Posted by Noe'Lani on January 1, 2009 at 6:21am in Family
Aloha Mai Ohana! Houoli MakaHiki Hou:
My Name is: Living HuMan Being With the Inoa: Noelani, family of: Batalona and :Mason. My father
was JOSEPH KUA, family of: Batalona. His father's name is "suppose" to be Allejandro, family of: Batalona. How is Aunty Betty? You, have indeed described your "Mother" in the most highest degree of "What" any Mother should ought to be. I had the opportunity to seeing your Sisters at My father's funeral, in Honoka'a, Hawai'i, this past year, 2008. Next time you see your "Mother," as I knew her to be "My Aunt Betty," give her My "ALOHA." As A Living HuMan Being With The Name: Noelani, family of: Batalona and :Mason.
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