Anti-Prayer Protest Leads To Arrest

Anti-Prayer Protest Leads To Arrest

By Star-Bulletin staff

POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Apr 30, 2010



A government watchdog activist was injured and another was arrested yesterday during a protest over prayer at the state Legislature.

Mitch Kahle, president of Hawaii Citizens for the Separation of State and Church, was arrested at about 9:50 a.m. at the Senate chambers, deputy sheriffs said.

He was charged with obstructing government operations, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Kahle said he posted his own $300 bail.

"We were there to protest the ongoing violation of the Constitution," he said. "We stepped up the pressure by engaging in peaceful civil disobedience."

Kahle said his group was opposing the use of Christian prayers to open legislative sessions, which he claims is a violation of the First Amendment. He said prayers at government functions must be nonsectarian or without religious references, but the prayers at the Capitol are 90 percent Christian.

The City Council ended Christian prayers after complaints from the group last week, according to a press release from the group.

Before the session, Senate President Colleen Hanabusa had been warned she was violating her oath of office by not upholding the U.S. Constitution, Kahle said.

His lawyer advised him not to discuss the incident, which involved him, the sergeant-at-arms and the sheriff deputy. He added, "There's going to be some action against the state."

Kevin Hughes, another member of the group, was injured and had to be taken to the hospital for an X-ray, Kahle said. He did not know the extent of Hughes' injures.

Hughes could not be reached for comment. Kahle is scheduled to appear in court May 27.



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