ALOHA: The Most Sacred Word In Old Hawaii

ALOHA Kakou, e Hawaii,   

     In Old Hawaii and the ways of my Kupuna, ALOHA was the Most Sacred word in the Spoken Hawaiian.  

     ALOHA basicailly means Love.  The Love that you have for your Family, Friends, Country and most important the Love that you have for your Creator.  

     If you was to asked our Kupuna before the arrival of the outsde world, who is God?  By what name do you know God?  

     They would have said, ALOHA Ke Akua.   ALOHA is God.  

     Our ancestors did not believed that God is Love. They believed that ALOHA is God. 

     To have ALOHA in you is to have God in you.  


Long Live The Hawaiian Kingdom,

o Pomaikaiokalani, Hawaiian Kingdom National Royalist 1993





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