated "The Kingdom of Hawai'i has been under the military occupation of the United States government since 1893, to which the laws of belligerent occupation apply (see US Army Field Manual 27-10 [1956]...And belligerent occupation does not transfer or displace sovereignty, which still resides in the Kingdom and its people."
In land issues this also applies to the 1893 Jeep trail roads providing us access to shoreline and mauka-no state, county or federal law obstructs us from using these trails freely. These trails were used as part of the military occupation of the US government in 1893-it is Kanaka Maoli's right of way because no one has jurisdiction over these trails since the "physical deoccupation of troops and their equipment/jeeps" THIS IS OUR OPEN DOOR PHYSICALLY TO GATHERING RIGHTS and USES