Answer to Kaohi's Criticism of Chinen and Me...

Kaohi, What is your position and understanding of the Crown and Government Lands? What is wrong with Chinen? What do you mean that I am using "parking lot?" and, oh, oh? You got it right. I'm still on the frontlines, never left. If you have something to say, spit it out. The only reason I am going through this blog is l.) to get the word out 2.) otherwise I am not able to get my words out to the world. 3.) with Pomai, who is helping me to get out the truth, I would be silent. 4.) I will not stay quiet when the truth has to be said. As you know, I've always been for independence. I've been talking about sovereignty when many wouldn't admit that the word was a real word that was related to Hawai'i and Hawaiians. In 1980 I was tlaking about independence and at that time there were about five of us who KNEW that to be independent we would be helping the US taxpayers and the world understand that we can take care of ourselves. Yet, they want to keep us hostages in our own homelands, it's time to speak up. Take care Kaohi and continue to read more of my blogs, even if I have to come from "parking lot" place. Onipa'a, Kawehi

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  • To: Kaohi
    From: Kawehi

    Don't apologize for anything. We all must work together on different levels. You too have been around a long time and we have all learned hard and easy lessons...and still going, that's the main continue to move forward and not to stop. DON'T STOP!

  • To: Ulu
    From: Kawehi

    Thank you for your response. Yeah that's the name Tom McAuliffe, who BTW is on this venue as well. In talking to Kehau, she was going to shift the blog into another topic and asked me if I mind that she was going to do that? I called and talked to her and told her not a problem

    Just as I thought about the Akaka bill dying because there is none of the promises Akaka made or Inouye promised that cam through. Well, maybe in the future we may just work through you to send our best people to educate the Hawaiians in Seattle Washington, Las Vegas, Florida and other places about Hawaiian issues and if we can find other people to assist in the organizing in their States, that is possible.

    Consistencies are important. Pono does excellent job and he is consistent God Bless His Kou Kino.

    How is Florida BTW? Is there interest there to have Hawaiians come up there to talk on Hawaiian issues? Maybe over the summer time? Hope there is no hurricane or tsunami when Hawaiians come up there.

    We are teaching and training the younger generations in Waimanalo to speak on these issues. They are attending the meetings, legislature and community meetings as their hands on education. We would like to find younger people in America to join in the outreach education processes now before we kick the bucket. What do you think?

    We have people on all islands who want to contribute to this effort in their way and that is what they are doing to push ahead. We have planned fundraiser concerts coming up to raise money for a meeting of all the independence groups to come together and develop a resolution to be presented to all Hawaiian entities who claim to be working in our interes. We shall see who is who in the zoo. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Aloha Keakua.

    Hope to hear your mana'oi'o.

    • Aloha kaua e Kawehi. Yes... Uncle Tom has a tendency to stalk oiwi women and he small kine crazy. He added my Twitter to his Twitter then deleted his Twitter profile as if to tell me that he is watching me. Crazy LOL I am not surprised though because it is usually some men who somehow feel threatened or have that paternalistic attitude of "I know what is best for you." Like with the Akaka Bill. I have a screen cap of his Maoliworld profile page with the words "NEVER!" on the icon for Hawaiian Independence

      I'm biased when it comes to certain things. For example some people at home speaking up. Not everyone can speak up. Some face a viable threat to their life whether it be to their job and/or home so while some youth speak up... there are some who can't though to no fault of their own. What I have noticed for some time is that some people blame these people who are unable to speak up to no fault of their own. For example I know a few who will be oki'd if they were to speak up and lose their job thus their home.

      However if one or a few of the younger generations can speak up because they do not fear retribution of any kine than IMHO we should support eveything that is Hawaiian including the Hawaiians who can speak up for doing the right thing. For example there is a huge population of Hawaiians in Orlando. Some people look down on them though. Them and those who moved to California. Compassion is sometimes lacking.

      Money helps. I hope that the different branches can work together as one for the betterment of all.

      One challenge however is the male ego. When some men are involved... so are some of their egos. I just hope that they put their ego aside for the sake of their mo'opuna because if they no resolve issues now what makes them think their mo'opuna going resolve them.

      If someone (anyone) or some people can get people (both male and female) to work together as one for the betterment of all then that would be great!

      E malama pono.
  • To: Ululani
    From: Kawehi

    E Aloha tita ma,

    Yes, I did post at Kehaulani's blog on the Akaka Bill and got by that haole guy, can't remember his name, that's how important he was to my mind. Anyway, I here that you live in America? Can you tell me what Hawaiians are saying up there about what is happening in Hawai'i and with the Akaka Bill? Have you had someone from Hawai'i go up there and give a presentation?

    Take care.

    • Aloha kaua yes had plenny Haole guys there. Ken Conklin and Uncle Tom McAuliffe. It is usually Some Haole men who view the Akaka Bill as a threat to something that is not theirs. Now they cannot respond at Kehaulani's blog which I think is good LOL

      Anyway yes I am currently in Florida though I could sell all of my properties and come back home but am not done with what I have to do but I don't want some lurkers to know exactly. There is just wayyyy to much hate and negative energy directed at Hawaiians at home but I am fortunate in that I do not risk losing my job and my home so it is a blessing in that way where I can be truthful and not risk losing my job and home unlike some people in Hawai'i who risk losing everything. I can speak up while many people whom I know can't and they are at home (Hawai'i.)

      I know alot of people many of whom I have at Facebook. Most of them signed up for Kau Inoa because they thought they were doing the right thing. I kept posting and posting about the Akaka Bill and my cousins in particular have since changed their mind and withdrew their support them removed their names from Kau Inoa.

      Most of the presentations have been for the Akaka Bill. At least in Washington (state) and in Las Vegas when I was there. I have not seen a fair and balanced presentation to date.

      They watch YouTube, read online, etc. For me I work one on one with people whom I know and tell them why I am against the Akaka Bill and they understand why. We are not all lost souls. Some of us know who we are irrelevant of location. BTW some people criticize us but most Hawaiians whom I know who live in the states support everything Hawaiian and the Akaka Bill is anything BUT Hawaiian.

      I also have alot of Republican friends on my Facebook. I tell them too. Their reasons of opposing the Akaka Bill differ though but the end is the same (Stopping the Akaka Bill.)

      To date though no one has come to Florida to speak the Truth about the Akaka Bill and an attorney/mentor told me once, "No one will watch out for you... except YOU." I would add "and your kupuna." In my experience few people give a rip about us and how we are doing. They seem to care more about what we are doing instead of on the fact that we are still surviving despite the pilau. To be blunt though in some people's eyes... we do not matter but IMHO that is on them not on us.

      One of my projects is So far for the search terms "Republicans Akaka Bill" and "Democrats Akaka Bill" as well as other search terms it pops up on the first page of Google. We do what we can to survive. A few years ago it used to be that most were for the Akaka Bill. It has since changed with some people using the Internet as a tool. For example Pono's work online, Ehu and the Koani Foundation etc, Youtube videos, etc. The Internet levels the playing field. You mentioned something similar too.

      It seems as though the tide has changed for the better.

      E malama pono.
      • Ululani:

        I write to you with much aloha and respect. I have visited your website ( and am very impressed by your efforts to educate others. It is the education of ones self that allows the buds within us to open and show our inner magnificence. Sometimes, we need guidance to understand how to do this and need to allow our heart, mind and soul to open and look toward other points of view.

        I want you and anyone else who may read this, to know that I mean no harm in my comments, they are meant to ensure, as one poster in this particular thread states, consistency is applied. Consistency is important, usage of terms is important; putting forth ones intentions are important in advance of the use of any terms that could be misconstrued. While we all have the right to say what we want to say and hold fast to our own opinions of what is said, we must ensure that we are consistent in our statements and our convictions. Be comforted in knowing that, as previously stated, I mean no harm in my remarks and that I agree with many things that you have stated.

        Within the aforementioned website and some of your posts, you use the word racism. In one particular line taken from your website, you state that, "To single out and target any group of people based on their national origin is racism." In fact, for one to carry forth such an act, they would be discriminating based on the tools they utilize to "target" an individual or group of people (i.e.: wages, provisions, taxes, etc.). While their motivation may be driven by the race of those they move against, the actions through which they perpetrate their deeds would be the defining factor of whether they are a perpetrator of racism or discrimination. To solely assign the term racism toward their actions is to miss an opportunity to clearly define both their position and your own.

        The root of the word racism, that being race is obviously defined. The root of the word discrimination is discriminate. The term discriminate can be defined in many ways—one largely accepted definition of the term would be to distinguish; to demonstrate bias; to treat differently. This can be applied both positively and negatively.

        As with racism, while discrimination may be overtly on display in many interactions one has in their life, the burden of proof does not fall within the arms of the accused, but within those of the accuser. Both terms are typically used in a negative way and sometimes, sadly, they are used to incite others, to blur the lines between right and wrong, to gain an upper hand, to, well, discriminate or more off, allow those participating in the action(s) to discriminate, between the side they choose and the one they ultimately oppose.

        When one uses such terms, they have to be careful with the context in which they use them, for such terms can have the opposite effect upon the reader/listener than the author intended.

        Also, the use of the term haole could be construed by some to be racist as it is generally used in modern terms to refer to someone being of the Anglo race, or in laymen’s terms, white. Of course, as previously stated, while this may not be the intent of the individual using the term haole, it could be the perception of those who overhear/read the term being used; it is most likely to be taken as a negative connotation, which changes its intended use.

        Utilizing the term Ko Hawai’i Pae Aina (the Hawaiian Kingdom or Kingdom of Hawaii) on your website, is an ode to a time which began around 200 years ago, dating back to its use in or around the year 1810. Maybe utilizing the term Ko Hawai’i Pae Aina should also constitute a revision and/or rebirth of the term haole in its traditional sense, which was used in terms of assigning a distinguishing characteristic to an individual or group of individuals, that being a stranger or a group of strangers.

        My point is to ensure that we has Hawaiians, are not undercutting our own efforts. We must be careful in both our approach and use of certain terms. As in ancient times, certain words and terms were kapu and we should be careful not to partake in the use or moreover, the misuse of both ancient and modern words and terms, especially those that are kapu. We must also help each other as much as we possibly can with the diverse talents we each bring to the table. We must return to a time when we shared, cultivated and grew, not only the fruits of our labors, but the souls within our beings.

        This of course, is just my opinion.

        Me ka aloha pumehana;

        Kawika Kolomona Kamakeeaina
        • Thanks, Kawika.

          I am always careful with my words. If people do not like how I use the words that I choose well... everyone is a critic but the website is NOT for some adults. It is for children as in the children of Wakea, Papa, and Haloa which I make very clear in not one but two places:

          1. On the very top

          and 2. On the left column

          While I appreciate your constructive criticism my website and domain are not for you or for adults or for men for that matter. It's for the children of Wakea, Papa, and Haloa. Literally.

          If people want to create their own and choose what they want to write they are free to do so. They can even analyze the words that they want to analyze. They are also free to post their diatribes about what they think.

          However that is not my objective. My objective is not to analyze history OR words because writing about history or words do not make people act. In school perhaps. Writing a good piece may earn you an A but I am pau with college. I do not post to impress teachers. I post in defense of Hawaiian youth. NOT some adults and is not for some adults so of course I do not post my analysis of each word or define it how some "scholars" define it. In fact I see few scholars using long tail key words for SEO to defend Hawaiians. However they are free to write published works for accolades from the university community.

          I do not post for that reason. I post for the children of Wakea, Papa, and Haloa so of course my content reflects this. If people want their truth to be other people's truth well I am not going to change my mana'o for them or for anyone. It is what it is and so far for "Republicans Akaka Bill" and "Democrats Akaka Bill" I am on the first page of Google. For "Akaka Bill" I am working on getting to the first page. So far I am on the second page. By the way that is why I write some things over and over for Search Engine Optimization. It is not for *you* or for ANY man.

          By the way do you have a website and/or blog? Perhaps you should consider putting time, effort, and money into posting your thoughts. Mine is a self-hosted one. So far the long tail key words have been working as well as the image tags. Instead of criticizing why not create your own if not already and write what you wanna write?

          Thanks for your mana'o though.

          E malama pono.
          • Ululani:

            Mahalo nui for your reply and for clarifying the reason behind your website, this changes things and opens my eyes to your intent and I truly appreciate your efforts.

            I do have a website, but it is one that is private and meant for my ohana only. It is used to preserve the mo`olelo and mo`okuauhau of my ohana, both for future generations and for current ones. The main focus though, is for the future generations, the keiki that are and will be and for that, I put forth a fact-based perspective so the lines that are currently blured within our ohana are clear to the future generations.

            As I had previously stated, my thoughts were not meant to provoke a negative response from you, but I feel that they may have in a way and for that I apologize. Not for your reaction, but for the way in which I put forth my thoughts. They were not criticism, nor were they worded in a way to put forth an air of superiority.

            At no point was I stating that you as an individual should be careful of the words you use as I know your intent behind the words you used. It was more of a comment aimed at those who may read my comments later, to know that I personally am careful in the words I use for one main reason, absolution.

            I do not intend to argue with any Hawaiian for we share a common bond, a thread which ties us together, I only intend to help whenever and where ever I can.

            You are correct, I do have a right to my opinion, as do you, but please, know that the intent was not one that was meant to drive you in any negative direction.

            I can tell that you are strong, both in your thoughts and the conviction that you place behind them. You come from a place of shared experience and understanding, the same place in which I come from currently in my response to you and previously as well.

            I look forward to fully reading the rest of your website, even though your intent is not meant for me nor any other adult. I feel it is always good to read all perspectives or as many as possible, even if the thoughts put forth are not meant for ones self.


  • I think you were the one who has been having difficulty posting so can understand why Pomai is reposting for you in the Crown Lands group. I don't have any problem with that. Personally I do not like it when oiwi women are censored or silenced. Or when Hawaiians are censored. (Unless they disparage ali'i and/or makaainana for the sake of disparaging them to try to elevate themselves in the process.) I think that is what Kaohi means by "parking lot" as in a place to park one's mana'o.

    Anyway yes I post at the local B.S. paper comment sections sometimes usually to state over and over "Here come the racists coming out of the woodwork like termites singling out and targeting Hawaiians based on their national origin, Ko Hawai'i Pae Aina." I post as "Lana." I think you used to respond to some of Kehaulani Watson's blog posts as well. I go by "Lana" and when I post among non-Hawaiians I always post "Hawaiians and their legal heirs never consented or signed to transfer their royal patents and title to anyone or to any entity. They reserve their property rights now and forever." Sometimes I add "This shall serve as a PUBLIC NOTICE" since it is posted in a portion of the newspaper though in an online format. I repeat it over... and over so that may be familiar but not sure. I remember a few people who posted at Kehaulani's blog at the Advertiser which she has since discontinued due to a possible conflict of interest as she is backing certain political candidates but I think you may have posted there too but I not sure.

    Kaohi is cool though. She is one of my former classmate's moms and he is cool....

    E malama pono.
  • sorry kawehi was talking to amelia and or her son who posted her works as a response.

    This is Luwella Leonardi (Kaohi) I use this name because it is a name that I like using for many reasons.

    As a geographer, I stopped using Chinen on any written works for student papers a long time ago. Much of my work are student papers. There's no argument on my part, it's just that I stopped using citations that I feel enhances the American side of the land courts.

    I have the book around will look for it and try to give you some of my opinion when I locate it.

    As far as genealogy, Amelia and others know that I don't go there because of problems that comes with it. My dad's on the family land and I trace back from there. My moms side on the Ku e petion as well as Oahu cemetary both sides go back two hundred years.

    Thanks to Amelia who does hard work I get to have information that is backed up with evidence if I ask. Most times I don't because her work is deep and wide and still work in progress as far as application.

    I use her space as a parking lot that works for me when I want to converse with her on other things.

    You are correct about Jon V D, he's been around for a very long time since the beginning of OHA via the 1978 constitution. It's important to let everyone know what he has done to our people over the years with the blessings of OHA.

    Linda and Kinau are both gone and sadly, we never got to see her results although 450,000 got spent on the inventory. Towill got the contract and they have an architec stamp to go with it.

    Not sure what was the absolute outcome because of money's I believe was stopped and so did the inventory with an architec stamp. I believe projects stemmed from their work occurred thereafter.

    The architec stamp can validate a judges findings which I believe what Amelia or her son was alluding to.

    Do you still have the OHA's first listing of registered voters and did you put it in a data base format yet?

    Kaohi (Luwella Leonardi)
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