

Henry Castle was the son of S. N. Castle and brother of W. R., George P. and James B. Castle.  They controlled Pacific Commercial Advertiser, the morning paper of Honolulu.  And they were seeking for a person with US knowhow for their yellow journalism.  Farrington was hired on Nove 22, 1894.


What Farrington used in his yellow journalism was 'creativity' which what Noam Chomsky speaks to in his key points.  Farrington refers to Kanaka as the 'little boy' and we (I) need to rise up from such if we are to match up to yellow journalism.  A leg up would help too.


John Clark, author is a dear friend of mine, one might want to read his books for heavier weight of contentions. 


Farrington was OCD, I believe and was able to delve into details.  So detailed that he became governor during the time when Hawaii and the PG's needed to control the minds of women.  Which is what you like to do, isn't that true?


"Farrinton said "The newspaper is a cotnract. It's a contract with your subscribers and your advertisers." page 11


I believe, Farrington was a heavyweight, he knew how to maintain the overthrow in the minds of daily newsreaders. 


It's interesting too that he was a stickler for details, but yet was quoted as saying by the author Riley Ha. Allen the Editor of The Star-Bulletin, Farrington said, "A mistake of action is better than one of inaction."  which I believe Andrew runs contrary.


Anyhow, as I read on it gets worse as far as contradictions to news-yellow-journalism. 


As you know I met Noam and while I sat there having a conversation with him, he inturned pulled several books off his shelf and gave them to me.  I'm reading "Towards A New Cold War"  and find it intersting.  It gets me throught the day. 


Tane's in the hospital. 

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