
SubscribeSubscribed · January 5

Known fact posted in Hawai'i news during 1800's.  Titled clip:  American Mafia.  Read!

  • O Momilani Ko'u Inoa MaryAnn Silika Tonga-Faitau WOW! I havent seen this article in a year or 2 ago by brother Keawe ;);)
    He taught us so well and opened my eyes to the truth.
  • O Momilani Ko'u Inoa I would love to share this, is that okay?
  • MaryAnn Silika Tonga-Faitau May I O Momilani Ko'u Inoa...allow me to address Aunt Amelia Gora.  I made the time to reflect on the material posted & the 1000's of valuable researches made for Hawai'i.  I recognize the efforts of individuals who make the time to research & to those willing to initiate interest to those who are heir to Hawaii (non-residents).  The initiative I speak of is the need for folks like me, my siblings, our children, & grandchildren.  We too deserve to be informed.  I am quite fond of your research & thank you kindly for your informative, written review.  Since Jan 5th of this years post, I am now quite pleased of the inch-by-inch progress for Hawai'i.  To secure Hawai'i in her entirety has been a constant battle.  I've learned that there is power in numbers.  In addition, 'twould need the support of folks to defuse combative, manipulative &/or agnostic reasons for power.  Hawai'i was meant for you, for me, for our relatives, the children, & the generations to come.   Whomever currently reside upon Hawai'i are the folks governing Hawaii.  We have a % of homeless natives, unemployed residents, even victims of dysfunction in families.  Where?  Hawaii.  Those across the globe cannot assist in those hardships.  However, we can sustain with moral support & proper conduct & respect for Hawaii.  We can prove worthy by leading righteous, worthy lives, with a profile that supersede the corruption that may decay Hawaii's good image.    The battle of research reserves the right to be recognized.  I sustain all of our researchers.  Mahalo Malama pono ia oe  for making the time.  Mahalo to Keawe for opening specific archives & unveiling the information for many to review.  'Tis the wake of the heirs to Hawaii, too.  I sustain our Hawai'i.  And I sustain you.  Mahalo Amelia for your post.  You've done well.  Aloha e...
  • O Momilani Ko'u Inoa If it wasnt for dear brother Keawe keeping me informed about proper history and our Ancestors ... I would be in a box living in a life I was not aware of. hehe. Hi MaryAnn <3<3.
  • MaryAnn Silika Tonga-Faitau Likewise.  I was aware of "struggle" but not as buckled into the element of "need" to protect.  Credibility of the learned will gain their just reward.  However, the relatives that we have upon the islands (Big Island, Oahu, Maui, Moloka'i, Lanai, Kaua'i, Niihau, Kaho'olawe) they need our assistance....literally.  It means writing letters, being active with petitions, a scheduled march, etc.  Frustrations will not resolve.  Will power to do what's right will.  Aloha dearest Momi.  I read this newspaper post & I'm disappointed in the "behavior" of the slight during the 1800's.  This is 'mental illness'.  The dare of arrogance give us the right to retaliate...wouldn't you agree?  This behavior is a 'crime'.  Bottom line.  I reserve the right to know.  Mahalo to Keawe to inviting us to sustain Hawai'i.  He was well inspired to reach to varied parts of the globe.  Well thought out plan for support.
  • Adam Keawe Manalo-Camp Thanks O Momilani Ko'u Inoa. Just that some people are kind of nutty because they think they are ali'i and think that they are the only source of information and do not realize that there are books and archival microfilm at the Hawai'i State Library, Hamilton Library and at the Bishop Museum besides the State Library. Its absolutely ridiculous to say because you haven't seen someone there that they don't do research. It just shows that some people have a huge ego and for the record, I read that silly io io io blog once and it made absolutely no sense.  Its clear that the writer no only does not understand politics but does not speak Hawaiian.
  • Amelia Gora adam, you're a nasty vicious wicked one who puts out erroneous information....I don't think am one of alii but am a descendant of Kalaniopuu, Kamehameha, Mataio Kekuanaoa, John Young, Isaac Davis, et. als.  I think you're a phoney and I know my family(ies) don't like talking with idiots like you.....so, since you know or claim you know history......don't read my researchs....there's already a number of people who steal my copyrighted material and pass it on as theirs.......you're are clearly a very JEALOUS individual who isn't an actual researcher frequenting the Archives, Bureau of Conveyances, etc.  enough for you....but everyone needs to know that there are Hawaiians who defend the wrongs, criminal issues of their tutus who participated in premeditating and moved to dethrone our Queen in Liliuokalani....many have been found out......and this fly of a Hawaiian is very similar to Akaka who moves to usurp/criminally claim what is NOT theirs..... be on your way and do not cross my path again because you are not even worth it.  Pilau Ma-nalo.
  • Amelia Gora btw everyone, this is not the entire article....Ma - nalo didn't have the balls to enter the entire post.
    Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on January 22, 2012 at 4:34pm                Delete

    More References:


    Tuesday, January 17:

    Amelia Gora: *The Royal Families In The Hawaiian Islands and the Problematic Maso... Remembering the Criminal dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani by Americans in 1893 with the help of U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, U.S. Congress, England, and the Morgan bankers, et. als. "Wrongful Dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani Anniversary Special: THE ROYAL FAMILIES...and the Problematic Masons/Freemasons"

    Sunday, January 8:

    Cumhur Ozkaya: "Being daughter of Cannes winner Yilmaz Guney ruined me' Director Yilmaz Guney who made different and extraordinary movies in Turkey at history is still discussed with movies, articles, letters and family.

    Saturday, October 22:

    Amelia Gora: *Apec Is Dangerous To All In The Hawaiian Islands............. APEC members are dangerous to all in the Hawaiian Islands, in the World... aloha.

    Sunday, October 16:

    Mahdi Ibn-ziyad: Response to Note on Black Participation in Occupier Movement A Response to Note on Black Participation in Occupier Movement

    Tuesday, October 11:

    . .: winning the human race The Finnish Lion- universal jurisdiction 1

    Saturday, August 20:

    Amelia Gora: EVIDENCE: WHY THE ENTITY STATE OF HAWAII IS NOT THE HAWAIIAN GOVERN... More Evidence/information.........aloha.

    Friday, August 19:

    Amelia Gora: *EVIDENCE: WHY THE ENTITY STATE OF HAWAII IS NOT THE HAWAIIAN GOVERN... A Monarchy form of government with a Pirate entity supported by the U.S. does not make it the Hawaiian government with rights to assume, criminally assume a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation recognized in the Law of Nations........

    Tuesday, August 2:

    Amelia Gora: Pirates Around Us in the Hawaiian Islands and our Sister Nations Taking a Real Look at our Hawaiian History takes on a different perspective towards the U.S., England, and the bankers.

    Wednesday, July 20:

    Amelia Gora: *Exposing BORIS ABRAMOV also known as BARACK OBAMA Exposing OBAMA article shows that he was not born in the Hawaiian Islands, his Social Security Number has surfaced, and news about his KGB activities add to his moves towards Communism/One World Order/New World Order goals set up since his birth. 1

    Wednesday, July 6:

    Amelia Gora: PIRATES IN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS - MORE EVIDENCE.... More Evidence of Piracy(ies), Racketeering has been found; additionally, the Governor has been served an Eviction Notice....aloha.

    Saturday, July 2:

    Amelia Gora: Remembering July 4 th etc.: "Americans Addicted to A--Holes" --- Ge... Truth About George Washington, including his heir Barack OBAMA...... from the Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii and updates. 1

    Monday, June 27:

    Amelia Gora: The Hawaiian Islands ARE NOT Part of the United States....Here's WH... The Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian government - The TRUE government exists...Piracy(ies) on the high seas, Premeditation by U.S. President, Congress and military assisted treasonous persons to criminally assume the Hawaiian Islands... 2

    Wednesday, June 1:

    Amelia Gora: NOSTRODAMUS Prophecy or Conspiracy(ies) (Part 2 of 3) cont. from Part 1 of 3.
    Amelia Gora: NOSTRODAMUS Prophecy or Conspiracy(ies) (Part 1 of 2) Part 1 - NOSTRODAMUS Prophecy appears to be part of a Conspiracy since World War I.

    Saturday, May 14:

    Cumhur Ozkaya: September 11, Director Martinelli and Ottomans Do you (Americans) have any idea about relations between Vienna blockade of Ottoman and September 11? 3
    Amelia Gora: WARS AGAINST THE WORLD..................Since the Criminal Assumpti... WARS AGAINST THE WORLD..................Since the Criminal Assumption of a Neutral, Non-Violent, Friendly Nation, the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina and Background for all to see.........aloha.

    Wednesday, April 13:

    Cumhur Ozkaya: On Commune (Paris-1871) film As Paris Commune has a short time as Commune (Paris 1871) film has a long time.

    Monday, November 22:

    Lolwme: JESSE VENTURA'S JFK ASSASSINATION First hand account of day JFK was assassinated.

    Friday, October 22:

    Amelia Gora: *PARASITES IN PARADISE A Neutral Nation Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom was returned to Queen Liliuokalani by U.S. President Cleveland in 1895-96. Queen Liliuokalani was not able to obtain dispatches due to American conspirators/Pirates/Parasites supported by the U.S., England, and the Morgan bankers. A neutral nations monies, etc. are used for WARS which is not o.k. E ala E/Wake Up everyone. It's not OK to use a neutral nations monies,etc. STOP WARS NOW!

    Sunday, January 31:

    Mystic Wizard: Howard Zinn Intervewed by Bill Moyers About His Last Documentary,"T... Howard Zinn's discussion with Bill Moyers on Howard's documentary, based on his book A "Voices of People's History of the United States".


    Informing many because..............

    Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!


    eyes 068

    Sunday, December 13:

    Sleeper: *We need accountability not escalation The criminal acts that occured on 9/11/2001 led us to Afghanistan. They require credible investigations not escalation that scapegoats one participating organization

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    5:42 PM (5 hours ago)
    to undisclosed recipients
    Aloha kakou he Hawaii au,
    If all of you who thinketh now that the elections are over and everything is A.OK  with Hawaiian issues, think again and again. It is just beginning, and it is worst than ever since the overthrow of Queen Liliu'okalani on Januay 17, 1893. You are being "HAD" at your expense, birthright and dignity. Worst yet, you are being "HAD" not by the "Foreign Invaders" who fooled the Ali'i with gifts of bright colored clothing, ribbons and medals, buckle shoes and boots! You are being fooled by a select few of your own koko.
    Those who sign onto any form of U. S. Federal allegiances of Natïve Hawaiian Recognition ACT 195, parlayed into Native Hawaiian Roll Commission's Kanaiowalu and Reservation twinklets like Homestead will terminate your makana from King Kamehameha III, Kauikeaouli, International Nation Freeman status to become a member of a new Native Hawaiian Tribal Serf of the United States of America. The only difference between Serf and a Slave is the location and length of chains and shackles.  
    The existing Nine elected OHA Trustees will probably go along for within the Federally recognized Tribe there is a an existing proposal of "Nine Commissioners" within the Bureau of Indian Affairs by Appointment.
    maka'ala, look beyond what you want to see. Maka'walu, look with all of your eight eyes, front , back, top and from your pu'uwai. 
    Kaulana Na Pua is more than a mele of protest. Kaulana Na Pua is a National Creed!
    Hawaiian National (1936)      
    Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 2:38 PM

    Sent from my iPhone

    Begin forwarded message:

    From: Leon Siu 
    Date: 2012 Kekemapa 3 10:46:38 AM GMT-10:00
    To: Ke Aupuni Update A 


    ------ Forwarded Message
    From: The Koani Foundation < 
    Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 11:06:23 -0800

    Aloha kakou,

    We want to make you aware of a very alarming development that has recently come to our attention.

    Even though the US federal Akaka bill is dead and gone, the push is still very much alive for US federal recognition.

    The Sovereign Council Of Hawaiian Homelands Assembly (SCHHA) and the Danner sisters are the driving forces behind this plan.

    Simply put, their intention is this - to pressure both US president Barack Obama and the US Department of Interior to grant the SCHHA US federal recognition as an indian tribe.

    This would most likely be accomplished by an executive order issued by president Obama.

    The SCHHA would then seek to transfer `aina (land base) and the millions of dollars in funds currently held by OHA to the SCHHA. OHA would then cease to exist, and the new Hawaiian "nation" would be the SCHHA headed and controlled by the Danner sisters. This new "nation" would be the "Native Hawaiian Governing Entity" Dan Inouye and the Danners have sought for so long to establish.

    Complicit in this plan are paid staffers of the Native Hawaiian Roll commission - Haunani Apolionaʻs sister Aulani and others - as well as US senator Dan Inouye and US senator-elect Mazie Hirono.

    We have pasted below an obviously highly confidential memo sent out by the SCHHA to a select group of recipients which outlines their plan.

    We encourage you to review it carefully. We also encourage you to share it widely with `ohana members and friends. 

    Then take the following actions:

    1. Flood the media (letters to the editor, op-eds, radio talk shows, community access TV, etc.) voicing your strong opposition to the scheme. Let them know this is not acceptable to you.

    2. Additionally we strongly urge you NOT to sign Kana`iolowalu, the Native Hawaiian Roll.

    3. Finally we ask you to let those involved know - SCHHA, the Danners, the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission and OHA, that you are outraged at their underhanded scheme to have one small group of Hawaiians end up controlling all the assets at the expense of everyone else.



    Update on SCHHA & Roll Commission Strategy for Hawaiian Nation - For Your Eyes Only

    Aloha SCHHA Homesteaders,

    This is a short update on our strategy for federal recognition of the SCHHA and the recent meetings the Roll Commissioners have held with OHA Trustees and the Hawaiian Civic Clubs.

    Years ago, with Robin & CNHA’s help we created a plan for federal recognition under the US Interior process. At that time we changed our name from the Statewide Council of Hawaiian Homes Association to the Sovereign Council of Hawaiian Homelands Assembly. Following this name change, Robin submitted to the US Department of Interior an application for Federal Recognition as an Indian Nation. Interior could not process our application because Hawaiians were not Indians.
    Now that the Akaka Bill has been amended to say that Hawaiians are Indians, we can take the next step, getting Interior to move on our application. Although the Akaka Bill cannot move in Congress because the House is controlled by Republicans, we can go to Obama to have him issue an Executive ORDER to Interior directing them to move our application. According to Jade, the White House Indian staffers, including Kimberly Teehee have been supportive ever since Obama took office.
    The Hawaiian Civic Clubs have approved the Hawaiian/Indian change in the Akaka Bill, and the Roll Commission has hired Aulani Apoliona and Soulee to facilitate with lobbying, we know that the White House will support our initiative. Inouye & Mazie will be assisting on the White House side as well. OHA Trustees have approved the approach and already voted weeks ago to give the Roll Commission about 2 million more dollars. The Kau Inoa  registration has been turned over to the Roll Commission and they will send out letters to every Kau Inoa registrant to get their approval for the Roll Commission to use their data for the Roll Commission effort.

    We should all be thankful to our sisters Robin, Jade and Mahealani. Jade has done an incredible job in getting Interior on our side, but the feds were happy to assist once they understood we do not need money or land from the USA, only help to move this along.

    As SCHHA members we have DHHL land and we can get the funds in OHA set aide for our new nation. This is also a good way for our Hawaiians as well, no need to join one nation, the SCHHA Nation will be “recognized” first and any other Sovereign group can also apply. There are many Indian Nations and there can be many Hawaiian Nations too.
    As Senator says, there are many ways to skin a cat. Please share this only with SCHHA members, do not distribute to others including Civic Clubs.We do not have to go to the Congress. There are other ways to get Federal Recognition, including the Indian administrative process. You can find it by googleing 25 CFR Part 83.

  • Genocide Activities List:  Added Adam Keawe Manalo Camp   for the records Sunday 12/02/2012





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