American Anti War Protestor Renounces U.S. Citizenship At Rajghat, Delhi (MMD Newswire) June 22, 2009 -- This evening in Delhi, former Alaska, USA resident, Jeff Knaebel renounced his US citizenship at the Mahatma Gandhi national monument in a demonstration of non-violent resistance. Shredding his US passport and placing the pieces upon the monument, Knaebel declared his independence from not only the American government, but all governments, renouncing his birth certificate as well, stating that citizenship must either be voluntary, or be considered forced slavery. Upon entering the premises about 1900, Knaebel circled the central monument, laying pieces of his torn passport upon its corners, then began reading his declaration aloud. Within minutes, guards attempted to persuade him to leave the central portion of the monument, but his refusal forced them to physically carry him to the outer walkway, where they allowed him to continue delivering his declaration. Local police escorted Knaebel to the street, where they spoke to him for about a half hour, eventually directing him to turn himself in to the local station. He walked about three blocks to the local station, where he informed them of his tresspassing crime and of his current status of having no passport. Currently, Knaebel's status is unknown. To editors: please find attached an abridged version of the declaration Knaebel distributed at the site, and a full downloadable pdf version may be downloaded at final.rtf For more information, contact: David mcclave Case42 media, llc Usa: 509-270-3500 Http:// ### ABRIDGED SUMMARY Declaration of Renunciation and Severance of U.S. Citizenship by Jeff Knaebel, Sovereign Individual of the Earth This Declaration, made at New Delhi, India on 19 June 2009, WITNESSETH: To the people of this Earth, my fellow human beings, my brothers and sisters, with special respect to the Grandmothers and Elders of all indigenous communities, and in memory of Black Elk and Chief Joseph, I, Jeff Knaebel, hereby make this Declaration of Severance and Dissolution of all bonds between myself and the Government of the United States of America. I renounce my birth certificate - I renounce my citizenship - and reject all claims of whatsoever nature made by the United States against me. The United States does not own me. I am not a citizen of any Government. I renounce all of them. I hereby destroy my United States passport by which the United States government claims control of my movement upon this earth, and thus lays claim upon my right to exist. I will place the shredded remains of my passport upon the monument of Mahatma Gandhi. I have chosen this monument because it is a symbol that all mankind can recognize: of nonviolent resistance to immoral, corrupt, and violent Governments. By this deliberate act of rebellion and sedition, I hope to free myself and alert mankind to the dangers it has created by obeying Governments of the world. My refusal to remain a tax-compliant accomplice to State murder will be considered treason against the United States... No permission is required to renounce that which I never sought, for which I never entered a contract, and which is imposed upon me against my will. Having declared myself not a citizen, I am therefore not a citizen. Citizenship is either voluntary, or it is forcible slavery. The United States government is incomprehensibly malevolent and destructive. It takes our money, our identities, and our lives. It gives us back corruption, war, heinous crime, and lies. It has no moral right to exist. It ought to be abolished without further human bloodshed. The Nation State is a criminal organization which must be opposed in its very concept... The State represents a terminal disease of human consciousness that is anti-life, anti-ethics, and suicidal... Blind obedience to incompetent, violent and morally depraved authority is a clear case of mental disease... All political authority is arbitrary: arbitrary as to the form it takes; arbitrary as to the boundaries it establishes; arbitrary as to the limits of its jurisdiction; and arbitrary as to the taxation it collects... Even in its most equitable form, it is impossible for government to disassociate itself from evil... From the most democratic to the most totalitarian form of government there is ultimately no difference among the powers they exercise... Everything it has, the State has stolen or plundered... The United States government is a stain upon humanity. It is a grotesque distortion of the human conscience... Only its end product speaks clearly for what it is and what it does... children's blood flowing in the streets... I love life too much to be forced to participate in its murder. The laws of the Great Spirit, the five precepts of the Buddha are morally and practically superior to political laws. We must not kill. We all must love our neighbors as we love ourselves... It is up to the individual to discern his duty to his fellowmen and to act accordingly... The first duty of love is not to kill, to do no harm... What do you do when you awaken to the awfulness of the lies of the State and the State of the lie? How does one negotiate with pathological liars? Against whom, then, shall I commit treason? The brotherhood of man? My rational mind and common sense? My moral conscience? Or the United States government? The shredding of my government permission-to-exist documents is offered as a prayer that the government of the United States may be without bloodshed dissolved and abolished from this earth forever. I no longer have a Government name; I have no country, no travel papers, no passport, and no Government identification. Under the law of every Government, I am an illegal human being... What man can declare another to be "illegal?" We are insane to submit to rule by the depraved... If deported to the United States, the Government will subject me to draconian penalties... Remember my message: Awaken from your slumber... You can withdraw your consent... There comes a time when the abuses are so great, the mindless destruction so wanton, the suffering so stupidly unnecessary, that one must resist the Power of rulership with his life. I love Life too much to participate in its murder. I bid you farewell, those who would remain in voluntary bondage. Go about your life peacefully, respecting yourself, all others, and the earth upon which we live... My prayer is to love and to serve. From my heart I seek to act in a good way, in a sacred way, for the benefit of many, in support of life, that the seventh generation of children may yet live and be happy. We must recover Respect -- for life, and for each other. The "why" of what I do is put completely to rest by the statement, "I love." The final answer to any question about my actions is "I love." What is the value of human life -- this is the real question. Executed at New Delhi this 19th day of June 2009 Jeff Knaebel

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